
Splash Beverage Group, Inc. (SBEV) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Splash Beverage Group, Inc. (SBEV) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

富途資訊 ·  08/23 12:17  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Splash Beverage Group, Inc. (SBEV) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Splash Beverage Group, Inc. (SBEV) 2024年第二季度業績會交流摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Reported revenue of $1.05 million for Q2, significantly down from $5 million in the previous quarter.

  • Net loss of $5.3 million, or $0.11 per share, compared with a loss of 13% in Q2 2023.

  • Gross margin improved from 11% in Q1 to 23% in Q3, positively impacted by lower raw material costs. Despite limited liquidity, SG&A spending decreased by 9% from Q1 and 52% from Q2 of last year.

  • EBITDA for the period was a loss of $2.6 million, an improvement of $300,000 from Q2 and half the loss of Q2 2023.

  • Q2報告的營業收入爲105萬美元,較上一季度的500萬美元大幅下降。

  • 淨虧損爲530萬美元,每股虧損0.11美元,相比於2023年Q2的虧損率13%。

  • 毛利率從Q1的11%提高到Q3的23%,受到原材料成本降低的積極影響。儘管流動性有限,SG&A支出相比於去年Q1下降了9%,相比於去年Q2下降了52%。

  • 該時期的EBITDA虧損爲260萬美元,相比於Q2增加了30萬美元,虧損額爲2023年Q2的一半。

Business Progress:


  • Despite inventory funding challenges, significant authorization expansions for Copa de Vino and Pulpoloco across multiple states and major retailers.

  • Successful product launches and tests in key outlets like Walmart and Walgreens.

  • Continued focus on efficient distribution networks and national marketing efforts.

  • 儘管面臨庫存資金挑戰,Copa de Vino和Pulpoloco在多個州和大型零售商獲得了重要授權擴展。

  • 在沃爾瑪和沃爾格林等主要銷售網點成功推出和測試了產品。

  • 繼續專注於有效的分銷網絡和全國性市場活動。



  • Plans for launching e-commerce platform Qplash aiming for significant sales in 2025.

  • Pulpoloco's expansion to Sea World parks and other entertainment venues, and Copa de Vino's expansion into convenience stores across several states.

  • Strategic investment in building our team and focusing on an aggressive merger and acquisition strategy, leveraging capital structure improvements.

  • 計劃在2025年推出電子商務平台Qplash,旨在實現顯著銷售額。

  • Pulpoloco擴張到海洋世界公園和其他娛樂場所,Copa de Vino則進入多個州的便利店。

  • 戰略性投資於團隊建設,並專注於激進的併購策略,利用資本結構的改進。



  • The sharp decline in revenue primarily due to liquidity constraints affecting inventory procurement.

  • Dependency on strategic financing to alleviate liquidity concerns and fund operations, which if not managed, could affect further scalability.

  • 營業收入急劇下降,主要是由於流動性限制影響了庫存採購。

  • 依賴戰略融資來緩解流動性問題和資金運作,如果管理不善,可能會影響進一步的可擴展性。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


