
SRIVARU Launches PRANA 2.0 Electric Motorcycle in Chennai, India

SRIVARU Launches PRANA 2.0 Electric Motorcycle in Chennai, India

SRIVARU在印度金奈推出PRANA 2.0電動摩托車。
GlobeNewswire ·  08/22 20:30

Aims to increase production capacity to nearly 10,000 units per month by end of 2024


Plans to set up pan India sales network across key areas of India


GRAND CAYMAN, Cayman Islands and COIMBATORE, India, Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SRIVARU Holding Limited (Nasdaq: SVMH; SVMHW) ("SRIVARU" or the "Company"), a manufacturer of premium electric motorcycles, today announced the formal launch of the PRANA 2.0 electric motorcycle at a major event in Chennai, India.

開曼群島和印度泰米爾納德省科伊朗布圖爾,2024年8月22日(環球新聞通訊社)-SRIVARU控股有限公司(納斯達克:SVMH;SVMHW)("SRIVARU"或"公司")是一家制造高級電動摩托車的公司,今天在印度金奈市舉行的一場盛大活動上正式推出了PRANA 2.0電動摩托車。

Recently, there has been a remarkable surge in the interest of young individuals towards acquiring electric motorcycles in India. SRIVARU has relentlessly assessed the Indian market and attentively engaged with the youth of India to introduce an exceptional and unparalleled electric motorcycle, PRANA 2.0.

最近,印度年輕人對購買電動摩托車的興趣出現了顯著增長。SRIVARU一直在評估印度市場,並與印度年輕人保持緊密的互動,推出了一款卓越且無與倫比的電動摩托車PRANA 2.0。

The event was attended by Mr. Mohanraj Ramasamy, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of SRIVARU, Mr. Weng Kiat (Adron) Leow, Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Felix Friedrich Heinimann, Chief Marketing Officer, Mr. Chin Ghee (Theirry) Tan, Financial Controller, Mr. Yuvaraj Sankar, Director of Engineering, along with staff and distributors from multiple cities.

活動由SRIVARU的創始人兼首席執行官Mohanraj Ramasamy先生,首席財務官Weng Kiat(Adron)Leow先生,首席營銷官Felix Friedrich Heinimann先生,財務主管Chin Ghee(Theirry)Tan先生,工程總監Yuvaraj Sankar先生以及來自多個城市的員工和分銷商參加。

Mr. Ramasamy said, "I am thrilled to announce the launch of our latest PRANA 2.0 electric bike in Chennai, the automotive hub of of India. Tamil Nadu accounts for more than 40% of the country's electric vehicle demand, positioning us in a large and rapidly expanding market. In 2023, India's motorcycle market achieved revenues exceeding USD $25.6 billion, with projections indicating growth to USD $36.1 billion by 2027. By 2030, it is anticipated that electric motorcycles will account for approximately 50% of the market share, a significant increase from the current 3% share of electric motorcycles in India. This signifies a tremendous opportunity for growth. The Indian government has outlined its ambition to transform the nation into a developed country by the year 2047. Given India's lack of natural oil resources and the ongoing public concern regarding environmental pollution, the government acknowledges that alternative energy sources are crucial for ensuring sustainable economic growth. Consequently, there is a significant emphasis on the transition to electric vehicles (EVs). The EV sector is expected to be instrumental in India's shift towards a low-carbon economy."

Ramasamy先生表示:「我很高興宣佈我們最新的PRANA 2.0電動摩托車在印度汽車中心金奈的推出。泰米爾納德邦佔全國電動車需求的40%以上,使我們處於一個龐大而迅速擴張的市場中。2023年,印度摩托車市場收入超過256億美元,預測到2027年將增長至361億美元。預計到2030年,電動摩托車將約佔市場份額的50%,較目前印度電動摩托車的3%份額顯着增加。這標誌着一個巨大的增長機會。印度政府已明確其雄心,計劃在2047年將國家轉變爲發達國家。考慮到印度缺乏天然石油資源,以及公衆對環境污染的持續關注,政府意識到替代能源對確保可持續經濟增長至關重要。因此,印度在向電動汽車(EVs)的過渡上着重強調。電動汽車(EV)領域有望成爲印度向低碳經濟轉變的關鍵所在。」

Mr. Ramasamy added, "Our inaugural facility commenced operations in Coimbatore in 2017. The latest iteration of our electric motorcycle, PRANA 2.0, has undergone nearly two years of testing and now features over 100 new components compared to its predecessor. We are introducing a product to the market that stands out for its advanced technology and innovative features. Most importantly, we have a go-to-market-ready product available. Our manufacturing facility in Coimbatore currently produces more than 2,000 units each month on a single production line during one shift. With our advanced automated assembly and testing lines, we can swiftly scale up production to meet increasing market demand."

Ramasamy先生補充道:「我們於2017年在哥印拜爾成立了首個設施。我們的最新電動摩托車PRANA 2.0經歷了近兩年的測試,與前任相比,現在擁有超過100個新元件。我們將推出一款以其先進技術和創新功能脫穎而出的產品。最重要的是,我們有一個準備投放市場的產品。我們在哥印拜爾的製造工廠目前在單個生產線上每月生產超過2000台產品,一次班次。憑藉我們先進的自動化裝配和測試線,我們可以迅速擴大生產,以滿足不斷增長的市場需求。」

Mr. Yuvaraj Sankar, SRIVARU's Director of Engineering, commented, "The PRANA 2.0 is an engineering marvel in terms of its powertrain (battery, motor and controller), safety, unparalleled performance (top speed of 123 kmph), and user experience with smoother suspension and a colorful display. It features a high-performance battery, four driving modes including reverse for parking assist, as well as an ergonomic seating design—combining to create an effortless ride. The integrated mobile app offers real-time tracking and diagnostics. PRANA 2.0 sets a new standard in electric mobility, combining toughness on the road with smoothness for users."

SRIVARU工程總監Mr. Yuvaraj Sankar評論說:「PRANA 2.0在動力系統(電池、電機和人形機器人-電機控制器)、安全性、無與倫比的性能(最高時速123公里),以及更平穩的懸掛和豐富多彩的顯示屏方面是一項工程壯舉。它擁有高性能的電池,四種駕駛模式,包括用於泊車輔助的倒車,以及人機工程學座椅設計-讓騎行更輕鬆。集成的移動應用提供實時跟蹤和診斷功能。PRANA 2.0在電動出行領域樹立了新的標準,將路上的堅固性與用戶的舒適性結合起來。」


關於SRIVARUSRIVARU Holding Limited是一家開曼群島豁免性公司,是專門設計和製造印度高端電動摩托車的SRIVARU Motor Private Ltd的母公司。SRIVARU的創始初衷是深刻而複雜的騎車人-摩托車關係需要進行創新,以適應下一代騎手的需求。SRIVARU提供的可負擔的豪華E2W車型提供出色的騎行體驗,配有冗餘3通道自動制動、低重心提高穩定性、增強安全功能以及易於充電功能與家庭充電插座兼容。公司擁有廣泛的知識產權,其中包括已申請專利的底盤和驅動加速技術。此外,SRIVARU不僅提供比傳統內燃機摩托車和E2W競爭對手更優的總擁有成本,還督導重要的製造子公司,爲實現公司的可持續和創新交通的願景做出貢獻。該公司的企業簡介詳見:

SRIVARU Holding Limited, a Cayman Islands exempted company, is the parent company of SRIVARU Motor Private Ltd., a commercial-stage provider dedicated to designing and manufacturing premium electric motorcycles in India. SRIVARU was founded on the realization that while the rider-motorcycle relationship is deep and complex, it is in desperate need of innovation for the next generation of riders. SRIVARU provides affordable premium E2W vehicles that provide an exceptional riding experience with redundant 3-channel automated braking, a low center of gravity to improve stability, enhanced safety features, and easy charging compatible with home charging outlets. The Company has a broad array of intellectual property, including a patent-pending chassis and drive acceleration system. In addition, SRIVARU offers customers a superior total cost of ownership compared to traditional internal combustion engine motorcycles and E2W vehicle competitors. SRIVARU additionally oversees a manufacturing subsidiary set to play a crucial role in achieving the company's vision for sustainable and innovative mobility. Additional information about the company is available at: . With a focus on innovation, sustainability, and performance, SRIVARU aims to redefine the future of mobility.

SRIVARU控股有限公司是開曼群島豁免公司,SRIVARU Motor Private Ltd的控股母公司,專門從事在印度設計和製造優質電動摩托車的階段性提供商。SRIVARU成立的原因是認識到,雖然騎手和摩托車之間的關係深厚而複雜,但是對於下一代騎手而言,它亟需創新。SRIVARU提供價格適宜的高端E2W車型,可提供卓越的騎行體驗、具有冗餘的3通道自動剎車、低重心來提高穩定性、增強安全性能和易於家庭充電插座充電的特點。該公司擁有廣泛的知識產權,包括一項待審專利的底盤和驅動加速系統。此外,與傳統的內燃機摩托車和E2W車輛競爭對手相比,SRIVARU爲客戶提供了更優越的總擁有成本。SRIVARU還監督着一個製造子公司,該子公司將在實現該公司可持續和創新型流動性目標中發揮至關重要的作用。有關該公司的更多信息,請訪問: 以創新、可持續性和性能爲重點,SRIVARU旨在重新定義未來的交通運輸。

Forward Looking Statements


This communication may contain a number of "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include information concerning SRIVARU's possible or assumed future results of operations, business strategies, debt levels, competitive position, industry environment, potential growth opportunities and the effects of regulation, respectively. These forward-looking statements are based on SRIVARU's management's current expectations, estimates, projections and beliefs, as well as a number of assumptions concerning future events. When used in this communication, the words "estimates," "projected," "expects," "anticipates," "forecasts," "plans," "intends," "believes," "seeks," "may," "will," "should," "future," "propose" and variations of these words or similar expressions (or the negative versions of such words or expressions) are intended to identify forward-looking statements.

本通訊可能包含大量「前瞻性聲明」,其定義在1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》(Private Securities Litigation Reform Act)中。前瞻性聲明包含有關SRIVARU的可行或假設未來營運結果、業務策略、債務水平、競爭地位、產業環境、潛在增長機會以及監管影響等信息。這些前瞻性聲明是基於SRIVARU管理層當前的期望、估計、預測和信念,以及對於未來事件的多種假設。在本通訊中使用的「估計」,「預計」,「預測」,「則計劃」,「打算」,「相信」,「尋求」,「可能」,「將會,」「應該」,「未來」,「提議」以及這些單詞的變體或類似表達(或這些單詞或表達的否定版本)的含義,旨在識別前瞻性聲明。

These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, conditions or results, and involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are outside SRIVARU's management's control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors include, but are not limited to: (a) the outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against SRIVARU or others; (b) the inability to obtain financing to complete the Company's planned expansion; (c) the inability to successfully appeal the Nasdaq's delisting determinations; (d) the risk that current plans and operations of SRIVARU or its subsidiaries are disrupted as a result of the announcement and consummation of the Business Combination; (e) the ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the Business Combination, which may be affected by, among other things, competition, the ability of SRIVARU to grow and manage growth profitably, maintain relationships with customers and suppliers and retain its management and key employees; (f) costs related to ongoing operations; (g) the possibility that SRIVARU may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors; (h) SRIVARU's ability to execute its business plans and strategies, (i) SRIVARU's estimates of expenses and profitability and (j) other risks and uncertainties indicated from time to time in SRIVARU's public filings with the SEC, including those under "Risk Factors" therein.

這些前瞻性聲明不是未來業績、條件或結果的保證,其中包含了許多不知名和已知的風險、不確定性、假設和其他重要因素,其中許多因素超出了SRIVARU管理層的控制,這可能導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明中討論的結果有很大差異。這些風險、不確定性、假設和其他重要因素包括但不限於:(a)可能對SRIVARU或其他人提起的任何法律訴訟的結果;(b)無法獲得融資以完成公司的計劃擴張;(c)無法成功上訴納斯達克的退市決定;(d)作爲商業組合宣佈和完成的結果,SRIVARU或其子公司的當前計劃和業務操作可能會受到干擾;(e)商業組合的預期收益可能會受到影響,其中包括但不限於競爭、SRIVARU實現可盈利增長和管理增長,與客戶和供應商保持關係並保留其管理和關鍵員工的能力;(f)與持續經營相關的成本;(g)SRIVARU可能會受到其他經濟、商業和/或競爭因素的不利影響;(h)SRIVARU執行其商業計劃和對策的能力,(i) SRIVARU的開支和盈利能力估計,(j) 在向美國證監會提交的公開申報文件中不時指出的其他風險和不確定性,包括其中的「風險因素」等。

Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and SRIVARU assumes no obligation and, except as required by law, do not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. SRIVARU gives no assurance that it will achieve its expectations.


Company Details:


SRIVARU Holding Limited
2nd Floor, Regatta Office Park, West Bay Road
P.O. Box 10655
Grand Cayman, KY1-1006
Cayman Islands

SRIVARU Holding有限公司
郵編:P.O. Box 10655

Investor & Media Contact:


Investor Relations
SRIVARU Holding Limited
Phone: +1 (888) 227-8066

SRIVARU Holding有限公司
電話:+1 (888) 227-8066

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at


