
Guanajuato Silver Provides Operations Update

Guanajuato Silver Provides Operations Update

Accesswire ·  08/27 19:25

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 27, 2024 / Guanajuato Silver Company Ltd. (the "Company" or "GSilver") (TSXV:GSVR)(OTCQX:GSVRF) is pleased to provide an operations update for several projects at or near the Company's wholly owned mines, including the Topia Mine ("Topia") in Durango, Mexico, the San Ignacio Mine ("San Ignacio") in Guanajuato, Mexico, and the El Horcon Mine project ("Horcon") in Jalisco, Mexico.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024年8月27日/瓜納華託白銀有限公司(「公司」 或 「gSilver」)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GSVR)(OTCQX: GSVRF)很高興提供公司全資礦山或附近的多個項目的運營最新情況,包括墨西哥杜蘭戈的託皮亞礦(「Topia」)、聖伊格納西奧礦(「San」)墨西哥瓜納華託州的伊格納西奧”)和墨西哥哈利斯科州的埃爾霍爾康礦山項目(「Horcon」)。

James Anderson, Chairman and CEO, said, "As our consolidation of the Guanajuato Mining Camp continues in step with the ongoing upgrading at our four producing precious metals mines, we would like to provide our investors with an update on the latest initiatives we are implementing as we continue our rapid path of growing Guanajuato Silver into a mid-tier silver producer."


At the Topia Mine in Durango, the commissioning of a new filter system for silver-gold-lead concentrates has been successfully completed. This new filter system is one of two that will be installed at the mine site; the second concentrator will be for silver-zinc concentrate production. Topia produces concentrates containing silver, gold, lead and zinc through a processing facility that comprises a 260-tonnes-per-day flotation plant; the new concentrate filters will contribute to helping the plant achieve, and potentially exceed, full production capacity, as well as potentially producing higher grade concentrates.

在託皮亞礦山 在杜蘭戈,銀金鉛精礦的新過濾系統的調試已成功完成。這種新的過濾系統是將在礦場安裝的兩個過濾系統之一;第二個濃縮器將用於銀鋅精礦的生產。Topia通過包括每天260噸浮選廠在內的加工設施生產含有銀、金、鉛和鋅的精礦;新的精礦過濾器將有助於幫助該工廠實現甚至可能超過滿負荷生產能力,並有可能生產更高品位的精礦。

James Anderson commented, "We anticipate that when both filters are activated, the result will be a 2% additional increase in both base and precious metal recoveries derived from minimizing wastage due to a lack of filtering capacity. The Company anticipates a rapid pay-back period of this project's roughly US$500,000 expenditure."


Image 1: New Lead Filter Press at Topia

圖片 1:Topia 的新型鉛壓濾機

At the San Ignacio Mine, located approximately 20km from the Company's Cata Processing facility, a new ore sorter, which arrived on site in July, is rapidly approaching the commissioning phase. The NUCTECH MC2000NF Intelligent Mineral Sorting System provides high-tech sorting accuracy, large processing capacity, environmental friendliness, and high reliability through a system that utilizes X-ray and structured light imaging technology to intelligently identify and then separate high-grade silver and gold material. The ore sorter is expected to improve overall efficiencies at San Ignacio, raising the grade of transported material to the Cata mill. The San Ignacio mine accounted for approximately 15% of total silver-equivalent production during Q2, 2024.

在聖伊格納西奧礦一臺新的礦石分揀機距離公司的數據處理設施約20公里,於7月到達現場,正在迅速接近調試階段。NUCTECH MC2000NF 智能礦物分揀系統通過利用 X 射線和結構光成像技術智能識別然後分離高級銀和金材料的系統提供高科技分揀精度、大處理能力、環境友好性和高可靠性。預計礦石分揀機將提高聖伊格納西奧的整體效率,提高運往卡塔工廠的物料的等級。2024年第二季度,聖伊格納西奧礦約佔白銀當量總產量的15%。

James Anderson, said, "Installation of San Ignacio's ore sorter is nearly complete; we estimate that our new ore sorter will provide significant monthly savings to operating costs, and generate an increase in silver-equivalent ounces per annum through improved grade, reduced energy consumption, reduced haulage charges, and increased concentration production capacity."


Image 2: Ore Sorter Install

圖片 2:礦石分揀機安裝

At The Company's Horcon Mine project, located in the state of Jalisco approximately 60km north-west of the Company's Cata processing facility in Guanajuato, the Company has recommenced the processing of surface stockpile material. To date, over 28,000 tonnes of mineralized material has been processed, generating over 125,159* silver-equivalent ounces "AgEq" from mid-November 2023 to June of 2024. In July, the project paused to allow for the further evaluation of additional stockpiles in the area; the processing of low-cost mineralised material from Horcon recommenced in August and is expected to continue through the remainder of the year.

在該公司的霍爾康礦山項目中該公司位於哈利斯科州,位於瓜納華託州的Cata處理設施西北約60公里處,已開始處理地面儲存材料。迄今爲止,已經加工了超過28,000噸的礦化材料,從2023年11月中旬到2024年6月,生產了超過125,159*盎司的銀當量盎司 「AgeQ」。7月,該項目暫停,以便進一步評估該地區的額外庫存;來自Horcon的低成本礦化材料的加工於8月重新開始,預計將持續到今年剩餘時間。

*28,455 tonnes grading 34g/t silver and 1.54g/t gold for 165g/t AgEq / AgEq calculated using an 85.18 ratio of silver to gold; silver recovery was 64.4% and gold recovery was 86.3%.


Additionally, at Horcon the Company has completed an underground sampling program that has mapped and surveyed over 5km of tunnels, adits, and old workings. The Company is now designing an underground drill campaign intended to expand geological knowledge in advance of a decision to potentially restart commercial underground operations at this satellite mine in the future.


Image 3: Horcon surface sampling.

圖 3:Horcon 表面採樣。

Acquired as part of the purchase of Great Panther's Mexican assets (see GSilver's news release dated August 4, 2022 - GSilver Closes Acquisition of Great Panther's Mexican Mining Assets), the El Horcon mining concessions cover 7,908 hectares comprising 17 contiguous mining concessions. The El Horcon mine is a past producer dating back to the 16th century, and many underground workings, tunnels, and access points are known to exist. In 2017, the previous operator established a historical inferred mineral resource that was prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 of 2.0 million silver-equivalent ounces ("AgEq") (see notes to table for silver-equivalent calculations) from 162,140 tonnes grading 3.44g/t gold, 76 g/t silver and 2.69% lead, and 3.79% zinc based on 42 drill holes and 463 underground channel samples (see table and description below - the inferred mineral resource is considered historical in nature).

作爲收購Great Panther墨西哥資產的一部分(見GSilver於2022年8月4日發佈的新聞稿——gSilver完成對Great Panther墨西哥礦業資產的收購),El Horcon的採礦特許權佔地7,908公頃,包括17個連續的採礦特許權。El Horcon 礦過去的礦山可以追溯到 16 世紀,已知存在許多地下作業、隧道和接入點。2017年,該運營商建立了歷史推斷礦產資源,該資源是根據國家儀器43-101製備的200萬白銀當量盎司(「AgeQ」)(參見表中白銀當量計算的註釋),根據42個鑽孔和463個地下河道樣本,從162,140噸黃金品位3.44克/噸、76克/噸鉛和2.69%的鋅等量開始(見下表和描述)推斷出的礦產資源本質上被視爲歷史資源)。

  1. See NI43-101 Technical Report on the Guanajuato Mine Complex Claims and Mineral Resource Estimations for the Guanajuato Mine, San Ignacio Mine and El Horcon and Santa Rosa Projects dated February 20, 2017 with an effective date of August 31, 2016; prepared for Great Panther Silver Limited by Robert Brown, P. Eng. Qualified Person & VP Exploration.

  1. 參見 2017 年 2 月 20 日的 NI43-101 瓜納華託礦山綜合體索賠和礦產資源估算技術報告,即 2017 年 2 月 20 日,生效日期爲 2016 年 8 月 31 日;由工程羅伯特·布朗爲大豹白銀有限公司編寫。合格人員兼探索副總裁。



  1. US$110/tonne NSR Cut-off

  2. Silver equivalent was calculated using a 70.6 to 1 ratio of silver to gold value.

  3. Rock Density for all veins for Diamantillo is 2.77t/m3, San Guillermo 2.78t/m3, Diamantillo HW is 2.62t/m3, Natividad 2.57t/m3.

  4. Totals may not agree due to rounding.

  5. Grades in metric units

  6. Contained silver and gold in troy ounces

  7. Minimum true width 1.5m

  8. Metal Prices $18.00USD/oz silver, and $1,300USD/oz gold, and $0.80USD/lb lead.

  9. Ag eq (g/t) and AgEq (oz) use only Au, Ag, and Pb values.

  1. 110 美元/噸 NSR 截止日期

  2. 白銀當量是使用白銀與黃金價值的70.6比1的比率計算得出的。

  3. 迪亞曼蒂洛所有礦脈的岩石密度爲2.77噸/立方米,聖吉列爾莫爲2.78噸/立方米,Diamantillo HW爲2.62t/m3,納蒂維達德爲2.57t/m3。

  4. 由於四捨五入,總數可能不一致。

  5. 以公制單位表示的等級

  6. 含有以金衡盎司表示的白銀和黃金

  7. 最小真實寬度 1.5m

  8. 金屬價格爲18.00美元/盎司白銀,1300美元/盎司黃金,鉛0.80美元/磅。

  9. Ag eq (g/t) 和 AgeQ (oz) 僅使用 Au、Ag 和 Pb 值。

The El Horcon mineral resource estimate is a historical estimate and the reader is cautioned not to treat them, or any part of them, as a current resource. A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves and the Company is not treating the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves. The mineral resource is taken from a Great Panther technical report dated February 20, 2017. However, based on the assumptions, parameters and methods in the prior technical report, as well as literature and data review the Company considers such estimate to be relevant and reliable and provides an indication of the extent of mineralization identified by previous operators at the El Horcon Mine. To verify the historical mineral resource estimate as a current mineral resource, a qualified person would need to complete database validation, undertake a full review of estimation parameters and procedures, and complete an updated mineral resource estimate and a NI 43-101 technical report incorporating additional production, drilling, sampling and resaying of core completed at El Horcon since February 2017.

El Horcon礦產資源估算是歷史估計,提醒讀者不要將其或其中的任何部分視爲當前資源。合格人員在將歷史估計值歸類爲當前礦產資源或礦產儲量方面做得不夠,公司也沒有將歷史估計值視爲當前的礦產資源或礦產儲量。礦產資源摘自2017年2月20日的《大黑豹》技術報告。但是,根據先前技術報告中的假設、參數和方法,以及文獻和數據審查,該公司認爲此類估計是相關和可靠的,並表明了埃爾霍爾康礦先前運營商確定的礦化程度。要將歷史礦產資源估算值作爲當前礦產資源進行驗證,合格人員需要完成數據庫驗證,對估算參數和程序進行全面審查,並完成最新的礦產資源估算和NI 43-101技術報告,其中包括自2017年2月以來在El Horcon完成的岩心額外生產、鑽探、採樣和再分配。

About Guanajuato Silver
GSilver is a precious metals producer engaged in reactivating past producing silver and gold mines in central Mexico. The Company produces silver and gold concentrates from the El Cubo Mine Complex, Valenciana Mines Complex, and the San Ignacio mine; all three mines are located within the state of Guanajuato, which has an established 480-year mining history. Additionally, the Company produces silver, gold, lead, and zinc concentrates from the Topia mine in northwestern Durango. With four operating mines and three processing facilities, Guanajuato Silver is one of the fastest growing silver producers in Mexico.


Technical Information
Reynaldo Rivera, VP of Exploration of GSilver, has approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release. Mr. Rivera is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM - Registration Number 220979) and a "qualified person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

GSilver勘探副總裁雷納爾多·里維拉已批准本新聞稿中包含的科學和技術信息。里維拉先生是澳大利亞礦業和冶金學會(AusIMM-註冊號220979)的成員,也是國家儀器43-101《礦業項目披露標準》定義的 「合格人士」。



"James Anderson"
Chairman and CEO


For further information regarding Guanajuato Silver Company Ltd., please contact:
JJ Jennex, Gerente de Comunicaciones, T: 604 723 1433

JJ Jennex,Gerente de Comunicaciones,T:604 723 1433

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains certain forward-looking statements and information, which relate to future events or future performance including, but not limited to, ongoing upgrades at the four producing precious metals mines, the rapid path in growing Guanajuato Silver into a mid-tier silver producer, the installation of a second concentrator at Topia, the operating capacity of Topia, the excepted increase in base metal recoveries at Topia, the commissioning of the new ore sorter at San Ignacio and its expected impacts, processing of mineralized material from El Horcon, expectations for a drill campaign at El Horcon, and the Company's status as one of the fastest growing silver producers in Mexico.

本新聞稿包含某些與未來事件或未來業績有關的前瞻性陳述和信息,包括但不限於四個生產貴金屬礦山的持續升級、瓜納華託白銀髮展成爲中級白銀生產商的快速道路、在託皮亞安裝第二座精礦廠、託皮亞的運營能力、託皮亞賤金屬回收率的增加以及聖伊格納西奇新礦石分揀機的投產 o 及其預期影響,來自 El 的礦化材料的加工Horcon,對El Horcon鑽探活動的期望,以及該公司作爲墨西哥增長最快的白銀生產商之一的地位。

Such forward-looking statements and information reflect management's current beliefs and expectations and are based on information currently available to and assumptions made by the Company; which assumptions, while considered reasonable by the Company, are inherently subject to significant operational, business, economic and regulatory uncertainties and contingencies. These assumptions include: our estimates of mineralized material at El Cubo and San Ignacio and the assumptions upon which they are based, including geotechnical and metallurgical characteristics of rock conforming to sampled results and metallurgical performance; available tonnage of mineralized material to be mined and processed; resource grades and recoveries; assumptions and discount rates being appropriately applied to production estimates; the ability of the Company to ramp up processing of mineralized material at Cata at the projected rates and source sufficient high grade mineralized material to fill such processing capacity; prices for silver, gold and other metals remaining as estimated; currency exchange rates remaining as estimated; availability of funds for the Company's projects and to satisfy current liabilities and obligations including debt repayments; capital cost estimates; decommissioning and reclamation estimates; prices for energy inputs, labour, materials, supplies and services (including transportation) and inflation rates remaining as estimated; no labour-related disruptions; no unplanned delays or interruptions in scheduled construction and production; all necessary permits, licenses and regulatory approvals are received in a timely manner; and the ability to comply with environmental, health and safety laws. The foregoing list of assumptions is not exhaustive.


Readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements and information are neither promises nor guarantees, and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause future results, level of activity, production levels, performance or achievements of GSilver to differ materially from those expected including, but not limited to, market conditions, availability of financing, future prices of gold, silver and other metals, currency rate fluctuations, rising inflation and interest rates, actual results of production, exploration and development activities, actual resource grades and recoveries of silver, gold and other metals, availability of third party mineralized material for processing, unanticipated geological or structural formations and characteristics, geopolitical conflicts including wars, environmental risks, operating risks, accidents, labor issues, equipment or personnel delays, delays in obtaining governmental or regulatory approvals and permits, inadequate insurance, and other risks in the mining industry. There are no assurances that GSilver will be able to successfully discover and mine sufficient quantities of high grade mineralized material at El Cubo, VMC, San Ignacio and Topia for processing at its existing mills to increase production, tonnage milled and recoveries rates of gold, silver, and other metals in the amounts, grades, recoveries, costs and timetable anticipated. In addition, GSilver's decision to process mineralized material from El Cubo, VMC, San Ignacio, Topia, El Horcon and its other mines is not based on a feasibility study of mineral reserves demonstrating economic and technical viability and therefore is subject to increased uncertainty and risk of failure, both economically and technically. Mineral resources and mineralized material that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability, are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them, and may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, title, socio-political, marketing, and other relevant issues. There are no assurances that the Company's projected production of silver, gold and other metals will be realized. In addition, there are no assurances that the Company will meet its production forecasts or generate the anticipated cash flows from operations to satisfy its scheduled debt payments or other liabilities when due or meet financial covenants to which the Company is subject or to fund its exploration programs and corporate initiatives as planned. There is also uncertainty about any resurgence of COVID-19, the ongoing war in Ukraine and conflict in Gaza and higher inflation and interest rates and the impact they will have on the Company's operations, supply chains, ability to access mining projects or procure equipment, supplies, contractors and other personnel on a timely basis or at all and economic activity in general. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information. All forward-looking statements and information made in this news release are qualified by these cautionary statements and those in our continuous disclosure filings available on SEDAR at including the Company's annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2023. These forward-looking statements and information are made as of the date hereof and the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances save as required by law.


SOURCE: Guanajuato Silver Company Ltd.


