
硅宝科技(300019)公司信息更新报告:Q2业绩环比改善 嘉好股份自2024年7月并表

Silicon Bao Technology (300019) Company Information Update Report: Q2 performance improved month-on-month, Jiahao shares merged since July 2024

開源證券 ·  Aug 26, 2024 20:06

Q2 Performance improved month-on-month, and steadily promoted capacity construction and investment mergers and acquisitions to help achieve the 10 billion output value target

The company released its 2024 mid-year report, achieving revenue of 1.158 billion yuan, -2.95% YoY; net profit to mother of 0.102 billion yuan, -23.12% YoY; deducted non-net profit of 0.093 billion yuan, or -29.25% YoY. Among them, Q2 achieved revenue of 0.684 billion yuan, +3.17% YoY, +44.14%; net profit to mother of 0.062 billion yuan, -20.33% YoY and +53.47% month-on-month; deducted non-net profit of 0.054 billion yuan, or -30.53% YoY and +42.37% month-on-month. Q2 Performance improved month-on-month. Considering that the continued low price of raw silicone DMC is dragging down revenue and gross margin year-on-year pressure on sealant prices, we lowered our 2024-2026 profit forecast. The company's net profit for 2024-2026 is 3.23 (-0.96), 4.31 (-1.08), and 5.03 (-1.64 billion) yuan (-1.64 billion) yuan, respectively. The corresponding EPS is 0.83, 1.10, and 1.29 yuan/share. The current stock price is 12.9, 9.6, and 8.3 times PE. We are optimistic that the company will steadily advance investment and mergers and acquisitions, strive to achieve the target output value of 10 billion dollars in the third decade of its establishment, and maintain a “buy” rating.

Low raw material prices dragged down product prices, and industrial rubber sales increased year-on-year. Jiahao Co., Ltd. merged since July

According to Wind data, the price of silicone DMC has declined quarterly since 2024. The average price for H1 is 14,635 yuan/ton, and the average price for Q3 (as of August 25) is 13,477 yuan/ton. Continued low prices of major raw materials and increased market competition have dragged down the sales price of sealant products. By business, 2024H1 construction glue and industrial glue generated revenue of 0.699, 0.341 billion yuan, -9.77%, +16.50%; gross profit margin was 22.02%, 28.77%, -3.06, +1.17pcts; sales volume of construction glue remained basically flat year on year, and market share increased steadily; sales volume of industrial rubber was +29% year over year, of which photovoltaic glue, electronic and electrical glue, and automotive glue achieved revenue of 0.111, 0.17, 0.032 billion yuan, respectively -0.98% and +35.49 %, +45.30%; revenue of silane coupling agents was 0.113 billion yuan, +13.22% year-on-year. In terms of profitability, 2024H1's gross sales margin and net margin were 22.45% and 8.78%, respectively, compared with the 2023 annual report of -2.81 pcts and -3.32 pcts, respectively. In terms of investment projects, the company has now formed a production capacity of 0.21 million tons/year of silicone materials; SiBao New Energy's 0.05 million tons/year silicon-carbon anode material and special adhesive project for lithium batteries has completed infrastructure construction and is undergoing equipment installation and commissioning; in July 2024, the first settlement of the company completed the acquisition of 100% of Jiahao shares began. The net profit promised by Jiahao Co., Ltd. for 2024-2026 should not be less than 42, 43.5, and 45 million yuan, respectively. We are optimistic that the company will promote project construction investment in an orderly manner around the new materials industry, have sufficient growth momentum, and make steady progress towards the 10 billion output value target.

Risk warning: Investment mergers and acquisitions have fallen short of expectations, fluctuating raw material and product prices, policies falling short of expectations, etc.

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