
Dolphin Subsidiary The Door's Client NYC's Bungalow Earns Three-Star Review From The New York Times

Dolphin Subsidiary The Door's Client NYC's Bungalow Earns Three-Star Review From The New York Times

海豚公司子公司The Door的客戶紐約的Bungalow獲得《紐約時報》的三星好評。
Accesswire ·  08/21 21:00

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / August 21, 2024 / Dolphin subsidiary The Door congratulates New York restaurant Bungalow, internationally-renowned Chef Vikas Khanna and restaurateur Jimmy Rizvi (of Bombay House Hospitality, which includes GupShup, Chote Miya and Ammi), who just received a coveted three-star review by The New York Times. Written by Priya Krishna, this marks the first New York Times restaurant review since Pete Wells' departure and the first three-star review of an Indian restaurant in almost 25 years.

NEW YORK, NY/ACCESSWIRE/2024年8月21日/Dolphin附屬公司The Door祝賀紐約餐廳Bungalow、國際知名廚師Vikas Khanna和餐飲企業家Jimmy Rizvi(他們是Bombay House Hospitality的一部分,旗下包括GupShup、Chote Miya和Ammi),他們剛剛獲得紐約時報的珍貴三星好評。這篇評論是由Priya Krishna撰寫的,這是自Pete Wells離職以來紐約時報對餐廳的第一篇評論,也是近25年來印度餐廳獲得的第一篇三星好評。

In the review, Krishna recognizes Bungalow as a representative of the "seismic shift" in the Indian restaurant landscape nationwide, growing the cuisine's visibility and influence in mainstream culture. Furthermore, she says that "The menu is a lesson in regional Indian food and the creative possibilities contained within it. It defies preconception or oversimplification, neither strictly traditional nor fusion."


"After almost 25 years, an Indian restaurant has received three stars in The New York Times" says Khanna. "Thank you everyone for believing in us and supporting us, waiting in line in the rain and online to book reservations. I owe it to all of you for making Bungalow a sacred space for our culture and cuisine."


Indian cuisine has long been a staple of New York City's food scene, and Khanna and team are working to bring its acclaim to new levels.


About Vikas Khanna & Bungalow
Chef Vikas Khanna is an internationally-acclaimed, Michelin-starred Indian American chef, and Bungalow is his critically-lauded, perennially-packed NYC restaurant in NYC which he opened in partnership with the team behind GupShup. Khanna is a host of MasterChef India, got his first Michelin star in 2011 at Junoon, has over 5 million followers on Instagram, and has cultivated a passionate fan base including celebrities like Martha Stewart, who has visited and gushed about the restaurant. Author of over 40 books, Khanna released his second film, Barefoot Empress, last year, a documentary about a 96 year-old woman in Kerala starting the first grade. His latest book, Imaginary Rain, is a novel inspired by his grandmother that's been developed into a major motion picture starring Shabana Azmi. It tells the story of a female chef who finally gets recognition after years in the background. His philanthropic initiative Feed India (CBS segment HERE) has served more than 80 million meals to people in need.

關於Vikas Khanna和Bungalow
廚師Vikas Khanna是一位受到國際讚譽的、米其林星級的印裔美國廚師,Bungalow是他在紐約市合作開設的備受讚譽、經常擁擠的餐廳,他與GupShup團隊合作開設。Khanna是《MasterChef India》的主持人,2011年在Junoon獲得了首顆米其林星,Instagram上有超過500萬粉絲,擁有一批充滿激情的粉絲,包括Martha Stewart等名人,她曾參觀並大讚這家餐廳。Khanna是40多本書的作者,去年推出了他的第二部電影《Barefoot Empress》,它是一部關於喀拉拉邦一位96歲婦女從一年級開始上學的紀錄片。他最新的小說《Imaginary Rain》是受他奶奶啓發的小說,已被改編成由Shabana Azmi主演的大製作電影。小說講述了一位女廚師在幕後多年後最終獲得認可的故事。他的慈善項目Feed India已經向有需要的人提供了8000萬餐。

About Dolphin (NASDAQ:DLPN)

關於dolphin entertainment(納斯達克:DLPN)

Dolphin (Nasdaq:DLPN), founded in 1996 by Bill O'Dowd, has evolved from its origins as an Emmy-nominated television, digital, and feature film content producer to a company with three dynamic divisions: Dolphin Entertainment, Dolphin Marketing, and Dolphin Ventures.

Dolphin (Nasdaq:DLPN)成立於1996年,創始人 Bill O'Dowd,始終致力於爲觀衆製作出優秀的電視、數字內容和電影。如今 Dolphin 成爲了擁有三個不同部分的綜合性公司:Dolphin Entertainment、Dolphin Marketing 和 Dolphin Ventures。

Dolphin Entertainment: This legacy division, where it all began, has a rich history of producing acclaimed television shows, digital content, and feature films. With high-profile partnerships like IMAX and notable projects including "The Blue Angels," Dolphin Entertainment continues to set the standard in quality storytelling and innovative content creation.

Dolphin Entertainment : 從這裏開始,Dolphin 的傳統部分就擁有製作備受矚目的電視節目、數字內容和電影的豐富歷史。憑藉 IMAX 等高調合作夥伴以及知名項目《 藍色天使》, Dolphin Entertainment 在優質故事敘述和創新的內容製作方面不斷推出新標準。

Dolphin Marketing: Established in 2017, this division has become a powerhouse in public relations, influencer marketing, branding strategy, talent booking, and special events. Comprising top-tier companies such as 42West, The Door, Shore Fire, Special Projects, and The Digital Dept., Dolphin Marketing serves a wide range of industries, from entertainment, music and sports to hospitality, fashion and consumer products.

Dolphin 市場部門:該部門成立於2017年,已經成爲公共關係、影響營銷、品牌策略、人才預定和特別活動的重要代名詞。Dolphin Marketing 包括 42West、The Door、Shore Fire、Special Projects 和 The Digital Dept.等頂級公司。Dolphin Marketing 服務於廣泛的行業,從娛樂業、音樂和體育到酒店業、時裝和消費品。

Dolphin Ventures: This division leverages Dolphin's best-in-class cross-marketing acumen and business development relationships to create, launch and/or accelerate innovative ideas and promising products, events and content in our areas of expertise. Key ventures include collaborations with Rachael Ray for Staple Gin, Mastercard Midnight Theatre, and Not a Celebrity Tequila. The company is actively exploring new projects in AI, beauty, and sports.

Dolphin Ventures:該部門利用Dolphin在跨市場營銷能力和業務發展關係方面的卓越性,爲我們所擅長的領域創建、推出和/或加速創新的想法和有前途的產品、事件和內容。關鍵項目包括與Rachael Ray合作推出的Staple Gin、Mastercard Midnight Theatre和Not a Celebrity Tequila。公司正在積極探索人工智能、美容和體育等新項目。

This press release contains 'forward-looking statements' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. These forward-looking statements may address, among other things, Dolphin Entertainment Inc.'s offering of common stock as well as expected financial and operational results and the related assumptions underlying its expected results. These forward-looking statements are distinguished by the use of words such as "will," "would," "anticipate," "expect," "believe," "designed," "plan," or "intend," the negative of these terms, and similar references to future periods. These views involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict and, accordingly, Dolphin Entertainment's actual results may differ materially from the results discussed in its forward-looking statements. Dolphin Entertainment's forward-looking statements contained herein speak only as of the date of this press release. Factors or events Dolphin Entertainment cannot predict, including those described in the risk factors contained in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, may cause its actual results to differ from those expressed in forward-looking statements. Although Dolphin Entertainment believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be achieved, and Dolphin Entertainment undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

本新聞稿包含《證券訴訟改革法》下的「前瞻性聲明」。這些前瞻性聲明可能涉及Dolphin娛樂公司的普通股發行以及預期的財務和業務結果以及相關基礎假設。這些前瞻性聲明以「將會」、「將」、「預計」、「預測」、「相信」、「設計」、「計劃」或「打算」等詞語表示,這些詞語的否定形式以及類似於未來的引用。這些看法涉及難以預測的風險和不確定性,因此Dolphin Entertainment公司的實際結果可能與其前瞻性聲明中討論的結果有所不同。Dolphin Entertainment公司此處包含的前瞻性聲明僅在本新聞稿發佈之日起有效。Dolphin Entertainment不能預測的因素或事件,甚至包括在其提交給證券交易委員會的風險因素中所描述的那些因素,可能會導致其實際結果與前瞻性聲明中所表達的有所不同。儘管Dolphin Entertainment相信這些前瞻性聲明所反映的期望是基於合理的假設,但它不能保證其期望將得到實現,而且Dolphin Entertainment不承擔公開更新前瞻性聲明的義務,除非受到適用法律的要求。

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James Carbonara/Hayden IR
James Carbonara/Hayden IR


SOURCE: Dolphin Entertainment

消息來源:dolphin entertainment

