
Olympic Gold Medalist and World Champion Swimmer Katie Ledecky to Headline Lattice's Annual Conference, Lattiverse

Olympic Gold Medalist and World Champion Swimmer Katie Ledecky to Headline Lattice's Annual Conference, Lattiverse

PR Newswire ·  08/22 00:00

The most decorated athlete in the history of women's swimming will join 20+ leading HR industry professionals at Lattice's October 8th event to celebrate the people-powered future of work


SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lattice, the leading AI-powered people platform, today announced the featured speaker lineup for Lattiverse, the company's annual conference, including this year's headline guest: 9x Olympic Gold Medalist and 21x World Champion Katie Ledecky.

舊金山,2024 年 8 月 21 日 /PRNewswire/-- 格子領先的人工智能平台今天公佈了該公司年度會議Lattiverse的特邀演講嘉賓陣容,其中包括今年的頭條嘉賓:9次奧運金牌得主和21次世界冠軍凱蒂·萊德基。

Ledecky has redefined the sport since her breakout at the 2012 London Olympics, where she won her first gold medal at just 15 years old. She has since become the most decorated female U.S. Olympian in individual events, with astonishing performances at the 2016 Rio, 2020 Tokyo, and 2024 Paris Games.


The world champion swimmer will kick off the biggest event in the HR cosmos on October 8th, when HR practitioners will come together to collaborate, connect, and learn through a rich lineup of programming featuring 20+ industry-leading speakers, panels, and networking opportunities. Lattiverse is HRCI and SHRM-certified and completely free to attend. The full list of featured speakers and sessions can be found on the Lattice website.

這位世界冠軍游泳運動員將於10月8日拉開人力資源領域最大的盛會的序幕,屆時人力資源從業者將齊聚一堂,通過由20多位業界領先的演講者、小組討論和交流機會組成的豐富節目進行協作、聯繫和學習。Lattiverse 已獲得 HRCI 和 SHRM 認證,完全免費參加。精選演講者和會議的完整列表可在以下網址找到 萊迪思網站

"Lattiverse brings together forward-thinking HR leaders to learn, connect, and explore new possibilities," said Sarah Franklin, CEO at Lattice. "We want every attendee to leave inspired by HR's role in shaping the future of work and feel empowered to drive new levels of impact and innovation within their organizations."


The conference rebranded this year from Resources for Humans to Lattiverse to recognize the expanded scope and impact it has taken on over the past five years. For the first time, the conference will incorporate both virtual and in-person components as it brings thousands of HR practitioners and thought leaders together from all over the world to explore the leading trends and challenges in the HR universe.

今年,該會議從 「人力資源」 更名爲 「Lattiverse」,以表彰其在過去五年中擴大範圍和產生的影響。該會議將首次納入虛擬和麪對面兩個部分,它將彙集來自世界各地的數千名人力資源從業者和思想領袖,共同探討人力資源領域的主要趨勢和挑戰。

A Top-Tier Speaker Lineup


Katie Ledecky, Olympic gold medalist and best-selling author of the memoir Just Add Water, will sit down with Lattice CEO Sarah Franklin to share insights on her journey to become a world champion swimmer, including the importance of pushing yourself towards big goals and how to balance consistency with innovation to achieve record-breaking results.

凱蒂·萊德基,奧運金牌得主,回憶錄的暢銷書作者 只需加水即可,將與萊迪思首席執行官莎拉·富蘭克林坐下來分享她成爲世界冠軍游泳運動員之旅的見解,包括推動自己實現遠大目標的重要性以及如何平衡一致性與創新以取得破紀錄的成績。

Other speakers include visionary leaders from top brands including Brooklinen, Ethena, Greenhouse, Khan Academy, MasterClass, PeakHR, Pinterest, TOMS, and more.


Opportunities for In-Person Connection


This year's event will feature in-person experiences in SF and London alongside the Lattiverse virtual experience, with live sessions, networking, and other surprises at Convene in San Francisco and Cavendish in London. All conference sessions will be broadcast to virtual attendees.

今年的活動將以舊金山和倫敦的面對面體驗以及Lattiverse虛擬體驗爲特色,包括現場直播、社交和其他驚喜 召開 在舊金山和 板煙 在倫敦。所有會議將向虛擬與會者廣播。

Lattiverse will celebrate the power of human potential and elevate the people professionals and leaders harnessing the innovations of today and tomorrow to unlock new levels of excellence for their companies – all while creating cultures where employees can thrive. Register now to receive updates on session topics, speaker announcements, and more.

Lattiverse將慶祝人類潛力的力量,提升人才、專業人員和領導者的地位,利用當今和未來的創新,爲公司的卓越水平開闢新的卓越水平,同時創造員工可以蓬勃發展的文化。 立即註冊 接收有關會議主題、演講者公告等的最新信息。

About Lattice
Lattice's people platform provides 5,000+ businesses worldwide with AI-powered HR solutions designed to help them become operationally excellent. Combining an HRIS with continuous performance management, employee engagement surveys, compensation management, career development tools, and more, Lattice's platform reduces administrative work for HR teams allowing them to invest more time in building the right, data-informed strategies that accelerate business results. With offices in North America and the UK, Lattice serves with world's most strategic HR teams including Slack, Gusto, Intercom, Ramp, Calm, NPR, Tide, and more.


SOURCE Lattice

來源 Lattice

