


招银国际 ·  08/21

The sportswear industry is still under immense pressure. However, we are still confident in the mid to long run. Going into 2H24E, we still believe Xtep can continue its outperformance, supported by: 1) successful new products, 2) robust e-commerce sales and platform expansion, 3) relatively more wholesale business nature, 4) robust growth from the Saucony brand and 5) reduced losses after the sales of K&P. The stock's valuation is fairly attractive, at 10x FY24E P/E and 14% FY24E yield.

運動服裝行業仍面臨巨大壓力。然而,我們對中長期仍然充滿信心。進入2024下半年,我們仍然相信特步可以繼續出色表現,原因如下:1)成功的新產品,2)強勁的電子商務銷售和平台擴張,3)相對更多的批發業務性質,4) Saucony 品牌的強勁增長,5)K&P 銷售後減少虧損。股票的估值相對較具吸引力,爲FY24E市盈率10倍和FY24E收益率14%。

We are slightly more prudent about Xtep's retail sales trend in 2H24E, but more confident on the group level. According to management, the retail sales trend for Xtep brand in Jul-Aug 2024 continued to face certain pressure (e.g. bad weather, weak consumer sentiment), rather similar to that in Jun 2024, where offline/ e-commerce sales growth was roughly at LSD/ more than 20% (we estimated the overall growth to be at HSD). But thanks to different initiatives, such as: 1) a strong pipeline of new products (the 260X and 360X launched earlier this year, priced at RMB 799 and RMB 599, have been very hot-selling, and the 6.0 version of 160X will come to market in 3Q24E), 2) further penetration into new e-commerce platforms (more events with Douyin and expansion into more new platforms), 3) a re- focus of many of the company's resources on the core brand and running, after the strategic disposal of K&P, we think Xtep's retail sales growth could still be resilient, at roughly HSD in 2H24E (cut from the original target of 10% or above in FY24E). On the other hand, Saucony has performed well, registered 70% or more sales growth in 1H24, where SSSG/ sales per store went up by 30%; therefore the guidance on Saucony's sales growth has been lifted to 50% or above. We think the momentum will sustain, esp. after the appointment of its new spokesperson Eddie Peng in Jul 2024. In addition, sales growth of Merrell was blooming, at 80% or above.

我們對特步在2024年下半年的零售銷售趨勢稍微謹慎,但對集團層面更加有信心。根據管理層的說法,特步品牌在2024年7-8月的零售銷售趨勢仍面臨一定的壓力(如惡劣天氣,消費者信心疲軟),與2024年6月類似,線下/電子商務銷售增長大約在低一位數/超過20%(我們估計整體增長率在高一位數)。但由於不同的舉措,例如:1)強大的新產品陣容(今年早些時候推出的260X和360X,售價爲799元和599元非常暢銷,在3Q24E將推出160X的6.0版本),2)進一步滲透到新的電子商務平台(與抖音合作,擴大到更多新平台),3)在 K&P 的戰略處置後,重新將許多公司資源集中在覈心品牌和跑步上,我們認爲特步的零售銷售增長仍然有彈性,在2024年下半年大約在高一位數(從FY24E的原始目標削減到10%或以上) 。另一方面,Saucony表現良好,在1H24中實現了70%以上的銷售增長,其中SSSG /每家店鋪的銷售額增長了30%;因此,Saucony的銷售增長目標已提升至50%或以上。我們認爲這種勢頭將持續,尤其是在2024年7月任命新代言人彭于晏之後。此外,Merrell的銷售增長也呈現出蓬勃發展,增長率達到80%或以上。

But the listco level guidance was largely maintained (net profit growth could still be fast). The company has reiterated its FY24E guidance (HSD to low-teens sales growth and even faster net profit growth (the target now is 20% or above)), and we are more confident about its margin expansion because: 1) cost control has become one of the top priorities of the company (after the brand and channel healthiness), 2) greater economies of scale as sales volumes of star products continue to surge, 3) e-commerce OP margin could further improve, led by operating leverage and rising sales from the higher-margin new platforms, 4) A&P expenses (as % of sales) will fall YoY, as Xtep's advertisements around the Olympics are relatively less vs its peers, and 5) the strategic disposal of K&P. Noted that the net margin improvement is valid for all brands (from Xtep core to Saucony).


For FY25E, we are cautious, but still think moderate growth is achievable. The macro environment could still be uncertain in FY25E. However, thanks to Xtep's value-for-money position, leadership in running categories, and consistent product upgrades, we still expect it to outperform the industry. And supported by Xtep's healthy channel inventory, we are still forecasting HSD/ 30% or above sales growth for Xtep/ Saucony brand in FY25E.

對於FY25E,我們持謹慎態度,但仍然認爲可以實現中等增長。FY25E宏觀環境仍可能不確定。然而,由於Xtep的性價比定位,以及在跑步類別中的領導地位和產品升級的一致性,我們仍然預計它將超過行業。並且在Xtep健康的渠道庫存的支持下,我們仍在預測FY25E時對Xtep / Saucony品牌的銷售增長爲HSD / 30%或以上。

1H24 results were roughly inline. Xtep's sales rose by 10% YoY to RMB 7.2bn in 1H24, 2% above CMBI/ BBG est., and the net profit increased by 13% YoY to RMB 752mn, missing CMBI est. by 3% but beating BBG est. by 15%. GP margin surged due to: 1) economies of scale led by increased sales of star products like the 360X, 2) Xtep kids' margin improvements, 3) limited retail discounts, and 4) acquisition of stakes in the Saucony & Merrell JV, etc., but that was mostly offset by a jump in A&P expenses (~12% increase) and staff costs (~19% increase). Noted that, if we adjust for the provisions this year and write-backs last year, the adjusted OP could have gone up by ~18% YoY. Inventory days dropped 7 days YoY to 100 days, while the receivables days increased by 8 days to 100 days in 1H24. We are really impressed by the net operating cash flow, which has rocketed by 211% YoY. In terms of segment, online sales continued to outperform, followed by kids than adults. Moreover, sales growth for Xtep/ K-Swiss & Palladium/ Saucony & Merrell were at 7%/10%/ 72%.

1H24的結果大致符合預期。Xtep在1H24的銷售額同比增長10%至72億元人民幣,略超CMBI / BBG的估計2%,而淨利潤同比增長13%至7.52億元人民幣,低於CMBI的估計3%,但高於BBG的估計15%。由於:1)銷售360X等明星產品的經濟規模效益,2)Xtep兒童產品的毛利率改善,3)有限的零售折扣,以及4)收購Saucony&Merrell合資公司的股權等因素,毛利率大幅增長,但這主要被廣告和促銷費用(約增加12%)以及員工成本(約增加19%)所抵消。請注意,如果我們調整今年的撥備和去年的沖銷,調整後的運營利潤同比可能增長約18%。1H24的庫存週轉天數同比下降7天至100天,應收賬款週轉天數同比增加8天至100天。我們對淨經營現金流的增長印象深刻,同比大漲211%。就業務板塊而言,在線銷售繼續表現出色,其次是兒童產品,然後是成人產品。此外,Xtep / k-Swiss&Palladium / Saucony&Merrell的銷售增長分別爲7% / 10% / 72%。

Maintain BUY and TP of HK$ 7.32, based on 14x FY24E P/E (unchanged). We have adjusted our FY24E/ 25E/ 26E net profit by 0%/ -4%/ -3% to factor in slightly slower sales growth but a much better GP margin. The stock is trading at 10x FY24E P/E, highly attractive vs its 8-year average of 15x, or vs its 15% 3-year operating income CAGR, let alone the 14% FY24E dividend yield.

維持買入評級和目標價爲港元7.32元,基於14倍FY24E市盈率(未變)。我們已將FY24E / 25E / 26E淨利潤調整爲0% / -4% / -3%,以反映稍微較慢的銷售增長,但更好的毛利率。該股票的市盈率爲FY24E的10倍,相比其15倍的8年平均市盈率或其15%的3年營業收入複合年增長率,甚至不用提FY24E的14%股息收益率,非常具吸引力。

