
AI 'Answer Engines' Are Shaping Shopping Behavior, Especially Among Youth, Says BrandRank.AI and EMI Research Solutions

AI 'Answer Engines' Are Shaping Shopping Behavior, Especially Among Youth, Says BrandRank.AI and EMI Research Solutions

Accesswire ·  08/27 20:30

Less than two years after the launch of ChatGPT, over half of young consumers trust AI to make purchases


CINCINNATI, OH / ACCESSWIRE / August 27, 2024 / Generative AI is reshaping how consumers search for products, especially among younger adults. BrandRank.AI's latest study from the 'AI Trust and Shopping Behavior Monitor' series reveals that 41% of consumers are ready to trust generative AI for search recommendations, with confidence peaking at 52% among younger users.


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the words with a search icon

Diving into the behaviors and attitudes of approximately 3,500 U.S. individuals, the study, completed in partnership with EMI Research Solutions, aimed to gauge the level of comfort and trust consumers have with AI that can generate search results and product suggestions tailored to their preferences.

通過對約3500名美國個體的行爲和態度進行深入研究,與EMI Research Solutions合作完成的該研究旨在評估消費者對能夠生成符合其偏好的搜索結果和產品建議的人工智能的舒適度和信任程度。

Key research findings include:


  • 41% Consumer Openness: 41% of people are likely or very likely to trust recommendations from generative AI search tools such as ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Claude, Perplexity, and Grok.

  • High Trust Among Young Adults: Younger adults, particularly those aged 25-34, show a significant propensity to trust generative AI search recommendations, with 52% expressing a likelihood to do so.

  • Income Brackets Reflect Strong Trust: Consumers across all income brackets, especially those earning $60,000 and above, demonstrate notable trust in AI-driven search recommendations, with engagement levels as high as 50% in the highest income group.

  • Regional Variations in AI Adoption: Interest in AI-driven search recommendations is strong across the South and West regions, with 42% of participants from these areas expressing a high likelihood to consider AI recommendations, compared to 39% in the Midwest.

  • High Usage of ChatGPT: ChatGPT is the most widely used generative AI tool, with significant usage across all demographic groups.

  • Gender Differences: Men are slightly more likely than women to trust AI in search recommendations.

  • 41%的消費者開放性:41%的人很可能或非常願意信任ChatGPt、Google Gemini、Claude、Perplexity和Grok等生成式人工智能搜索工具的推薦。

  • 年輕成年人中的高信任度:特別是那些年齡在25-34歲之間的年輕成年人表現出對生成式人工智能搜索推薦的顯著傾向,有52%的人表示願意這樣做。

  • 收入支架反映出強大的trust:消費者在所有收入支架,尤其是那些收入在$60,000及以上的人群,對人工智能驅動的搜索推薦表現出顯著的信任,最高收入群體的參與程度高達50%。

  • 區域型ai採用的差異:對人工智能驅動的搜索推薦的興趣在南部和西部地區很高,這些地區有42%的參與者表示高度可能考慮人工智能推薦,而中西部地區則爲39%。

  • chatgpt概念股的高使用率:chatgpt概念股是最廣泛使用的生成式人工智能工具,在所有人群中使用情況顯著。

  • 性別差異:男性比女性更有可能信任人工智能進行搜索推薦。

"We're entering an 'Answer Economy' that's transforming how consumers research and purchase products," said Pete Blackshaw, CEO of BrandRank.AI. "In less than two years, Generative AI has evolved from a tech curiosity and term paper shortcut to a mainstream shopping tool, particularly resonating with young consumers. Brands must now prepare for smarter, faster, more transparent, and even 'values-based' product vetting by empowered shoppers."

「我們正在進入一個轉變消費者研究和購買產品的'答案經濟',」品牌智能AI公司的首席執行官Pete Blackshaw說。「在不到兩年的時間裏,生成式人工智能已經從一個科技好奇心和學期論文的捷徑變成了一個主流購物工具,尤其深受年輕消費者的喜愛。品牌現在必須爲更智能、更快速、更透明,甚至是基於價值觀的產品評估做好準備,因爲消費者已經擁有了更多的權力。」

Anna Sullivan, Brand Analyst and summer intern from Miami University, who is helping to oversee BrandRank.AI's "Generation AI Soapbox" youth panel, observed that convenience, utility, and a sense of "gamified fun" are driving the popularity of tools like ChatGPT among her fellow students and other young consumers. "The extreme utility factor can't be overstated. These tools are also 'Sesame Street simple' for getting a smart handle on travel, large purchases, product comparisons, and even assessing whether a product will harm the planet or impact your health."

來自邁阿密大學的品牌分析師和暑期實習生Anna Sullivan正在協助監督品牌智能AI公司的「Generation AI Soapbox」青年小組,她觀察到便利性,實用性以及一種「遊戲化趣味」感正推動像chatgpt這樣的工具在她的同學和其他年輕消費者中的流行。「極高的實用性不能被過分強調。這些工具對於旅行、大宗購物、產品比較,甚至評估產品對地球或對健康的影響都非常簡單。」

As a complement to these findings, BrandRank.AI will release the first-ever "Consumer Trust in AI" study ahead of the holiday season, further exploring how trust in AI influences decision-making and behavior. This study will provide invaluable data for brands navigating the AI landscape, including a scorecard evaluating some of the world's top retailers on their "AI Readiness" to meet the expectations of the "AI generation" of consumers, particularly in customer support, use of ChatBots, and brand-supported product information.


About BrandRank.AI


BrandRank.AI, based in Cincinnati, is a leading provider of AI-driven marketing solutions, helping brands optimize their strategies through cutting-edge AI technology. Combining AI with expert insight, we monitor all the major AI "Answer Engines" to pinpoint vulnerabilities and opportunities, identify key insights driving purchase behavior, and uncover category needs and opportunities to strengthen brand equity and consumer loyalty.


About EMI Research Services

關於EMI Research Services

EMI Research Services, located in Cincinnati, is a market research firm specializing in online sample solutions. They offer comprehensive services in respondent sourcing, data collection, and sample management, helping businesses gather reliable insights across various industries. EMI is recognized for its expertise in handling complex research projects and ensuring high-quality data to support informed decision-making.

位於辛辛那提的EMI Research Services是一家專注於在線樣本解決方案的市場研究公司。他們提供全面的受訪者獲取、數據收集和樣本管理服務,幫助企業在各個行業收集可靠的洞察。EMI以其處理複雜研究項目的專業知識和確保高質量數據支持明智決策而廣受認可。

Contact Information


Pete Blackshaw

Pete Blackshaw

SOURCE: BrandRank.AI

來源: 人工智能品牌排行榜

