
NVIDIA And Global Partners Launch NIM Agent Blueprints For Enterprises To Make Their Own AI

NVIDIA And Global Partners Launch NIM Agent Blueprints For Enterprises To Make Their Own AI

英偉達和global partners推出NIm代理藍圖,讓企業可以製作自己的人工智能
Benzinga ·  08/27 21:03
  • Catalog of Customizable Workflows Speeds Deployments of Core Generative AI Use Cases, Starting With Customer Service, Drug Discovery and Data Extraction for PDFs, With More to Come
  • Companies Can Build and Operationalize Their AI Applications — Creating Data-Driven AI Flywheels — Using NIM Agent Blueprints Along With NIM Microservices and NeMo Framework, All Part of the NVIDIA AI Enterprise Platform
  • Accenture, Cisco, Dell Technologies, Deloitte, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Lenovo, SoftServe, World Wide Technology Among First Partners Delivering NIM Agent Blueprints to World's Enterprises
  • 可定製工作流程目錄,加速核心生成式人工智能用例的部署,從客戶服務、藥物發現和PDF文件數據提取開始,以後會有更多功能。
  • 企業可以利用NIm代理藍圖、NIm微服務和NeMo框架,構建和操作他們的人工智能應用程序,創建數據驅動型人工智能動力系統,這都是NVIDIA人工智能企業平台的一部分。
  • 埃森哲、思科、戴爾科技、德勤、慧與科技、lenovo n3011、SoftServe、世紀科技等首批合作伙伴,將向全球企業提供NIm代理藍圖。

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NVIDIA today announced NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints, a catalog of pretrained, customizable AI workflows that equip millions of enterprise developers with a full suite of software for building and deploying generative AI applications for canonical use cases, such as customer service avatars, retrieval-augmented generation and drug discovery virtual screening.

2024年8月27日,加利福尼亞聖塔克拉拉(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)—— NVIDIA今日宣佈推出NVIDIA NIm代理藍圖,這是一個預訓練、可定製的人工智能工作流程目錄,爲數百萬企業開發人員提供了用於構建和部署生成式人工智能應用軟件套件,用於典型用例,如客戶服務化身、檢索增強生成和藥物發現虛擬篩選。

