
Li3 Lithium Announces Shareholder Approval of Name Change to Reflect Its Focus on Its 100%-Owned Northern Lights Copper Project Located in Nevada

Li3 Lithium Announces Shareholder Approval of Name Change to Reflect Its Focus on Its 100%-Owned Northern Lights Copper Project Located in Nevada

Li3鋰礦宣佈股東批准更名,以反映其專注於其位於內華達州的百分之百所有權的Northern Lights銅礦項目。
newsfile ·  08/23 05:00
  • Exploration work on its 100% Northern Lights Copper Project to begin immediately

  • Prior small-scale copper production in the early 1900s

  • Historic reports document copper mineralization grading 3% to 12% Cu

  • Recent sampling confirms copper mineralization (1% to 19% Cu) over widths up to 4 meters at the surface

  • Accelerated exploration program to be undertaken as a priority to test width & grade

  • 立即開始對其100%的Northern Lights Copper項目進行勘探工作

  • 上世紀1900年代初期曾進行小規模銅礦生產

  • 歷史報告記錄了銅礦化評級在3%到12%Cu之間

  • 最近的採樣確認表明地表處有寬度最高達4米的銅礦化(1%至19%Cu)

  • 加快勘探計劃將作爲優先事項進行,以測試寬度和品位

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 22, 2024) - Li3 Lithium Corp. (TSXV: LILI) (FSE: WD9) ("Li3 Lithium" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that shareholders approved a Company name change (the "Name Change") at the Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders held on August 22, 2024 (the "Meeting") and the directors of the Company have determined to change the name of the Company to "Global Copper Corp.". The new trading symbol will be 'CUCU'.

安大略多倫多-(新聞稿Corp. - 2024年8月22日) - 鋰礦Li3 Corp.(TSXV:LILI)(FSE:WD9)(「Li3 Lithium」或「公司」)很高興宣佈股東已批准公司更名(「名稱更改」)於2024年8月22日舉行的股東年度和特別會議(「會議」)並且公司董事會已決定將公司名稱更改爲「全球銅礦公司」。 新的交易符號將是'CUCU'。

The Name Change remains subject to TSXV and regulatory approval. No further action will be required by existing shareholders with respect to the Name Change. Certificates representing common shares of the Company will not be affected by the Name Change and will not need to be exchanged. The Company encourages any shareholder with any questions or concerns to contact the Company or to discuss any of the foregoing with their broker or agent.

名稱更改仍需TSXV和監管機構的批准。 對於名稱更改,現有股東不需要採取進一步行動。 代表公司普通股的證書不受名稱更改的影響,也不需要進行交換。 公司鼓勵任何股東有任何問題或疑慮,請聯繫公司或與其經紀人或代理商討論上述任何事項。

Li3 Lithium is proposing to change its name to more accurately reflect the activities and future focus of the Company. Stephen Dunn, President and Chief Executive Officer of Li3 Lithium, commented: "The proposed name change reflects the Company's new strategy of focusing globally on copper exploration and project development. We see the energy transition to a net-zero carbon world as opportunity for minerals explorers to focus on the explosive growth anticipated in demand for copper."

Li3 Lithium計劃更名以更準確地反映公司的活動和未來重點。 Li3 Lithium的總裁兼首席執行官Stephen Dunn評論說:「擬議的更名反映了公司在全球範圍內專注於銅礦勘探和項目開發的新策略。 我們認爲能源轉型向零排放碳世界是礦產勘探者在銅需求爆炸性增長中專注的機會。」

Coincident with the Name Change, the Company is also pleased to announce that it has initiated a property-wide soil and rock geochemical sampling survey on its 100%-owned, 485 hectare Northern Lights Copper Project (the "Project) in Nevada. The program is designed to test for and expand on the copper skarn mineralization that occurs on the property. Results from the survey will be used to identify zones to be tested by diamond and or reverse circulation drilling in the coming months.

隨着更名,公司還很高興地宣佈,在其位於內華達州的100%擁有的485公頃Northern Lights銅礦項目(以下簡稱「項目」)全面啓動了土壤和岩石地球化學採樣調查。該計劃旨在測試和擴大該物業上的銅斑礦化。調查結果將用於確定在未來幾個月通過金剛石或倒置循環鑽探來測試的區域。

The Project is located 25 km from Yerrington, Nevada and is in close proximity to Nevada Copper Corporation's producing Pumpkin Hollow copper mine. Historic records confirm prior small-scale intermittent production of copper on the Northern Lights property in the early 1900s. Sampling undertaken by the Company confirms that Northern Lights has copper mineralization (1% to 19% Cu) over widths up to 4 meters at the surface. Results from the Company's data compilation, geologic mapping, surface rock geochemistry, and the magnetic survey confirm that additional exploration at Northern Lights is justified.

該項目位於內華達州耶林頓市以北25公里,靠近內華達銅公司正在生產的Pumpkin Hollow銅礦。歷史記錄證實,20世紀初Northern Lights物業之前曾進行過小規模間歇性的銅生產。公司進行的採樣工作證實,Northern Lights在地表上具有寬度高達4米的銅礦化(Cu含量爲1%至19%)。公司的數據彙編、地質圖繪製、地表岩石地球化學和磁測結果證實,對Northern Lights進行進一步勘探是合理的。

The Company intends to commence a two phase exploration program as recommended in the Northern Lights Copper Project 43-101 Report dated 31 December 2021. Phase 1 will commence immediately and include a ground-based EM (electromagnetic) survey to define high-grade copper mineralization coincident with the magnetic anomalies previously identified and a property-wide soil and rock geochemical sampling survey. Results from the EM survey, magnetic survey, geologic mapping, and surface copper geochemisty will be used to further refine drill targets. Phase 2 will consist of reverse circulation drilling to confirm copper mineralization indicated by the four data sets described above. Reverse circulation drilling will also confirm the width and grade of copper mineralization projected at depth below the historic workings on the Northern Lights' fault.

根據《2021年12月31日Northern Lights銅礦項目43-101報告》的建議,公司打算啓動一個兩階段的勘探計劃。第一階段將立即開始,包括進行地面Em(電磁)測量,以確定與先前確定的磁異常相一致的高品位銅礦化,並進行全物業的土壤和岩石地球化學採樣調查。Em測量、磁測、地質圖繪製和地表銅地球化學的結果將用於進一步優化鑽探目標。第二階段將包括倒置循環鑽探,以確認Northern Lights斷層歷史作業下的銅礦化,以及確認銅礦化的寬度和品位。

"We intend to fast-track exploration on the Company's promising 100% owned Nevada copper project. Demand for copper is forecast to undergo unprecedented structural change driven by the global energy transition with mined copper supply forecast to enter a deficit position starting as early as 2025 (see Figure 1 - Copper Demand Chart below). The project's U.S. location coincides nicely with the U.S. Government's recent addition of copper to its Critical Minerals List and opens up the possibility of funding via the U.S. Government's recently approved initiative. The clean energy transition cannot occur without a significant increase in copper production. The U.S Government's legislative and funding initiative will help copper projects in the US that are necessary for the clean energy transition by allocating additional resources to the mining sector, including funding for exploration and feasibility studies," said Stephen Dunn, Chairman of the Company.


Figure 1: Copper Demand Chart


Nevada - Northern Lights Copper Project

內華達 - Northern Lights銅礦項目

Li3 Lithium's 100%-owned Northern Lights Copper Project is located in the central portion of Nevada's well known Walker Lane Trend about 25 kilometers (15 air miles) southeast of Yerington, Nevada (See Figure 2 below). The property consists of 58 lode mining claims covering 1200 acres (485 hectares) and is in close proximity to Nevada Copper Corporation's producing Pumpkin Hollow copper mine. There are also several active copper exploration projects underway in close proximity to the property.

Li3鋰礦公司全資擁有Northern Lights銅礦項目,位於內華達州著名的沃克巷趨勢中部,距內華達州葉林頓東南約25公里(15英里)(見下圖2)。該地塊包括58個礦井申請覆蓋1200英畝(485公頃),臨近內華達銅業公司的Pumpkin Hollow銅礦的生產地。在該地塊附近還有幾個活躍的銅礦勘探項目。

Figure 2: Northern Lights Copper Project Location Map

圖2:Northern Lights銅礦項目位置圖

The Pumpkin Hollow ore deposit is characterized by an intense magnetic high as shown in Figure 3, which uses the same base map as Figure 2. The Northern Lights project is located between two magnetic highs in the eastern portion of the map (see Figure 3 below).

Pumpkin Hollow礦牀以一個強烈的磁高特徵爲特點,如圖3所示,其使用與圖2相同的基礎地圖。Northern Lights項目位於地圖東部兩個磁高之間(見下圖3)。

Figure 3: Regional Aeromag Map


Mineralization observed on the property consists of: 1) massive magnetite, goethite, hematite, chalcopyrite replacement zones in the Triassic limestone and siltstone; 2) smaller, fracture- controlled zones of magnetite, goethite, hematite with copper oxide; and 3) disseminated pyrite, chalcopyrite, and copper oxides in sedimentary rocks as well as altered dacite porphyry. Visible copper oxide mineralization occurs in a northwest-trending zone approximately 1,500 meters long and 100 meters wide (5,000ft x 330ft). This replacement-skarn style of mineralization (deposit type) is similar to the nearby copper deposit at Pumpkin Hollow, currently in production by Nevada Copper Corporation.

該地塊上觀察到的礦化包括:1)三疊紀石灰岩和粉砂岩中大規模的磁鐵礦、褐鐵礦、赤鐵礦、黃銅礦代蝕區;2)較小的斷裂控制區,富含磁鐵礦、褐鐵礦、赤鐵礦和氧化銅;以及3)在沉積岩中的浸染硫化鐵、黃銅礦和氧化銅,並且改造的輝長斑岩。可見的氧化銅礦化發生在一個大約1500米長、100米寬(5000英尺x330英尺)的西北向構造帶中。這種礦化類型爲代蝕-矽質岩型,類似於附近Pumpkin Hollow銅礦的礦牀,目前由內華達銅業公司生產。

The objective of the Company is to confirm the deposit model with additional surface exploration work following by drilling to define a mineable high-grade copper deposit. The project is currently in the early exploration phase but planned drilling will confirm the grade, thickness and downdip extent of the mineralization confirmed at the surface.


Technical information


Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Li3 Lithium's programs are under the control of the Company's geological employees and are consistent with industry best practices.


Qualified Person


John Cleary, is the non-independent qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects for the technical disclosure contained in this news release. Mr. Cleary has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure contained in this news release. The qualified person has not completed sufficient work to confirm the historic information on the Project and in the vicinity, particulary regarding historical drill results, historical mine production and historical grab samples. However, the qualified person believes that these results were completed to industry standard practices. The information provides an indication of the exploration potential of the Project but may not be representative of expected results. Also, mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby properties, particularly with respect to neighbouring mineral resources, is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company's Project.

約翰·克利裏(John Cleary)是根據《國家43-101號規範:礦產項目披露標準》中定義的非獨立合格人員,負責本新聞發佈中包含的技術披露內容。克利裏先生已審閱並批准了本新聞發佈中包含的技術披露內容。合格人員尚未完成足夠的工作來確認項目及其附近的歷史信息,尤其是歷史鑽孔結果、歷史礦山生產和歷史採樣結果。但是,合格人員認爲這些結果符合行業標準規範。這些信息顯示了項目的勘探潛力,但可能不代表預期結果。此外,毗鄰或附近地塊上承載的礦化物,尤其是鄰近礦產資源,不一定代表公司項目上的礦化物。

About Li3 Lithium Corp.


Coincident with this news announcement, Li3 Lithium is focused its 100% owned Northern Lights Copper Project in Nevada. The Northern Lights Copper Project is located in the central portion of Nevada's well known Walker Lane Trend about 25 km southeast of Yerington, Nevada. The property covers 1,200 acres (485 hectares) and is in close proximity to Nevada Copper Corporation's producing Pumpkin Hollow copper mine. There are also several active copper exploration projects underway in close proximity to the property. Li3Lithium plans to confirm the deposit model with additional surface exploration work following by drilling to define a mineable high-grade copper deposit.

與此新聞公告相一致,Li3鋰業專注於其位於內華達州的百分百擁有的北燈銅項目。北燈銅項目位於內華達州著名的沃克萊恩地帶的中部,距內華達州的耶林頓(Yerington)約25公里。該地產佔地1200英畝(485公頃),臨近內華達銅業公司(Nevada Copper Corporation)的產量豐富的南瓜山銅礦。該地塊周圍也有幾個活躍的銅礦勘探項目。Li3鋰業計劃通過進一步的地表勘探工作來確認存款模型,並在此後進行鑽探以定義可採高品位銅礦牀。

Contact Information:
Li3 Lithium Corp.
Steve Dunn, CEO and Director
Tel: 416-822-3343

Steve Dunn, CEO和董事



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