
Romios Reports Exceptional Assays up to 78.2 G/t Au and 574 G/t Ag and Expands Footprint of Possible Porphyry Centres at the Kinkaid Copper-Gold-Silver Property, Nevada, USA

Romios Reports Exceptional Assays up to 78.2 G/t Au and 574 G/t Ag and Expands Footprint of Possible Porphyry Centres at the Kinkaid Copper-Gold-Silver Property, Nevada, USA

newsfile ·  08/27 19:30

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 27, 2024) - Romios Gold Resources Inc. (TSXV: RG) (OTC Pink: RMIOF) (FSE: D4R) ("Romios Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to report that a recent field program on Romios' Kinkaid property in Mineral County, Nevada, has returned numerous high-grade gold, silver and base metal assays, and expanded the apparent footprint of at least two of the postulated porphyry Cu-Au-Ag centres on the property.

安大略省多倫多市-(Newsfile corp-2024年8月27日)-Romios Gold Resources Inc.(TSXV: RG)(OTC Pink: RMIOF)(FSE: D4R)("Romios Gold" 或 "the Company") 很高興地報告, 在內華達州米納爾縣的 Romios' Kinkaid 物業進行的最近一次現場項目已經返回了大量高品位的黃金、白銀和基本金屬的化驗數據,並擴大了該物業上至少兩個假設的斑岩銅-金-銀中心的明顯足跡。



  • At Honeycomb Hill, the apparent porphyry copper centre and overlying epithermal to mesothermal base and precious metal rich vein system has now been expanded to an area >450 x 450 m with the discovery of numerous historic mineralized trenches and adits that returned assays from 1.31 to 26.96 g/t Au, 1.55% to >10% Cu, and 1.0 to 10.4 g/t Ag.
  • Sampling of the ore veins inside the main workings at Honeycomb Hill confirmed the very high silver content of the galena, 574 and 189 g/t Ag, with gold values of 0.26 and 3.45 g/t Au. A nearby dump sample of fairly non-descript quartz vein material returned the highest gold values to date on the project, 78.16 g/t Au.
  • Mapping around the 500 m long, historic Montreal Au-Ag mine workings located an important mineralized outcrop laced with actinolite, epidote, biotite and copper bearing veins, 150 m to the west of the mine, significantly expanding the footprint of the suspected porphyry system. This alteration is believed to be part of the deeper alteration zones of a porphyry copper system and assayed 1.62% Cu, 11.3 g/t Ag and 0.49 g/t Au.
  • The suspected epithermal mineralization overprint on the historic PM mine skarn system has been further supported by the discovery of quartz veins that assayed 10.6 g/t Au and a zone of chalcedonic quartz that assayed 0.79 g/t Au.
  • Work on the adjacent KIN claim block located numerous copper-rich boulders of conglomerate and garnet-epidote skarns, making the nearby sedimentary horizons a prime target and suggesting that the source pluton for this mineralization may be at relatively shallow depths.
  • 在Honeycomb Hill,看似的斑岩銅中心和上覆的低溫到中溫基本金屬和貴金屬富礦脈系統的區域現已擴展到一個面積大於450 x 45000萬,發現了衆多歷史礦化溝渠和地下水道,返回了從1.31到26.96 g/t Au,1.55%到大於10%的Cu,以及1.0到10.4 g/t Ag的化驗數據。
  • 對Honeycomb Hill主要工作區內礦脈的採樣確認了方鉛礦含量非常高, 分別爲574和189 g/t Ag,金含量爲0.26和3.45 g/t Au。 附近的堆樣石英脈物質返還了迄今爲止在該項目上的最高金含量78.16克/噸。
  • 在約50000萬長的歷史蒙特利爾金-銀礦區的周圍繪製地圖時,發現了重要的礦化露頭,其中交代巖、蛍石、黑雲母和含銅脈相互夾雜,離礦井向西15000萬,顯著擴展了疑似斑岩系統的足跡。該交代巖被認爲是斑岩銅系統更深層變質帶的一部分,並化驗出1.62%的Cu, 11.3克/噸的Ag和0.49克/噸的Au。
  • 對歷史Pm礦斑岩系統上的疑似低溫礦化得到了進一步的支持,因爲發現了化驗出10.6 g/t Au的石英脈和評定了0.79 g/t Au的玉髓石英帶。
  • 對毗鄰的KIN申請區塊的工作確定了大量富含銅的凝灰岩和石榴石-蛍石法網巖的巨石,使得附近的沉積地平線成爲主要目標,並暗示這些礦化物的源火成岩可能相對較淺。

Stephen Burega, President and CEO of Romios, stated: "These are exceptional results, and we continue to build support for Romios' Kinkaid model of multiple porphyry Cu-Au-Ag centres overlain by high-grade epithermal to mesothermal veins and high-level sericite alteration zones. We have now substantially expanded the footprint of the Honeycomb Hill and Montreal Mine centres as well as adding more proof of an epithermal gold-silver overprint on the PM skarn site, all with a low-cost, boots on the ground approach."

Romios的總裁兼首席執行官Stephen Burega表示:「這些是非凡的成果,我們繼續支持Romios的Kinkaid模式,即多斑岩銅金銀中心覆蓋高品位的淺成低溫至中溫脈石及高位絹雲母變質帶。我們現在已大幅擴展了Honeycomb Hill和Montreal Mine中心的覆蓋範圍,並且對Pm skarn場地上的淺成金銀疊加進行了更多證據的低成本實地驗證。」

Target Details


The 139 Kinkaid and adjacent KIN claims cover approximately 11.0 sq km in Mineral County, 18 km east of the town of Hawthorne, and are largely accessible by road. Romios personnel undertook a low-cost, week-long exploration program here in June 2024 to follow-up on the 2023 discovery of high grade Cu-Au boulders on the new KIN claims; to explore the area around several of the postulated porphyry and skarn centres; and to assess the significance of sericite anomalies detected by a recent Short Wave Infrared Satellite Imagery (SWIR) satellite image study of the property. The results of this work are described in more detail below; all pertinent assay results are listed in Table 1 and the target areas are shown on Map 1.

139個Kinkaid和毗鄰的KIN索賠大約覆蓋了Mineral County的大約11.0平方公里,位於霍桑鎮以東18公里,大部分可通過公路到達。Romios人員於2024年6月在此進行了低成本的爲期一週的勘探計劃,以跟進2023年在新KIN索賠上發現的高品位Cu-Au鮑爾石的發現;探索猜測的斑岩和蝕變中心周圍的區域;並評估由最近短波紅外衛星圖像研究檢測到的絹雲母異常的意義。該工作的結果將在下文中詳細描述;所有相關的化驗結果均列在表1中,並且目標區域顯示在地圖1上。

Honeycomb Hill Centre Target:

Honeycomb Hill中心目標:

One of the largest alteration zones on the Kinkaid property, up to 275 m long and 90 m wide, this is now believed to be part of a larger porphyry-related mineralized system ~450 x 450 m that is partially overlain by younger volcanics.

作爲Kinkaid產權上最大的改造區之一,長達27500萬,寬9000萬,現在被認爲是一個部分被年輕的火山岩覆蓋的更大斑岩相關礦化系統的一部分,大約爲450 x 45000萬。

  • Eight additional adits and trenches were located in this broader zone in 2024, in addition to the 6 shafts and adits previously known. It is believed that the historic mining here targeted silver-rich galena veins.
  • Romios' samples not only returned high silver assays but moderate to very-high gold values as well: the four samples with even minor sulphides assayed up to 78.16 g/t Au, 574 g/t Ag and 2.3% Cu, with locally high values in mercury, up to 13,250 ppb Hg; antimony, up to 650 ppm Sb; arsenic, up to 2,981 ppm As; and up to 86.6 ppm tellurium (see Table 1 for results of all 4 samples).
  • Two galena rich samples assayed 3.96% and >10% Pb. A 30 x 50 cm panel chip sample of the altered but vein-free host rocks outside one adit assayed 0.13% Pb, 41 ppm Sb, 707 ppm As, and 443 ppb Hg, indicating that broad areas of the discoloured, friable, altered host rocks are weakly mineralized.
  • A series of old trenches newly discovered 400 m NW of Honeycomb Hill mine workings also returned impressive assays, 1.31 to 26.96 g/t Au, 1.55% to >10% Cu and 1.0 to 10.4 g/t Ag as well as high mercury in one sample: 5,098 ppb Hg (see Photo 1). These results have significantly expanded the footprint of this apparent porphyry centre.
  • 2024年在這個更廣泛的區域發現了八個額外的水平面和溝渠,以及先前已知的6個豎井和水平面。據信,這裏的歷史性開採針對的是富含銀的方鉛礦脈。
  • Romios的樣品不僅返回高含銀化驗結果,還有中至極高的黃金含量:即使是少量硫化物的四個樣品的化驗結果達到了78.16克/噸Au,574克/噸Ag和2.3% Cu,並且汞的局部高值達到了13,250 ppb Hg;銻的含量高達650 ppm Sb;砷的含量高達2,981 ppm As;以及高達86.6 ppm的碲(請參閱所有4個樣品的結果,請參見表1)。
  • 兩個方鉛礦質含量分別爲3.96%和大於10%的市淨率。一塊30 x 50厘米的面板裂片樣品來自一條水道外的變質但無礦脈的母巖,市淨率爲0.13%,銻41 ppm,砷707 ppm,汞443 ppb,表明被褪色、易碎、變質的母巖的廣泛區域有弱礦化。
  • 一系列新發現的老溝渠位於Honeycomb Hill礦井工作區以北的40000萬,返回令人印象深刻的分析結果,黃金1.31至26.96克/噸,銅1.55%至大於10%,銀1.0至10.4克/噸,以及一份高汞含量的樣品:5,098 ppb Hg(見照片1)。這些結果顯著擴大了這個明顯斑岩中心的佔地面積。

Although the samples were mainly collected from relatively narrow veins and dump samples left behind by the historic miners, the suite of elements in these latest assay results suggest that these veins are part of an epithermal to mesothermal vein and pervasive alteration system (see Photo 3) that likely overlies a magmatic source, believed to be a porphyry copper system.


The general zonation from silver rich samples at Honeycomb Hill to the more gold and copper rich mineralization at the trenches 400 m NW is to be expected in the metal zonation around the top of porphyry-epithermal systems.

從Honeycomb Hill富含銀的樣品到40000萬北西方向的溝渠中富含黃金和銅的礦化帶的一般分帶,在斑岩-低溫熱液系統頂部周圍的金屬分帶中是可以預期的。

Photo 1: Sample B994732 from the newfound trenches 400 m NW of Honeycomb Hill. Assayed 26.96 g/t Au, 10.4 g/t Ag, >10% Cu.

照片1:來自發現的Honeycomb Hill以北40000萬溝渠的B994732樣品。分析結果爲26.96克/噸黃金,10.4克/噸白銀,大於10%的銅。

KIN Claims:


Initial work in May 2023 in this area returned high-grade copper +/- gold values up to 13.3% Cu and 12.7 g/t Au from a series of boulders of uncertain origin along a dry creek bed (see Romios press release October 12, 2023). Follow-up mapping and prospecting in June 2024 located numerous additional, visibly well mineralized boulders along the same creek.


Of special note is that the new copper-rich samples include conglomerates and obvious skarn-type rocks (Photo 2). These samples have now shifted the target for the next work phase to a series of nearby sedimentary units. Such well developed and mineralized skarn boulders indicate that there must be skarn outcrops nearby and that the pluton responsible for the skarns may be at a relatively shallow depth.


Montreal Gold-Silver Mine Target:


This 500 m long series of old stopes, adits and trenches was mined for gold and silver in the early 1900s and is the largest historic mining operation on the Romios claims. The old workings are developed in a broad, north east trending, highly sericitic, friable zone(s).


  • The intense sericite alteration is typical of most of the mineralized prospects on the Kinkaid property and forms a prominent anomaly 50 m wide and 500 m long on SWIR satellite imagery (see Romios press release June 13, 2024).
  • Further evidence of a porphyry-type system is seen on lower ground 150 m west of the workings in the form of a large, well mineralized outcrop with abundant actinolite veins, epidote-biotite alteration selvages and copper mineralization.
  • A typical sample of the vein material assayed 1.62% Cu, 11.3 g/t Ag and 0.49 g/t Au, with elevated mercury (1,345 ppb Hg) values. Sericite alteration and mineralized Cu-Au-Ag veins can be expected near the top of typical porphyry copper type systems and give way at depth and inwards to a series of sodic-calcic and potassic alteration haloes around the main Cu-Au-Ag zone, including an actinolite sub-zone.
  • This discovery of the well mineralized outcrop with actinolite, biotite and epidote alteration is considered highly supportive for the porphyry model being pursued on the Kinkaid property. The area west of this outcrop is covered by younger, largely flat-lying volcanics that likely obscure the full extent of the system.
  • 強烈的硅質蝕變是金凱德地塊上大多數礦化遠景的典型特徵,形成了一處顯著的異常帶,該異常帶在SWIR衛星圖像上的寬度爲50000000萬,長度爲50000000萬(見羅米奧斯公司2024年6月13日新聞稿)。
  • 在靠近開採區以西150000000萬的低地上,可以看到斑岩型礦系統的進一步證據,即一大塊礦化較好的露頭,其含有豐富的菱鎂石和綠泥石裂隙,以及銅礦化。
  • 典型樣本的化驗結果爲:1.62% Cu、11.3 g/t Ag和0.49 g/t Au,汞含量升高(1,345 ppb Hg)。硅質蝕變和礦化的Cu-Au-Ag脈石通常出現在典型斑岩銅型礦系統的頂部,深度和內部則是以一系列鈉鈣質和鉀質蝕變暈帶環繞主要的Cu-Au-Ag區域爲特徵,包括一層菱鎂石子帶。
  • 發現了這塊含有菱鎂石、黑雲母和綠泥石蝕變的富礦露頭對於在金凱德地塊上進行的斑岩模型的驗證具有高度支持性。這個露頭以西的區域被年輕的、主要平坦的火山岩所覆蓋,這很可能掩蓋了該系統的完整範圍。

PM Skarn Target:


Located in the northernmost Kinkaid claims, the PM skarn is one of three skarns spread over 1.4 km and believed to have formed around the periphery of a metamorphic aureole related to an underlying granitoid intrusion. The historic PM skarn mine is a 150 m long series of shafts, adits and pits developed in garnet skarns and mined for gold prior to World War II. Romios' mapping in 2023 identified a 40 m wide skarnified horizon near the old workings, a unit which provides a potential host for extensive mineralization at depth closer to the source intrusion.


A typical sample from a small stockpile of silver-rich iron carbonate vein material at one adit assayed 55 oz/t Ag, 0.25% Sb, 6.9% Zn, 0.4% Cu, and 495 ppm Hg in Romios' 2021 sampling (see Romios press release March 10, 2022), indicating that there is likely an epithermal vein system overprinting the skarnified area.


For the first time in Romios' work, the 2024 samples returned significant gold values from the PM site: a sample of several small parallel quartz veins assayed 10.6 g/t Au as well as 177 ppm molybdenum, and a representative sample of a patch of apparently "low-temperature", chalcedonic quartz assayed 0.79 g/t Au. The discovery of these gold-bearing quartz veins/floods supports the postulated epithermal overprint on the PM skarn.


Table 1: Assays of samples pertinent to this release. (Cu and Pb are in ppm unless stated as %).


Map 1: Kinkaid Project claim outlines and apparent porphyry centres.


Photo 3: Pervasive, discoloured, sericitic, iron stained alteration at Honeycomb Hill.




The Kinkaid property now consists of 139 claims, covering approximately 11.0 sq km, located 18 km east of the town of Hawthorne where the prolific Walker Lane trend overlaps the southern edge of the mineral-rich Basin and Range geological province. The claims are largely accessible by road and short hikes and are wholly owned by Romios.

Kinkaid物業現在由139個申請組成,佔地面積約11.0平方千米,位於霍桑鎮以東18公里處,充滿礦產的Basin and Range地質省的南緣與富含礦產的Walker Lane走廊相交。這些申請主要可通過道路和短途徒步旅行到達,爲羅密歐公司完全擁有。

For more information, please click here for Romios' website.


Qualified Person


The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by John Biczok, P. Geo., Vice President, Exploration for Romios Gold and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. In addition to his extensive experience with several major mining companies exploring for a wide variety of ore deposit types across Canada and India, Mr. Biczok spent 12 years conducting exploration and research at the Musselwhite gold mine in NW Ontario.

此新聞發佈中的技術信息已經由Romios Gold勘探副總裁John Biczok, P. Geo.審閱並批准,他根據加拿大和印度國家儀器43-101號文件的定義,是一位具有豐富經驗的合格人員。除了在加拿大和印度探索各種礦牀類型方面,與幾家主要礦業公司有過深入的經驗外,Biczok先生還在安大略西北部的Musselwhite金礦進行了爲期12年的勘探和研究。



All samples were submitted to the Standards Council of Canada ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited Bureau Veritas laboratory in Reno, Nevada for assay. As a matter of procedure, a rigorous quality assurance and quality control program was implemented in the form of blanks and Certified Reference Material standards at every 10th position in the sample series. The assay results of these standards and blanks were well within the acceptable ranges.

所有樣品都提交給了加拿大標準委員會ISO/IEC 17025:2017認可的Reno, Nevada Bureau Veritas實驗室進行化驗。作爲程序的一部分,嚴格的質量保證和質量控制方案以空白樣品和認證參考材料的形式在每10個位置的樣品系列中進行。這些標準和空白樣品的化驗結果都遠遠在可接受範圍內。

About Romios Gold Resources Inc.

關於Romios Gold Resources Inc.

Romios Gold Resources Inc. is a progressive Canadian mineral exploration company engaged in precious- and base-metal exploration, focused primarily on gold, copper and silver. It has a 100% interest in the Lundmark-Akow Lake Au-Cu property plus 4 additional claim blocks in northwestern Ontario and extensive claim holdings covering several significant porphyry copper-gold prospects in the "Golden Triangle" of British Columbia. Additional interests include the Kinkaid claims in Nevada covering numerous Au-Ag-Cu workings, and two former producers: the Scossa mine property (Nevada) which is a former high-grade gold producer and the La Corne molybdenum mine property (Quebec). The Company retains an ongoing interest in several properties including a 2% NSR on McEwen Mining's Hislop gold property in Ontario; a 2% NSR on Enduro Metals' Newmont Lake Au-Cu-Ag property in BC, and the Company has signed a definitive agreement with Copperhead Resources Inc. ("Copperhead") whereby Copperhead can acquire a 75% ownership interest in Romios' Red Line Property in BC.

Romios Gold Resources Inc.是一家進取的加拿大礦產勘探公司,主要從事貴金屬和基礎金屬勘探,重點是黃金、銅和白銀。它擁有蘭德馬克-阿克湖Au-Cu礦產權,再加上安大略西北部的4個附屬申請區塊,以及覆蓋不列顛哥倫比亞省「黃金三角」幾個重要的斑岩銅金礦項目。附加利益包括內華達州的金凱德礦權,涵蓋衆多Au-Ag-Cu作業,以及兩個前生產商:斯科薩礦產權(內華達州),它是一個曾經的高品客金生產商,以及拉科恩鉬礦礦產權(魁北克省)。該公司持有多個財產的持續利益,包括在安大略省McEwen Mining的希斯洛普金礦負責2%的淨Sm Eq-NSR;在不列顛哥倫比亞省的Newmont Lake Au-Cu-Ag負責2%的淨NSR,以及該公司已與Copperhead Resources Inc. ("Copperhead")簽署了一份正式協議,根據協議,Copperhead可以獲得Romios在BC省Red Line房地產中75%的所有權。

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For further information, please contact:


Stephen Burega, CEO & President - 647-515-3734 or

Stephen Burega,首席執行官和總裁-647-515-3734或

John Biczok, P. Geo., VP Exploration - 613-410-7877 or

John Biczok,P. Geo.,VP勘探-613-410-7877或

