
JAS Jet Air Service S.p.A., a JAS Worldwide Group Company Leader in International Shipping, Announces the Acquisition of Setoa S.p.A.

JAS Jet Air Service S.p.A., a JAS Worldwide Group Company Leader in International Shipping, Announces the Acquisition of Setoa S.p.A.

JAS航空服務有限責任公司,JAS Worldwide集團公司的領導者,國際航運的主要供應商,宣佈收購Setoa有限責任公司。
PR Newswire ·  08/23 22:02

ATLANTA, Aug. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- JAS is thrilled to welcome Setoa S.p.A., which officially joined the group on July 10.

JAS非常高興歡迎Setoa S.p.A.,它於7月10日正式加入集團。

With the acquisition of Setoa S.p.A., JAS further expands its business into new markets, adding West Africa in particular among the territories now covered directly by its services. Thanks to Setoa's entry into the group, JAS's offer now expands to Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Ghana, Gabon, Congo, Mali and Burkina Faso.

通過收購Setoa S.p.A.,JAS進一步將業務擴展到新的市場,特別是將西非納入其直接服務的領域。由於Setoa加入集團,JAS的服務範圍現在擴展到塞內加爾、科特迪瓦、喀麥隆、加納、加蓬、剛果、馬裏和布基納法索等地。

"This acquisition represents an important step in our growth strategy and I am confident that it will create new synergies that will better meet the needs of our customers with an advanced range of logistics solutions expanding our global footprint with these new markets," said Leonardo Baldi, Regional Vice President and CEO of JAS Italy.

「這次收購代表着我們增長策略的重要一步,我相信它將創造新的協同效應,通過拓展我們的全球物流解決方案,更好地滿足客戶的需求,並在這些新市場擴大我們的全球業務版圖,」JAS意大利區域副總裁兼首席執行官Leonardo Baldi說道。

Since 1997, Setoa has boasted considerable experience in a complex market such as the African one and can offer a highly customized service to customers. Its expertise gained over almost thirty years in this niche market, combined with JAS's experience and vast worldwide network, will contribute to enriching the offer to customers with complete and innovative solutions.


"The acquisition of Setoa Italia S.p.A. by the JAS Group marks an important evolution in the expansion and strengthening of our global capabilities," said Massimo Boccadelli, CEO of Setoa Italia S.p.A. "This combination will allow us to offer our customers an even wider range of innovative services and solutions, consolidating our leadership in the international shipping sector in West Africa. The collaboration between Setoa and JAS will redefine the market standards in Africa, opening up new prospects for growth and success worldwide."

「JAS集團收購Setoa Italia S.p.A.標誌着我們全球能力擴展和增強的重要發展,」Setoa Italia S.p.A.的首席執行官Massimo Boccadelli表示。「這一組合將使我們能夠向客戶提供更廣泛的創新服務和解決方案,鞏固我們在西非國際航運領域的領導地位。Setoa與JAS之間的合作將重新定義非洲市場標準,爲全球的增長和成功帶來新的前景。」

About JAS Worldwide


JAS Worldwide, a global leader in logistics and supply chain solutions, was founded in Milan, Italy in 1978. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia and supported by 7,000+ team members in more than 100 countries, it focuses on creating solutions that are innovative, sustainable, and unique to each customer's needs. At the heart of its success is its people, who are committed to delivering customer value. As a privately owned company, JAS maintains a steadfast commitment to creating opportunities for our communities, customers, and colleagues to thrive. Together.


SOURCE JAS Forwarding Inc.

源自JAS Forwarding Inc。

