
Marco Polo Marine's Gross Profit up 2.6% to $14.6m in Q3

Marco Polo Marine's Gross Profit up 2.6% to $14.6m in Q3

Singapore Business Review ·  08/23 12:28

This was despite a 4.6% decline in revenue.


Marco Polo Marine has reported a gross profit of $14.6m in the third quarter of fiscal year 2024, which was 2.6% higher compared to the $14.2m in the same period last year.


In a regulatory filing, the company said an increase was recorded despite lower revenue, which was down 4.6% to $34.9m in Q3.


"The decline was due to lower revenue from its Shipyard segment, where one of its three dry docks was fully utilised for the construction of its commissioning service operation vessel [CSOV] and was unavailable to take on third-party jobs,"

「下降是由於其造船廠板塊的收入減少,其三個幹船塢中的一個已完全用於建造其調試服務運營船 [CSOV],無法從事第三方工作,」

The Ship Chartering segment performed well despite a 6.0 ppt year-on-year decline in average fleet utilisation rates to 86% in Q3. Higher charter rates for Offshore Support Vessels and asset-light rechartering boosted the segment's performance.


Meanwhile, the Shipyard segment saw higher utilisation ay 96% but lower revenue due to CSOV construction.


The delivery of the CSOV will be delayed by approximately four months. This may activate the liquidated damages clause from the Charter contract signed between Vestas Taiwan Co., Ltd and the Group's Taiwan-based subsidiary, PKR Offshore Co., Ltd., Marco Polo Marine said.

CSOV 的交付將推遲大約四個月。馬可波羅海事表示,這可能會激活維斯塔斯臺灣有限公司與該集團在臺灣的子公司PKR海上有限公司簽署的憲章合同中的違約賠償金條款。

The company does not anticipate this to have a material impact on its net profit attributable to owners for the financial year ending 30 September 2024.


"We are encouraged by the strong performance in our ship chartering segment, driven by higher charter rates and favourable market conditions. Increasing global investments in clean energy, particularly in offshore wind, will provide strong revenue visibility for our newly constructed CSOV in the coming years," said Marco Polo Marine CEO Sean Lee.

「在更高的租船費率和有利的市場條件的推動下,我們的船舶租賃領域的強勁表現令我們感到鼓舞。增加對清潔能源,尤其是海上風能的全球投資,將在未來幾年爲我們新建的CSOV提供良好的收入可見度。」 馬可波羅海事首席執行官肖恩·李說。

The company commenced the construction of its fourth dry dock in May 2024. This is expected to be completed in February 2025 and the addition of Dry Dock 4 is expected to contribute to the group's revenue and profits by the second quarter of fiscal year 2025.


