
OneD Battery Sciences Announces Successful Completion and Commissioning of SINANODE Pilot Manufacturing Plant

OneD Battery Sciences Announces Successful Completion and Commissioning of SINANODE Pilot Manufacturing Plant

OneD Battery Sciences宣佈SINANODE試驗生產廠的成功竣工和投產
PR Newswire ·  08/26 21:00

MOSES LAKE, Wash., Aug. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OneD Battery Sciences ("OneD"), a leading developer of silicon anode materials, today announced the successful completion and commissioning of its SINANODE pilot production line in Moses Lake, Washington. This milestone marks an important step forward in scaling up the production of OneD's SINANODE materials for the global battery market.


SINANODE Pilot Manufacturing Plant in Moses Lake, WA

Over the past 12 months, the SINANODE Pilot construction project progressed through initial hires and start of construction design, to breaking ground in October '23, equipment installation in April '24, and startup and commissioning in July '24. This was achieved through intense collaboration between the OneD team, general contractor, Dahlgren Industrial, and various partners, including Advanced Material Solutions, Meier Architecture • Engineering, Royal HaskoningDHV, Grant County PUD, and CVD Equipment Corporation. Additionally, REC Silicon, our key silane supplier, has inspected and approved our bulk Silane off-loading station, which is critical for safe operation.

過去12個月,SINANODE試製造項目經歷了初次招聘和施工設計開始,到在'23年10月破土動工,'24年4月設備安裝,以及'24年7月啓動和投產。這是在愛文思控股團隊、總承包商Dahlgren Industrial以及包括Advanced Material Solutions、Meier Architecture • Engineering、Royal HaskoningDHV、Grant County PUD和cvd設備公司在內的各合作伙伴之間緊密合作的結果。此外,我們的關鍵偏硅烷供應商REC Silicon已經檢查並批准了我們的大量偏硅烷卸貨站,這對安全操作至關重要。

"Today's milestone showcases the result of excellent teamwork between our Operations team and our general contractor and its many subcontractors, and the training and support provided by the OneD R&D team from our Palo Alto headquarters," said Jan-Marc Luchies, Chief Operating Officer at OneD.

"今天的里程碑展示了我們運營團隊與總承包商及其衆多分包商之間的出色團隊合作成果,以及愛文思控股在我們帕洛阿爾託總部的研發團隊提供的培訓和支持,"愛文思控股首席運營官Jan-Marc Luchies說。

Initial production runs of SINANODE have demonstrated matching performance with the anode materials produced at OneD's R&D facility in Palo Alto, California.


"We have spent many years perfecting the SINANODE process steps to ensure that these steps can be transferred and scaled-up efficiently at other locations. Our customers are demanding that the process parameters that are optimized in Palo Alto can be used to produce larger quantities with documented consistent quality to support the stringent qualification program required by EV cell makers," said Yimin Zhu, Co-Founder, and Chief Technology Officer.

"我們花了多年時間完善SINANODE工藝步驟,以確保這些步驟能夠在其他地點高效轉移和放大。我們的客戶要求我們在帕洛阿爾託優化的工藝參數可以用於生產更大數量的產品,並具有經過記錄的一致質量,以支持電動汽車電芯製造商所要求的嚴格資格認證計劃,"愛文思控股聯合創始人兼首席技術官Yimin Zhu說。

"Customers also want to verify the exceptionally attractive cost structure of our SINANODE process in a manufacturing environment, when applied to several types of EV-grade graphite anode materials from several suppliers. We are now scheduling visits to our Moses Lake plant with customers and partners and collecting data to showcase the key metrics," added Vincent Pluvinage, Co-Founder, and Chief Executive Officer.

「客戶還希望在製造環境中驗證我們SINANODE工藝的異常具有吸引力的成本結構,以及應用於多種供應商提供的多種EV級石墨負極材料。我們現在正在安排客戶和合作夥伴到我們的Moses Lake工廠參觀,並收集數據展示關鍵指標,」文森特·普魯維納吉(Vincent Pluvinage)首席執行官兼聯合創始人補充道。

More details of OneD Battery Sciences and SINANODE Pilot Program can be found here.

有關OneD Battery Sciences和SINANODE Pilot Program的更多詳情,請在此處查閱。

About OneD Battery Sciences

關於OneD Battery Sciences

OneD Battery Sciences is the developer of the SINANODE technology platform, the breakthrough technology that successfully adds nano-silicon to various carbon substrates, including artificial and natural graphite anode materials from EV-qualified suppliers. This increases the energy density & lowers the cost of EV batteries, enabling more affordable, longer range & faster charging EVs. Thanks to 15 years of innovations under Dr. Zhu's leadership, OneD can now leverage its extensive portfolio of over 220 issued patents worldwide, to license its battery supply chain partners and protect their investments in large-scale production facilities with an unrivaled IP freedom to operate. In September 2022, GM Ventures publicly announced an investment in OneD's series C financing, along with Volta Energy, a venture capital firm with deep expertise in material sciences and battery technologies.

OneD Battery Sciences是SINANODE技術平台的開發者,這是一項突破性技術,成功將納米硅添加到各種碳基基底中,包括來自符合EV標準供應商的人工和天然石墨負極材料。這提高了EV電池的能量密度和降低了成本,使更加實惠、續航更長、充電更快的EV成爲可能。多年的創新領導下,OneD現在可以藉助其在全球範圍內超過220項已授權專利的廣泛組合,爲其電池供應鏈合作伙伴提供許可,並保護他們對大規模生產設施的投資,擁有無與倫比的知識產權自由操作。 2022年9月,Gm Ventures公開宣佈投資OneD的C輪融資,並與Volta Energy合作,後者是一家在材料科學和電池技術方面具有深厚專業知識的風險投資公司。

SOURCE OneD Battery Sciences

消息來源:OneD Battery Sciences

