
Mission Tiger Celebrates Major Milestone: Now Making an Impact in All 50 States

Mission Tiger Celebrates Major Milestone: Now Making an Impact in All 50 States

Mission Tiger慶祝重大里程碑:現在在所有50個州產生影響
PR Newswire ·  08/22 01:00

BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Aug. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Tony the Tiger and Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Mission Tiger have reached a major milestone; projects are now active in all 50 states across the United States. This achievement marks a significant step forward in Mission Tiger's pursuit to give more kids access to the benefits of sports.

位於密歇根州貝特爾克里克,2024年8月21日美國標準時間/環球新聞社-- 老虎託尼和Kellogg's玉米片任務老虎已經達到了一個重要里程碑; 該項目現在在美國所有50個州都處於活躍狀態。這一成就標誌着任務老虎邁向讓更多兒童享有體育好處的重要一步。

Since its launch in 2019, Mission Tiger, led by Tony the Tiger, has been dedicated to supporting middle school sports by funding new equipment, improving facilities and expanding sports programs. The first Mission Tiger project was founded on August 5, 2019, in Maryland and the 50th on August 21, 2024, in North Dakota. With the expansion into all 50 states, the initiative has now donated over $4 million– empowering students and communities from coast to coast.


"Our mission is to fuel the potential of every student," said Doug VanDeVelde, Chief Growth Officer at WK Kellogg Co. "We are incredibly proud of the impact Mission Tiger has had on middle school sports across the country," he added.

Wk Kellogg Co首席增長官Doug VanDeVelde表示:「我們的任務是激發每位學生的潛力。我們對任務老虎在全國中學體育領域產生的影響感到非常自豪。」

Over the past five years, Mission Tiger has partnered with DonorsChoose to support more than 3,000 schools nationwide and create almost 2 million sports and play experiences for kids. These projects range from building new sports facilities to providing essential equipment and resources for underfunded athletic programs. By focusing on middle school sports, Mission Tiger is addressing a critical period in students' development– helping them build confidence, teamwork skills and a passion for physical activity.


"At DonorsChoose, we are dedicated to breaking down barriers to education, and this collaboration allows us to extend that mission to the athletic field," said Alix Guerrier, CEO at DonorsChoose. "Together, we are giving students the chance to participate in sports programs and ensuring they have every opportunity to excel both in and out of the classroom," he added.

DonorsChoose首席執行官Alix Guerrier表示:「在DonorsChoose,我們致力於消除教育障礙,這項合作使我們得以將這一使命延伸到體育領域。」

Mission Tiger is one of several programs within WK Kellogg Co's sustainable business strategy, Feeding Happiness, which focuses on bringing healthier, happier futures within reach. By supporting middle school sports, WK Kellogg Co is helping to build healthier communities and fostering environments where children can thrive.

任務老虎是Wk Kellogg Co可持續業務策略Feeding Happiness中的幾個項目之一,該策略專注於使更健康、更快樂的未來觸手可及。通過支持中學體育,Wk Kellogg Co正在幫助建立更健康的社區,促進兒童可以茁壯成長的環境。

"A key pillar of Feeding Happiness is to help kids be their best and it is what drives us to create opportunities for every child to succeed," said Sarah Ludmer, Chief Wellbeing and Sustainable Business Officer at WK Kellogg Co. "Through Mission Tiger, we are helping students in every state get access to the resources they need to stay active and develop lifelong healthy habits."

“孩子成爲最好的自己是"養育快樂"的重要支柱,也是我們努力創造機會,讓每個孩子成功的動力。" Wk Kellogg Co.首席幸福及可持續業務官Sarah Ludmer表示:「通過「Mission Tiger」,我們正在幫助每個州的學生獲得所需資源,保持活躍,培養終身健康習慣。」

"We look forward to continuing our mission and making an even greater impact in the years to come," added VanDeVelde.

“我們期待繼續我們的使命,並在未來產生更大的影響," VanDeVelde補充道。

Fans interested in supporting this mission can participate by purchasing Kellogg's Frosted Flakes and uploading their receipts to, sparking a $3 donation* to DonorsChoose. For more information, visit or


*Kellogg is donating $3 per purchase to DonorsChoose with a Kellogg's Frosted Flakes receipt upload. Minimum donation $250,000; maximum $500,000. Go to for instructions. Applies to purchases between 1/1/24 and 12/31/24; must upload within 30 days of purchase.

* Kellogg將每次購買Kellogg's玉米片並上傳收據至DonorsChoose.com捐贈3美元。最低捐款額爲25萬美元,最高50萬美元。請前往MissionTiger.com獲取說明。適用於2024年1月1日至12月31日之間的購買;必須在購買後的30天內上傳。

About WK Kellogg Co

關於 Wk Kellogg Co

At WK Kellogg Co, we bring our best to everyone, every day through our trusted foods and brands. Our journey began in 1894, when our founder W.K. Kellogg reimagined the future of food with the creation of Corn Flakes, changing breakfast forever. Our iconic brand portfolio includes Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, Rice Krispies, Froot Loops, Kashi, Special K, Kellogg's Raisin Bran, and Bear Naked. With a presence in the majority of households across North America, our brands play a key role in enhancing the lives of millions of consumers every day, promoting a strong sense of physical, emotional and societal wellbeing. Our beloved brand characters, including Tony the Tiger and Toucan Sam, represent our deep connections with the consumers and communities we serve. Through our sustainable business strategy – Feeding HappinessTM – we aim to build healthier and happier futures for families, kids and communities. We are making a positive impact, while creating foods that bring joy and nourishment to consumers. For more information about WK Kellogg Co and Feeding Happiness, visit .

在Wk Kellogg Co,我們通過我們值得信賴的食品和品牌,每天爲每個人帶來最好的。我們的旅程始於1894年,當時我們的創始人W.k. Kellogg用玉米片的創造重新定義了食品未來,永久改變了早餐。我們具有標誌性品牌組合,包括Kellogg's玉米片,Rice Krispies,Froot Loops,Kashi,Special k,Kellogg's Raisin Bran和Bear Naked。在北美大多數家庭中均有存在,我們的品牌在每天數以百萬計的消費者生活中扮演着關鍵角色,促進着身體,情感和社會幸福感。我們深愛着的品牌角色,包括Tony the Tiger和Toucan Sam,代表了我們與所服務的消費者和社區的深厚聯繫。通過我們的可持續業務策略—Feeding HappinessTm—我們旨在爲家庭,孩子和社區建立更加健康和幸福的未來。我們不僅產生積極影響,還創造了爲消費者帶來喜悅和滋養的食品。有關Wk Kellogg Co和「養育快樂」的更多信息,請訪問。

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