
Bright Green To Supply DEA-Approved Cannabis Extracts And Psychedelics To FDA-Registered Pharmaceutical Company

Bright Green To Supply DEA-Approved Cannabis Extracts And Psychedelics To FDA-Registered Pharmaceutical Company

Bright Green將向FDA註冊的藥品公司供應DEA批准的大麻提取物和致幻藥物
Benzinga ·  08/22 23:39

Bright Green Corporation (NASDAQ:BGXX) has signed a letter of intent (LOI) to supply its DEA-approved cannabis extracts and plant-based psychedelics to Benuvia Operations, an FDA-registered, DEA-licensed and cGMP-certified leader in pharmaceutical cannabinoids and psychedelic compounds currently under investigation for clinical use.

納斯達克上市公司Bright Green Corporation(代碼:BGXX)已簽署意向書(LOI),向Benuvia Operations供應其獲得美國藥物管理局批准的大麻提取物和基於植物的迷幻物質,用於臨床實驗的藥物。Benuvia Operations是經過FDA註冊、DEA許可和cGMP認證的藥品大麻和迷幻物質領域的領先企業。

In February, the Grants, New Mexico-based company received final approval from the New Mexico Board of Pharmacy and the DEA to register, license and authorize Schedule I and Schedule II plant-based substances and active pharmaceutical ingredients for research, production and manufacturing purposes.


Under the proposed supply agreement in the LOI, Benuvia plans to utilize Bright Green's unique capability to produce Schedule I and II raw materials, fully compliant with Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and DEA regulations. These raw materials will be used to manufacture cGMP pharmaceutical-grade Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients domestically for both U.S. and global markets.

根據LOI提供的供應協議,Benuvia計劃利用Bright Green獨特的能力生產符合良好農業及採集規範(GACP)、良好製造規範(GMP)和DEA法規的計劃一和計劃二的原材料。這些原材料將用於國內和全球市場上製造cGMP藥用級別的活性藥物成分。

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Schedule I substances include cannabis, psilocybin, mescaline, peyote and ibogaine. Schedule II substances include various forms of opium, such as raw opium, poppy straw, opium extracts, powdered opium, granulated opium, opium tincture, opium fluid extracts and opium straw concentrates, as well as erythroxylon coca (cocaine).


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Bright Green sees this as yet another step towards becoming the leading domestic supplier of DEA-controlled, plant-based raw materials to produce cannabinoid, psychedelic and opioid-based drugs in the USA. With a new round of fundraising and supply agreements in the works, the company says it is positioned for a strong performance in 2025.

Bright Green認爲這是邁向成爲美國領先的DEA控制的基於植物的原材料供應商,用於生產大麻素、迷幻物質和以阿片爲基礎的藥物的又一步。現在,公司正在進行一輪新的募資和供應協議,該公司表示已準備好在2025年實現強勁的業績。

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) just completed its annual operational procedures for all Schedule I and II drug cultivation and manufacturing in July. Bright Green met this national standard and is now one step closer to beginning operations and supplying the pharmaceutical world with the materials it needs to innovate.

美國藥品執法局(DEA)剛剛在七月份完成了其所有I類和II類藥物種植和製造的年度運營程序。 Bright Green達到了這一國家標準,現在距離開始運營併爲製藥界提供所需創新材料的步驟更近了一步。

Price Action


Bright Green Corporation shares traded 2.6% higher at $0.23 per share at the time of publication.

Bright Green Corporation股票在發表時交易價格上漲2.6%,每股爲$0.23。

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Photo: Courtesy of Ryland zweifel via Shutterstock

照片:由Ryland zweifel通過Shutterstock提供的禮物

