
Lumos Adds Prominent Security Industry Veterans to Board, Leadership Team

Lumos Adds Prominent Security Industry Veterans to Board, Leadership Team

PR Newswire ·  08/27 23:30

Jim Pflaging Joins as Independent Board Member; Brian Vye and Janani Nagarajan Join as Head of Sales and Head of Product Marketing

吉姆·普夫拉金加入獨立董事會;布萊恩·維伊(Brian Vyle)和賈娜尼·納加拉詹(Janani Nagarajan)加入銷售總監和產品營銷總監

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lumos, the Unified Access Platform company, today announced it has added three prominent security industry veterans to its growing team. Jim Pflaging joins as the company's first independent board member. Brian Vye, former VP of Sales at Veza, joins as the new Head of Sales, while Janani Nagarajan, previously at CrowdStrike, joins as Head of Product Marketing.

舊金山,2024年8月27日 / PRNewswire / - Lumos,統一訪問平台公司今天宣佈,已經增加了三位知名安全行業資深人士加入其不斷增長的團隊。吉姆·普弗拉金(Jim Pflaging)加入作爲公司的首席獨立董事。前Veza銷售副總裁布萊恩·維伊(Brian Vye)加入擔任銷售總監,而之前在CrowdStrike工作的賈娜尼·納加拉詹(Janani Nagarajan)加入擔任產品營銷總監。

Pflaging leads Cynergy Partners, a cyber advisory firm, and has over 30 years of Silicon Valley experience as a CEO, board member, and strategic advisor. He's spent 15 years as CEO of cybersecurity firms and has more than 10 years of experience as an outside board director at over 15 firms including SailPoint, Sophos, Connectwise, and Coalfire. In addition, at Cynergy Partners, he's advised over 100 cybersecurity companies on accelerating growth and risk management.

普弗拉金是Cynergy Partners的領導,一家網絡諮詢公司,擁有30多年硅谷經驗,曾擔任首席執行官、董事會成員和戰略顧問。他在網絡安全公司擔任首席執行官長達15年,並在包括SailPoint、Sophos、Connectwise和Coalfire在內的15多家公司擔任了10多年的董事。此外,在Cynergy Partners,他爲100多家網絡安全公司提供了關於加速增長和風險管理的建議。

Lumos has boosted its security positioning by adding prominent security industry veterans to its team.


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Vye is an established sales leader in the security, identity and software industries, with nearly two decades of experience driving exponential growth and building high-performing sales teams. Most recently, Brian served as Vice President of Sales at Veza, where he re-architected and scaled operations to achieve exceptional revenue gains. He also held leadership roles at Lacework, SignalFx, and Okta. At Lumos, Brian will spearhead the expansion of the sales organization and continue his proven track record of helping companies solve complex challenges in software and identity management.


Nagarajan is a leading product marketer with over five years as Senior Director of Product Marketing at CrowdStrike, where she has managed portfolios and teams. With decades of specialization in cybersecurity and cloud B2B technologies, and previous roles at Illumio and Cisco, she brings extensive go-to-market experience to Lumos. She is set to guide the company's strategy and product evolution as it transforms the Identity and SaaS management markets.


"The past year has seen tremendous growth at Lumos, as we grew revenue 9x and secured $35 Million in Series B funding. Following this growth, we are thrilled to add several leading security and software voices to the Lumos team," said Andrej Safundzic, Co-Founder and CEO of Lumos. "Each of these individuals will add tremendous value to our team, our products, and our customers, and I look forward to working with each of them to help usher in an exciting future for Lumos."

「在過去的一年裏,Lumos取得了巨大的增長,我們的營業收入增長了9倍,獲得了3500萬美元的B輪融資。在這一增長之後,我們非常榮幸地將幾位領先的安防-半導體和軟件領域聲音加入Lumos團隊,」Lumos聯合創始人兼首席執行官Andrej Safundzic表示。「每一個人將爲我們的團隊、產品和客戶增加巨大的價值,我期待與他們每一個人合作,爲Lumos帶來一個令人興奮的未來。」

Lumos unites IT and Security teams on a Unified Access Platform, merging SaaS Management and Identity Management to tackle complex app and access challenges. IT teams streamline onboarding and offboarding, cut software costs by eliminating unused licenses, and empower employees with a self-service AppStore for software access. Security teams can conduct access reviews to comply with compliance standards and manage privileged access with temporary admin rights. Suitable for organizations of all sizes, Lumos integrates with both on-premise and cloud systems and leverages AI to reduce implementation time and costs.

Lumos在統一訪問平台上將IT和安防-半導體團隊合併,融合了SaaS管理和身份管理,以應對複雜的應用和訪問挑戰。 IT團隊通過簡化入職和離職、減少未使用許可證的軟件成本,併爲員工提供自助應用商店以獲得軟件訪問權限來提高效率。安防-半導體團隊可以進行訪問審查以符合合規標準,並通過臨時管理員權限管理特權訪問。 Lumos適用於各種規模的組織,與本地系統和雲系統集成,並利用人工智能來減少實施時間和成本。

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About Lumos


Lumos is the only unified platform that allows organizations to discover and manage software vendors, app access, and user identities. Its platform helps automate IT tickets, protect against identity-based breaches, and reduces software costs. With Lumos, IT and Security teams can centralize app and identity management in one seamless platform that costs 20% of traditional solutions and delivers 10x faster thanks to AI-powered implementation.

Lumos 是唯一的統一平台,可讓組織發現和管理軟件供應商、應用程序訪問和用戶身份。其平台幫助自動化IT工單,防止基於身份的違規,並降低軟件成本。藉助Lumos,IT和安全團隊可以將應用程序和身份管理集中到一個無縫平台上,其成本僅爲傳統解決方案的20%,並且由於AI驅動的實施,交付速度提高了10倍。

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