
Legend Power Systems Reports Q3 F2024 Financial Results

Legend Power Systems Reports Q3 F2024 Financial Results

Legend Power Systems報告F2024財務業績-Q3
newsfile ·  08/23 08:00

Conference Call Scheduled for August 23, 2024 at 11am EST


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 22, 2024) - Legend Power Systems Inc. (TSXV: LPS) (OTCQB: LPSIF) ("Legend Power" or the "Company"), a global leader in commercial electrical system solutions, reports its financial results for the three months ended June 30, 2024 ("Q3 F2024"). The Company has also scheduled a conference call to provide a business update to discuss its Q3 F2024 financial results tomorrow at 11:00 AM ET (8:00 AM PT) (details below). The call will be hosted by Randy Buchamer, President & Chief Executive Officer. A complete set of Financial Statements and Management's Discussion & Analysis has been filed at . All dollar figures are quoted in Canadian dollars.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞州-(新聞稿公司-2024年8月22日)-傳奇電力系統公司(TSXV:LPS)(OTCQB:LPSIF)(「傳奇電力」或「公司」)是商業電氣系統解決方案的全球領導者,報告了截至2024年6月30日(「Q3 F2024」)的三個月財務業績。公司還安排了一場電話會議,以提供業務更新並討論其Q3 F2024財務業績明天上午11:00點 (東部標準時間) (下方有詳細信息)。本次會議將由董事長兼首席執行官Randy Buchamer主持。一套完整的財務報表和管理討論與分析已被提交。所有金額均以加元計算。

Q3 F2024 Highlights

Q3 F2024亮點

  • Revenue of $1.04 million versus $470 thousand in Q3 F2023
  • Adjusted EBITDA loss of $392 thousand versus a $884 thousand loss in Q3 F2023
  • Net loss of $482 thousand versus a $1.02 million loss in Q3 F2023
  • Cash of $806 thousand, no debt, and $1.5 million in working capital at June 30, 2024
  • 2023年Q3營業收入爲104萬美元,而2023年Q3爲47萬美元
  • 調整後的EBITDA虧損爲39.2萬美元,而2023年Q3虧損爲88.4萬美元
  • 淨虧損爲48.2萬美元,2023年Q3虧損爲102萬美元
  • 2024年6月30日現金爲80.6萬美元,無債務,並有150萬美元的運營資本

"The third quarter of fiscal 2024 illustrated several key milestones we have been talking about over the last few quarters," said Randy Buchamer, Legend Power Systems CEO. "These include, gross margin improvement to 50% illustrating the power of our financial model, initial orders and deliveries of our Gen3 systems and an LOI for another $3 million from the DOD, bringing order visibility to $5.5 million over the last few quarters. As we work to close additional deals, our pipeline continues to grow. We continue to manage our cash carefully and expect that with deposits and working capital we have the funds necessary to execute on our business model. I look forward to being able to update investors as additional deals are finalized in the coming quarters."

「2024財年第三季度展示了我們過去幾個季度一直在談論的幾個關鍵里程碑,」傳奇電力系統首席執行官Randy Buchamer說道。「這些里程碑包括毛利率的提高達到50%,展示了我們的財務模型的強大力量,我們的Gen3系統的首次訂單和交付,以及從美國國防部(DoD)獲得的300萬美元的意向書,使我們過去幾個季度的訂單可見性增加到550萬美元。隨着我們努力達成更多交易,我們的銷售渠道繼續增長。我們繼續謹慎管理現金,並期望憑藉存款和運營資本,我們具備執行我們的商業模式所需的資金。在接下來的幾個季度中,我期待能夠向投資者更新更多交易的最新情況。」

Q3 F2024 Operational Highlights


  • Progress continues with the City of New York's Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) IDEA program. The City of New York has closed its first round of bids for school projects, which includes the SmartGATE solution in the specification and the award is expected to result in bookings in the near future. The first order from DCAS was received during the quarter, with the expectation of additional orders to follow.
  • 紐約市政府城市廣泛行政服務部(DCAS)的IDEA計劃進展順利。紐約市已經完成了學校項目的第一輪投標,其中包括SmartGATE解決方案在規格中,並有望在不久的將來產生訂單。DCAS在本季度收到了第一個訂單,並有望獲得更多訂單。
  • The second site for the Green Proving Ground program for the United States General Services Administration has been selected, which operates approximately 1,800 federally owned buildings is proceeding well. This second unit will be commissioned and shipped in the coming months. The Company continues to build upon key milestones achieved in the prior year, the deployment and evaluation schedule continues to progress.
  • 美國總務管理局的綠色驗證場所項目第二個站點已經選定,該項目運營着約1,800棟聯邦擁有的建築物,並且正在順利進行。第二個單位將在未來幾個月內投入使用。公司繼續在去年取得的重要里程碑基礎上發展,部署和評估進度繼續推進。
  • The pipeline remains very strong with opportunities into government and commercial real estate including residential, hospitality, big box retail and commercial office. Currently Legend Power Systems is engaged in active sales processes with several of the top firms in the Commercial Real Estate space, with large building portfolios.
  • 管道仍然非常強大,包括住宅、酒店、大型零售和商業辦公在內的政府和商業房地產的機會。目前,Legend Power Systems正在與商業地產領域的一些頂級公司進行積極的銷售過程,這些公司擁有大量的建築物組合。

Q3 F2024 Financial Highlights


Financial summary for the three and nine months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023


Three months ended June 30, Nine months ended June 30,
(Cdn$, unless noted otherwise) 2024 2023 Change 2024 2023 Change
Revenue 1,042,412 470,310 122% 1,167,638 946,979 23%
Cost of sales 522,274 366,307 43% 611,845 747,124 (18)%
Gross margin1 520,138 104,003 555,793 199,855
Gross margin %1 50% 22% 48% 21%
Operating expenses 999,539 1,128,015 (11)% 3,037,366 3,429,420 (11)%
Other income (2,985) 5,444 (155)% 10,539 17,392 (39)%
Net loss (482,386) (1,018,568) 53% (2,471,034) (3,212,173) 23%
Adjusted EBITDA2 (392,191) (883,821) 56% (2,175,010) (2,769,341) 21%
截止到6月30日的三個月 截至6月30日的九個月
(除非另有說明,均爲加元貨幣) 2024 2023 變更 2024 2023 變更
營業收入 366,307 43% 122% 747,124 (18)% 23%
銷售成本 104,003 555,793 43% 毛利率 %1 50% (18)%
毛利率1 21% Operating expenses 999,539 1,128,015
(11)% 50% 22% 48% 21%
營業費用 5,444 (155)% (11)% 17,392 (39)% (11)%
其他收入 (2,985) 53% (2,471,034) (3,212,173) 23% (39)%
淨虧損 (883,821) 56% 53% (2,769,341) 21% 23%
調整後的EBITDA2 2024年6月30日結束的三個月營業收入爲$1,042,412,而2023財政同期爲$470,310。2024財政第3季度營業收入的增加主要是由於該期間SmartGATE單位交付數量的增加。 2024財政第3季度毛利率爲$520,138(50%),而2023財政同期爲$104,003(22%)。2024財政第3季度毛利率的增加是由於SmartGATE單位平均銷售價格的增加。 56% 2024財年第三季度調整後的EBITDA爲負$392,191,而2023財年同季度爲負$883,821。 2024財年第三季度淨損失爲$482,386,而2023財年同季度淨損失爲$1,018,568。2024財年第三季度毛利率增加,營業費用減少,導致淨損失降低。 21%

1 Gross margin is based on a blend of both equipment and installation revenue.
2 Adjusted EBITDA is a non-IFRS financial measure. See EBITDA Reconciliation for details.


Revenue for the three months ended June 30, 2024, was $1,042,412 compared with $470,310 in the same quarter of fiscal 2023. The increase in revenue during Q3 of fiscal 2024 was primarily due to an increase in the number of SmartGATE units delivered during the period.

網絡研討會:Legend Power 2024財年第三季度財務業績投資者網絡研討會(通過Zoom)

Gross margin in the third quarter of fiscal 2024 was $520,138 (50%), compared with $104,003 (22%) in same quarter of fiscal 2023. The increase in gross margins in Q3 of fiscal 2024 was due to an increase in the average selling price of SmartGATE units.


The Company's operating expenses for the third quarter of fiscal 2024 were $999,539, down from $1,128,015 in the same quarter of fiscal 2023. The primary cause for the decrease was lower salaries and consulting costs as a result of internal cost cutting measures.

About Legend Power Systems Inc.

Adjusted EBITDA for the third quarter of fiscal 2024 was negative $392,191, compared with negative $883,821 in same quarter of fiscal 2023.

Net loss for the third quarter of fiscal 2024 was $482,386, compared with a net loss of $1,018,568 in the same quarter of fiscal 2023. Increase in gross margins and decreased operating costs in Q3 of fiscal 2024 compared with the same quarter of fiscal 2023 resulted in a lower net loss.



DATE: Friday, August 23, 2024
TIME: 11:00 AM ET (8:00 AM PT)
WEBINAR: Legend Power Q3 Fiscal 2024 Financial Results Investor Webinar (via Zoom)

REPLAY: Available at:

About Legend Power Systems Inc.

Legend Power Systems Inc. (tsx) 提供一種智能能源管理平台,可分析和改善建築能源挑戰,從而顯着影響資產管理和企業績效。Legend Power已驗證的解決方案支持複雜和不穩定的商業和能源環境中的主動執行決策。該專有和擁有專利的系統可降低總能耗和電力成本,同時最大化電氣設備的使用壽命。 Legend Power的獨特解決方案也是企業可持續發展努力和滿足公用事業能源效率目標的重要貢獻者。

Legend Power Systems Inc. () provides an intelligent energy management platform that analyzes and improves building energy challenges, significantly impacting asset management and corporate performance. Legend Power's proven solutions support proactive executive decision-making in a complex and volatile business and energy environment. The proprietary and patented system reduces total energy consumption and power costs, while also maximizing the life of electrical equipment. Legend Power's unique solution is also a key contributor to both corporate sustainability efforts and the meeting of utility energy efficiency targets.

Legend Power Systems Inc. () 提供智能能源管理平台,分析和改善建築能源挑戰,顯著影響資產管理和公司業績。Legend Power的成熟解決方案支持複雜和波動的商業和能源環境中的預防性執行決策。專有和授權的系統減少總能耗和電費,同時最大化電氣設備的使用壽命。Legend Power獨特的解決方案也是企業可持續性努力和實現公用事業能效目標的重要貢獻者。

For further information, please contact:


Jonathan Lansky, Director
+1 416 417 7664

+1 416 417 7664
Sean Peasgood,投資者關係

Sean Peasgood, Investor Relations
+ 1 647 503 1054

+1 647 503 1054
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Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-Looking Statements


This Press Release may contain statements which constitute "forward-looking information", including statements regarding the plans, intentions, beliefs and current expectations of the Company, its directors, or its officers with respect to the future business activities and operating performance of the Company. The words "may", "would", "could", "will", "intend", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect" and similar expressions, as they relate to the Company, or its management, are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future business activities or performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that the Company's future business activities may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. Such risks, uncertainties and factors are described in the periodic filings with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities, including the Company's quarterly and annual Management's Discussion & Analysis, which may be viewed on SEDAR+ at . Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, believed, estimated or expected. Although the Company has attempted to identify important risks, uncertainties and factors which could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be others that cause results to not be as anticipated, estimated or intended. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements other than as may be required by applicable law.


