
UEM Sunrise Q2024 Net Profit Rose by 129% to RM19 Million, With Sales Target on Track

UEM Sunrise Q2024 Net Profit Rose by 129% to RM19 Million, With Sales Target on Track

UEm Sunrise Q2024淨利潤增長了129%,達到1900萬令吉,銷售目標仍然在計劃進展中
UEM 日出 ·  08/22 18:02

UEM Sunrise Q2024 Net Profit Rose by 129% to RM19 Million, with Sales Target on Track        

UEm Sunrise Q2024淨利潤增長了129%,達到了RM1900萬,銷售目標正如期完成

  • Achieved RM269.8 million of sales, a 16% rise Quarter-on-Quarter (QoQ) on track to meet the FY2024 target

  • Gross Profit Margin improved to 35% for second quarter 2024 (2Q 2024) underpinned by project cost efficiency initiatives

  • Healthy cash and bank balances of RM1.2 billion reflecting stronger liquidity position to better support operational needs and cover upcoming debt maturities

  • Improved financial position with net gearing of 0.43 times, a 4-point reduction QoQ attributed to recent asset monetisation

  • Solid unbilled sales of RM2.7 billion with visibility until 2027

  • 銷售額達到了RM26980萬,季度同比增長16%,符合FY2024目標

  • 毛利率在2024年第二季度(2024年第2季度)提高至35%,得益於項目成本效率措施的支撐

  • 健康的現金和銀行存款餘額達到12億林吉特,反映出更強的流動性,以更好地支持運營需求並支付即將到期的債務

  • 財務狀況改善,淨槓桿率爲0.43倍,季度同比減少4個百分點,歸因於最近資產的變現

  • 堅實的未開票銷售額爲27億林吉特,可見度延續至2027年

KUALA LUMPUR, August 22, 2024 - UEM Sunrise Berhad ("UEM Sunrise" or the "Company") today announced its financial results for the second quarter of 2024 ("2Q 2024") ended 30 June 2024. The Company achieved revenue of RM205.2 million and a Sales achievement of RM269.8 million during this period. Profits for the second quarter surged by 129% to RM18.8 million, up from RM8.2 million in the previous quarter. These improvements indicate progressive revenue trend, a vigorous commitment in inventory clearance and reducing debt, reflecting the company's adaptability and strategic foresight in a fluctuating economic landscape.

2024年8月22日,吉隆坡 - UEm Sunrise Berhad(「UEm Sunrise」或「公司」)今天宣佈了截至2024年6月30日的第二季度(「2024年第2季度」)的財務業績。公司在此期間實現了2.052億林吉特的營業收入和2.698億林吉特的銷售業績。第二季度利潤激增了129%,從上個季度的820萬林吉特上升到了1880萬林吉特。這些改進表明了漸進式的營收趨勢,堅定的庫存清理承諾和債務降低,反映了公司在波動的經濟環境中的適應能力和戰略遠見。

Revenue for the second quarter was primarily driven by the property development segment, which accounts for 78% of the total revenue. Progress of key projects such as Residensi Allevia and the MINH in Mont'Kiara, and KAIA Heights in Seri Kembangan for the Central region, along with Senadi Hills and Aspira Gardens in Iskandar Puteri in Southern recorded higher revenue recognition in the quarter under review. Flagship projects totalling over RM2 billion launched in 2023 are still in the early stages of development, which will significantly bolster the Company's unbilled sales and provide strong revenue visibility moving forward.

第二季度營收主要由房地產開發板塊驅動,佔總營業收入的78%。類似Residensi Allevia和Mont'Kiara的MINH,以及Seri Kembangan的KAIA Heights等關鍵項目在該季度錄得更高的營收認可,而中部地區的Senadi Hills和Iskandar Puteri的Aspira Gardens,南部地區的一些主要項目錄得更高的營收認可。2023年推出的總額超過20億林吉特的旗艦項目仍處於開發的早期階段,這將大大增強公司的未開票銷售額,併爲未來提供強勁的營收可見度。

For the first half of 2024 ("1H 2024"), the Company's revenue stood at RM430.2 million, a decline of 29% from the same period last year. The decrease is primarily due to lower recognition from projects such as Residensi Astrea in Mont'Kiara and Serene Heights in Semenyih as they have progressed into their advanced stages in the same period last year. Sales achieved amounted to RM502.4 million, reaching half of the fiscal year 2024's Sales Target of RM1.0 billion. This performance was driven by the positive response to our CLUB-series product; The MINH in Mont'Kiara, and RISE-series products; The Connaught One in Cheras, and Senadi Hills in Iskandar Puteri.

2024年上半年("1H 2024")公司的營業收入爲RM43020萬,較去年同期下降29%。主要原因是像Mont'Kiara的Residensi Astrea和Semenyih的Serene Heights這樣的項目在去年同期已經進入了高級階段,因此在本期間的認可度較低。實現的銷售額爲RM50240萬,達到2024財年銷售目標的一半,即RM10億。這一表現得益於我們的CLUb系列產品——Mont'Kiara的MINH,以及RISE系列產品——Cheras的The Connaught One和Iskandar Puteri的Senadi Hills,獲得了積極的反響。

The Company has successfully doubled its Profit After Tax and Non-Controlling Interest ("PATANCI") in 2Q 2024 to RM18.8 million. The sequential growth was mainly attributed to cost management, as well as focus on its core activities coupled with opportunistic sales. The conclusion of the final phase of share disposal in its associate company, Aura Muhibah Sdn Bhd, brought in proceeds of RM386.2 million during the quarter, which contributed to the period's earnings.

公司成功將2024年第二季度的納稅後利潤和非控股利益("PATANCI")翻倍至RM1880萬。順利完成與合營公司Aura Muhibah Sdn Bhd的股權處置的最後階段,在本季度帶來了RM38620萬的收益,有力地推動了當期的盈利。這一增長主要歸因於成本管理以及對核心業務的專注和機會性銷售。

PATANCI for 1H 2024 moderated by 33% to RM27.0 million compared to the same period last year. The decline aligns with the lower topline performance, and partially mitigated by reduced net finance costs and higher share of results from joint ventures and associates.


Healthy Cash and Bank Balances and Sustained Unbilled Sales


The Company boasts a robust short-term liquidity position, with RM1.2 billion in cash and bank balances, an indicator of its solid financial management. Its net gearing ratio reduced to 0.43x, with a 4-point improvement QoQ, underlining healthy financial headroom for investment and growth. Additionally, with an unbilled sales of RM2.7 billion, the Company is assured with a steady revenue stream and cashflow visibility for the foreseeable future.
Chief Executive Officer Sufian Abdullah commented, "Our first-half financial results highlights our commitment to delivering sustained revenue and profitability momentum, even in a challenging and dynamic market. We are confident in our ability to continue delivering value to our stakeholders while reinforcing our position as a market leader in the sector."
Operational Progress and Outlook
The Company is committed in delivering a disciplined launch schedule, recently introducing the Senadi Hills Rumah Mampu Biaya Johor-C Development and Aspira LakeHomes Phases 4 and 6, with a Gross Development Value ("GDV") of RM20 million and RM108 million, respectively. Both developments were launched in July 2024, with unit prices ranging from RM150,000 to an average of RM800,000, reflecting the Company's dedication to providing housing options that are both affordable and within reach for the masses. These new projects are anticipated to have a favourable impact on the company's sales trends and contribute to its potential for expansion.

首席執行官Sufian Abdullah表示:"我們上半年的財務結果突顯了我們在一個充滿挑戰和動態的市場中提供持續營收和盈利動力的承諾。我們對於能夠持續爲利益相關者創造價值並鞏固我們在該行業的領導地位有信心。"
公司致力於按時推出各項計劃,最近推出了Senadi Hills Rumah Mampu Biaya Johor-C Development和Aspira LakeHomes Phases 4和6,兩者的總髮展價值("GDV")分別爲RM2000萬和RM10800萬。這兩個項目於2024年7月推出,單位價格從RM150,000到平均RM800,000不等,反映了公司致力於爲大衆提供既經濟實惠又符合購買能力的住房選擇。這些新項目預計將對公司的銷售趨勢產生積極影響,併爲其擴大空間做出貢獻。

The collaborative effort established with LOGOS to create a state-of-the-art data centre campus spanning 30-hectare in Gerbang Nusajaya, Johor is progressing well with both entities working towards finalising a definitive agreement by the close of 2024. This long-term partnership highlights the Company's efforts in capitalising on its vast landbank in Iskandar Malaysia, and actively seeking synergies and opportunities to develop the Industrial segment.

與LOGOS建立的合作努力,致力於在柔佛州Gerbang Nusajaya建立一座佔地30公頃的最先進數據中心,目前進展順利,兩個實體正在努力在2024年結束前達成一項最終協議。這種長期合作伙伴關係彰顯了公司在廣闊的馬來西亞依斯干達地區土地儲備上的努力,並積極尋求協同效應和發展工業領域的機會。

UEM Sunrise is also making strides in its international expansion, with the Development Application for a residential development in Subiaco East, Perth, Western Australia submitted on 27 May 2024. This development will feature approximately 340 apartment units, with a GDV of AUD450 million (RM1.3 billion).

UEm Sunrise在國際市場擴張上也取得了進展,於2024年5月27日提交了在澳大利亞西澳大利亞州Subiaco East的一項住宅開發申請。該項目將建設約340套公寓單位,總髮展價值(GDV)爲AUD4500萬(RM13億)。

Looking ahead, the Company remains focused on its 2024 priorities in core activities and property investment, continually exploring growth opportunities. With robust financial position and solid flexibility, UEM Sunrise is well-positioned to ensure operational stability, while enhancing our capacity to invest in future growth opportunities.

展望未來,公司將專注於2024年的核心業務和房地產投資,不斷探索增長機會。憑藉堅實的財務狀況和靈活性,UEm Sunrise在確保運營穩定性的同時,也能提升我們投資未來增長機會的能力。

Sufian Abdullah, Chief Executive Officer

首席執行官Sufian Abdullah

