
TerrAscend Launches $10M Share Repurchase Program Amid Strong Q2 Results

TerrAscend Launches $10M Share Repurchase Program Amid Strong Q2 Results

Benzinga ·  08/21 03:42

TerrAscend Corp. (TSX:TSND) (OTC:TSNDF), a leading cannabis operator with headquarters in Canada, announced Tuesday the authorization of a $10 million share repurchase program. This marks the first stock buyback initiative by TerrAscend, authorized by its Board of Directors under a normal course issuer bid (NCIB).

加拿大大麻股市領先企業TerrAscend Corp.(TSX:TSND)(OTC:TSNDF)於週二宣佈,授權了1000萬美元的股票回購計劃。這標誌着TerrAscend進行的第一項股票回購倡議,由其董事會根據正常的股票回購要約(NCIB)授權。

TerrAscend's Share Buyback Details


The program allows the repurchase of up to 10 million shares, about 5% of the public float, within a year, starting August 22, 2024. The share buyback will take place on the Toronto Stock Exchange, the OTCQX Best Market or other alternative trading systems, adhering to the limitations and rules imposed by U.S. and Canadian securities regulations. Despite the allowance to buy back shares, the company maintains the flexibility to adjust the program as market conditions evolve or better uses for its cash reserves emerge.

該計劃允許在一年內回購高達1000萬股,大約佔公共流通股的5%,開始日期爲2024年8月22日。回購將在多倫多證券交易所,OTCQX Best Market或其他交易系統進行,遵守美國和加拿大證券監管機構所施加的限制和規則。儘管允許回購股份,該公司仍保持靈活性,以根據市場情況的變化或其現金儲備的更好用途來調整計劃。

Leadership Expresses Confidence In Future Growth


"Our first ever stock buyback program demonstrates our confidence in TerrAscend's future and commitment to enhancing shareholder value. As famed investor Benjamin Graham famously stated, 'in the short run, the market is a voting machine, but in the long run, it's a weighing machine'," said executive chairman Jason Wild in a press release

TerrAscend的執行主席傑森·懷爾德在新聞發佈會上表示:「我們首次的股票回購計劃表明我們對TerrAscend的未來和增強股東價值的承諾充滿信心。正如著名投資者本傑明·格雷厄姆所說:『在短期內,市場是屬於投票機,而在長期內,它是屬於稱重機的。』 」

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"We are confident in the strength of our business, growth prospects, operational excellence, and strong cash flow. We believe our equity has compelling value and will be opportunistic with our share repurchases," Wild added.


Strong Q2 And No Major Debt Until 2027


This financial maneuver comes on the heels of a strong second quarter for TerrAscend, which reported a net revenue increase of 7.5% year-over-year to $77.5 million and a significant rise in adjusted EBITDA. The company also closed a $140 million term loan earlier in August, bolstering its balance sheet and supporting its strategic expansions across new geographic locales.


With no material debt maturing until 2027, TerrAscend's leadership appears poised to leverage its improved financial flexibility to further its market position and deliver value to its shareholders.

在撰寫本文時,TSNDF的股價下跌6.61%,每股爲1.56美元,時間爲週二下午1:15 ET。

TSNDF Price Action
TSNDF's shares were trading 6.61% lower at $1.56 per share at the time of this writing around 1:15 PM ET Tuesday.


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