
Global Ransomware Attacks, Demands and Payments Rose in Second Quarter According to Corvus Insurance Cyber Threat Report

Global Ransomware Attacks, Demands and Payments Rose in Second Quarter According to Corvus Insurance Cyber Threat Report

根據 Corvus 保險公司的網絡威脅報告,全球勒索軟件攻擊、要求和支付在第二季度上升。
PR Newswire ·  08/22 21:05

Q2 2024 Represents Second Most Global Ransomware Attacks Reported by Corvus in a Quarter, Average Ransom Demand Increases by 102%


BOSTON, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Corvus Insurance, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Travelers Companies, Inc., today released its Q2 2024 Cyber Threat Report, Ransomware Season Arrives Early. Featuring data collected from ransomware leak sites, the report identified 1,248 ransomware victims in Q2, the second most the company has recorded in a single quarter.

波士頓,2024年8月22日 / PRNewswire / -- Corvus保險Travelers公司的全資子公司,今天發佈了其2024年第二季度網絡威脅報告 勒索軟件季節提前到來通過從勒索軟件泄漏網站收集的數據,報告發現2024年第二季度有1,248名勒索軟件受害者,創下公司單季記錄的第二高水平。

During the quarter, new ransomware groups, including PLAY, Medusa, RansomHub, INC Ransom, BlackSuit and some additional lesser-known factions, led a series of attacks that eclipsed the first quarter of this year by 16% and the second quarter of 2023 by 8%. These new threat actors emerged following the takedown of LockBit and BlackCat by international law enforcement.

在這一季度,包括PLAY、Medusa、RansomHub、INC Ransom、BlackSuit等新的勒索軟件組織及其他一些不太知名的團體,發動了一系列攻擊,比今年第一季度增長了16%,比2023年第二季度增長了8%。這些新的威脅行動者是在國際執法機構打擊LockBit和BlackCat之後出現的。

Ransomware Demands and Payouts on the Rise
Based on Corvus data, the Q2 report found that the average ransomware demand reached $1,571,667. That represents a quarterly increase of 102% and the highest figure Corvus has reported since the second quarter of 2022. The average ransom payment also reached a new high of $626,415.


According to the research, a company's backup strategies can impact payouts. Businesses without robust backups are more than twice as likely to surrender to ransom demands during an attack. Conversely, organizations with effective backup strategies have incurred median claim costs 72% lower than their less-prepared counterparts.


Ransomware Operators Continue Evolving Tactics
Recognizing that many organizations possess valuable and sensitive information, ransomware operators have evolved their tactics by engaging in double-extortion schemes where operators encrypt data, exfiltrate it and then threaten to release it on the dark web. So far in 2024, data theft was involved in 93% of ransomware incidents observed by Corvus, up from 88% in 2023. Using double-extortion schemes, even organizations with secure backups may be forced to pay ransoms, often to prevent the exposure of stolen data.


"Data theft has become the technique employed by attackers to secure maximum payouts from their victims, whether or not they have secure backups," said Jason Rebholz, Chief Information Security Officer at Corvus Insurance. "A robust security plan is never one layer deep. While a sound backup strategy is important, it cannot mitigate these threats alone. Businesses must utilize a multi-layered security strategy based on a resilient environment with fast detection and prevention capabilities."

「數據竊取已成爲攻擊者爲從受害者那裏獲得最大賠償而採取的技術,不管他們是否擁有安全備份,」 Corvus保險公司首席信息安全官Jason Rebholz說。「一個健壯的安全計劃永遠不是單層的。雖然良好的備份策略很重要,但它無法單獨抵禦這些威脅。企業必須利用基於快速檢測和預防能力的彈性環境的多層安全策略。」

Key Industry Trends: Construction Becomes the Most Frequently Targeted Industry in Q2
While the Corvus study found that industries most affected by ransomware attacks remained largely similar from the first quarter, Construction moved from second to first in the second quarter. In addition, Government and Oil and Gas joined the list, and ransomware attacks targeting the Software Development and IT Services and IT Consulting sectors were up 257% and 54%, respectively. RansomHub was responsible for 16% of the reported victims within the IT Services industry, followed by PLAY and BlackSuit, which accounted for an additional 18%.


To learn more, a webinar called "Q2 Cyber Threat Report: Ransomware Season Arrives Early" is scheduled for August 29 and will feature Corvus experts.

爲了更多了解,有一個名爲「Q2網絡威脅報告:勒索軟件季節提前到來」的網絡研討會預計將於8月29日舉行,屆時將有Corvus的專家參與。關於Corvus InsuranceCorvus Insurance通過保險產品和數字工具構建更安全的世界,降低風險,增加透明度,並改善政策持有人和項目夥伴的彈性。我們領先市場的專業保險產品依賴於先進的數據科學,包括智能網絡保險和智能技術責任險。我們的數字平台和工具實現了高效的報價和捆綁以及積極的風險減輕措施。Corvus Insurance在美國、中東、歐洲、加拿大和澳洲提供保險產品。Corvus Insurance、Corvus London Markets和Corvus Germany是用於指稱Corvus Insurance Agency, LLC;Corvus Agency Limited;和Corvus Underwriting GmbH的營銷名稱。所有實體均爲Corvus Insurance Holdings, Inc.的子公司。Corvus Insurance是The Travelers Companies, Inc.的全資子公司,成立於2017年,總部位於馬薩諸塞州波士頓,遍佈美國、英國和德國的辦事機構。更多信息請訪問。

About Corvus Insurance
Corvus Insurance is building a safer world through insurance products and digital tools that reduce risk, increase transparency, and improve resilience for policyholders and program partners. Our market-leading specialty insurance products are enabled by advanced data science and include Smart Cyber Insurance and Smart Tech E+O. Our digital platforms and tools enable efficient quoting and binding and proactive risk mitigation. Corvus Insurance offers insurance products in the U.S., Middle East, Europe, Canada, and Australia. Corvus Insurance, Corvus London Markets, and Corvus Germany are the marketing names used to refer to Corvus Insurance Agency, LLC; Corvus Agency Limited; and Corvus Underwriting GmbH. All entities are subsidiaries of Corvus Insurance Holdings, Inc. Corvus Insurance, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Travelers Companies, Inc., was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts with offices across the U.S., in the UK, and Germany. For more information, visit

關於Corvus Insurance
Corvus Insurance通過保險產品和數字工具構建更安全的世界,降低風險,增加透明度,並改善政策持有人和項目夥伴的彈性。我們領先市場的專業保險產品依賴於先進的數據科學,包括智能網絡保險和智能技術責任險。我們的數字平台和工具實現了高效的報價和捆綁以及積極的風險減輕措施。Corvus Insurance在美國、中東、歐洲、加拿大和澳洲提供保險產品。Corvus Insurance、Corvus London Markets和Corvus Germany是用於指稱Corvus Insurance Agency, LLC;Corvus Agency Limited;和Corvus Underwriting GmbH的營銷名稱。所有實體均爲Corvus Insurance Holdings, Inc.的子公司。Corvus Insurance是The Travelers Companies, Inc.的全資子公司,成立於2017年,總部位於馬薩諸塞州波士頓,遍佈美國、英國和德國的辦事機構。更多信息請訪問。

Kerry Pillion
[email protected]


[email protected]

SOURCE Corvus Insurance

安防-半導體Corvus 保險

