
Sokoman Minerals Commences Phase 1 Diamond Drilling Program at the Fleur De Lys Gold Project, Northwestern Newfoundland

Sokoman Minerals Commences Phase 1 Diamond Drilling Program at the Fleur De Lys Gold Project, Northwestern Newfoundland

Sokoman礦業在新斯科舍西北部的Fleur De Lys黃金項目啓動第一階段的金剛石鑽探計劃。
Accesswire ·  08/23 00:00

ST. JOHN'S, NL / ACCESSWIRE / August 22, 2024 / Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV:SIC)(OTCQB:SICNF) ("Sokoman" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that a diamond drill rig has been mobilized to the Fleur de Lys Property, with drilling to commence immediately. The 2,000-m, Phase 1 program will test historical showings and targets generated by Sokoman's 2021-2024 till / prospecting programs, including the Golden Bull prospect discovered in 2023.

聖約翰,紐芬蘭與拉布拉多/ACCESSWIRE/2024年8月22日/Sokoman Minerals Corp.(TSXV:SIC)(OTCQB:SICNF)("Sokoman"或"公司")很高興宣佈,一臺金剛石鑽機已被動員到Fleur de Lys Property,鑽探將立即開始。2000米的第1階段項目將測試Sokoman在2021-2024年冰山岩/勘查項目中產生的歷史礦脈和目標,包括2023年發現的Golden Bull礦區。

The program is planned for 20 holes at an average depth of 100 m, with drilling beginning at the southern end of the area to test targets identified, but not tested, by Noranda in the 1980s and ending at the Golden Bull area in the central portion of the six to eight km2 target area with approximately 50% of the program planned for Golden Bull.

該項目計劃在平均深度爲10000萬的20個孔位進行,鑽探將從該地區的南端開始,以測試Noranda在1980年代發現但未經測試的目標,然後結束在面積爲六至八平方公里的目標區域中部的Golden Bull地區,有約50%的項目計劃針對Golden Bull。

Timothy Froude, P.Geo., President and CEO of Sokoman Minerals states; "We are very pleased to start our maiden drill program at Fleur de Lys. We have systematically explored the property during the past three years, targeting world-class, Dalradian-type, orogenic gold mineralization in a similar geological environment in Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom. The Curraghinalt deposit in Northern Ireland, hosting more than six million ounces of gold, is currently one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits in the Caledonian-Appalachian Orogen. The program will test at least five distinct target areas highlighted by the Golden Bull Prospect, including targets not tested by Noranda in the late 1980s. Regional exploration will continue to define till and rock sample anomalies to generate more drill targets."

Sokoman Minerals的President兼CEO Timothy Froude說: "我們非常高興在Fleur de Lys開始我們的第一次鑽探項目。在過去三年中,我們已經系統地對該物業進行了勘探,針對北愛爾蘭和英國的類似地質環境中的世界級Dalradian型造山型金礦化進行勘探。北愛爾蘭的Curraghinalt礦牀擁有600多萬盎司的黃金,目前是加里東-阿巴拉契亞造山帶中最大的未開發的金礦礦牀之一。該項目將測試至少五個不同的目標區域,這些區域是由Golden Bull Prospect所突出的,其中包括Noranda在1980年代未經測試的目標。區域勘查將繼續定義冰山岩和岩石樣品異常,以生成更多的鑽探目標。"

The six to eight km2 target area includes several discrete targets highlighted by the Golden Bull Prospect, which is defined by 124 grab samples, with visible gold noted, and with 34 values >500 ppb Au to a maximum of 9,020 ppb (9.02 g/t) Au, in laterally extensive stylolitic quartz float consisting of angular to sub-angular boulders. Approximately 50% of the grab samples from the broader Golden Bull target area have given values >100 ppb Au, suggesting the potential for additional, undiscovered gold zones.

六至八平方公里的目標區域包括由Golden Bull Prospect突出的幾個離散目標,該目標由124個挖掘樣品定義,其中標有可見黃金,並且34個值>500 ppb Au,最高達9020 ppb(9.02 克/噸)Au,在橫向廣泛的筆狀石英漂浮物中,由角狀至次角狀的巨石組成。來自更廣泛的Golden Bull目標區域的大約50%的挖掘樣品給出了>100 ppb Au的值,表明可能存在額外的未發現的金礦帶。

Drilling will be conducted by Springdale Forest Resources based in Springdale, NL, utilizing a Duralite tracked rig recovering NQ size drill core. The program will run on a day-shift-only basis with a two-man drill crew working a 12-hour shift. Assaying will be done at Eastern Analytical Ltd., in Springdale, approximately 90 km by Provincial highways from the Fleur de Lys property.

鑽探將由Springdale Forest Resources在Newfoundland and Labrador的Springdale進行,使用Duralite履帶式鑽機回收NQ規格的鑽芯。該計劃將在僅限白天班次下運行,兩名工作人員組成的鑽機組將工作12小時。化驗將在距離Fleur de Lys物業約90公里的Springdale的Eastern Analytical Ltd.進行。

Photo 1: Tim Froude with a typical boulder from Golden Bull - Fleur de Lys Project
照片1:Tim Froude與Golden Bull - Fleur de Lys項目中的一塊典型大石頭



This news release has been reviewed and approved by Timothy Froude, P.Geo., a "Qualified Person" under National Instrument 43-101 and President and CEO of Sokoman Minerals Corp.

本新聞稿已經獲得了Sokoman Minerals Corp.的"43-101國家儀器"資格人員Timothy Froude,P.Geo.的審核和批准,他也是該公司的總裁兼首席執行員。

Analytical Techniques / QA/QC


Samples, including duplicates, blanks, and standards, are submitted to Eastern Analytical Ltd. in Springdale, Newfoundland for gold analysis. Eastern Analytical Ltd. is an accredited assay lab that conforms to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. Samples are delivered in sealed bags directly to the lab by Sokoman personnel. All samples of quartz vein material were submitted for total pulp metallics and gravimetric finish. Total pulp metallic analysis includes: the whole sample is crushed to -10 mesh; and then pulverized to 95% -150 mesh. The total sample is weighed and screened to 150 mesh; the +150 mesh fraction is fire-assayed for Au, and a 30 g subsample of the -150 mesh fraction is fire-assayed for Au; with a calculated weighted average of total Au in the sample reported as well. One blank and one industry-approved standard for every twenty samples submitted is included in the sample stream. Random duplicates of selected samples are analyzed in addition to the in-house standard and duplicate policies of Eastern Analytical Ltd. All reported assays are uncut.

在包括重複樣品、空白樣品和標準樣品在內的所有樣品中,黃金分析都由新斯科舍省Springdale的Eastern Analytical Ltd.實驗室完成。Eastern Analytical Ltd.是一家符合ISO/IEC 17025要求的認證化驗實驗室。所有石英脈材料樣品均提交至實驗室,進行全漿品金屬和重量法檢測。全漿品金屬分析包括:整個樣品粉碎至-10目,再具體細分到95%-150目。整個樣品的重量和分類篩選至150目;+150目的散樣均使用火法測定金屬含量;-150目的散樣使用火法測定金屬含量,報告中明確註明加權平均含量。每提交20個樣品,附加一個空白樣品和一個行業批准標準樣品。此外,爲了對Eastern Analytical Ltd.的實驗室標準和重複檢測的政策進行評估,還會對選定的樣品進行隨機複製。所有非修整的檢測結果都可以在報告中查詢。

About Sokoman Minerals Corp.

關於 Sokoman Minerals Corp.:Sokoman Minerals Corp.是一家在加拿大紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省擁有項目的發現導向型公司。公司的主要焦點是其黃金項目組合;100%擁有的旗艦級、先進階段的Moosehead項目、Crippleback Lake項目以及位於新不倫瑞克省西北部Baie Verte的Fleur de Lys項目,這些項目旨在針對達爾拉德式造山帶金礦化(類似於北愛爾蘭的Curraghinalt和Cavanacaw礦牀)。該公司通過三個大規模的聯合風險投資項目與Benton Resources Inc.建立了戰略聯盟,包括Grey River、Golden Hope和Kepenkeck。 Sokoman是紐芬蘭省最大的土地所有者之一,在加拿大最新和迅速崛起的黃金區屬。

Sokoman Minerals Corp., based in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, focuses primarily on its gold projects, including the wholly-owned Moosehead, Crippleback Lake, and the extensive Fleur de Lys project near Baie Verte. This latter project aims to discover Dalradian-type orogenic gold mineralization like the Curraghinalt and Cavanacaw deposits in Northern Ireland. The company has also partnered with Benton Resources Inc. on three large-scale joint ventures: Grey River, Killick Lithium formerly Golden Hope, and Kepenkeck, positioning Sokoman as one of the largest landholders in Canada's emerging gold districts.

總部位於加拿大紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省的Sokoman Minerals Corp.主要關注其金項目,包括完全擁有的Moosehead,Crippleback Lake以及豐富的位於Baie Verte附近的Fleur de Lys項目。後一個項目旨在發現北愛爾蘭Curraghinalt和Cavanacaw礦牀一類的達爾拉第金成巖礦化。該公司還與Benton Resources Inc.就三個大型合資項目達成了合作協議: Grey River,Killick Lithium (前稱Golden Hope) 和Kepenkeck,將Sokoman定位爲加拿大新興金礦區之一的最大土地持有人。

In October 2023, Sokoman and Benton entered into an agreement with Piedmont Lithium Inc. to advance the Killick Lithium Project. Under this deal, Piedmont can acquire up to 62.5% of the project by investing up to $12 million in exploration and issuing $10 million in shares over three phases. The project, previously known as Golden Hope, is now part of Killick Lithium Inc., a subsidiary of Vinland Lithium Inc., in which Piedmont has acquired a 19.9% stake for $2 million. Sokoman and Benton maintain operational control during the earn-in phases and retain a 2% NSR royalty on future production. Additionally, Piedmont holds exclusive marketing and first-refusal rights on the lithium concentrates for the life of the mine.

在2023年10月,Sokoman和Benton與Piedmont Lithium Inc.簽訂了協議,以推動Killick Lithium Project的開展。根據協議, Piedmont可通過投資高達1200萬美元的勘探資金並在三個階段發行1000萬美元的股份來收購該項目高達62.5%的股份。該項目,原名Golden Hope,現爲Killick Lithium Inc.的一部分,它是Vinland Lithium Inc.的子公司,Piedmont以200萬美元的價格收購了該公司的19.9%的股份。Sokoman和Benton在賺分期間保留操作控制權,並保留未來生產中2%的淨值皇家金的權利。此外,Piedmont持有鋰濃縮物的獨家營銷和優先權在礦山壽命期間。

Projects optioned with optionee fully vested:


  • East Alder Project optioned to Canterra Minerals Inc (SIC retains 850,000 shares of CTM plus 1% NSR)

  • Startrek Project optioned to Thunder Gold (SIC retains 1,750,000 shares of TGOL plus 1% NSR)

  • East Alder項目授予Canterra Minerals Inc.(SIC保留CTM的850,000股股份和1%的淨收益皇家)

  • Startrek項目授予Thunder Gold(SIC保留TGOL的1,750,000股股份和1%淨收益皇家)

The Company would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for the financial support of the Moosehead and Fleur de Lys Projects through the Junior Exploration Assistance Program during the past few years.

本公司要感謝紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省政府在過去幾年中通過初級勘探援助計劃對Moosehead和Fleur de Lys項目提供的財政支持。

For more information, please contact:


Timothy Froude, P.Geo., President & CEO

Cathy Hume, VP Corporate Development, Director

T: 709-765-1726

T: 416-868-1079 x 251



Timothy Froude, P.Geo.,總統兼首席執行官

Cathy Hume, VP企業發展,董事


T:416-868-1079 x 251

| Twitter: @SokomanMinerals
Facebook: @SokomanMinerals | LinkedIn: @SokomanMineralsCorp

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Investors are cautioned that trading in the securities of the Corporation should be considered highly speculative. Except for historical information contained herein, this news release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially. Sokoman Minerals Corp. will not update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof. More detailed information about potential factors that could affect financial results is included in the documents filed from time to time with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities by Sokoman Minerals Corp.

投資者應謹慎考慮對公司證券的交易,屬於高風險投資。本新聞稿除歷史信息外,還包含涉及風險和不確定性的前瞻性聲明。實際結果可能會有所不同。Sokoman Minerals Corp.不會更新這些前瞻性聲明以反映此後的事件或情況。更詳細的有關可能影響財務結果的因素的信息包含在Sokoman Minerals Corp.不時向加拿大證券監管機構提交的文件中。

SOURCE: Sokoman Minerals Corp.

來源:Sokoman Minerals Corp.

