


GlobeNewswire ·  08/21 04:45

Greenville, South Carolina, Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ARCpoint Inc. (TSXV: ARC) (the "Company" or "ARCpoint") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a transaction, dated August 20, 2024, with Any Lab Test Now, ("ALTN") and is finalizing the process to bring together the franchise operations of both companies into a new joint venture company, CRESSO Brands, LLC. ("CRESSO").

美國南卡羅來納州格林維爾,2024年8月20日(環球新聞社)——ARCpoint Inc.(TSXV: ARC)(以下簡稱「公司」或「ARCpoint」)很高興地宣佈,公司已於2024年8月20日簽署一項交易,並正在完成將兩家公司的特許經營權合併爲一家新的合資企業CRESSO Brands,LLC.(「CRESSO」)。與Any Lab Test Now ("ALTN")有關。

Any Lab Test Now CEO, Clarissa Bradstock, commented "By combining our two franchise operations, we will not only create the largest franchise network of its kind in the United States, but we expect to capitalize on the respective strengths of both franchise groups to improve both individual unit and overall economic performance. As a collaborative group, we believe that ARCpoint franchisees will benefit from the Any Lab Test Now experience gained in successfully building our mostly individual consumer business. At the same time, we believe that Any Lab Test Now franchisees will benefit from the implementation of ARCpoint's proprietary technology platform, MyARCpointLabs, as well as ARCpoint's experience in the B2B and employer solutions markets".

Any Lab Test Now的CEO彩利莎·布拉德斯托克(Clarissa Bradstock)評價道:“通過結合我們兩家特許經營權,我們不僅將在美國創造同類業務中最大的特許經營網絡,而且我們期待充分利用兩個特許經營組織的各自優勢,以提高單個單位和整體經濟績效。作爲一個合作團體,我們相信ARCpoint的特許經營者將從Any Lab Test Now在成功打造大多數消費者業務方面積累的經驗中受益。同時,我們相信Any Lab Test Now的特許經營者將從實施ARCpoint的專有技術平台MyARCpointLabs以及ARCpoint在20億業務和僱主解決方案市場的經驗中受益。“

Any Lab Test Now, ("ALTN") based in Atlanta, Georgia, was founded in 1992. It currently has more than 235 U.S. franchise locations providing direct access to clinical, DNA, and drug and alcohol lab testing services, as well as phlebotomy and other specimen collection services, through its retail storefront business model. ALTN has been recognized as one of the top 500 franchises for nine consecutive years in Entrepreneur's Franchise 500. Entrepreneur magazine's Franchise 500 is the world's first, best and most comprehensive franchise ranking. It is not intended to endorse, advertise, or recommend any particular franchise and is solely a tool to compare franchise operations.

Any Lab Test Now(「ALTN」)總部位於喬治亞州亞特蘭大市,成立於1992年。它目前擁有235多家美國特許經營點,通過其零售店面業務模式提供與臨床、DNA、毒品和酒精實驗室檢測服務以及採血和其他標本收集服務,受美國Entrepreneur's Franchise 500委員會評爲「連續9年500強特許經營權之一」。Entrepreneur雜誌的Franchise 500是全球第一個、最好和最全面的特許經營排名,它並不旨在支持、宣傳或推薦任何特定特許經營權,並且僅是比較特許經營權操作的工具。

ARCpoint CEO, John Constantine added "In addition to the cost benefits and efficiencies of combining our respective franchise operations under CRESSO, we believe this partnership is very positive to ARCpoint shareholders in the near term as it will allow us to reduce ARCpoint's costs, while at the same time adding a new customer to our MyARCPointLabs technology platform and increasing our distribution footprint".

ARCpoint的CEOJohn Constantine補充說:「除了將我們各自的特許經營權合併爲CRESSO,降低ARCpoint成本之外,我們相信此合作對於ARCpoint的股東近期非常有益,因爲它將允許我們在MyARCPointLabs技術平台上爲ARCpoint增加一個新客戶,並增加我們的分銷足跡。」

Under the terms of the agreement, both ARCpoint and ALTN have contributed their franchise operations into CRESSO Brands, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. ALTN will own 70.5% of the new entity, with ARCpoint owning the other 29.5%. Both ALTN and the ARCpoint Franchise Group ("AFG") brands will remain and be managed on a separate basis. Clarissa Bradstock will continue to lead ALTN, as she has for the past 11 years and Bob Mann will continue to lead AFG, as he has done since April 2023. In addition to continuing his role as ARCpoint CEO, John Constantine will also act as Implementation Strategist for CRESSO and split his time with ARCpoint. Both ALTN and AFG management teams will report to a CRESSO board of directors, which will be comprised of a total of five members. Of the five directors, three will be appointed by ALTN and two by ARCpoint. The ARCpoint nominees will be John Constantine and Bob Mann.

根據協議的條款,ARCpoint和ALTN已將其特許經營權注入CRESSO Brands,LLC,一家特拉華州有限責任公司。ALTN將擁有新實體的70.5%,而ARCpoint則擁有其餘的29.5%。兩個品牌ALTN和ARCpoint特許經營權將繼續並以分開的方式管理。 Clarissa Bradstock將繼續擔任ALTN的領導,就像過去11年一樣,而Bob Mann將繼續擔任AFG的領導,就像自2023年4月以來一樣。除了繼續擔任ARCpoint的CEO角色,John Constantine還將擔任CRESSO的實施策略師,和ARCpoint平分時間。 ALTN和AFG管理團隊將向CRESSO董事會報告,該董事會由五名成員組成。其中的三名董事將由ALTN任命,兩名董事將由ARCpoint任命,ARCpoint的提名人將是John Constantine和Bob Mann。

Separately, ALTN and ARCpoint have agreed to make ARCpoint's MyARCPointLabs technology platform the system's choice for CRESSO brand franchisees.


Any Lab Test Now is an Arms Length party to ARCpoint and there are no finder's fees payable in connection with this transaction.

Any Lab Test Now是ARCpoint的無關方,並且在該交易中不支付任何中介費。

Founded in 1992, ANY LAB TEST NOW is a franchise direct access lab testing company that provides thousands of standard lab tests to consumers and businesses in a professional, convenient, cost-effective, and transparent manner with more than 235 franchises around the United States. ANY LAB TEST NOW offers a variety of affordable and confidential lab tests to consumers and businesses, including blood, drug, DNA, and STD testing. To learn more about lab testing near you visit

ANY LAb TESt NOW成立於1992年,是一家直接訪問實驗室測試公司,爲美國境內的消費者和企業提供數千種標準實驗室測試,以職業、方便、經濟和透明的方式提供服務,擁有235多個特許經營權在美國各地。ANY LAb TESt NOW向消費者和企業提供各種經濟實用 且具有保密性的實驗室測試,包括血液、藥品、DNA和STD測試。請訪問了解更多有關您附近實驗室測試的信息。

About ARCpoint Inc.
ARCpoint is a leading US-based franchise system providing drug testing, alcohol screening, DNA and clinical lab testing, corporate wellness programs, and employment and background screening, among other services. The Company is based in Greenville, South Carolina, USA. ARCpoint Franchise Group LLC, formed under the laws of the state of South Carolina in February 2005, is the franchisor of ARCpoint Labs and supports over 130 independently owned locations. ARCpoint sells franchises to individuals throughout the United States and provides support in the form of marketing, technology and training to new franchisees. ARCpoint Corporate Labs LLC develops corporate-owned labs committed to providing accurate, cost-effective solutions for customers, businesses and physicians. AFG Services LLC serves as the innovation center of the ARCpoint group of companies as it builds a proprietary technology platform and a physician network to equip all ARCpoint labs with best-in-class tools and solutions to better serve their customers. The platform also digitalizes and streamlines administrative functions such as materials purchasing, compliance, billing and physician services for ARCpoint franchise labs and other clients.

關於ARCpoint Inc.
ARCpoint是一家領先的美國特許經營系統,提供藥物測試,酒精篩查,DNA和臨床實驗室測試,企業健康計劃,就業和背景調查等服務。該公司總部位於美國南卡羅來納州格林維爾。成立於2005年2月的ARCpoint特許經營集團LLC是ARCpoint Labs的特許經營權人,並支持超過130個獨立擁有的地點。ARCpoint向美國各地的個人銷售特許經營權,併爲新特許經營者提供營銷,技術和培訓方面的支持。ARCpoint Corporate Labs LLC成立了企業擁有的實驗室,致力於爲客戶,企業和醫生提供準確,具有成本效益的解決方案。AFG Services LLC作爲ARCpoint公司集團的創新中心正在打造一款專有的技術平台和醫生網絡,以爲所有ARCpoint實驗室配備最佳工具和解決方案,以更好地服務他們的客戶。此外,平台還將數字化和流程化管理功能,如材料採購,合規性,賬單和醫生服務提供給ARCpoint特許經營實驗室和其他客戶。

For more information, please contact:


ARCpoint Inc.
Jason Tong, Chief Financial Officer
Phone: (604) 889-7827

ARCpoint Inc.
財務總監Jason Tong
電話:(604) 889-7827

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this Press release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(根據該交易所的政策所定義的該術語)均不承擔此新聞稿的充分性或準確性責任。

Forward-Looking Information


This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company regarding future events. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or "occur". This information and these statements, referred to herein as "forward‐looking statements", are not historical facts, are made as of the date of this news release and include without limitation, statements regarding discussions of future plans, estimates and forecasts and statements as to management's expectations and intentions with respect to, among other things: CRESSO's future plans as a joint venture entity.


These forward‐looking statements involve numerous risks and uncertainties, and actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements.


In making the forward-looking statements in this news release, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including without limitation, that: CRESSO will be able to operate as a successful joint venture entity once formed.


Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. We seek safe harbor.


