
CCL Label Debuts Innovative RFID Solutions at Labelexpo 2024 With Checkpoint Systems

CCL Label Debuts Innovative RFID Solutions at Labelexpo 2024 With Checkpoint Systems

PR Newswire ·  08/27 00:27

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Checkpoint Systems, a global leader in RFID technology and loss prevention solutions, is thrilled to announce its participation in Labelexpo 2024. As part of CCL Label, a global leader in specialty label, security and packaging solutions, this action reinforces our commitment to innovation in the smart labeling market. We invite all attendees to visit us at Booth 5219 and explore our innovative RFID solutions designed to revolutionize multiple industries.

2024年8月26日,費城 /美通社/-- 全球RFID技術和防損解決方案領先者尚德系統很高興宣佈其參加2024年Labelexpo。作爲全球專業標籤、安全和包裝解決方案領導者CCL Label的一部分,此舉進一步證明了我們在智能標籤市場上創新的承諾。我們邀請所有參會者來5219展位參觀並探索我們的創新RFID解決方案,旨在改變多個行業。

Checkpoint Systems and CCL attending Labelexpo Americas 2024

At Labelexpo 2024, Checkpoint Systems will present an extensive selection of RFID labeling options to meet the needs of various industries like retail, supply chain and logistics, service, or food and beverage, among others. These solutions are designed to enhance tracking, improve inventory management, and boost security, driving efficiency and innovation across various operations.


Our exhibit will feature not only RFID labeling but also a suite of solutions that optimize the implementation of RFID labels, like:


  • RFreshID, an RFID Food Waste Solution: Ensures perishable items' extended shelf life and freshness, contributing to food safety and waste reduction.
  • EAS intel for Loss Prevention: Advanced Electronic Article Surveillance systems designed to prevent theft and enhance inventory accuracy.
  • Bottle ID for Liquids, an RFID Bottle Digitalization: Precise identification and tracking technology for liquid products, ensuring quality control and regulatory compliance.
  • RFreshID,一種RFID食品浪費解決方案:確保易腐食品的延長保質期和新鮮度,爲食品安全和減少浪費做出貢獻。
  • EAS Intel防損:先進的電子商品監控系統,旨在防止盜竊和提高庫存準確性。
  • Bottle ID液體RFID數字化:用於液體產品的精確識別和追蹤技術,確保質量控制和合規性。

In addition to our presence at the show, Checkpoint Systems is excited to announce its participation in the AWA & AIPIA Smart Labeling Seminar, co-located with Labelexpo. Louis Parker, RFID Market Development Manager at Checkpoint, will join other industry leaders in the panel discussion titled "Smart and RFID Labels: Challenges and Optimization" on September 9th at 12:00 PM CST. The panel, moderated by Eef de Ferrante, Managing Director at AIPIA, will provide insights on innovations addressing market needs and challenges.

除了參展之外,尚德系統很高興宣佈參加與Labelexpo同地舉辦的AWA & AIPIA智能標籤研討會。尚德市場發展經理Louis Parker將與其他行業領導者一起參加9月9日的主題爲「智能和RFID標籤:挑戰與優化」的小組討論,時間爲中國時間下午12:00。這個小組討論由AIPIA的董事總經理Eef de Ferrante主持,將就滿足市場需求和挑戰的創新提供見解。

As part of the largest label company in the world, Checkpoint Systems aims to provide comprehensive solutions that drive operational efficiency and business growth. This commitment demonstrates our dedication to providing innovative solutions that satisfy our clients' changing needs.

作爲全球最大的標籤公司的一部分,Checkpoint Systems旨在提供全面的解決方案,推動運營效率和業務增長。這一承諾體現了我們致力於提供創新解決方案以滿足客戶不斷變化的需求的決心。

"Labelexpo 2024 is an excellent platform for us to introduce our latest RFID innovations," said Mariano Tudela, Vice President Sales MAS Worldwide at Checkpoint Systems. "Being part of CCL Label enables us to offer a holistic approach to RFID solutions, enhancing the capabilities of customers across various industries. We look forward to engaging with industry professionals and demonstrating the transformative potential of our technologies."

「Labelexpo 2024是我們介紹最新RFID創新的絕佳平台,」Checkpoint Systems副總裁Mariano Tudela在MAS Worldwide表示。「作爲CCL Label的一部分,我們能夠提供綜合的RFID解決方案,增強來自不同行業的客戶的能力。我們期待與行業專業人士互動,並展示我們技術的變革潛力。」

Don't miss the opportunity to discover groundbreaking RFID solutions at Labelexpo 2024. Visit Checkpoint Systems at Booth 5219 from September 10-12 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Chicago. We look forward to welcoming you and exploring how our solutions can elevate your business operations.

不要錯過在Labelexpo 2024發現突破性RFID解決方案的機會。請在9月10日至12日的時間內親臨Chicago Donald E. Stephens Convention Center的Checkpoint Systems 5219展位。我們期待您的光臨,並探討我們的解決方案如何提升您的業務操作。

About Checkpoint Systems, Inc.

關於Checkpoint Systems, Inc.

Checkpoint Systems, a division of CCL Industries, is a global leader in RFID/RF-driven loss prevention, inventory control & traceability, branding, supply chain management and business data intelligence solutions. Its +50 years' expertise are behind its unique combination of cloud-based SaaS, connected hardware, labels and tags offering intelligent solutions that bring clarity and efficiency to companies, from source to shop.

Checkpoint Systems是CCL Industries的一個部門,是RFID/RF驅動的防損、庫存控制和可追溯性、品牌推廣、供應鏈管理和商業數據智能解決方案的全球領先者。憑藉50多年的專業知識,Checkpoint Systems在雲計算的SaaS、連接硬件、標籤和標籤的獨特組合背後提供能夠爲公司提供清晰和高效解決方案的智能解決方案,從源頭到門店。

Checkpoint's range of technological solutions offers retailers and brands - from several markets such as food & beverage, apparel & footwear, general merchandise, health & beauty, supply chain & logistics -among others- a connected approach to profitability and more seamless and engaging shopper experiences.

Checkpoint的一系列技術解決方案爲零售商和品牌 - 包括食品、飲料、服裝、鞋類、日用品、健康和美容、供應鏈和物流等多個市場 - 提供了一個連接的盈利方法和更無縫、更具吸引力的購物體驗。

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About CCL Industries

關於CCL Industries

CCL Industries Inc., a world leader in specialty label and packaging solutions for global corporations, small businesses, and consumers, employs over 25,700 people and operates over 213 production facilities in 43 countries, with corporate offices in Toronto (Canada) and Framingham (Massachusetts). For more information, visit

CCL Industries Inc.是全球領先的專業標籤和包裝解決方案供應商,爲全球企業、中小型企業和消費者提供服務,員工超過25,700人,在43個國家運營超過213個生產設施,在加拿大多倫多和馬薩諸塞州弗雷明翰設有企業辦事處。欲了解更多信息,請訪問

SOURCE Checkpoint Systems, Inc.

資源來源Checkpoint Systems, Inc。

