
Enduro Metals Corporation Announces 2024 Diamond Drilling Program at Newmont Lake

Enduro Metals Corporation Announces 2024 Diamond Drilling Program at Newmont Lake

Enduro Metals公司宣佈在紐曼礦業湖進行2024年金剛石鑽探計劃
newsfile ·  08/21 19:29

Kelowna, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 21, 2024) - Enduro Metals Corporation (TSXV: ENDR) (OTCQB: ENDMF) (FSE: SOG0) ("Enduro Metals" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on its 2024 summer exploration program on its 100% owned Newmont Lake Project.

肯路納,不列顛哥倫比亞省--(新聞稿電加密貨幣-2024年8月21日) - Enduro Metals Corporation (tsxv: ENDR) (OTCQB: ENDMF) (FSE: SOG0)("Enduro Metals"或"公司")很高興向大家介紹公司100%擁有的紐曼礦景區2024年夏季勘探項目的最新動態。

The Company's 2024 exploration program will focus on two key objectives:


  1. Oriented-core diamond drilling at McLymont to test the structural controls on gold-bearing quartz-carbonate veins that carry the highest-grade gold and copper material drilled to-date in the area.

  2. Further exploration of copper-gold porphyry targets along the Copper-Line, particularly at North Toe (see Enduro news release November 29th, 2023).

  1. 在麥克利蒙特進行定向岩心鑽探,以測試承載有迄今爲止該地區最高品位金銅礦物的石英-碳酸鹽脈構造控制。

  2. 在銅嶺沿線進一步勘探銅金斑岩目標,特別是在北腳處(參見Enduro新聞稿2023年11月29日)。

McLymont Fault


The McLymont Fault will be the primary focus of the Company's exploration efforts in 2024. The greater than 20km long geological feature is prospective for high-grade gold and porphyry deposits of varying styles. Last December, Seabridge Gold discovered the upper part of a new porphyry with intermediate sulfidation epithermal mineralization at the southwest end of the McLymont corridor, highlighted by 277m of 0.80 g/t Au near the Enduro/Seabridge Gold property boundary (See Seabridge Gold news release December 14th, 2023).

麥克利蒙特斷層將是公司2024年勘探工作的重點。這個長達20公里的地質特徵具有各種風格的高品位金和斑岩礦牀的勘探潛力。去年12月,Seabridge Gold在麥克利蒙特走廊的西南端發現了一個新斑岩的上部,其中含有中硫化蝕變熱液礦化,靠近Enduro/Seabridge Gold產權邊界的27700萬噸0.80克/噸的黃金(見Seabridge Gold新聞稿2023年12月14日)。

Cole Evans, CEO of Enduro Metals commented, "There are multiple styles of gold mineralization along the McLymont Fault, and our technical team, supported by third party review, has developed a new structural interpretation we believe may be the most important control for gold mineralization that will lend to building a high-grade gold and copper resource at McLymont.

Enduro Metals的首席執行官Cole Evans評論說:「在麥克利蒙特斷層附近存在多種類型的金礦化,我們的技術團隊在第三方評審的支持下,已經建立了一種新的構造解釋,我們相信這可能是金礦化的最重要控制因素,將有助於形成麥克利蒙特高品位金銅礦資源。」

Drilling will be conducted in the opposite direction compared to historical work using precise, oriented-core diamond drilling methods. The objectives are to first test areas near zones of known gold mineralization and correlate sub-surface structures with those mapped on surface. This will be followed by down-dip drill testing of these zones in areas previously never drilled. The aim of the program is to help us understand the pathways gold has moved through at McLymont which is characterized by a >3km surface gold anomaly with similar geological characteristics to Cominco's past-producing Snip Mine located 20km to the southwest along the McLymont structural corridor."


Figure 1: Cross-section of Pad 1 with 2 holes striking 120 degrees and dipping -45 and -75 into interpreted, NW-dipping mineralized structures. Holes are planned to an estimated total length of 300m.

圖1:與解釋的NW傾角礦化構造線相交,Pad 1剖面出現2個120度的缺口,傾角分別爲-45和-75。預計孔眼的總長度爲30000萬。

Most historic drilling on the Newmont Lake property was done on the McLymont Fault. The main target was the NW Zone which has a historic mineral estimate based on 16,992m of diamond drilling completed between 1987-1990 by Gulf Minerals.


Three different gold mineralization styles have been identified within the McLymont Fault: i) skarn, ii) epithermal, and iii) porphyry-like mineralization. Enduro's geological model has high-grade gold skarn near-surface, with gold being fed by underlying high-grade epithermal feeder veins sourced from an ultimate porphyry source.


Highlights of recent drilling completed by the Company on the McLymont Fault include:


  • Hole NW20-09 which intercepted 10.03g/t Au, 2.31g/t Ag and 0.36% Cu over 28.34m, including 31.09g/t Au, 6.54g/t Ag and 1.07% Cu over 8.85m;

  • Hole NW20-01 which intercepted 19.44g/t Au, 25.29g/t Ag and 1.32% Cu over 2.12m; and

  • Hole NW19-12 which intercepted 1.10g/t Au, 1.15g/t Ag and 0.09% Cu over 188.00m, including 4.04g/t Au, 4.06g/t Ag and 0.29% Cu over 44.13m.

  • 孔眼NW20-09,在2834萬的長度範圍內,截取了10.03g/t黃金、2.31g/t白銀和0.36%銅,其中包括8.85m的31.09g/t黃金、6.54g/t白銀和1.07%銅;

  • 孔眼NW20-01,在2.12m的長度範圍內,截取了19.44g/t黃金、25.29g/t白銀和1.32%銅;

  • 孔眼NW19-12,在18800萬的長度範圍內,截取了1.10g/t黃金、1.15g/t白銀和0.09%銅,其中包括4413萬的4.04g/t黃金、4.06g/t白銀和0.29%銅;

A table of significant assay results from drilling on the project prior to its acquisition by the Company is set out in Annex 1.


The 2024 program is designed to explore gold bearing structures intersecting lithology previously thought to be the primary ore control. The structural interpretation is based on a third-party review of mineralization at the NW Zone. The analysis included orientated drill core and structural mapping undertaken during the summer of 2023. 2024's program will combine relogging of historic drill core, detailed surface mapping, and a highly targeted drill program to identify structures hosting the chalcopyrite-pyrite bearing quartz-carbonate veins with the highest gold grades in the known mineralization. The drill program is planned to be up to 2,000m of orientated diamond drilling from 2 drill pads.


Copper-Gold Porphyry Target Generation


Enduro will also continue to explore and advance other Copper-Gold porphyry targets across the wider Newmont Lake property. The main targets include North Toe / Big Toe along the Copper-Line (see Enduro news release May 24th, 2023). A combination of geophysics, bedrock sampling, channel sampling, and mapping will be used to enhance our understanding of these areas and develop drill targets for future exploration campaigns.

安多羅還將繼續探索和開發紐曼湖區域其他銅-黃金斑岩靶標。主要的靶標包括沿銅線的North Toe / Big Toe(參見2023年5月24日Enduro新聞發佈)。將通過地球物理學、固巖採樣、剖面採樣和測繪等方法,提高我們對這些區域的了解,併爲未來的勘探活動開發鑽井靶點。

The North Toe target is a newly exposed zone uncovered by recent glacial retreat. Geological prospecting in 2022 identified an area of quartz-chalcopyrite stockwork veining and encouraging porphyry-style alteration typical of alkalic copper-gold porphyry systems showing zones of potassic alteration in association with quartz-magnetite-chalcopyrite+/-bornite stockwork veining on surface.


Surface rock chip samples collected in 2022 from the target returned grades of up to 4.08% Cu and 57.83 g/t Au over an area of 2.5km. In 2023, detailed mapping was completed to identify the host intrusion and identify structural controls on mineralization. Rock samples from this campaign returned up to 0.78% copper and 0.21g/t gold. Additionally, 240-line km of drone magnetics were flown over the target with data emphasizing the structural importance of the area. North Toe is of comparable scale, and along strike of the Burgundy system with an ideal location for development, at low elevation and only 17.6km up valley from the Galore Creek Mine Road.

2022年採集的靶點表面岩石碎片樣品顯示銅含量高達4.08%,金含量高達57.83克/噸的區域面積。2023年進行了詳細測繪,以確定寄主侵入體並識別礦化的結構控制。來自此次採樣活動的岩石樣品顯示銅含量高達0.78%,金含量爲0.21克/噸。此外,通過無人機進行了240公里的磁力測量,數據突出了該區域的結構重要性。 North Toe與Burgundy系統相當規模,並延伸到同一方向,處於理想的發展位置,低海拔,距離Galore Creek礦山公路僅17.6公里。

Figure 3: Plan view map of detailed mapping area highlighting planned channel sample over mineralized monzonite networks where samples assayed B0017861: 0.31% Cu, 0.64 ppm Au, and B0017858; 0.78% Cu, 0.21 ppm Au.

圖3:詳細勘探區域平面圖,突出計劃進行的礦化正長巖網絡通道採樣,其中樣品化驗結果 B0017861:0.31% 銅,0.64 ppm 黃金,以及 B0017858:0.78% 銅,0.21 ppm 黃金。

Personnel will begin mobilization to Newmont Lake imminently and further information will be provided as groundwork begins.


The Company also wishes to advise that Deborah Cotter has resigned as Company Secretary of the Company. The role of Company Secretary will be assumed by Malcolm Davidson, the Company's Chief Financial Officer. The Board wishes to thank Ms Cotter for her services to the Company and wishes her the best in her future endeavours.


About Enduro Metals

關於Enduro Metals

Enduro Metals is an exploration company focused on its Newmont Lake Project; a total 688km2 property located between Eskay Creek, Snip, and Galore Creek within the heart of British Columbia's Golden Triangle. Building on prior results, the Company's geological team have outlined multiple deposit environments of interest across the Newmont Lake Project including high-grade epithermal/skarn gold along the McLymont Fault, copper-gold alkalic porphyry mineralization at Burgundy, newly discovered copper-gold porphyry mineralization at North Toe, and a large 10km x 4km geochemical anomaly hosting various gold, silver, copper, zinc, nickel, cobalt, and lead mineralization along the newly discovered Chachi Corridor.

Enduro Metals 是一家專注於紐曼湖項目的勘探公司;總面積688平方公里,位於不列顛哥倫比亞省黃金三角地區的 Eskay Creek、Snip 和 Galore Creek 之間。在之前的成果基礎上,公司的地質團隊已經勾畫出紐曼湖項目跨越多個感興趣的礦牀環境,包括 McLymont 斷裂帶上的高品位淺成熱液/斑岩型金礦化、Burgundy 的銅金鉀輝石浦源礦化、North Toe 新發現的銅金斑岩礦化,以及 Chachi 走廊新發現的大型10公里 x 4公里地球化學異常,其中含有各種黃金、白銀、銅、鋅、鎳、鈷和鉛的礦化。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,

董事會代表 Novo Resources Corp.
Enduro Metals Corporation

"Cole Evans"
Chief Executive Officer

"Cole Evans"

For further information please contact:


Ali Wasiliew - Manager of Communications
Tel: + (236) 420-4050

Ali Wasiliew - 通信經理

As a continued effort to keep investors, interested parties and stakeholders updated, we have several communication initiatives. If you have any questions online (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram) feel free to send direct messages or a post and include the hashtag #askENDR.

作爲持續努力向投資者、利益相關方和利益相關者提供更新的努力,我們有幾項溝通舉措。如果您有任何在線問題(Twitter、Facebook、LinkedIn或Instagram),請隨時發送直接消息或發帖,幷包括hashtag #askENDR。

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements". Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Enduro's actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in the industry to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur.


Although Enduro believes the forward-looking information contained in this news release is reasonable based on information available on the date hereof, by their nature forward-looking statements involve assumptions, known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.


The forward-looking information contained in this news release represents the expectations of the Company as of the date of this news release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. While the Company may elect to, it does not undertake to update this information at any particular time except as required in accordance with applicable laws.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Annex 1: Significant Historic Drill Results Completed on the McLymont Gold Project Prior to the Acquisition of the Newmont Lake Property by the Company


Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold (g/t) Silver (g/t) Copper (%)
NW87-15 5.60 8.40 2.80 14.4 14.4 0.32
NW87-25 104.50 110.30 5.80 19.96 4.91 0.29
NW87-25 143.30 144.40 1.10 52.11 6.86 0.42
NW87-29 66.70 68.60 1.90 277.46 191.42 2.13
NW88-21 157.80 161.50 3.70 13.66 1.70 0.08
NW88-28 65.20 69.80 4.60 28.57 10.00 0.41
NW88-28 79.40 84.30 4.90 22.32 9.20 0.24
NW88-31 30.30 33.30 3.00 21.26 28.00 0.29
NW88-32 95.20 96.20 1.00 48.69 4.80 0.21
NW88-35 39.30 41.40 2.10 121.76 61.71 0.58
NW89-01 77.80 79.90 2.10 52.28 29.88 2.29
NW89-05 12.80 14.60 1.80 24.65 14.06 0.24
NW89-06 27.30 29.60 2.30 13.56 5.56 0.44
NW89-09 27.50 32.50 5.00 8.41 23.79 0.79
NW89-11 66.40 72.80 6.40 26.39 60.54 0.57
NW89-18 25.60 28.10 2.50 17.01 28.57 0.46
NW89-19 66.80 68.00 1.20 32.71 78.34 0.96
NW89-22 4.90 7.60 2.70 18.83 11.09 0.32
NW89-23 24.30 26.60 2.30 25.11 13.97 0.27
NW89-25 70.50 73.20 2.70 15.89 17.10 0.19
NW89-29 7.90 9.90 2.00 34.61 38.92 0.46
NW89-51 15.90 16.30 0.40 277.00 4.11 0.32
NW89-66 157.90 158.50 0.60 39.02 0.35 0.11
NW90-01 59.40 61.30 1.90 16.07 165.82 0.09
NW90-01 63.20 66.40 3.20 39.29 0.20 0.12
NW90-02 50.10 50.90 0.80 40.01 - 0.0100
NW90-02 76.80 81.70 4.90 22.09 - 0.0100
NW90-17 113.10 114.80 1.70 28.39 0.39 17700
NW90-18 104.40 106.40 2.00 363.24 - 0.010
NW90-26 32.60 35.40 2.80 25.06 - 0.010
NW90-27 15.20 16.20 1.00 31.89 - 0.010
NW90-30 24.10 25.60 1.50 28.94 - 0.010
NW90-31 10.10 10.80 0.70 113.93 - 0.010
R-07-09 13.72 16.76 3.04 19.71 12.6 0.45
R-07-09 26.61 28.96 2.35 27.32 9.96 0.46
R-08-07 25.25 27.13 1.88 179.14 109.28 0.19
R-08-11 137.22 138.44 1.22 51.7 33.7 0.50
孔ID 從(m) 到(m) 長度(米) 金(g/t) 銀(g/t) 銅 (%)
5.60 8.40 2.80 14.4 14.4 0.32
104.50 5.80 19.96 4.91 0.29
NW87-25 143.30 144.40 1.10 52.11 6.86 0.42
NW87-29 66.70 68.60 1.90 277.46 191.42 2.13
NW88-21 157.80 161.50 3.70 13.66 1.70 0.08
65.20 69.80 4.60 28.57 10.00 0.41
79.40 84.30 4.90 22.32 9.20 0.24
NW88-31 30.30 33.30 3.00 21.26 28.00 0.29
NW88-32 95.20 96.20 1.00 48.69 4.80 0.21
NW88-35 39.30 41.40 2.10 121.76 61.71 0.58
77.8 79.90 2.10 52.28 29.88 2.29
12.80 14.60 1.80 24.65 14.06 0.24
NW89-06 27.30 29.60 2.30 13.56 5.56 0.44
27.50 32.50 5.00 Table 1:Frontier NW區域通道採樣的化驗結果。 採樣通道靠近612870 mE,5228740 mN(UTM NAD83區17N),線趨於西南。 23.79% 0.79
66.40 72.80 6.40 26.39 60.54 0.57
NW89-18 Benner,R.I. 1982. 關於Silver Century Explorations Ltd.物業組的報告,科巴爾特安大略省。;柯克蘭湖居民地質學家辦公室,科爾曼鄉,評估文件31M05NE0412。 28.10 2.50 17.01 28.57 0.46
NW89-19 66.80 68.00 1.20 32.71美元 78.34 0.96
4.90 7.60 2.70 18.83 11.09 0.32
NW89-23 24.30 26.60 2.30 25.11 13.97 0.27
NW89-25 70.50 73.20 2.70 15.89 17.10 0.19
7.90 9.90 2.00 34.61 38.92 0.46
15.90 16.30 0.40 277.00 4.11 0.32
157.90 158.50 0.60 39.02 0.35 0.11
NW90-01 59.40 61.30 1.90 16.07 165.82 0.09
NW90-01 63.20 66.40 3.20 0.20 0.12
NW90-02 50.10 50.90 0.80 40.01 - 0.0100
76.80 81.70 4.90 22.09 - 0.0100
113.10 114.80 1.70 年。包括未行權期權在內,共有 0.39 17700
NW90-18 104.40 106.40 2.00 363.24 - 0.010
NW90-26 32.60 35.40 2.80 25.06 - 0.010
15.20 16.20 1.00 31.89 - 0.010
NW90-30 24.10 Benner,R.I. 1982. 關於Silver Century Explorations Ltd.物業組的報告,科巴爾特安大略省。;柯克蘭湖居民地質學家辦公室,科爾曼鄉,評估文件31M05NE0412。 1.50 28.94 - 0.010
NW90-31 10.10 10.80 0.70 113.93 - 0.010
R-07-09 13.72 16.76 3.04 19.71 12.6 0.45
26.61 28.96 2.35 27.32 9.96 0.46
25.25 27.13 1.88 179.14 109.28 0.19
R-08-11 137.22 138.44 1.22 51.7 33.7 0.50

