
American Rebel Light Beer Enters Full Production to Satisfy Customer Demand in Multiple States

American Rebel Light Beer Enters Full Production to Satisfy Customer Demand in Multiple States

American Rebel Light Beer正式投產,滿足多州顧客的需求
GlobeNewswire ·  08/23 20:00

American Rebel Holdings, Inc


Nashville, TN, Aug.  23, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- American Rebel Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: AREB) ("American Rebel" or the "Company"), the creator of American Rebel Beer (), and branded safes, personal security and self-defense products and apparel, announced initial production of American Rebel Light 12oz and "Tall Boy" cans for distribution. American Rebel Light Beer is a premium domestic light lager.

田納西州納什維爾,2024年8月23日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——American Rebel Beer()以及品牌保險箱、人身安全和自衛產品及服裝的創造者美國反叛控股公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AREB)(「American Rebel」 或 「公司」)宣佈初步生產美國Rebel Light12盎司和 「Tall Boy」 罐頭以供分銷。American Rebel 淡啤酒是一款優質的國產淡啤酒。

Batches of American Rebel Light Beer are currently "In the Tank" and on schedule. The Company is taking initial stocking orders from distributors Best Brands in Tennessee and Dichello in Connecticut. Reorders are being aggregated for Ohio's Bonbright and Kansas's Standard Beverage. Initial production of American Rebel Light is scheduled to be available to our distributors' customers right after Labor Day.

目前,一批美國Rebel淡啤酒正按計劃在 「坦克中」。該公司正在接受來自田納西州Best Brands和康涅狄格州Dichello的分銷商的初始庫存訂單。正在彙總俄亥俄州的邦布賴特和堪薩斯州的標準飲料的再訂單。American Rebel Light的初始生產計劃在勞動節之後立即向分銷商的客戶上市。

"American Rebel Light is coming to a store near you. Production of our non-craft light beer is a crucial step in the evolution of the American Rebel brand, and I'm happy to announce that we are on schedule," said Andy Ross, Chief Executive Officer of American Rebel. "Feedback on our initial test run has been positive with appearances at events like the Country Stampede in the Kansas City suburb of Bonner Springs, KS. Our beer is poised and ready to take market share nationwide as we continue to enter new distribution agreements."

「美國反叛之光即將來到你附近的一家商店。我們的非精釀淡啤酒的生產是美國Rebel品牌發展的關鍵一步,我很高興地宣佈,我們正在按計劃生產。」 American Rebel首席執行官安迪·羅斯說。「在堪薩斯州堪薩斯城郊區邦納斯普林斯舉行的鄉村狂歡節等活動中,我們首次試車的反饋是積極的。隨着我們繼續簽訂新的分銷協議,我們的啤酒已準備就緒,準備在全國範圍內佔據市場份額。」

American Rebel Light is produced in partnership with AlcSource, the largest integrated provider of beverage development, sourcing, and production solutions in the U.S.

American Rebel Light是與美國最大的飲料開發、採購和生產解決方案綜合提供商AlcSource合作生產的。

"I am very proud of our incredible distributors we've contracted with so far," said Andy Ross. "For the entire state of Kansas, we've contracted with Standard Beverage Corporation (), a leading beverage distributor in Kansas for 75 years. Standard Beverage has already placed American Rebel Light Lager into nearly 200 retail locations, including grocery store chains Price Chopper and Hen House, a few 7-11s and many independent convenience and liquor stores."

安迪·羅斯說:「我爲我們迄今爲止與之簽訂的合同令人難以置信的分銷商感到非常自豪。」「對於整個堪薩斯州,我們與堪薩斯州領先的飲料分銷商標準飲料公司()簽訂了爲期75年的合同。標準飲料已經將American Rebel Light Lager投放到近200個零售地點,包括連鎖雜貨店Price Chopper和Hen House、幾家7-11商店以及許多獨立的便利店和酒類商店。」

Bonbright Distributors (), a Miller/Coors house, has already launched American Rebel Light Lager at Tony Stewart's Eldora Speedway () and the surrounding area and will expand throughout their entire 9-county territory in west central Ohio in September. The Rebel Light launch at Eldora Speedway was a massive success, topped off by a great post-race concert by American Rebel CEO Andy Ross that was such a hit that the track has asked Andy and band back to perform later this summer. The track supported the Rebel Light launch with a billboard ad and live messages on the scoreboard promoting America's Patriotic Beer. The "World's Greatest Dirt Track" and American Rebel Light Beer are a perfect match and race attendees will enjoy Rebel Light all season long.

Miller/Coors旗下的Bonbright Distributors () 已經在託尼·斯圖爾特的埃爾多拉賽車場 () 及周邊地區推出了American Rebel Light Light Lager,並將於9月在俄亥俄州中西部的整個9個縣的領土上擴張。Rebel Light在Eldora Speedway的發佈取得了巨大成功,最重要的是美國Rebel首席執行官安迪·羅斯舉辦了一場精彩的賽後音樂會,這場音樂會非常受歡迎,以至於該曲目要求安迪和樂隊在今年夏天晚些時候回來演出。該曲目通過廣告牌廣告和記分牌上的實時消息來支持Rebel Light的發行,宣傳美國的愛國啤酒。「世界上最棒的泥土賽道」 和美國 Rebel Light Beer 是完美的搭配,參賽者將在整個賽季中盡情享受 Rebel Light。

A major force in the state of Tennessee, Best Brands () will launch American Rebel Light Lager in Tennessee right after Labor Day; and has already secured commitments from some of the largest bars in the Nashville Entertainment district. Nashville's Broadway district is reported to sell more alcohol per square mile than anywhere else in the world; and it is an amazing accomplishment to get commitments to sell a brand-new beer in this high-volume area.

作爲田納西州的主要力量,Best Brands () 將在勞動節之後立即在田納西州推出American Rebel Light Light Light Lager;並且已經獲得了納什維爾娛樂區一些最大的酒吧的承諾。據報道,納什維爾的百老匯區每平方英里的酒精銷量比世界上其他任何地方都要高;獲得承諾在這個高產量地區出售全新啤酒是一項了不起的成就。

Dichello Distributors (, an Anheuser-Busch house, will launch American Rebel Light Lager in 4 counties in Connecticut in September. They are excited to replace some of their lost business with our beer and they are also opening doors for us with other distributors throughout the AB network in other states. Andy Ross will perform at a northeast American Rebel launch party for onboarding distributors and on-premise and off-premise key accounts at the world-famous Toad's Place October 10. Toad's Place is an historic venue that has hosted many of the world's most well-known acts, including the Rolling Stones.

安海斯-布希旗下的Dichello分銷商(將於9月在康涅狄格州的4個縣推出American Rebel Light Light Light Lager。他們很高興能用我們的啤酒來取代部分失去的業務,他們還爲我們與其他州Ab網絡中的其他分銷商敞開了大門。安迪·羅斯將於10月10日在舉世聞名的Toad's Place爲新手分銷商以及本地和場外關鍵客戶舉辦的美國東北部Rebel發佈會上演出。Toad's Place是一個歷史悠久的場所,曾舉辦過許多世界上最著名的演出,包括滾石樂隊。

"It shows you the power of the brand that we are able to contract with the best distributors in the country," said Andy Ross. "It is evidence that America is ready to celebrate America's Patriotic, God-Fearing, Constitution-Loving, National Anthem-Singing, Stand Your Ground Beer. We expect beer sales to be approximately $1 million for 2024 and ramp up quickly in 2025. We look forward to announcing more of our ongoing expansion very soon."

安迪·羅斯說:「它向你展示了我們能夠與全國最好的分銷商簽訂合同的品牌力量。」「這證明美國已經準備好慶祝美國的愛國、敬畏上帝、熱愛憲法、唱國歌、Stand Your Ground Beer。我們預計,2024年的啤酒銷售額將達到約100萬美元,並將在2025年迅速增長。我們期待很快宣佈更多正在進行的擴張。」

For an updated list of locations featuring American Rebel Light, visit:


About American Rebel Holdings, Inc.


American Rebel Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: AREB) has operated primarily as a designer, manufacturer and marketer of branded safes and personal security and self-defense products and has recently transitioned into the beverage industry through the introduction of American Rebel Beer. The Company also designs and produces branded apparel and accessories. To learn more, visit  and . For investor information, visit .

American Rebel Holdings, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:AREB)主要是品牌保險箱以及人身安全和自衛產品的設計、製造商和營銷商,最近通過推出American Rebel Beer進入飲料行業。該公司還設計和生產品牌服裝和配飾。要了解更多信息,請訪問和。有關投資者信息,請訪問。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. American Rebel Holdings, Inc., (NASDAQ: AREB; AREBW) (the "Company," "American Rebel," "we," "our" or "us") desires to take advantage of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and is including this cautionary statement in connection with this safe harbor legislation. The words "forecasts" "believe," "may," "estimate," "continue," "anticipate," "intend," "should," "plan," "could," "target," "potential," "is likely," "expect" and similar expressions, as they relate to us, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. We have based these forward-looking statements primarily on our current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that we believe may affect our financial condition, results of operations, business strategy, and financial needs. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ from those in the forward-looking statements include continued increase in revenues, actual receipt of funds under the Reg A Offering, effects of the offering on the trading price of our securities, implied or perceived benefits resulting from the receipt of funds from the offering, actual launch timing and availability of American Rebel Beer, our ability to effectively execute our business plan, and the Risk Factors contained within our filings with the SEC, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. Any forward-looking statement made by us herein speaks only as of the date on which it is made. Factors or events that could cause our actual results to differ may emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for us to predict all of them. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as may be required by law.

本新聞稿包含1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的前瞻性陳述。American Rebel Holdings, Inc.,(納斯達克股票代碼:AREB;AREBW)(「公司」、「American Rebel」、「我們」、「我們的」 或 「我們」)希望利用1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》的安全港條款,並將這份與該安全港立法有關的警示性聲明包括在內。「預測」、「相信」、「可能」、「估計」、「繼續」、「預測」、「打算」、「應該」、「計劃」、「可能」、「目標」、「潛在」、「可能」、「可能」、「可能」、「預期」 等詞語以及與我們相關的類似表述旨在識別前瞻性陳述。我們的這些前瞻性陳述主要基於我們當前對未來事件和財務趨勢的預期和預測,我們認爲這些事件和財務趨勢可能會影響我們的財務狀況、經營業績、業務戰略和財務需求。可能導致實際業績與前瞻性陳述不同的重要因素包括收入的持續增長、Reg A發行下的資金的實際收益、本次發行對我們證券交易價格的影響、從發行中獲得資金所產生的隱含或預期收益、American Rebel Beer的實際發佈時間和上市時間、我們有效執行業務計劃的能力以及我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中包含的風險因素,包括我們的年度報告表格 10-K截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日的財年。我們在此發表的任何前瞻性陳述僅代表其發表之日。可能導致我們實際結果不同的因素或事件可能會不時出現,因此我們無法預測所有因素或事件。除非法律要求,否則我們沒有義務公開更新任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來發展還是其他原因。

Company Contact:


Investor Relations:
Brian Prenoveau
MZ North America
+1 (561) 489-5315

MZ 北美
+1 (561) 489-5315



  • American Rebel Holdings, Inc

  • 美國反叛控股有限公司

