
T7 Global Secures Military Contract Worth RM74.6 Million From MINDEF

T7 Global Secures Military Contract Worth RM74.6 Million From MINDEF

Business Today ·  08/26 13:32

T7 Global Berhad announced that its subsidiary, T7 Kemuncak Sdn Bhd has secured a letter of award worth RM74.6 million from Ministry of Defence Malaysia.

T7 Global Berhad宣佈,其子公司T7 Kemuncak Sdn Bhd已從馬來西亞國防部獲得了一份價值7460萬令吉的獎勵信。

Under the contract terms, T7 Global will be responsible for supplying, delivering, testing and commissioning airfield surveillance radar system, communication system, and associated air traffic management system equipment to the Royal Malaysian Air Force ("RMAF") and Government of Malaysia. The contract is for 5 years, from 5 August 2024 to 4 August 2029.

根據合同條款,T7 Global將負責向馬來西亞皇家空軍(「RMAF」)和馬來西亞政府供應、交付、測試和調試機場監視雷達系統、通信系統和相關的空中交通管理系統設備。該合同爲期五年,從 2024 年 8 月 5 日到 2029 年 8 月 4 日。

T7 Global Group Chief Executive Officer Tan Kay Zhuin's Statement: – "We are pleased to announce this award for the Group, marking another significant achievement for our Industrial Solutions division. This showcases our capability to come up with an integrated solution for RMAF, which includes a high-performance air surveillance radar system to ensure continued safety, reliability and enhanced efficiency of RMAF's airfield surveillance capability. This system will provide advanced situational awareness for RMAF's air traffic controllers and optimises its airspace management. With this award, we stay committed to diversify our income stream and support sustainable growth for the Group."

T7 環球集團首席執行官陳凱準的聲明:— 「我們很高興地宣佈該集團獲得這一獎項,這標誌着我們工業解決方案部門的又一項重大成就。這表明我們有能力爲RMAF提供集成解決方案,其中包括高性能空中監視雷達系統,可確保RMAF機場監視能力的持續安全性、可靠性和效率的提高。該系統將爲RMAF的空中交通管制員提供先進的態勢感知,並優化其空域管理。憑藉該獎項,我們將繼續致力於實現收入來源的多元化並支持集團的可持續增長。」

