
Got $100? 2 Top Canadian Stocks to Buy and Hold

Got $100? 2 Top Canadian Stocks to Buy and Hold

The Motley Fool ·  08/21 03:30

There's no shortage of discounted stocks to choose from on the TSX today. Whether you're looking for a dependable Dividend Aristocrat or a future multi-bagger tech stock, there's at least one company for you.


Investing in Canadian stocks today


With all the discounts available, it doesn't take much cash to start investing in the Canadian stock market.


I've reviewed two Canadian stocks that investors can own for less than $100 right now.


If you've been thinking about putting some cash to work in the stock market, these two companies should be on your radar.


Stock #1: Brookfield Renewable Partners

股票1:Brookfield Renewable Partners

Alongside many others in the renewable energy space, Brookfield Renewable Partners (TSX:BEP.UN) has struggled to return to all-time highs from 2021. The $20 billion company is down close to 50% from the beginning of 2021, excluding dividends.

除了許多其他可再生能源公司外,Brookfield Renewable Partners(TSX:BEP.UN)也在努力回到2021年的歷史最高點。這個市值200億美元的公司從2021年初開始下跌近50%,不包括股息。

One positive about the recent selloff is that the dividend yield has shot up. At today's stock price, its dividend is yielding close to more than 5%.


Brookfield Renewable Partners is also no stranger to delivering market-beating returns. The industry as a whole is going through a downturn, but that doesn't take away from the long-term growth potential of the renewable energy space. The stock has a proven market-beating track record, and there's no reason to believe why it can't continue returning market-beating returns in the coming decades.

Brookfield Renewable Partners也是將市場領先回報交到投資者手中的老手。業內正在經歷低迷,但這並不會削減可再生能源領域的長期增長潛力。該股票已經證明了優勝劣汰,沒有理由認爲它不能在未來幾十年繼續取得優於市場的回報。

If you're a long-term investor who's bullish on the rise of renewable energy consumption, now's the time to be loading up on a market leader like Brookfield Renewable Partners.

如果您是一個看好可再生能源消費的長期投資者,那麼現在是買入像Brookfield Renewable Partners這樣的市場領導者的時候了。

Stock #2: Lightspeed Commerce

股票2:Lightspeed Commerce

Investors might need to be more patient with this pick. Shares of Lightspeed Commerce (TSX:LSPD) are down a whopping 90% from all-time highs and are now trading below the price the stock went public at.

投資者可能需要對此選擇更有耐心。Lightspeed Commerce(TSX:LSPD)的股價下跌了90%,低於其股票上市價格。

Huge amounts of growth were pulled forward in 2020 and 2021, for which investors had to pay the price. If you were lucky enough to time both the rise and fall of the stock, you'd be sitting pretty today. But for anyone who started buying shares of Lightspeed after September 2021, there hasn't been much to cheer about.
On the bright side, the business itself has been gaining momentum as of late. Shares popped close to 20% when the company presented its most recent quarterly earnings report. The market seemed to be pleased with the company's strong revenue growth. In addition, the company announced that founder Dax Dasilva would remain as the permanent chief executive officer.

積極的一面是,該業務本身最近一直在發展。當公司提交最新季度業績報告時,股價一度上漲近20%。市場似乎對公司強勁的收入增長感到滿意。此外,該公司宣佈創始人Dax Dasilva將繼續擔任永久的首席執行官。

Short-term investors may not see a ton of upside here. Long-term investors, however, should give Lightspeed serious thought.


If you're willing to be patient, this cheap growth stock is worth taking a chance on.


Foolish bottom line


Being patient isn't easy. And that's especially true when it comes to your hard-earned money. Unfortunately, though, patience is a key ingredient of a successful investment portfolio.


Brookfield Renewable Partners and Lightspeed both have a long runway of growth potential in front of them. They both happen to be trading at opportunistic discounts, too.

Brookfield Renewable Partners和Lightspeed均有良好的增長潛力。它們兩個巧合地以優惠的折扣價出售。

Investors who can afford to be patient won't want to miss out on these two screaming deals.


