Wentel Engineering Eyes South Expansion With New Plant
Wentel Engineering Eyes South Expansion With New Plant
Wentel Engineering Holdings Berhad (Wentel Engineering) has reported a robust performance for the first half of 2024, closing with a cumulative revenue of RM54.55 million. For the second quarter ended 30 June 2024 ("Q2FY2024"), the Company recorded a revenue increase of RM3.00 million, reflecting an 11.65% rise compared to the previous quarter. This growth is attributed to a significant uptick in orders within the assembly of finished products segment. Wentel Engineering achieved a consolidated Profit Before Tax of RM5.92 million for Q2FY2024.
Wentel Engineering Holdings Berhad(Wentel Engineering)報告稱,2024年上半年業績強勁,累計營收達到5455萬令吉。截至2024年6月30日的第二季度(「2024財年第二季度」),公司營收增加了300萬令吉,較上一季度增長了11.65%。這一增長歸因於成品組裝領域訂單的顯著增長。Wentel Engineering在2024財年第二季度實現了592萬令吉的稅前利潤。
Wong Chun Wei, Executive Director of Wentel Engineering, emphasised that the company's solid performance underscores its exceptional operational capabilities and strategic execution. This positions the group favourably for sustained growth in the latter half of 2024. Mr Wong stated, "We are committed to leveraging our competitive strengths and expanding our market presence to drive continued value creation for stakeholders. This commitment will be bolstered by our recent expansion with a new manufacturing plant in Johor Bahru, slated to commence operations in the first half of 2026. The new plant is anticipated to significantly enhance our production capacity and operational efficiencies, allowing us to capitalise on the revival of global trade economies. As demand increases, we are confident of achieving satisfactory financial performance for the fiscal year ending 2024."
Wong Chun Wei,Wentel Engineering的執行董事,強調公司穩健的業績凸顯了其出色的運營能力和戰略執行力。這使得集團在2024年下半年保持持續增長的有利位置。黃先生表示:「我們致力於發揮我們的競爭優勢,並擴大市場份額,以持續爲利益相關者創造價值。我們最近擴大了業務,新的製造工廠位於新山,計劃於2026年上半年開始運營。新工廠預計將顯著增強我們的生產能力和運營效率,使我們能夠利用全球貿易經濟復甦。隨着需求增加,我們有信心實現2024財政年度的令人滿意的財務業績。」
The new facility will span 426,074 square feet and will focus on fabricating semi-finished metal products, metal parts, and assembly operations. It will include two single-storey factory blocks with double-storey offices and two blocks of workers' hostels, totalling a built-up area of 299,701 square feet. Mr Wong added, "We are expanding our computer numerical control (CNC) machining capabilities to target customers with higher precision requirements. The new plant will support larger orders, enhance efficiency, and enable better manufacturing techniques. This facility will improve our ability to produce precision machined parts for both existing and new customers, addressing diverse needs in precision, accuracy, and material specifications."
With over two decades of experience since its establishment in 2000, Wentel Engineering specialises in the fabrication of semi-finished metal products, metal parts, and the assembly of finished products for various industries, including security screening equipment, CNC machines, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, medical diagnostics equipment, passenger coaches, and industrial 3D printers.