
Enverus Releases Inaugural Top US Drillers and Customer Rankings

Enverus Releases Inaugural Top US Drillers and Customer Rankings

PR Newswire ·  08/27 22:30

Footage, speed, lateral length and rig count shape list of who's who in drilling


AUSTIN, Texas, Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Enverus, the most trusted energy-dedicated SaaS company that leverages generative AI across its solutions, has released a list of top drillers and customer rankings in the U.S., as well as detailed drilling rig analytics.

德克薩斯州奧斯汀,2024年8月27日/ PRNewswire / - Enverus是最值得信賴的能源專用SaaS公司,利用生成式AI在其解決方案中,發佈了美國石油和天然氣行業中頂尖鑽井公司和客戶排名的列表,並以詳細的鑽井鑽井設備分析見長。

Included in the release is a compilation of exclusive tables showing the most active drillers by footage, ranking both the contractors and their customers. Powered by Enverus Core data, these leaderboards also include average drilling speeds, measured depth (MD), laterals and rig counts, average fluid and proppant loads per foot, and comparison to their rankings the previous quarter. The list was featured in Oilfield Pulse, a bi-monthly report that covers the oilfield services sector, including contracts, the deal market, finance and new technology offerings.

發佈的內容包括一份彙編的獨家表格,顯示了按照素材數最活躍的鑽井公司,同時對承包商和客戶進行排名。這些領導榜單是由Enverus Core數據驅動的,還包括平均鑽井速度、測量深度(MD)、水平長度和鑽井場數量,每英尺平均液體和支撐劑負荷,並與上個季度的排名進行比較。這份列表是在每兩個月發行的Oilfield Pulse報告中展示的,該報告涵蓋了油田服務領域,包括合同、交易市場、金融和新技術方案。 Enverus Core 數據提供支持,這些排行榜還包括每英尺平均鑽井速度、測量深度(MD)、橫向長度和鑽井場數量、每英尺平均液體和支撐劑負荷,並與上個季度的排名進行比較。這份列表是在每兩個月發行的Oilfield Pulse報告中展示的,該報告涵蓋了油田服務領域,包括合同、交易市場、金融和新技術方案。 Oilfield Pulse,一個每兩個月發佈的報告,覆蓋了包括合同、交易市場、金融和新技術方案在內的油田服務行業。

"Enverus empowers us with unparalleled access to vital information, enabling us to maintain a competitive edge," said Thomas Greene, senior marketing analyst at Tenaris and current customer of Enverus Intelligence Research. "In our data-driven culture, where critical decisions rely on robust analysis, Enverus is absolutely essential. Without their comprehensive data resources, we would lack the insights necessary to excel in our roles and retain our leadership position in the market." Neither Tenaris nor their employees were compensated for this statement.

「Enverus賦予我們無與倫比的重要信息訪問權限,使我們能夠保持競爭優勢,」泰納瑞斯(Tenaris)的高級營銷分析師Thomas Greene表示,並稱.”在我們的數據驅動文化中,關鍵決策依賴於強大的分析,Enverus絕對是不可或缺的。如沒有他們全面的數據資源,我們將缺乏在市場中出類拔萃所必需的見解。”泰納瑞斯以及他們的員工對此聲明沒有任何補償。

"Enverus' top drilling and customer rankings reveal who's leading among some of the most important drilling matrix in the industry," added Mark Chapman, principal analyst – OFS at Enverus Intelligence Research. "Rankings like these provide a comprehensive overview of market dynamics, identify who's who and help operators make informed decisions to optimize efficiency and reduce costs. These rankings are a testament to Enverus' commitment to delivering actionable insights that drive the energy sector forward."


Enverus is also making its Drilldown Report, which provides a weekly summary of North American rig activity, broken down by target hydrocarbon, well orientation, operator, contractor, region and play, available to the media. Other activity metrics presented in this report are permits, detected pads, frac crews and DUCs, with regional breakdowns. Regional leaderboards track the top 10 operators by rig count and permits.

埃納韋勒斯還將其鑽探簡報Drilldown Report提供給媒體,該簡報每週總結北美的鑽井活動,按目標烴類、井定向、運營商、承包商、地域板塊和油氣層進行了細分。此報告中展示的其他活動指標包括許可證、探測到的墊、壓裂隊和DUCs,並提供了地域板塊的詳細分析。區域領先榜單跟蹤了按鑽機數量和許可證數排名前10位的運營商。

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About Enverus
Enverus is the most trusted energy-dedicated SaaS company, with a platform built to maximize value from generative AI, offering anytime, anywhere access to analytics and insights. These include benchmark cost and revenue data sourced from more than 95% of U.S. energy producers and more than 40,000 suppliers. Our platform, with intelligent connections, drives more efficient production and distribution, capital allocation, renewable energy development, investment, and sourcing. Our experienced industry experts support our customers through thought leadership, consulting, and technology innovations. We provide intelligence across the energy ecosystem: renewables, oil and gas, financial institutions, and power and utilities, with more than 6,000 customers in 50 countries. Learn more at


SOURCE Enverus

來源 埃納韋勒斯

