
Retirees: 2 Top TSX Dividend Stocks to Buy Now for Steady Income

Retirees: 2 Top TSX Dividend Stocks to Buy Now for Steady Income

The Motley Fool ·  08/27 08:00

Canadian retirees love to receive income from TSX dividend stocks. Why is that? Eligible Canadian dividend income is taxed at lower rates. Let's say you're getting a yield of 5% from interest income and also yielding 5% from a TSX stock generating eligible Canadian dividends. You get to keep more money in your pocket for the latter. That said, investments (such as traditional guaranteed investment certificates and bonds) that provide interest income are typically lower risk than stocks.


Within the world of TSX dividend stocks, retirees can handpick ones that provide the safety and income they need. Here are two of my top picks for steady income today.


Bank of Nova Scotia stock yields 6.5%


Please allow me to be crystal clear here. Bank of Nova Scotia (TSX:BNS), or Scotiabank, stock is not the lowest-risk big Canadian bank stock to own. Its risk is illustrated in its stock price action compared against its peers through the BMO Equal Weight Banks Index ETF below. Although Scotiabank stock offers a larger dividend, the stock (with or without its dividend) has underperformed over the last decade.


BNS and ZEB 10-year stock price and total return data by YCharts

BNS和ZEb 10年股票價格和總回報數據來源:YCharts

Because of its international exposure, the bank's earnings tend to be more cyclical than its peers. This has resulted in the stock being down close to 30% from its high in 2022.


There's not much to lose in the stock if retirees' key focus is steady income. BNS stock offers an attractive dividend yield of close to 6.5%, which is hard to beat. Furthermore, it has price appreciation potential if it were to turn around propelled by an improvement in the economies of the markets it serves, which is primarily Canada and Latin America. In the worst-case scenario, investors get to pocket a large dividend that's covered by earnings.


Brookfield Renewable Corporation offers a 5% dividend

brookfield renewable corp提供5%的股息。

Another stock for retirees to consider parking their money in for long-term dividend income is Brookfield Renewable Corp. (TSX:BEPC). It is economically equivalent to its limited partnership counterpart and pays the same cash distribution. Essentially, Brookfield Renewable has increased its dividend/cash distribution for about 14 consecutive years with a 10-year dividend growth rate of 5.7%. The corporation pays out eligible dividends yielding 5%.

另一隻供退休人士考慮的股票是brookfield renewable corp(TSX:BEPC)。它在經濟上與其有限合夥人相等並支付相同的現金分配。基本上,brookfield renewable連續14年增加其股息/現金分配,10年的股息增長率爲5.7%。該公司支付合格股息,收益率爲5%。

It is a name to particularly like if you're supportive of cleaner energy. Brookfield Renewable's diversified portfolio includes quality assets in hydroelectric, wind, solar, distributed energy, and sustainable solutions across five continents. Going forward, retirees can expect the dividend to increase by at least 5% per year, supported by funds from operations (FFO) growth.

如果您支持清潔能源,這是一個特別喜歡的名稱。brookfield renewable的多元化投資組合包括質量資產在水力、風能、太陽能、分佈式能源和可持續解決方案五大洲。未來,退休人員可以預計每年的股息至少增長5%,並得到來自運營資金的支持。

For example, in the first half of the year, Brookfield Renewable increased its FFO per unit by 5.5% to US$0.96, which equates to a sustainable payout ratio of about 74% in the period. The first investors in Brookfield Renewable are sitting on a yield on cost of about 20%. Imagine earning a return on your initial investment of over 20% every year – which is set to occur as the utility stock continues to increase its dividend!

例如,今年上半年,brookfield renewable將其每單位運營資金增加了5.5%,達到了0.96美元,相當於該時期的可持續支付比率約爲74%。早期投資brookfield renewable的投資者享受着成本收益率約爲20%的收益。想象一下每年在初始投資上獲得超過20%的回報——隨着這隻公用事業股票繼續增加分紅,這種情況將會發生!

With an international portfolio, Brookfield Renewable gets to participate in the multi-decade's long mega trend in renewable energy. And it can make the best global risk-adjusted investments because of its international footprint.

由於其國際業務版圖,brookfield renewable可以參與可再生能源這一數十年的長期大趨勢。而且,由於其國際業務版圖,它可以進行最好的全球風險調整投資。

