
Vaxil Bio Enters Into Definitive Agreement With Green Data Centers for Reverse Take Over

Vaxil Bio Enters Into Definitive Agreement With Green Data Centers for Reverse Take Over

Vaxil Bio與Green Data Centers正式達成併購協議
GlobeNewswire ·  08/21 20:09

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TORONTO, Aug. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vaxil Bio Ltd. ("Vaxil" or the "Company") (TSXV:VXL) and Green Data Center Real Estate Inc., a corporation existing under the laws of British Columbia ("Green Data Centers") are pleased to announce that, further to Vaxil's news release dated May 27, 2024, they have entered into an amalgamation agreement dated August 20, 2024 (the "Definitive Agreement"), pursuant to which Vaxil will acquire all of the issued and outstanding securities of Green Data Centers by way of a three-cornered amalgamation under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) in exchange for securities of Vaxil issued on a one-for-one and post-Consolidation (as defined below) basis to be issued to the former security holders of Green Data Centers (the "Transaction").

2024年8月21日多倫多(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)- Vaxil Bio Ltd.(「Vaxil」或「公司」)(TSXV:VXL)和Green Data Center Real Estate Inc.(一家根據英屬哥倫比亞的法律設立的公司「Green Data Centers」)很高興宣佈,根據Vaxil於2024年5月27日的新聞稿,他們已於2024年8月20日簽署了一份合併協議(「明確協議」),根據該協議,Vaxil將通過三方合併交易根據《公司法》(英屬哥倫比亞)收購Green Data Centers的全部已發行和流通證券,以交換給Green Data Centers的前持有人發行的Vaxil證券(「交易」)。

The Transaction is expected to constitute a reverse take-over of Vaxil and a change of business for the Company, with the Company carrying on the business of Green Data Centers following closing, as further described below.

預計交易將構成Vaxil的逆向收購和公司業務的變更,交易結束後,公司將繼續進行Green Data Centers的業務,具體描述如下。

About Green Data Centers

關於Green Data Centers

Green Data Centers' mission is to sustainably power the digital world. Green Data Centers develops and plans to construct renewable energy generation, storage assets and hyperscale data centers. These assets are in high demand due to the increasing creation and utilization of digital data, combined with the exponential growth in Artificial Intelligence, which is driving the need for trillion-dollar data centers to support this rapid expansion.1 It has been projected that energy consumption of the largest AI training cluster will grow to consume 20% of the U.S. electricity production by the end of the decade, driven by the exponential increase in compute power.2 The need for power, land, and infrastructure is expected to become a significant constraint in the development of these trillion-dollar AI clusters.3


Green Data Centers creates value through:


  • Renewable Generation: Solar and wind power generation can produce long term revenue from selling power to the grid and can offer low-cost renewable energy for data center use.
  • Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS): Green Data Centers is developing a portfolio of BESS projects that will produce revenue from energy arbitrage and grid services. BESS projects buy low priced energy during off peak, low demand hours and sell for a profit during peak priced hours.
  • Data Centers: Green Data Centers develops powered-land, powered-shells or fully operational wholesale data centers.
  • 可再生能源發電:太陽能和風能發電可以通過向電網出售電力產生長期收入,併爲數據中心提供低成本的可再生能源。
  • 電池儲能系統(BESS):綠色數據中心正在開發一系列BESS項目,通過電力套戥和電網服務產生收入。BESS項目在低需求時段購買低價能源,並在高峰時段以盈利出售。
  • 數據中心:綠色數據中心開發帶有電力供應的土地、帶有電力供應的建築外殼或完全運營的批發型數據中心。

Green Data Centers seeks to pair energy generation, storage and data centers presenting a major competitive advantage which results in higher arbitrage for energy storage and lower cost of power for data centers.


Green Data Centers development pipeline includes the following, which has the potential for nearby data center development:


250MW West Texas BESS Project

250兆瓦的West Texas BESS項目

Green Data Centers has entered into a purchase agreement to acquire land for a 250MW/1000MWh BESS project at a grid node with significant renewable energy variability. The project, subject to final permitting, has a projected CAPEX of $375 million USD and projected gross revenues from third party modelling in excess of $100 million USD. Green Data Centers anticipates selecting an EPC contractor and battery manufacturer in early 2025, with project completion and revenue planned in 2026.


Project Financing


Green Data Centers plans to finance its project pipeline on a non-recourse basis with a combination of equity, debt and tax credits. Under the Inflation Reduction Act, Investment Tax Credits (ITCs) in America which can provide up to 30% of CAPEX plus an additional 10% for each: domestic US content, historical hydrocarbon development area (an energy community) or low-income communities. The ITCs are typically sold to large banks and other investors at commercial operation of the project, thereby contributing materially to the overall project capital stack.


Green Data Centers anticipates raising project equity optimally between private equity funds participating at the project level, green bonds or private placements in the parent company. Discussions are currently underway with substantial equity providers and partners.


Additional information about Green Data Centers may be found on its website:


About the Transaction


Vaxil is incorporated under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) with its registered and head office in Toronto, Ontario. Vaxil is a "reporting issuer" in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario.


Vaxil will hold a meeting of its shareholders (the "Vaxil Shareholders' Meeting"), as soon as reasonably practicable, to vote on the Transaction and the Divestment (as defined below) and such other matters relating to the Transaction, as may be required, including:


  • a change of name of the Company to "Green Data Centers Inc." or such other name as is directed by Green Data Centers and acceptable to applicable regulatory authorities effective upon closing of the Transaction (the "Closing");
  • the Consolidation (as defined below);
  • the adoption of a new equity incentive plan to be effective upon Closing;
  • the election of a slate of directors appointed by Green Data Centers, which elections will be effective upon Closing;
  • the change in the Company's auditor from Zeifmans LLP to MNP LLP;
  • the amendments to the Company's articles following Closing;
  • the Transaction; and
  • the Divestment (as defined below).
  • 公司更名爲「綠色數據中心有限公司」或由綠色數據中心指定並獲得適用監管機構批准的其他名稱,該更名將在交易完成後生效(「交割」);
  • 合併(如下定義);
  • 採用新的股權激勵計劃,該計劃將在交割後生效;
  • 由Green Data Centers委任的董事組成的董事會選舉,該選舉將於完成之後生效;
  • 公司的核數師從Zeifmans LLP更換爲MNP LLP;
  • 完成後,對公司章程進行修訂;
  • 交易;和
  • 剝離(定義如下)。

It is expected that prior to the Closing of the Transaction Vaxil will divest all existing assets except cash to third parties (the "Divestment"), which may require shareholder approval and is subject to approval of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV"). Pursuant to the terms of the Definitive Agreement, the Company also anticipates completing a consolidation (the "Consolidation") of the Vaxil Shares (as defined below) on the basis of approximately one post-Consolidation Vaxil Share for every 107.01463 pre-Consolidation Vaxil Shares, as more particularly set out in the Definitive Agreement.

預計在交易完成之前,Vaxil將剝離除現金以外的所有現有資產給第三方(「剝離」),這可能需要股東批准並且需要TSX Venture Exchange(「TSXV」)批准。根據最終協議的條款,公司還計劃進行股份合併(「合併」),按照合併後的約一股Vaxil股份對應合併前的107.01463股Vaxil股份的比例,具體另行在最終協議中詳述。

Trading in the common shares of Vaxil (each a "Vaxil Share") has been halted in accordance with the policies of the TSXV and will remain halted until such time as all required documentation in connection with the Transaction has been filed with and accepted by, and permission to resume trading has been obtained from, the TSXV. There can be no assurance that trading of Vaxil Shares will resume prior to the completion of the Transaction.


Completion of the Transaction is subject to a number of customary closing conditions, including but not limited to TSXV acceptance and, if applicable, pursuant to the requirements of the TSXV, disinterested shareholder approval. Where applicable, the Transaction cannot close until the required shareholder approval is obtained. There can be no assurance that the transaction will be completed as proposed or at all.


Pursuant to the Definitive Agreement, Vaxil has agreed to purchase the outstanding securities of Green Data Centers in exchange for the issuance of Vaxil securities to the former security holders of Green Data Centers on a post-Consolidation basis. To effect the Transaction, Green Data Centers will amalgamate with 1493369 BC Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Vaxil. Upon completion of the amalgamation, the amalgamated entity will continue as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vaxil.

根據最終協議,Vaxil已同意購買Green Data Centers的未償債券,以交換Vaxil證券發行給Green Data Centers前證券持有人,採取後合併的方式。爲實現交易,Green Data Centers將與Vaxil的全資子公司1493369 BC Ltd.合併。合併完成後,合併實體將繼續作爲Vaxil的全資子公司。

Green Data Centers will hold a meeting of its shareholders (the "Green Data Shareholders' Meeting"), as soon as reasonably practicable, to vote on the Transaction and such other matters relating to the Transaction, as may be required.

Green Data Centers將盡快召開股東大會(「Green Data股東大會」),就交易和與交易相關的其他事項進行投票,如有必要。

Further Information


All information contained in this news release with respect to Vaxil and Green Data Centers was supplied by the parties respectively, for inclusion herein, and each party and its directors and officers have relied on the other party for any information concerning the other party.

關於Vaxil和Green Data Centers的所有信息均由各方提供,用於本文,並且每個方和其董事和高級管理人員均依賴對方提供有關對方的任何信息。

The securities to be issued in connection with the Transaction have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S promulgated under the U.S. Securities Act) unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.


Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the management information circular or filing statement to be prepared in connection with the Transaction, any information released or received with respect to the transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of a capital pool company should be considered highly speculative.


The TSX Venture Exchange Inc. has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.



TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE及其監管服務提供者(如在TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE的政策中定義)均不接受對此發佈的充分性或準確性的責任。

Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward Looking Information


This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws relating to the proposal to complete the Transaction, the Divestment and associated transactions. Any such forward-looking statements may be identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "will", "believes", "projects", "plans" and similar expressions. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Statements about, among other things, the completion and expected terms of the Transaction and Divestment, the scheduling and holding of the Vaxil Shareholders' Meeting and the Green Data Shareholders' Meeting, obtaining the requisite shareholder approval, Green Data Centers's strategic plans, the anticipated business of Green Data Centers or the Company following Closing, such as projected CAPEX and projected gross revenues, projections around AI clusters, anticipated timeline for selecting EPC and battery manufacturers, anticipated project financing, Green Data Centers' ability to create value through solar and wind power generation, BESS projects and the development of powered-land, powered-shells or fully operational wholesale data centers, the ability to use the lands in the West Texas BESS Project for a 250MW/1000MWh BESS, and the parties' ability to satisfy closing conditions and receive necessary approvals, and such other statements that are not statements of historical fact, are all forward-looking information. These statements should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those implied by such statements, including but not limited to, the ability of the Company to receive all regulatory and shareholders approvals in a timely manner, risks associated with the completion of the Transaction, such as the Company's anticipated change in business, the realization of the anticipated benefits of the Transaction, the Company's ability to generate sufficient cash flow to meet its current and future obligations, the Company's ability to access sources of debt and equity capital, competitive factors, and general economic and business conditions. Although such statements are based on management's reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that the Transaction (including the name change and Consolidation), the Divestment or any of the related transactions will occur or that, if the Transaction, the Divestment or related transactions do occur, they will be completed on the terms described above. Vaxil and Green Data Centers assume no responsibility to update or revise forward-looking information to reflect new events or circumstances unless required by applicable law.

本新聞稿包含與完成交易、出售股權和相關交易有關的"前瞻性信息",該信息適用於適用證券法律的規定。任何此類前瞻性陳述都可以通過諸如"期望"、"預計"、"將"、"相信"、"項目"、"計劃"等表達方式確定。請謹慎對待前瞻性陳述,不要過度依賴前瞻性陳述。關於交易和出售股權的完成和預期條款,Vaxil股東大會和Green Data股東大會的安排和舉行,獲得所需股東批准,Green Data Centers的戰略計劃,交易結束後Green Data Centers或公司預期的業務,如預計的資本支出和預計的總營業收入,人工智能集群的預測、選擇EPC和電池製造商的預期時間表、預期項目融資,Green Data Centers通過太陽能和風能發電、能源儲備系統項目和動力土地、動力殼體或完全運營的批發數據中心的發展能力,能否在西德克薩斯州BESS項目中利用土地進行250MW/1000MWh的BESS等,以及各方滿足交易關閉條件並獲得必要批准等,以及其他非歷史事實的陳述,都是前瞻性信息。不應將這些陳述視爲對未來業績或結果的保證。這些陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果、表現或成就與這些陳述所暗示的結果有實質性的不同,包括但不限於,公司能否及時獲得所有監管機構和股東批准、與交易完成相關的風險,如公司預期的業務變更、交易預期的好處實現、公司能否產生足夠的現金流來滿足當前和將來的義務、公司能否獲得債務和股本資金的來源、競爭因素以及一般經濟和商業條件。儘管這些陳述是基於管理層的合理假設,但不能保證交易(包括名稱更改和股權整合)、出售股權或任何相關交易將發生,或者如果交易、出售股權或相關交易發生,它們將按照上述所述的條款完成。Vaxil和Green Data Centers在不受適用法律規定的限制情況下,不對更新或修訂前瞻性信息以反映新事件或情況承擔責任。

For more information, please contact:


Vaxil Bio Ltd. Green Data Center Real Estate Inc.
Gadi Levin, CEO
Jason Bak, CEO
Vaxil生物有限公司。 綠色數據中心房地產股份有限公司。
CEO Gadi Levin
Jason Bak,CEO

1, 2 Leopold Aschenbrenner, June 2024. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: The Decade Ahead. Racing to the Trillion-Dollar Cluster, section IIIa. Retrieved from

1、2024年6月2日,Leopold Aschenbrenner。情景感知:未來十年。爭奪萬億美元集群,第三部分a節。取自

3 Leopold Aschenbrenner, June 2024. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: The Decade Ahead. From AGI to Superintelligence: the Intelligence Explosion, section II. Retrieved from

3、2024年6月Leopold Aschenbrenner。情景感知:未來十年。從AGI到超級智能:智能爆炸,第二節。取自

