
Craft Cannabis Brand, Broken Coast, Launches Latest Artisanal Strain, 'Milk & Cookies' for Avid Indica Enthusiasts

Craft Cannabis Brand, Broken Coast, Launches Latest Artisanal Strain, 'Milk & Cookies' for Avid Indica Enthusiasts

手工種植的大麻股品牌Broken Coast推出了最新的工藝品品種「牛奶和餅乾」,適合狂熱的Indica愛好者
GlobeNewswire ·  08/22 19:00

TORONTO, Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tilray Brands, Inc. ("Tilray") (Nasdaq: TLRY; TSX: TLRY), a leading lifestyle and consumer packaged goods company, announced the release of premium cannabis brand, BROKEN COAST's latest small batch flower strain, 'Milk & Cookies', joining the brand's renowned craft cannabis portfolio of Cherry Cheesecake, EmergenZ, Sour OG, Holy Grail Kush, and Amnesia Haze. This potent indica strain features sweet vanilla and nutty earthy flavors, making it the perfect choice for unwinding after a long day or sharing with friends.

多倫多,2024年8月22日,Tilray品牌公司(「Tilray」)(納斯達克代碼:TLRY;tsx代碼:TLRY)是一家領先的生活方式和包裝消費品公司,宣佈推出高級大麻品牌BROKEN COAST的最新小批量花雜交品種「Milk & Cookies」,加入該品牌著名的手工藝大麻系列中的櫻桃芝士蛋糕,EmergenZ,Sour OG,聖盃庫什和失憶草。”這種有效的頂級品種具有甜香草和堅果泥土的風味,成爲放鬆一天後的理想選擇,或與朋友分享的最佳選擇。

"We are excited to add Milk & Cookies to our premium cannabis strains lineup," said Kevin Anderson, Master Grower at Broken Coast. "Crafted with care, this small batch strain offers a warm and comforting experience with a potent punch, making it a perfect choice for passionate indica lovers. We're proud to share this latest addition with our community and can't wait to see how they enjoy it."

「我們很高興將'Milk & Cookies'加入我們的優質大麻品系列,」 Broken Coast的首席種植師Kevin Anderson說。「經過精心製作,這個小批量品種提供了溫暖舒適的體驗,具有強大的衝擊力,是激情Indica愛好者的完美選擇。我們自豪地與社區分享這個最新的產品,並且迫不及待地想看到他們對它的喜愛。」

Classic and comforting, Broken Coast's 'Milk & Cookies' is a Cookies & Cream x Triple OG cross, thickly blanketed in milky trichomes and cultivated with meticulous care, ensuring each small batch meets the highest standards. The cannabis plants are nurtured in strain-specific conditions to optimize their potential, inspected for optimal purity, hang-dried, carefully hand-trimmed, cold cured, and hand-packaged.

經典而令人心安的Broken Coast的'Milk & Cookies'是Cookies & Cream x Triple OG的結合體,被厚厚的乳狀毛被覆蓋,經過細緻的培育,確保每個小批量都符合最高標準。大麻植物在特定品種的條件下培育,以優化其潛力,經過完善純度的檢查,經過吊幹、精心手修剪、冷療和手工包裝。

Broken Coast's Milk & Cookies flower is available in Canada across select regions and licensed retailers, including British Columbia and Alberta, and soon to be available in Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan this Fall with further expansion nationwide. In pre-rolls, Milk & Cookies can be found in Ontario in 5x0.5g and 3x0.5g in Alberta. Find what Broken Coast flower speaks to you by following us at and visit for more.

Broken Coast的Milk & Cookies花品種在加拿大各個地區和持牌零售商處可購買,包括不列顛哥倫比亞省和阿爾伯塔省,並將在今年秋季在安大略省、馬尼托巴省和薩斯喀徹溫省等地區上市,進一步擴大全國範圍的銷售。在安大略省,Milk & Cookies可以在5x0.5g和3x0.5g的預捲菸中找到,在阿爾伯塔省也有。關注我們的,了解哪種Broken Coast的花品種適合您,並訪問網站 了解更多信息。

About Broken Coast

關於Broken Coast

Broken Coast is raising the standard for craft cannabis through the relentless pursuit of purity. It's late nights. It's long days. It's an incurable obsession with pursuing the purest, most quintessential expression of the plant that began in 2013 on the pristine coast of Vancouver Island and continues to inspire us every single day. Milk & Cookies is the latest addition to our stellar craft flower line-up including Cherry Cheesecake, EmergenZ, Sour OG, Holy Grail Kush, and Amnesia Haze.

Broken Coast通過對純淨的不懈追求,提高了手工大麻的標準。這是深夜。這是漫長的一天。這是對植物純淨、最本質的表達的一種無法治癒的執着,始於2013年的溫哥華島原始海岸,每一天都繼續激勵着我們。牛奶曲奇是我們出色的手工花系列的最新成員,包括櫻桃芝士蛋糕、EmergenZ、酸OG、聖盃庫什和遺忘之霾。

For us, striving for purity isn't a sprint – it's an infinite marathon. We believe patience is a virtue and we know real quality can't be rushed. That's why we take our time phenohunting through thousands of plants, unsatisfied until we discover the most exceptional expressions of genetics. It's why we monitor our grow rooms for temperature, airflow, nutrition, and humidity. And why we adhere to strict procedural and environmental protocols to maximize purity, quality, and customer satisfaction.


This uncompromising, unrelenting pursuit ensures we grow big, beautiful buds that deliver quality you can see, smell and taste. Creating pristine, high-quality cannabis takes care and time, which is why we take ours in the pursuit of purity.


For more about Broken Coast, visit and follow on Instagram.

要了解有關Broken Coast的更多信息,請訪問brokencoast.com並關注Instagram上的。

About Tilray Brands

關於Tilray Brands

Tilray Brands, Inc. ("Tilray") (Nasdaq: TLRY; TSX: TLRY), is a leading global lifestyle and consumer packaged goods company with operations in Canada, the United States, Europe, Australia, and Latin America that is leading as a transformative force at the nexus of cannabis, beverage, wellness, and entertainment, elevating lives through moments of connection. Tilray's mission is to be a leading premium lifestyle company with a house of brands and innovative products that inspire joy and create memorable experiences. Tilray's unprecedented platform supports over 40 brands in over 20 countries, including comprehensive cannabis offerings, hemp-based foods, and craft beverages.

Tilray Brands,Inc.(納斯達克:TLRY;TSX:TLRY)是一家領先的全球生活方式和消費品公司,在加拿大、美國、歐洲、澳大利亞和拉丁美洲設有業務,正成爲大麻、飲料、健康和娛樂交匯處的顛覆性力量,通過連接的時刻提升生活質量。Tilray的使命是成爲領先的高端生活方式公司,擁有一系列品牌和創新產品,激發快樂和創造難忘的體驗。Tilray前所未有的平台支持着全球20多個國家/地區的40多個品牌,包括全面的大麻產品、以大麻素爲基礎的食品以及手工飲品。

For more information on how we are elevating lives through moments of connection, visit and follow @Tilray on all social platforms.




Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this communication that are not historical facts constitute forward-looking information or forward-looking statements (together, "forward-looking statements") under Canadian and U.S. securities laws and within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that are intended to be subject to the "safe harbor" created by those sections and other applicable laws. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as "forecast," "future," "should," "could," "enable," "potential," "contemplate," "believe," "anticipate," "estimate," "plan," "expect," "intend," "may," "project," "will," "would" and the negative of these terms or similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Certain material factors, estimates, goals, projections, or assumptions were used in drawing the conclusions contained in the forward-looking statements throughout this communication. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our intentions, beliefs, projections, outlook, analyses, or current expectations concerning, among other things, the Company's ability to commercialize new and innovative products worldwide. Many factors could cause actual results, performance, or achievement to be materially different from any forward-looking statements, and other risks and uncertainties not presently known to the Company or that the Company deems immaterial could also cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements contained herein. For a more detailed discussion of these risks and other factors, see the most recently filed annual information form of Tilray and the Annual Report on Form 10-K (and other periodic reports filed with the SEC) of Tilray made with the SEC and available on EDGAR. The forward-looking statements included in this communication are made as of the date of this communication and Tilray does not undertake any obligation to publicly update such forward-looking statements to reflect new information, subsequent events, or otherwise unless required by applicable securities laws.

本通信中的某些陳述並非歷史事實,而構成前瞻性信息或前瞻性聲明(統稱"前瞻性聲明"),其受加拿大和美國證券法及1933年修訂版證券法第27A條和1934年修訂版證券交易法第21E條的規定,在"安全港"範圍內,以及其他適用法律的含義。前瞻性聲明可通過諸如"預測," "未來," "應該," "可能," "使能," "潛力," "考慮," "相信," "預期," "估計," "計劃," "期待," "打算," "可能," "方案," "願意"和這些術語的否定形式或類似表達來識別,儘管並非所有前瞻性聲明都包含這些識別詞。在整個通信中,摘要提出的結論中使用了某些重要因素、估計、目標、預測或假設。前瞻性聲明包括關於我們打算、信念、展望、分析或有關公司能夠在全球商業化新的創新產品的當前期望等內容。許多因素可能導致實際結果、績效或成就與任何前瞻性聲明大相徑庭,其他公司目前不明確的風險和不確定因素或公司認爲不重要的其他風險和不確定因素也可能導致實際結果或事件與此處包含的前瞻性聲明所表達的內容大相徑庭。有關這些風險和其他因素的更詳細討論,請參閱Tilray最新提交的年度信息表和Tilray與SEC提交的10-k年度報告(以及其他向SEC提交的定期報告)並可在EDGAR上獲取。本通信中包含的前瞻性聲明截止到本通信的日期,並且Tilray無需任何義務就這些前瞻性聲明公開更新以反映新信息、隨後事件或其他情況,除非適用證券法要求。





