
Lahontan Drills 49 Metres Grading 0.51 G/t Au Eq Incl. 7.6 Metres Grading 1.16 G/t Au Eq at Santa Fe

Lahontan Drills 49 Metres Grading 0.51 G/t Au Eq Incl. 7.6 Metres Grading 1.16 G/t Au Eq at Santa Fe

Accesswire ·  08/27 21:15

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / August 27, 2024 / Lahontan Gold Corp (TSXV:LG)(OTCQB:LGCXF) (the "Company" or "Lahontan") is pleased to announce results from five reverse-circulation rotary ("RC") drill holes from the Company's 2024 Phase One drilling campaign at the Company's 26 km 2 Santa Fe Mine project located in Nevada's prolific Walker Lane gold and silver belt. These drill holes were completed in the Slab and Santa Fe pit areas at the Santa Fe Mine where previous Lahontan drilling had outlined significant shallow oxide domain gold and silver resources (Canadian NI 43-101 compliant) that remained open along strike and down-dip*. The five drill holes reported herein, totaling 1,053 metres, targeted potential extensions to these gold and silver resources and were also designed to confirm and limit pit boundaries for the upcoming updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") and Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") for the Santa Fe Mine project. Highlights include:

2024年8月27日, 美國洛哈坦金礦公司(TSXV:LG)(OTCQB:LGCXF) (簡稱"公司"or "洛哈坦") 高興地宣佈了該公司位於內華達州沃克脊金銀礦區 26 平方公里 Santa Fe 礦項目的 2024 年第一階段鑽探活動中的五個逆循環迴轉(RC)鑽孔的結果。這些鑽孔是在Santa Fe礦的 Slab 和 Santa Fe 坑區完成的,在這些坑區之前的洛哈坦鑽探已經勾勒出了顯著的淺層氧化帶金銀資源(Canadian NI 43-101 兼容),而這些資源在走向和傾角方向上仍然存在開放的情況。這五個鑽孔總共有 1,053 米,目標是尋找這些金銀資源的潛在延伸,並且也設計用來確認和限制即將進行的 Santa Fe 礦項目礦產資源估算 ("MRE") 和初步經濟評估 ("PEA") 的坑區邊界。亮點包括:

  • 48.8 metres grading 0.44 g/t Au and 7.4 g/t Ag (0.51 g/t Au Eq)of shallow oxide mineralization in drill hole CAL24-007R including 7.6 metres grading 1.08 g/t Au and 8.3 g/t Ag (1.16 g/t Au Eq). This drill hole, and CAL24-009R reported below, intercepted significant widths of oxide gold and silver mineralization approximately 350 metres north of the Slab open pit and almost 100 metres north of the MRE conceptual pit shell, greatly expanding the footprint of gold and silver mineralization at the Slab open pit (please see location map, long section, and table below). These drill holes will be used to update the 2023 MRE, expected in September 2024.

  • 7.6 metres grading 2.06 g/t Au and 18.2 g/t Ag (2.22 g/t Au Eq) in drill hole CAL24-009R including 3.1 metres grading 4.26 g/t Au and 18.2 g/t Ag (4.41 g/t Au Eq) within a 50.4 metre total thickness of gold and silver mineralized rock. This drill hole contains some of the highest gold and silver grades seen at the Slab deposit: 5.22 g/t Au (77.7 -79.2m) and 151 g/t Ag (112.8 - 114.3m). This drill hole, coupled with CAL24-007R, open a large area for resource expansion north and northeast of the Slab Pit (please see map, long section, and Grade Thickness map below).

  • 鑽孔 CAL24-007R 中的淺層氧化礦化帶長48.8米,品位爲0.44克/噸金和7.4克/噸銀(0.51克/噸金當量) ,包括7.6米長,品位爲1.08克/噸金和8.3克/噸銀(1.16克/噸金當量)。這個鑽孔和下面報告的 CAL24-009R,在 Slab 開放礦的北部約350米和 MRE 概念性坑殼的北部約100米的位置,勾勒出了 Slab 開放礦金銀礦化帶的顯著寬度,大大擴展了該礦金銀礦化帶的範圍(請參見以下位置圖,剖面圖和表格)。這些鑽孔將用於更新 2023 年的 MRE,預計在 2024 年9月發佈。

  • 鑽孔 CAL24-009R 中的淺層氧化礦化帶長度爲7.6米,品位爲2.06克/噸金和18.2克/噸銀(2.22克/噸金當量),其中包括長度爲3.1米,品位爲4.26克/噸金和18.2克/噸銀(4.41克/噸金當量)的金銀礦化岩石,總寬度爲 50.4 米。這個鑽孔包含了在 Slab 礦牀上所見到的最高品位的金銀,其中金品位爲5.22克/噸(77.7-79.2米)和銀品位爲151克/噸(112.8-114.3米)。這個鑽孔連同 CAL24-007R,在 Slab 勘探區北部和東北部開闢了一個大面積的資源擴展區域(請參見以下地圖、剖面圖和品位厚度圖)。

Kimberly Ann, Lahontan Founder, CEO, President, and Director commented: "These final drill results from the Phase One drill program have produced excellent results, expanding Slab oxide gold and silver mineralization hundreds of metres north of the 2023 MRE* conceptual pit shell. We see a definite trend toward thicker zones of mineralization with up to 50 metre down-hole intercepts. Also, silver grades seem to be increasing along this north-northeast trend. These exciting results point to the tremendous potential of the Santa Fe Mine project; the technical team will continue to define areas for future resource expansion drilling throughout the project area. All the results reported herein, as well as the results from the 2023 drilling campaign, are being integrated into a new MRE block model which will form the basis for mining planning and scheduling in the upcoming PEA."

Kimberly Ann, Lahontan 創始人、首席執行官、總裁和董事發表評論:「這一階段一鑽探項目的最終鑽探結果取得了出色的成果,將板塊氧化黃金和白銀礦化擴展了數百米,位於2023年MRE*概念坑殼的北面。我們看到明顯的礦化帶厚度增加的趨勢,可達到50米的孔內截獲。此外,銀品位似乎沿着這一北東北趨勢正在增加。這些令人興奮的結果表明了聖菲礦項目巨大的潛力;技術團隊將繼續定義未來資源擴展鑽探的區域。本報告的所有結果,以及2023年鑽探活動的結果,正在整合成一個新的MRE塊模型,將爲即將到來的PEA採礦計劃和調度奠定基礎。」

It should be noted that all the drill holes were drilled at an angle with inclinations ranging from -60 to -80 degrees. Therefore, the depth from the surface to any given intercept is less than the down-hole distance of the intercept, the approximate true thickness of each intercept varies from 80 - 90% of the drilled interval.


* Please see the Santa Fe Project Technical Report, Authors: Trevor Rabb and Darcy Baker, P. Geos. Effective Date: December 7, 2022, Report Date: March 2, 2023. The Technical Report is available on the Company's website and SEDAR.

*請參閱Santa Fe項目技術報告,作者:Trevor Rabb和Darcy Baker,P. Geos。有效日期:2022年12月7日,報告日期:2023年3月2日。技術報告可在公司網站和SEDAR上獲得。

Plan view of the Slab pit area, Santa Fe Mine, Nevada. The outline of the MRE conceptual pit is shown in red, which encompass the current Slab pit shown in dashed black. All seven 2024 RC drill holes are shown with heavy black drill hole traces, the line of the long section (in yellow and below) is also shown.


The long section above shows all Au Eq blocks modeled from historic drilling, both within and outside of the current MRE pit shell*. The drill hole coloration in the cross section uses the same grades as the resource blocks, but the value only includes g/t Au rather than Au Eq. For the updated MRE, reinterpretation of the block model will increase grade between the current pit shell (black) and the potential new pit shell (dashed). Mineralization remains open to the north with an apparent trend towards higher gold and silver grades (see Grade X Thickness ("GT") interpretation below).

上述長剖面顯示了從歷史鑽探中建模的所有Au Eq塊,包括當前MRE坑殼內和外的部分。橫截面中的鑽孔顏色使用與資源塊相同的品位,但數值只包括g/t Au而不是Au Eq。對於更新的MRE,重新解釋塊模型將增加當前坑殼(黑色)與潛在新的坑殼(虛線)之間的品位。礦化向北部仍然持續開放,顯示趨向更高的黃金和白銀品位(請參見下文的品位乘厚度("GT")解釋)。

Plan view of the Slab pit area, Santa Fe Mine, Nevada. Contoured silver grade times interval thickness (Ag g/t * interval thickness in metres) is overlain on Lahontan drill holes. The Lahontan drill hole data base was used for contouring purposes. Grade X Thickness plots for gold and Au Eq display a very similar pattern. Of great importance is the northern extension to Slab gold and silver mineralization: the extension remains open and contains some of the best grades in the Slab resource. Another area of open mineralization lies on the eastern edge of the Slab resource where structures may be hinting at new drill targets. The high-grade silver contours continue under the current Slab pit where, due to limited access, Lahontan has not conducted new drilling. The outline of the MRE conceptual pit is shown in red, which encompass the current Slab pit shown in dashed black. All seven 2024 RC drill holes are shown with heavy black drill hole traces, the line of the long section (in yellow) is also shown.

內華達聖達費礦山板塊區的平面圖。輪廓上覆蓋了Lahontan鑽孔的銀品位乘以區間厚度(Ag g/t * 區間厚度,單位爲米)。輪廓是利用Lahontan鑽孔數據庫進行的。黃金和Au Eq的品位乘以厚度圖表顯示出非常相似的模式。重要的是,Slab金銀礦化的北部延伸:這個延伸尚未結束,幷包含了Slab資源中最好的品位。另一個開放的礦化區位於Slab資源的東緣,其中的構造可能暗示了新的鑽探目標。高品位的銀輪廓延續到了當前的Slab露天礦場,由於進入受限,Lahontan沒有進行新的鑽探。MRE概念礦坑的輪廓以紅色顯示,包圍了以虛線黑色顯示的當前Slab露天礦場。所有七個2024年的RC鑽孔都用粗黑色鑽孔線跡顯示,縱斷線的線(黃色)也顯示出來。

Notes: Au Eq equals Au (g/t) + ((Ag g/t/75)*0.66). Silver grade for calculating Au Eq is adjusted to consider historic metallurgical recovery as described in the Santa Fe Project Technical Report*. True thickness of the intercepts is estimated to be 80-90% of the drilled interval. Numbers may not total precisely due to rounding. NSA = No Significant Assays.

注:Au Eq等於Au(g/t)+ ((Ag g/t/75)*0.66)。用於計算Au Eq的銀品位已經調整,考慮了歷史冶金恢復率,如聖達費項目技術報告中所述。截獲的真實厚度估計爲鑽探區間的80-90%。由於四捨五入,數字可能不完全準確。NSA = 無顯著分析結果。

QA/QC Protocols:


Lahontan conducts an industry standard QA/QC program for its core and RC drilling programs. The QA/QC program consisted of the insertion of coarse blanks and Certified Reference Materials (CRM) into the sample stream at random intervals. The targeted rate of insertion was one QA/QC sample for every 16 to 20 samples. Coarse blanks were inserted at a rate of one coarse blank for every 65 samples or approximately 1.5% of the total samples. CRM's were inserted at a rate of one CRM for every 20 samples or approximately 5% of the total samples.


The standards utilized include three gold CRM's and one blank CRM that were purchased from MEG, LLC of Lamoille, Nevada (formerly Shea Clark Smith Laboratories of Reno, Nevada). Expected gold values are 0.188 g/t, 1.107 g/t, 10.188 g/t, and -0.005 g/t, respectively. CRM's with similar grades are inserted as the initial CRM's run out. The coarse blank material comprised of commercially available landscape gravel with an expected gold value of -0.005 g/t.

使用的標準包括從內華達州拉莫伊爾的MEG有限責任公司(前身爲內華達州里諾市的Shea Clark Smith實驗室)購買的三個金CRM和一個空白CRM。預期的金含量分別爲0.188 g/t、1.107 g/t、10.188 g/t和-0.005 g/t。相似品位的CRM用作初始CRM用完後的替代。粗糙空白材料由市售園景石料組成,預期金含量爲-0.005 g/t。

As part of the RC drilling QA/QC process, duplicate samples were collected of every 20 th sample interval at the drill rig to evaluate sampling methodology. Samples were collected from the reject splitter on the drill rig cyclone splitter. Samples were collected at each 95- to 100-foot (28.96 - 30.48m) mark and labeled with a "D" suffix on the sample bag. No duplicates were submitted for core.

作爲RC鑽探的質量保證/質量控制(QA/QC)過程的一部分,在鑽機上每隔20個樣本間隔收集了重複樣本,以評估取樣方法。樣本是從鑽機旋風分離器上的拒料分離器收集的。樣本是在每個95到100英尺(28.96 - 30.48米)的標記處收集的,並在樣本袋上標有「D」後綴。未提交任何核心的重複樣本。

All drill samples were sent to American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Sparks, Nevada, USA for analyses. Delivery to the lab was either by a Lahontan Gold employee or by an AAL driver. Analyses for all RC and core samples consisted of Au analysis using 30-gram fire assay with ICP finish, along with a 36-element geochemistry analysis performed on each sample utilizing two acid digestion ICP-AES method. Tellurium or 50-element analyses were performed on select drill holes utilizing ICP-MS method. Cyanide leach analyses, using a tumble time of 2 hours and analyzed with ICP-AES method, were performed on select drill holes for Au and Ag recovery. AAL inserts their own blanks, standards and conducts duplicate analyses to ensure proper sample preparation and equipment calibration. We have all results reported in grams per tonne (g/t).

所有鑽探樣本均被送到美國檢驗實驗室(AAL)進行分析,位於美國內華達州斯帕克斯。實驗室的樣本交付方式是由Lahontan Gold員工或AAL司機將其送到實驗室。對所有RC和核心樣本的分析包括使用30克火試金法和ICP飾面的金分析,以及對每個樣本進行的36元素地球化學分析,採用兩種酸消解ICP-AES方法。對選定的鑽孔進行了碲或50元素分析,採用ICP-MS方法。對選定的鑽孔進行了氰化浸出分析,使用2小時滾筒時間,並採用ICP-AES方法進行Au和Ag的回收分析。AAL插入了自己的空白樣品,標準,並進行了重複分析,以確保樣品製備和設備校準的正確性。我們的所有結果都以克/噸(g/t)報告。

About Lahontan Gold Corp.

關於Lahontan Gold Corp。Lahontan Gold Corp.是一家加拿大礦業開發和礦產勘探公司,通過其子公司在美國擁有四個頂級金銀勘探物業,這些物業都位於礦業友好的內華達沃克巷(Walker Lane)。Lahontan的旗艦物業,26.4千米的Santa Fe礦項目,在1988年至1995年間進行了開放式淘汰處理開採,產量達到345,000盎司黃金和711,000盎司銀(內華達礦山和地質局,1995年)。Santa Fe礦在符合加拿大43-101標準的指示礦產資源中具有1,112,000盎司Au Eq(平均1.14 g / t Au Eq)和544,000盎司Au Eq品位爲1.00 g / t Au Eq的推測礦產資源,都是控制在露天礦井內的(Au Eq包括恢復,請參閱Santa Fe項目技術報告*)。該公司將繼續積極探索Santa Fe並完成初步經濟評估,以評估將Santa Fe礦重新投入生產的發展情況。Lahontan Gold Corp.的採礦地質顧問Quentin J. Browne,P.Geo.,是本公司的合格人員,批准了本新聞發佈中的技術內容。欲了解更多信息,請訪問我們的網站:

Lahontan Gold Corp. is a Canadian mine development and mineral exploration company that holds, through its US subsidiaries, four top-tier gold and silver exploration properties in the Walker Lane of mining friendly Nevada. Lahontan's flagship property, the 26.4 km 2 Santa Fe Mine project, had past production of 345,000 ounces of gold and 711,000 ounces of silver between 1988 and 1995 from open pit mines utilizing heap-leach processing (Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1995). The Santa Fe Mine has a Canadian National Instrument 43-101 compliant Indicated Mineral Resource of 1,112,000 oz Au Eq (grading 1.14 g/t Au Eq) and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 544,000 oz Au Eq (grading 1.00 g/t Au Eq), all pit constrained (Au Eq is inclusive of recovery, please see Santa Fe Project Technical Report*). The Company will continue to aggressively explore Santa Fe during 2024 and complete a Preliminary Economic Assessment evaluating development scenarios to bring the Santa Fe Mine back into production. The technical content of this news release and the Company's technical disclosure has been reviewed and approved by Quentin J. Browne, P.Geo., Independent Consulting Geologist to Lahontan Gold Corp., who is a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101 -- Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. For more information, please visit our website: .

Lahontan Gold Corp.是一家加拿大礦業開發和礦產勘探公司,其美國子公司持有內華達州沃克蘭地帶四個頂級黃金和白銀勘探項目。Lahontan的旗艦項目——佔地26.4平方公里的聖菲礦項目,在1988年至1995年間曾由露天礦利用堆浸法處理生產出34.5萬盎司黃金和71.1萬盎司白銀(內華達礦物與地質局,1995)。聖菲礦項目擁有符合加拿大國家43-101號規則的指明礦產資源,金當量量達111.2萬盎司(品位爲1.14克/盎司金當量),以及推測礦產資源,金當量量達54.4萬盎司(品位爲1.00克/盎司金當量),均受到礦坑的限制(金當量已包含回收,詳見聖菲項目技術報告*)。該公司將繼續積極探索聖菲項目,並在2024年完成初步經濟評估,評估開發方案以將聖菲礦重新投入生產。本新聞發佈的技術內容和公司的技術披露已由Quentin J. Browne, P.Geo.,獨立諮詢地質學家,Lahontan Gold Corp.的合格人員,根據43-101號國家工具定義的—礦產項目披露標準進行了審查和批准。欲了解更多信息,請訪問我們的網站:.

* Please see the Santa Fe Project Technical Report, Authors: Trevor Rabb and Darcy Baker, P. Geos. Effective Date: December 7, 2022, Report Date: March 2, 2023. The Technical Report is available on the Company's website and SEDAR.

*請參閱Santa Fe項目技術報告,作者:Trevor Rabb和Darcy Baker,P. Geos。有效日期:2022年12月7日,報告日期:2023年3月2日。技術報告可在公司網站和SEDAR上獲得。

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Kimberly Ann
Founder, CEO, President, and Director

Kimberly Ann

Lahontan Gold Corp.
Kimberly Ann
Founder, Chief Executive Officer, President, Director
Phone: 1-530-414-4400

Lahontan Gold Corp.
Kimberly Ann

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Except for statements of historical fact, this news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward-looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements including, but not limited to delays or uncertainties with regulatory approvals, including that of the TSXV. There are uncertainties inherent in forward-looking information, including factors beyond the Company's control. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties that could affect financial results is contained in the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

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SOURCE: Lahontan Gold Corp.

來源:Lahontan Gold Corp。

