
AnorTech Completes 2024 Field Program at Gronne Bjerg Anorthosite Project in Greenland

AnorTech Completes 2024 Field Program at Gronne Bjerg Anorthosite Project in Greenland

AnorTech已在格陵蘭的Gronne Bjerg斜長巖項目中完成了2024年的野外工程計劃。
GlobeNewswire ·  08/27 21:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ANORTECH INC. ("AnorTech" or the "Company") (TSX Venture Exchange "ANOR"; OTC "HUDRF") is pleased to announce that it has completed its 2024 field activities at the 100% owned Gronne Bjerg anorthosite project which is located on open tide water near Nuuk, the capital of Greenland and adjacent to excellent hydroelectric potential (see NR2023-02).

溫哥華,英屬哥倫比亞,2024年8月27日(環球新聞社) - ANORTECH INC.("AnorTech" 或 "公司")(tsx創業公司交易所 "ANOR"; 場外交易 "HUDRF")很高興宣佈已完成其100%擁有的Gronne Bjerg斑長巖項目在格陵蘭首都努克附近的開放潮汐水域的2024年野外活動,並鄰近出色的水力發電潛力(見NR2023-02)。

The 2024 program included the collection of baseline environmental data as part of the project's environmental impact assessment and the extraction of a 20 tonne bulk sample for ongoing R&D work on the Company's innovative and sustainable technologies based on anorthosite (calcium aluminum silicate).


The environmental baseline program was carried out by WSP (Denmark) and included marine and terrestrial sampling and an overview of the ecological conditions in the area supplemented by the collection of data on wildlife and birds in the area. The data collected will be incorporated into the environmental impact assessment (EIA). Two years of baseline environmental data are required in order to complete the EIA. With a completed EIA and project parameters defined, the Company can then submit an application for an exploitation license, which it expects will be ready by 2026.


A 20 tonne sample of anorthosite was taken at the base of the Gronne Bjerg project. The rock sample was crushed in Nuuk before being bagged for transport to Canada. The bulk sample material will primarily be used to advance the Company's efforts in commercializing its waste free, sustainable alumina process, with pilot scale testing expected to commence in early 2025. The objective is to carry out the pilot plant work in collaboration with an aluminum industry partner. Some of the material will also be utilized by the Danish Technological Institute to support ongoing testwork on the production of a CO2 free refractory cement product and thermal energy storage system applications.

Gronne Bjerg項目的基岩測量獲得20噸的斑長巖樣本。岩石樣本在努克被粉碎後被裝袋運往加拿大。大宗樣本材料將主要用於推動公司在商業化其無廢,可持續的氧化鋁工藝方面的工作,預計將於2025年初開始進行中試規模測試。目標是與鋁行業合作伙伴一起進行中試廠工作。一部分材料還將被丹麥技術研究所利用,支持其在生產無CO2耐火水泥產品和熱能儲存系統軟件應用方面的持續測試工作。

Jim Cambon, President, commented: We continue to advance the development of sustainable anorthosite technologies from our Gronne Bjerg project. The extraction of this bulk sample is an important step in our goal to commercialize a smelter grade alumina product from our anorthosite. Initiating the baseline environmental work also gets the Company a step closer to being able to submit an application for an exploitation license at Gronne Bjerg. Our R&D programs on a sustainable waste free alumina and CO2 free refractory cement are progressing very well with updates expected in the coming months.

Jim Cambon,總裁,評論道:我們繼續推進Gronne Bjerg項目的可持續長石技術的開發。提取這個大樣本是我們商業化從長石中生產出冶煉級氧化鋁產品的目標中的一個重要步驟。啓動基準環境工作也使得公司更接近在Gronne Bjerg提交開採許可證申請。我們的可持續無廢料氧化鋁和無CO2耐火水泥的研發計劃正在取得很好的進展,預計在未來幾個月會有更新。

AnorTech has over 10 years' experience in creating sustainable products from anorthosite which have the potential to revolutionize several global markets. Our plan is to utilize results from our 2024 R&D programs to attract global partners in key industries to further advance the applications to commercialization as quickly as possible.


Smelter grade alumina made from anorthosite is a revolutionary zero waste product that minimizes the environmental impact traditionally associated with alumina production from bauxite. Bauxite produces almost four tonnes of caustic tailings waste product for every tonne of aluminum produced making our technology very attractive to aluminum producers. The Company is aiming to provide the aluminum industry with a cost competitive alumina feed product that is not only high-quality but also zero waste with the added benefit of saleable by-products of calcium silicate and amorphous silica.


The CO2 free cement made from anorthosite eliminates the requirement for clinker, which releases over 800kg of CO2 for every tonne of cement produced. Testwork to date has successfully demonstrated that a white refractory (heat resistant) cement can be produced which we believe would be a premium cement product.


The Company has a 5% carried interest in the advanced Sarfartoq rare earth element project in Western Greenland which was sold to Neo Performance Materials in 2022 (see NR2022-02). A significant field program, including drilling, was undertaken on the Sarfartoq project in 2023 and further field work was undertaken in 2024 to advance the critical mineral project.


AnorTech is well funded with approximately $3 million cash on hand.




"Jim Cambon"


President and Director


For further information:
Ph: 778-373-2164


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