
Reported Friday, CSX Secures Tentative Five-Year Labor Agreements With Seven Additional Unions, Enhancing Wages And Benefits For Railroad Workers

Reported Friday, CSX Secures Tentative Five-Year Labor Agreements With Seven Additional Unions, Enhancing Wages And Benefits For Railroad Workers

Benzinga ·  08/26 14:34
These agreements cover the following groups:
  • The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (BMWED), covering maintenance of way employees;
  • The International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers (IAM) covering machinists and roadway mechanics.
  • The International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers – Transportation Division (SMART-TD), covering the yardmasters;
  • The Brotherhood of Railway Carmen (BRC) covering carmen at the Fruit Growers Express Company subsidiary of CSX;
  • The Transportation Communications Union (TCU) covering the clerical craft at Fruit Growers Express;
  • The American Railway and Airway Supervisors' Association (ARASA) covering mechanical department supervisors; and
  • The B&O Joint Council (BOJC) covering mechanical department foremen/supervisors.
  • 國際車隊工人兄弟會維修部(BMWED)涵蓋維修部門員工;
  • 國際機械師和航空工人協會(IAM)涵蓋機械師和道路機械師;
  • 國際鈑金、空調、鐵路和運輸工人協會-運輸部(SMARt-TD)涵蓋場引導員;
  • 鐵路車輛工會(BRC)涵蓋CSX旗下的果品運輸公司的車輛員工;
  • 運輸通訊工會(TCU)涵蓋果品運輸公司的文員工種;
  • 美國鐵路和航空督導協會(ARASA)涵蓋機械部門督察。
  • B&O聯合會議(BOJC)涵蓋機械部門領班/監工。

