
LanzaTech and LanzaJet Announce New Project With Wagner Sustainable Fuels in Australia

LanzaTech and LanzaJet Announce New Project With Wagner Sustainable Fuels in Australia

LanzaTech和LanzaJet在澳大利亞宣佈與Wagner Sustainable Fuels合作的新項目。
LanzaTech Global ·  08/19 12:00

First Project to be Developed with the CirculAir Platform, the End-to-End Commercial Sustainable Fuels Technology Solution Converting Waste Feedstocks into SAF


CHICAGO, Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LanzaTech Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNZA), the carbon recycling company transforming waste carbon into sustainable fuels, chemicals, and materials, and LanzaJet, Inc., a leading sustainable fuels technology company and fuels producer, today announced a new project with Australia's Wagner Sustainable Fuels to evaluate equipping Wagner's Brisbane SAF Refinery (the "Project") with the CirculAir platform. The CirculAir platform is LanzaTech and LanzaJet's joint technology solution that converts waste carbon and renewable power into Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

2024年8月19日,芝加哥(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)—— LanzaTech Global, Inc. (納斯達克: LNZA)是一家碳回收公司,將廢碳轉化爲可持續燃料、化學品和材料。 LanzaJet, 公司。一家領先的可持續燃料技術公司和燃料生產商,今天宣佈與澳大利亞的Wagner Sustainable Fuels開展新項目,評估爲Wagner的布里斯班SAF煉油廠(「項目」)配備CirculAir平台。CirculAir平台是LanzaTech和LanzaJet的聯合技術解決方案,可將廢棄碳和可再生能源轉化爲可持續航空燃料(SAF)。

In addition to securing a commercial partnership with LanzaTech and LanzaJet, the Project has received financial investments from The Boeing Company and the Queensland Government. The Project is expected to generate a multitude of benefits, including creating jobs in Queensland, increasing domestic energy security for Australia, and helping reduce global greenhouse gas emissions from aviation.


"LanzaTech and LanzaJet look forward to providing our joint commercial solution to Wagner Sustainable Fuels to accelerate the development of a domestic Australian SAF market," said Dr. Jennifer Holmgren, CEO of LanzaTech and Board Chair of LanzaJet. "There is enough carbon above ground to transition the 100 billion gallons of fossil fuel-derived jet fuel consumed each year to jet fuel made from recycled carbon. The flexibility of the CirculAir platform makes it possible for this Project to unlock carbon from the myriad waste-based resources available in Australia to meet local demand."

LanzaTech和LanzaJet期待向Wagner Sustainable Fuels提供我們的聯合商業解決方案,加速開發澳大利亞國內SAF市場。LanzaTech和LanzaJet的董事會主席Jennifer Holmgren博士表示:「地球上有足夠的碳,可以將每年消耗1000億加侖化石燃料噴氣發動機燃料轉化爲由再生碳製成的燃料。CirculAir平台的靈活性使得該項目能夠從澳大利亞的各種基於廢品的資源中釋放碳,以滿足當地需求。」

The CirculAir process first utilizes LanzaTech's carbon recycling technology to transform local waste streams, such as industrial emissions and municipal solid waste, into CarbonSmart ethanol. Then, LanzaJet's Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) technology converts the ethanol into drop-in SAF. The CirculAir platform was designed to accelerate decarbonization of the global aviation industry by utilizing a variety of locally sourced waste-based feedstocks to produce the SAF volumes needed to supplant fossil fuels.


"The Wagner Sustainable Fuels project in Brisbane allows Australia to continue to stand out as a leader in Sustainable Aviation Fuel, now leveraging the CirculAir platform we co-created with LanzaTech to convert different forms of waste carbon into sustainable fuels," said Jimmy Samartzis, CEO of LanzaJet. "The combination of LanzaJet's leading SAF solution with the front-end of LanzaTech's proven and commercialized carbon recycling technology makes it possible to create a domestic SAF supply in Australia using local renewable waste sources, further supporting the country's energy security, while also working to protect its natural environment."

LanzaJet首席執行官Jimmy Samartzis表示:「Wagner Sustainable Fuels在布里斯班的項目使澳大利亞在可持續航空燃料方面繼續引領,現在利用我們與LanzaTech合作創造的CirculAir平台將不同形式的廢碳轉化爲可持續燃料。LanzaJet領先的SAF解決方案與LanzaTech商業化的碳回收技術相結合,使得利用當地可再生廢料來創造澳大利亞國內的SAF供應成爲可能,進一步支持該國的能源安全,同時也致力於保護其自然環境。」

Enhancing SAF production is critical for aviation to reduce its carbon footprint, as it is estimated that SAF will account for 65-70% of the emission reductions needed to meet the industry's 2050 goal of net zero emissions. Historic supply constraints, high costs, and technical barriers have made it difficult for the industry to default to SAF as the primary aviation fuel source. The CirculAir platform breaks down these barriers, as the technology is able to turn a wide range of waste-based feedstocks into SAF to meet demand, and it is being adopted by a range of customers across the globe. This widespread adoption is projected to accelerate the production and economies of scale necessary to bring down the global cost of SAF.


"Our partnership with LanzaTech and LanzaJet will advance the Wagner SAF Refinery in Brisbane, accelerating the SAF industry in Australia and helping to decarbonize aviation by 2050," said Matt Doyle, Wagner Sustainable Fuels Chief Executive Officer. "Together, these proven technologies can help us realize Australia's first, fully integrated SAF production facility and provide a path to producing domestic fuel at scale."

Wagner Sustainable Fuels首席執行官Matt Doyle表示:「我們與LanzaTech和LanzaJet的合作將推動布里斯班Wagner SAF煉油廠建設,加速澳大利亞的SAF產業,幫助到2050年使航空業減排至零。」

About LanzaTech


LanzaTech Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNZA) is the carbon recycling company transforming waste carbon into sustainable fuels, chemicals, and materials for everyday products. Using its biorecycling technology, LanzaTech captures carbon generated by energy-intensive industries at the source, preventing it from being emitted into the air. LanzaTech then gives that captured carbon a new life as a clean replacement for virgin fossil carbon in everything from household cleaners and clothing fibers to packaging and fuels. By partnering with companies across the global supply chain like ArcelorMittal, Zara, H&M Move, Coty, and On, LanzaTech is paving the way for a circular carbon economy. For more information about LanzaTech, visit .

LanzaTech Global, Inc.(納斯達克:LNZA)是一家碳回收公司,將能源密集型行業產生的碳直接捕獲,防止其被排放進入空氣。LanzaTech 利用其生物回收技術爲捕獲的碳從日用品的家用清潔劑、服裝纖維、包裝到燃料等領域提供了乾淨的代替原始化石碳的新生命。通過與ArcelorMittal、Zara、H&m Move、Coty、On等全球供應鏈公司合作,LanzaTech正在爲實現循環碳經濟鋪平道路。有關LanzaTech的更多信息,請訪問 .

About LanzaJet


LanzaJet is a leading sustainable fuels technology company dedicated to accelerating the clean energy transition. As a Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) technology provider and producer with patented ethanol-based alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) technology, LanzaJet is creating an opportunity for future generations by accelerating the deployment of SAF and other clean technologies critical to addressing the climate crisis and transforming the global economy. Further information is available at


About Wagner Sustainable Fuels

關於Wagner Sustainable Fuels

Wagner Sustainable Fuels is a company focused on reducing CO2 emissions from Australia's hard to abate sectors including aviation and heavy transport through the supply of SAF and Renewable Diesel (RD).

Wagner Sustainable Fuels是一家專注於通過提供SAF和可再生柴油(RD)減少澳大利亞難降低物的部門(包括航空和重型運輸)二氧化碳排放的公司。

Forward Looking Statements


This press release includes forward-looking statements regarding, among other things, the plans, strategies and prospects, both business and financial, of LanzaTech. These statements are based on the beliefs and assumptions of LanzaTech's management. Although LanzaTech believes that its plans, intentions and expectations reflected in or suggested by these forward-looking statements are reasonable, LanzaTech cannot assure you that it will achieve or realize these plans, intentions or expectations. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Generally, statements that are not historical facts, including statements concerning possible or assumed future actions, business strategies, events or results of operations, are forward-looking statements. These statements may be preceded by, followed by or include the words "believes," "estimates," "expects," "projects," "forecasts," "may," "will," "should," "seeks," "plans," "scheduled," "anticipates," "intends" or similar expressions. The forward-looking statements are based on projections prepared by, and are the responsibility of, LanzaTech's management. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, conditions or results, and involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are outside LanzaTech's control, that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements, including the adoption of our technology by third parties, fluctuations in prices of waste feedstocks and process inputs, and the availability of government funding. In addition, LanzaTech may be adversely affected by other economic, business, or competitive factors, and other risks and uncertainties, including those described under the header "Risk Factors" in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed by LanzaTech with the SEC, and in subsequent SEC filings. New risk factors that may affect actual results or outcomes emerge from time to time and it is not possible to predict all such risk factors, nor can LanzaTech assess the impact of all such risk factors on its business, or the extent to which any factor or combination of factors may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of performance. You should not put undue reliance on these statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. All forward-looking statements attributable to LanzaTech or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements. LanzaTech undertakes no obligations to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.






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