
Embraer Sells A-29 Super Tucano to the Uruguayan Air Force

Embraer Sells A-29 Super Tucano to the Uruguayan Air Force

Embraer S.A. ·  08/26 12:00

The country will become the sixth operator of the aircraft in South America along with Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Paraguay


Montevideo, Uruguay, August 26, 2024 – Embraer today announced the sale of up to six A-29 Super Tucano aircraft to the Uruguayan Air Force (FAU). The contract, which is part of a fleet renew program to expand FAU's operational capacity, provides for the acquisition of one aircraft plus the commitment to acquire five additional units, with deliveries scheduled from 2025, including mission equipment, integrated logistics services and a flight simulator.


With this order, Uruguay becomes the sixth nation to operate the A-29 Super Tucano in South America along with Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Paraguay. Due to its operational flexibility in the South American region, the aircraft is used for several missions, mainly for control of illegal activities, border monitoring, reconnaissance and advanced training. A regional fleet of more than 160 Super Tucanos operate in the most austere and demanding environments in South America, from the humid and warm Amazon rainforest, the cold regions of southern Chile to the heat of the desert further north, from mountainous regions of Colombia and Ecuador to the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.


"We are honored by the decision of the Uruguayan Air Force, another South American nation to choose the A-29 Super Tucano, an aircraft that is a reference in its segment in the international market. With this acquisition, Uruguay will have differentiated capabilities that will greatly contribute to the surveillance of its borders and increase FAU's operational readiness," said Bosco da Costa Junior, President and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security.

「我們對另一個南美國家烏拉圭空軍決定選擇A-29超級圖卡諾飛機感到榮幸,該飛機在國際市場上是該細分市場的參考飛機。通過此次收購,烏拉圭將擁有差異化的能力,這將極大地促進其邊境監視和提高FAU的作戰準備狀態。」 巴西航空工業國防與安全總裁兼首席執行官Bosco da Costa Junior表示。

"Uruguay seeks to strengthen its airspace surveillance and threat response capabilities, and it does so rely on Brazilian technology, which proposes a very suitable platform for these purposes, such as the A-29 Super Tucanos," Uruguayan Minister of Foreign Affairs Omar Paganini said.


"With this addition, we are taking a great leap forward in improving our defense capabilities and responding to the needs of controlling our territorial sovereignty and fighting crime in all its forms," said Uruguayan Minister of National Defense, Armando Castaingdebat.


"It should be noted that since 1981 our country has not acquired new combat aircraft. It is precisely for this reason that the aforementioned purchase of aircraft will generate great motivation and professional satisfaction within the Air Force," said the Commander in Chief of the Uruguayan Air Force, General Luis H. De León.

「應該指出的是,自1981年以來,我國沒有購買過新的戰鬥機。正是出於這個原因,上述飛機購買將在空軍內部產生極大的動力和職業滿意度。」 烏拉圭空軍總司令路易斯·德萊昂將軍說。

The A-29 Super Tucano is the global leader in its category, boasting over 260 orders, surpassing 570,000 flight hours, with 60,000 of those in combat. The number of air forces operating the A-29 Super Tucano steadily expands due to its unmatched combination of features, making it the most cost-effective, accessible, and versatile choice.

A-29 Super Tucano是同類飛機中的全球領導者,擁有超過260份訂單,超過57萬個飛行小時,其中6萬個正在作戰。由於其無與倫比的功能組合,A-29 Super Tucano的空軍數量穩步增加,使其成爲最具成本效益、最容易使用和用途最廣泛的選擇。

For Air Forces seeking a proven, comprehensive, efficient, reliable, and cost-effective solution on a single platform, coupled with great operational flexibility, the A-29 Super Tucano offers a wide range of missions such as close air support, air patrol, special operations, air interdiction, JTAC, forward air controller (FAC), air and tactical coordinator (TAC), Armed ISR, border surveillance, reconnaissance, air escort, basic, operational and advanced training, transition to air superiority fighters, JTAC/LIFT and FAC training.

對於在單一平台上尋求久經考驗、全面、高效、可靠和具有成本效益的解決方案以及極大的作戰靈活性的空軍來說,A-29 Super Tucano 可提供廣泛的任務,例如近距離空中支援、空中巡邏、空中攔截、JTAC、前方空中控制器 (FAC)、空中和戰術協調員 (TAC)、武裝ISR、邊境監視、偵察、空中護送、基本、作戰和高級訓練,過渡到空中優勢戰鬥機,JTAC/LIFT和FAC訓練。

The A-29 Super Tucano is the most effective multi-mission aircraft in its category, equipped with state-of-the-art technology for precise target identification, weapons systems, and a comprehensive communications suite. Its capability is further enhanced by advanced HMI avionics systems integrated into a robust airframe capable of operating from unpaved runways, in austere environments and without infrastructure. Furthermore, the aircraft has a simple maintenance concept, which offers high levels of reliability, availability, and structural integrity with low life cycle costs.

A-29 Super Tucano是同類飛機中最有效的多任務飛機,配備了用於精確目標識別的最先進技術、武器系統和全面的通信套件。先進的 HMI 航空電子系統集成到堅固的機身中,能夠在未鋪砌的跑道上運行,無需基礎設施即可在簡陋的環境中運行,從而進一步增強了其能力。此外,該飛機具有簡單的維護概念,可提供高水平的可靠性、可用性和結構完整性,同時降低生命週期成本。

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Since its foundation in 1969, Embraer has delivered more than 9,000 aircraft. On average, every 10 seconds, an aircraft manufactured by Embraer takes off from somewhere in the world, transporting more than 145 million passengers annually.


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