
Ciscom Corp. Announces Strong Shareholder Support at Annual and Special Meeting

Ciscom Corp. Announces Strong Shareholder Support at Annual and Special Meeting

newsfile ·  08/21 05:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 20, 2024) - Ciscom Corp. (CSE: CISC) (OTCQB: CISCF) ("Ciscom" or "the Company"), a company dedicated to investing in, acquiring, and managing businesses within the Information and Communication Technology ("ICT") sector, is pleased to announce the results of its Annual General and Special Meeting of shareholders held in Toronto on August 20, 2024 (the "Meeting"). During the Meeting, shareholders approved all matters of business as outlined in the management information circular dated July 2, 2024 (the "Circular"). The approved items included setting the board size at seven members, electing the proposed directors for the upcoming year, appointing auditors, and approving the Company's shareholder rights plan.

Ciscom Corp. (CSE: CISC) (OTCQB: CISCF)公司非常高興地宣佈其於2024年8月20日在多倫多舉行的股東年會和特別會議("會議")中獲得的業務領域內所有事項的批准,該公司致力於在信息和通信技術("ICT")領域內投資、收購和管理業務, 授權的事項包括設置七人的董事局規模,選舉提名的董事,任命核數師和批准公司的股東權益計劃。公司信息披露的管理信息通告於2024年7月2日發佈("通告")。

The following individuals were re-elected to the board of directors of the Company, being the same individuals as set out in the Circular: Paul Gaynor, Tracy Hughes, Eric Klein, Stephen Lautens, David Mathews, Michel Pepin, and Angel Valov.

董事會中的以下人士被重新選舉,與《通告》中的相同:Paul Gaynor、Tracy Hughes、Eric Klein、Stephen Lautens、David Mathews、Michel Pepin和Angel Valov。

A total of 31,170,005 common shares were represented at the Meeting in person or by proxy, out of the total 53,563,833 issued and outstanding common shares. The voting process was overseen and confirmed by TSX Trust, acting as the scrutineer of the Meeting.

共有31,170,005股普通股在會議中以親自或代理的方式出席,佔53,563,833已發行和流通普通股的總數。投票過程由擔任會議檢查員的TSX Trust監督和確認。

The directors were re-elected with overwhelming support, receiving in each case between 97-100% of the votes cast. The Shareholder Rights Plan was approved by over 99% of the votes, while the appointment of auditors and the setting of the board size at seven directors received 100% approval.


The Company extends its gratitude to all Ciscom shareholders for their participation in the vote and their strong support of the re-elected board.


"As reported on July 25, 2024, the Company continues to strengthen its financial position through increased sales and gross profit, reduced expenses, and enhanced operating profit with positive cash flows from operations," said Michel Pepin, President, CFO, and Director of Ciscom Corp. "Our team members and board of directors have been instrumental in our continued success. Ciscom is now better positioned than ever to capitalize on opportunities and execute its acquisitions mandate. We remain focused on driving our competitive advantage and building shareholder value."

"正如2024年7月25日報道的那樣,公司通過增加銷售和毛利潤,減少費用,並增強具有積極現金流的營業利潤,繼續加強其財務狀況,"Ciscom Corp.的總裁,CFO兼董事Michel Pepin說:"我們的團隊成員和董事會對我們的持續成功起到了重要作用。Ciscom現在比以往任何時候都更有能力利用機會並執行其收購任務。我們仍然專注於驅動我們的競爭優勢並積累股東價值。"

About Ciscom Corp.

關於Ciscom Corp.

Ciscom actively invests in, acquires, and manages market leading companies within the Information and Communication Technology ("ICT") sector, targeting SMEs with proven profitability. This approach allows entrepreneurs to monetize their equity and continue contributing, enhancing shareholder value through acquisitions. As a leader in omni-media, particularly in data-driven marketing, Ciscom, through its subsidiaries, optimizes advertising spend across platforms, ensuring high ROI and customer engagement. Strategic ICT acquisitions bolster service offerings and shareholder value, marking Ciscom as an emergent force in the data driven and technology market. Ciscom became an issuer in June 2023 on the CSE and October 2023 on the OTCQB. Ciscom has two subsidiaries, namely Market Focus Direct and Prospect Media Group. For more information, visit

Ciscom Corp是一家專注於投資、收購和管理信息和通信技術("ICT")行業內領先公司的公司,主要針對已證明盈利的中小企業。此種方法允許企業家通過收購來獲利並繼續爲股東創造價值。作爲奧美傳媒(廣告代理公司)的領先者,特別是在數據驅動的營銷領域,Ciscom通過其子公司的服務,在各個平台上優化廣告花費,確保高回報率和客戶參與度。戰略ICt收購增強了服務提供及股東價值,標誌着Ciscom成爲數據驅動和技術市場中新興的強勢力量。 Ciscom於2023年6月成爲CSE的發行人,2023年10月成爲OTCQb的發行人,Ciscom具有兩個子公司,分別是Market Focus Direct和Prospect Media Group。更多信息請訪問。

For more information, contact:
Michel Pepin
President, CFO and Director, Ciscom Corp.
(416) 366 9727

Michel Pepin
Ciscom Corp的總裁、CFO和董事
(416) 366 9727

Cautionary Statement


This news release contains certain statements that constitute forward-looking statements as they relate to Ciscom and its management. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts but represent management's current expectation of future events and can be identified by words such as "believe", "expects", "will", "intends", "plans", "projects", "anticipates", "estimates", "should", "continues" and similar expressions. Although management believes that the expectations represented in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that they will prove to be correct or will come to pass. Forward-looking statements include statements and information regarding any anticipated investing in or acquisition of additional companies in the ICT sector, the anticipated development or trend of the capital markets and the size of corporate entities such markets may favour, any expected opportunities which may become available to Ciscom and the ability or choice of Ciscom to avail itself thereof, any expected competitive advantage which Ciscom may have, any expected increase of or change in shareholder value, any expected continuance of Ciscom's relations with its banking and other business partners and any expected maintenance of the quality thereof, the quality and continuance of Ciscom's financial management and governance standards, the standard of, and any effect of additional acquisitions on, Ciscom and its subsidiaries service offerings, expectations of operational excellence, expectations of optimized advertising spend, high returns on investments for customers and high levels of customer engagement, future expectations of growth and profits, any ranking of Ciscom relative to comparable companies and competitors, future grants of equity incentive awards, future payments of dividends, the future plans for the Company, and other forward-looking information.


By their nature, forward-looking statements include assumptions and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that could cause actual future results, conditions, actions, or events to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. The future outcomes that relate to forward-looking statements may be influenced by many factors, including but not limited to: general commercial risks inherent to operating non-manufacturing businesses; the capital requirements of the Company and ability to maintain adequate capital resources to carry out its business activities; the ability to identify ICT target acquisitions and complete such transactions on an economic basis or at all, and successfully integrate those businesses; the ability to convert the potential in the pursued business opportunities to tangible benefits to the Company or its shareholders; risks of a material adverse change to the Company's assets or revenue; stock market, interest rate and debt market volatility; changing capital market valuations; the ability of the Company to continue as a going concern; dependence on key personnel; the Company's early stage of development; potential losses on investments; unstable and potentially negative economic conditions; fluctuations in interest rates; competition for investments within the ICT sector; maintenance of client relationships; maintaining a listing on the Canadian Securities Exchange; risks related to potential dilution in the event of future financings; no previous public market for the shares; volatility of the market price for the Company's securities; audit risk; litigation risk and risk of future legal proceedings; jurisdictional and regulatory risk; lack of operating cash flow; volatility; additional funding requirements; adverse general economic conditions; competition; conflicts of interest; the early stage of Ciscom's business; income tax matters; availability and terms of financing; rising costs related to inflation; and effects of market interest on price of securities and potential dilution; and those factors detailed in the Company's prospectus dated June 5, 2023 and other public documents filed under Ciscom's profile at . Ciscom has also assumed that no significant events occur outside of Ciscom's normal course of business.


Ciscom cautions that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. In addition, although Ciscom has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated, or intended. When relying on Ciscom's forward-looking statements and information to make decisions, investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and potential events. Ciscom has assumed that the material factors referred to in the previous paragraph will not cause such forward-looking statements and information to differ materially from actual results or events. However, the list of these factors is not exhaustive and is subject to change and there can be no assurance that such assumptions will reflect the actual outcome of such items or factors. The forward-looking information contained in this press release represents the expectations of Ciscom as of the date of this press release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. Ciscom does not undertake to update this information at any particular time except as required in accordance with applicable laws.


