
Entourage Health Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

Entourage Health Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

Entourage Health公佈2024年第二季度財務報告
GlobeNewswire ·  08/27 19:59
  • Total revenue of $12.2 million demonstrates the Company's solid momentum year over year and ongoing growth in the rapidly expanding bulk sales market.
  • Entourage made a strong impact with new product launches across Alberta, Ontario, and British Columbia, including Color Cannabis' expanded flower offerings.
  • Dime Bag continued its strong performance in Ontario, achieving a sequential increase in sales and hitting a distribution milestone of over 90% coverage.
  • Entourage continues to yield positive outcomes from its restructuring initiatives, with SG&A showing a year-over-year decline.
  • Management will host a conference call on August 27, 2024, at 10 a.m. Eastern Time.
  • 總收入爲1,220萬美元,顯示了公司同比的強勁勢頭,以及快速擴張的批量銷售市場的持續增長。
  • Entourage在艾伯塔省、安大略省和不列顛哥倫比亞省推出了新產品,包括Color Cannabis擴大了鮮花產品供應,從而產生了強大影響。
  • Dime Bag在安大略省繼續保持強勁表現,銷售額連續增長,分銷覆蓋率超過90%。
  • Entourage繼續從其重組計劃中取得積極成果,SG&A顯示出同比下降。
  • 管理層將於美國東部時間2024年8月27日上午10點主持電話會議。

TORONTO, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Entourage Health Corp. (TSX-V: ENTG) (OTCQX: ETRGF) (FSE:4WE) "Entourage" or the "Company," a Canadian producer and distributor of award-winning cannabis products, today announced its financial results for the three months and six months ending June 30, 2024. The Company reported a total revenue of $12.2 million (net revenue of $9.3 million, before excise duties and discounts). The Company will host a conference call to discuss its financial and business highlights on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, at 10 a.m. Eastern Time.

多倫多,2024年8月27日(環球新聞專線)——加拿大獲獎大麻產品的生產商和分銷商Entourage Health Corp.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ENTG)(OTCQX:ETRGF)(FSE: 4WE)「Entourage」 或 「公司」 今天公佈了截至2024年6月30日的三個月零六個月的財務業績。該公司報告的總收入爲1,220萬美元(扣除消費稅和折扣前的淨收入爲930萬美元)。該公司將於美國東部時間2024年8月27日星期二上午10點舉行電話會議,討論其財務和業務亮點。

"Overall, our year-to-date performance aligns with our expectations and prior achievements. As we move into Q3 and beyond, we are optimistic about the opportunities ahead," said George Scorsis, CEO and Chair. "This quarter, we focused on the launch of new products and offerings under all our Entourage Brands. The expansion of Dime Bag resulted in significant traction, achieving over 90% distribution in Ontario. We remain dedicated to bringing variety to our consumers and are confident that these efforts will drive improved financial results as we progress through the year."

「總體而言,我們今年迄今爲止的表現符合我們的預期和先前的成就。隨着我們進入第三季度及以後,我們對未來的機遇持樂觀態度。」 首席執行官兼董事長喬治·斯科西斯說。「本季度,我們專注於推出所有Entourage品牌的新產品和產品。Dime Bag的擴張帶來了極大的吸引力,在安大略省的分銷量達到90%以上。我們仍然致力於爲消費者帶來多樣性,並相信隨着我們今年的發展,這些努力將推動財務業績的改善。」

Summary of Results


For the Quarter-Ended June 30, 2024 June 30, 2023
($000's) ($000's)
Total revenue 12,218 13,365
*Net revenue (less Excise Tax) 9,263 10,174
Gross profit before changes in fair value 720 2,151
Gross margin % before changes in fair value 8% 21%
Loss and comprehensive loss (10,325) (9,572)
EBITDA** (3,238) (3,513)
As at June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023
($000's) ($000's)
Cash and cash equivalents 2,694 11,254
Inventory 11,157 10,010
Working capital (163,248) (146,909)
對於季度末 2024年6月30日 2023年6月30日
(000 美元) (000 美元)
總收入 12,218 13,365
*淨收入(減去消費稅) 9,263 10,174
公允價值變動前的毛利 720 2,151
公允價值變動前的毛利率百分比 8% 21%
損失和綜合損失 (10,325) (9,572)
息稅折舊攤銷前利潤** (3,238) (3,513)
截至目前 2024年6月30日 2023 年 12 月 31 日
(000 美元) (000 美元)
現金和現金等價物 2,694 11,254
庫存 11,157 10,010
營運資金 (163,248) (146,909)

*Net revenue defined as revenue (i.e., gross revenue less discounts and customer incentives but inclusive of freight) less excise taxes
** EBITDA is not a recognized measurement under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and this data may not be comparable to data presented by other companies. Management defines EBITDA as adjusted to exclude interest, tax, depreciation, stock compensation, fair value changes and other non-cash items, and non-recurring items. This data is furnished to provide additional information and does not have any standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS. The Company uses this non-IFRS measure to provide shareholders and others with supplemental measures of its operating performance. The Company also believes that securities analysts, investors, and other interested parties frequently use this non-IFRS measure in evaluating companies, many of which present similar metrics when reporting their results. As other companies may calculate EBITDA differently than the Company, this metric may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. We caution readers that EBITDA should not be substituted for determining net loss as an indicator of operating results or as a substitute for cash flows from operating and investing activities. See the Company management's discussion and analysis for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 (the "Q2 2024 MD&A"), for a detailed reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA to net income/(loss). The Company's financial statements for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, and the Q2 2024 MD&A are available on SEDAR+ at .

** 息稅折舊攤銷前利潤不是《國際財務報告準則》(IFRS)認可的衡量標準,該數據可能無法與其他公司提供的數據進行比較。管理層將息稅折舊攤銷前利潤定義爲調整後,不包括利息、稅款、折舊、股票補償、公允價值變動和其他非現金項目以及非經常性項目。提供這些數據是爲了提供更多信息,並不具有《國際財務報告準則》規定的任何標準化含義。公司使用這種非國際財務報告準則指標爲股東和其他人提供其經營業績的補充衡量標準。該公司還認爲,證券分析師、投資者和其他利益相關方經常使用這種非國際財務報告準則衡量標準來評估公司,其中許多公司在報告業績時會提供相似的指標。由於其他公司計算息稅折舊攤銷前利潤可能與公司不同,因此該指標可能無法與其他公司報告的類似標題的指標相提並論。我們提醒讀者,不應以息稅折舊攤銷前利潤來確定淨虧損作爲經營業績的指標或作爲經營和投資活動現金流的替代品。有關調整後息稅折舊攤銷前利潤與淨收入/(虧損)的詳細對賬情況,請參閱公司管理層對截至2024年6月30日的三個月和六個月的討論和分析(「2024年第二季度MD&A」)。公司截至2024年6月30日的三個月和六個月的財務報表以及2024年第二季度的管理與分析可在SEDAR+上查閱,網址爲。

"We have achieved stability despite a challenging environment, highlighting the resilience of our business model and the strength of our long-term strategy," said Vaani Maharaj, CFO. "Although Q2 presented its share of market fluctuations, our steady performance over the past six months demonstrates our commitment to overcoming these obstacles. As we move forward, our focus on execution and capital efficiency will be key to driving future growth and success."

首席財務官Vaani Maharaj表示:「儘管環境充滿挑戰,但我們還是實現了穩定,這凸顯了我們商業模式的彈性和長期戰略的力量。」「儘管第二季度出現了市場波動的份額,但我們在過去六個月中的穩定表現表明了我們對克服這些障礙的承諾。在我們向前邁進的過程中,我們對執行和資本效率的關注將是推動未來增長和成功的關鍵。」

Revenue Highlights


Q2 2024 Q2 2023 Change YOY
($000's) ($000's) %
Net Revenue by Channel
Medical 4,141 4,163 (1%)
Adult use 4,104 5,786 (29%)
Bulk 1,018 225 351%
Total Net Revenue 9,263 10,174 (9%)
2024 年第二季度 2023 年第二季度 同比變化
(000 美元) (000 美元) %
醫療 4,141 4,163 (1%)
成人使用 4,104 5,786 (29%)
散裝 1,018 225 351%
淨收入總額 9,263 10,174 (9%)

Financial Highlights


  • Entourage realized total revenues of $12.2 million and $28.6 million for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024. Despite a slight decrease of approximately 9% in the most recent quarter, the overall six-month performance remains consistent with the previous period, reflecting stable operational performance and sustained revenue generation over the six-month period.
  • For the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, the Company reported gross profit before changes in fair value of $0.7 million, 8% of net revenue and $6.5 million, 30% of net revenue, respectively. This compares to $2.1 million, 21% of net revenue and $5.1 million, 23% of net revenue for the same periods in the prior year.
  • For the three months ended June 30, 2024, cost of goods sold (COGS) increased by 6% to $8.5 million from $8.0 million in the prior year. For the six months ended June 30, 2024, COGS decreased by 8% to $15.4 million from $16.8 million, mainly due to a reduction in provisions and write-downs, reflecting better inventory management.
  • During the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, EBITDA increased by $274,701 or 8% to $3.2 million and $11.7 million or 159% to $4.3 million, compared to the same periods in 2023.
  • 在截至2024年6月30日的三個月和六個月中,Entourage實現了1,220萬美元的總收入和2,860萬美元。儘管最近一個季度略有下降約9%,但六個月的總體表現與前一時期保持一致,反映了六個月期間穩定的運營業績和持續的創收。
  • 在截至2024年6月30日的三個月和六個月中,公司公佈的扣除公允價值變動前的毛利分別爲70萬美元、淨收入的8%和650萬美元,佔淨收入的30%。相比之下,去年同期淨收入爲210萬美元,佔淨收入的21%,爲510萬美元,佔淨收入的23%。
  • 在截至2024年6月30日的三個月中,商品銷售成本(COGS)從去年的800萬美元增長了6%,至850萬美元。在截至2024年6月30日的六個月中,COGS從1,680萬美元下降了8%,至1,540萬美元,這主要是由於準備金和減記的減少,這反映了庫存管理的改善。
  • 在截至2024年6月30日的三個月和六個月中,息稅折舊攤銷前利潤與2023年同期相比增長了274,701美元,增長了8%,至320萬美元,增長了1170萬美元,增長了159%,至430萬美元。

Corporate Highlights During and After the Second Quarter of 2024

2024 年第二季度期間及之後的公司亮點

  • The Company announced in August that it was in breach of certain financial covenants and other obligations under each of its Senior Credit Agreement and Subordinated Credit agreements with an affiliate of the LiUNA Pension Fund of Central and Eastern Canada ("LPF"). The Company is working collaboratively with LPF to agree on amended debt terms. As a positive step forward, the Company received a renewed forbearance letter dated August 2, 2024, waiving the Company's breaches until October 8, 2024, subject to the satisfaction or waiver of certain conditions.
  • 該公司在8月宣佈,它違反了與加拿大中部和東部LiUNA養老基金(「LPF」)子公司簽訂的每份優先信貸協議和次級信貸協議下的某些財務契約和其他義務。該公司正在與LPF合作,商定經修訂的債務條款。作爲向前邁出的積極一步,公司收到了日期爲2024年8月2日的續期寬限信,將公司的違規行爲豁免至2024年10月8日,前提是滿足或豁免某些條件。

Operational and Commercial Highlights


  • Increased Production Capacity: Entourage increased production to over 2.0 million monthly pre-rolls.
  • Product Launches in Alberta: During the second quarter, the Company introduced six new products under Entourage Brands, including expanding 7g flower and launching two new Color 10-pack SKUs: Sour Grapefruit Haze and Pedro's Prima.
  • Ontario Launches: Entourage Brands rolled out three new products in Ontario, highlighted by the launch of the latest Color Cannabis cultivar, Pedro's Prima, a descendant of the popular Pedro's Sweet Sativa. Additionally, Saturday introduced the Sour Blueberry-infused XL blunt.
  • Expansions in British Columbia: In B.C., the Company launched four new SKUs, including the expansion of Color Cannabis live resin pre-rolls and two new 10-packs: Sour Grapefruit Haze and Phantom Sunset, now available in over 50% of B.C.'s retail outlets.
  • Dime Bag Growth in Ontario: Dime Bag continued its strong performance in Ontario, achieving quarter-over-quarter sales growth and reaching a distribution milestone of over 90% coverage.
  • Starseed Medicinal: The successful launch of two new dried flower products, Lemon Octane and Pineapple God, gained significant traction, becoming popular choices among the medical patient population.
  • 提高了生產能力:Entourage將月預卷產量提高到200萬張以上。
  • 艾伯塔省產品上市:在第二季度,該公司在Entourage品牌旗下推出了六款新產品,包括擴大7克鮮花和推出了兩款新的彩色10件裝SKU:酸葡萄柚Haze和Pedro's Prima。
  • 安大略省上市:Entourage Brands在安大略省推出了三款新產品,其中最突出的是最新的彩色大麻品種Pedro's Prima的推出,它是廣受歡迎的佩德羅的甜苜蓿的後代。此外,週六推出了注入酸藍莓的XL鈍劑。
  • 不列顛哥倫比亞省的擴張:在不列顛哥倫比亞省,該公司推出了四個新的SKU,包括擴展版的Color Cannabis活樹脂預卷和兩個新的10件裝:酸葡萄柚霧和幻影日落,現已在不列顛哥倫比亞省50%以上的地區上市。”s 零售店。
  • 安大略省的Dime Bag增長:Dime Bag在安大略省繼續保持強勁的表現,實現了同比銷售增長,分銷覆蓋率達到了90%以上的里程碑。
  • Starseed Medical:兩款新的乾花產品,Lemon Octane和Pineapple God 的成功推出,獲得了極大的關注,成爲醫療患者群體的熱門選擇。

Company Outlook


Entourage has demonstrated early successes that set a strong, positive path for the remainder of 2024. The Company's strategic initiatives, including the launch of innovative products, the introduction of large-format offerings, and the expansion of Saturday's portfolio, are paving the way for growth. The favourable market response to Dime Bag, with its notable distribution milestone, highlights the potential to grow market share in the pre-roll segment.

Entourage在早期取得了成功,爲2024年剩餘時間開闢了堅實而積極的道路。該公司的戰略舉措,包括推出創新產品、推出大幅面產品以及擴大週六的投資組合,正在爲增長鋪平道路。Dime Bag憑藉其顯著的分銷里程碑,市場對Dime Bag的積極反應凸顯了在預卷細分市場中增加市場份額的潛力。

The Company is strategically focusing on expanding our distribution channels across Canada, launching targeted products satisfying diverse consumer preferences, and forming strategic partnerships to scale operations and meet demand. By leveraging data-driven market insights, the Company is well-positioned for sustainable growth and profitability. Entourage's focus on innovation, quality, and operational excellence aims to strengthen the Company's position within the industry.


Conference Call Details


A conference call will be hosted by Mr. Scorsis and Ms. Maharaj, with management available for questions following opening remarks:


Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Time: 10 a.m. Eastern Time
Toll-Free Number: 1-800-267-6316
Conference ID: ETRGFQ2

日期:2024 年 8 月 27 日星期二



Company Update


The Company announced today that, in accordance with the provisions of its omnibus equity incentive compensation plan (the "Omnibus Plan"), the Company has authorized the issuance of an aggregate of 1,200,000 deferred share units ("DSUs") to certain members of its Board of Directors as compensation for services provided in the second quarter of 2024. The DSUs will vest on June 30, 2025, and are granted in lieu of a portion of cash compensation for services rendered during the quarter.


The Company earlier announced on April 24, 2024, that in accordance with the provisions of its Omnibus Plan, an aggregate of 1,600,000 DSUs respectively were issued to the Board of Directors of the Company as compensation for services for the fourth quarter of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 with vesting dates of December 31, 2024, and March 31, 2025, respectively. The Company wishes to clarify that the sum of 1,331,507 DSUs were issued to certain members of the Board of Directors as compensation for their services for the first quarter of 2024 and not 1,600,000 DSUs. 131,507 DSUs vest on January 30, 2024, and 1,200,000 DSUs vest on March 31, 2025.


About Entourage Health Corp.
Entourage Health Corp. is the publicly traded parent Company of Entourage Brands Corp., a licence holder producing and distributing cannabis products for the medical and adult-use markets. The Company owns and operates a fully licensed 26,000 sq. ft. Aylmer, ON processing facility. With its Starseed Medicinal medical-centric brand, Entourage has expanded its multi-channelled distribution strategy. Starseed's industry-first, exclusive partnership with LiUNA, the largest construction union in Canada, along with employers and union groups, complements Entourage's direct sales to medical patients. Entourage's elite adult-use product portfolio includes Color Cannabis, Saturday Cannabis – and now Dime Bag and Syndicate – sold across eight provincial distribution agencies. Exclusive Canadian producer and distributor of award-winning U.S.-based wellness brand Mary's Medicinals, sold in both medical and adult-use channels. In addition, Entourage also entered into an exclusive agreement with Irwin Naturals, a renowned nutraceutical and herbal supplement formulator of branded wellness products sold across North America.

Entourage Health Corp. 是Entourage Brands Corp. 的上市母公司,該公司是一家爲醫療和成人用途市場生產和分銷大麻產品的許可證持有者。該公司擁有並經營一個獲得完全許可的26,000平方英尺的土地。安大略省艾爾默的加工設施。憑藉其以Starseed Medicalide醫療爲中心的品牌,Entourage擴大了其多渠道分銷戰略。Starseed與加拿大最大的建築工會LiUNA以及僱主和工會團體建立了行業首創的獨家合作伙伴關係,補充了Entourage對醫療患者的直接銷售。Entourage的精英成人用產品組合包括Color Cannabis、Saturday Cannabis——以及現在的Dime Bag和Syndicate——在八個省級分銷機構銷售。屢獲殊榮的美國健康品牌Mary's Medicinals的加拿大獨家生產商和分銷商,該品牌在醫療和成人用途渠道銷售。此外,Entourage還與Irwin Naturals簽訂了獨家協議。Irwin Naturals是一家著名的營養品和草本補充劑配方商,其品牌健康產品在北美銷售。

Follow Entourage and its brands on:




Color Cannabis, Saturday Cannabis, Starseed & Syndicate

彩色大麻、星期六大麻、Starseed & Syndicate

For additional information or investor or media inquiries:
Catherine Flaman
Senior Director, Communications & Corporate Affairs


Forward Looking Information


This press release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation which are based upon Entourage's current internal expectations, estimates, projections, assumptions and beliefs and views of future events. Forward-looking information can be identified using forward-looking terminology such as "expect", "likely", "may", "will", "should", "intend", "anticipate", "potential", "proposed", "estimate" and other similar words, including negative and grammatical variations thereof, or statements that certain events or conditions "may", "would" or "will" happen, or by discussions of strategy.

本新聞稿包含適用的加拿大證券立法所指的 「前瞻性信息」,這些信息基於Entourage當前的內部預期、估計、預測、假設和信念以及對未來事件的看法。前瞻性信息可以使用諸如 「預期」、「可能」、「將」、「應該」、「打算」、「預期」、「潛在」、「提議」、「估計」 等前瞻性術語和其他類似詞語來識別,包括其負面和語法變體,或關於某些事件或條件 「可能」、「將」 或 「將」 發生的陳述,或通過討論戰略。

The forward-looking information in this news release is based upon the expectations, estimates, projections, assumptions, and views of future events which management believes to be reasonable in the circumstances. Forward-looking information includes estimates, plans, expectations, opinions, forecasts, projections, targets, guidance, or other statements that are not statements of fact. Forward-looking information necessarily involve known and unknown risks, including, without limitation, risks associated with general economic conditions; adverse industry events; loss of markets; future legislative and regulatory developments; inability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favourable terms; the cannabis industry in Canada generally; the ability of Entourage to implement its business strategies; competition; crop failure; and other risks.


Any forward-looking information speaks only as of the date on which it is made, and, except as required by law, Entourage does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for Entourage to predict all such factors. When considering this forward-looking information, readers should keep in mind the risk factors and other cautionary statements in Entourage's disclosure documents filed with the applicable Canadian securities' regulatory authorities on SEDAR+ at The risk factors and other factors noted in the disclosure documents could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those described in any forward-looking information.

任何前瞻性信息僅代表截至發佈之日,除非法律要求,否則Entourage不承擔任何義務更新或修改任何前瞻性信息,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。新的因素不時出現,Entourage不可能預測所有這些因素。在考慮這些前瞻性信息時,讀者應牢記Entourage在SEDAR+上向適用的加拿大證券監管機構提交的披露文件中的風險因素和其他警示性陳述 披露文件中提及的風險因素和其他因素可能導致實際事件或結果與任何前瞻性信息中描述的重大差異。

Third Party Information


This press release includes market and industry data that has been obtained from third party sources, including industry publications. The Company believes that the industry data is accurate and that its estimates and assumptions are reasonable, but there is no assurance as to the accuracy or completeness of this data. Third party sources generally state that the information contained therein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but there is no assurance as to the accuracy or completeness of included information. Although the data is believed to be reliable, the Company has not independently verified any of the data from third party sources referred to in this press release or ascertained the underlying economic assumptions relied upon by such sources.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


