
International Prospect Ventures Reports 3.8 Oz Gold Nugget and Update on Its Gold Prospects in East Pilbara, Western Australia

International Prospect Ventures Reports 3.8 Oz Gold Nugget and Update on Its Gold Prospects in East Pilbara, Western Australia

newsfile ·  08/20 21:00

Val-d'Or, Quebec--(Newsfile Corp. - August 20, 2024) - International Prospect Ventures Ltd. (TSXV: IZZ) (the "Company" or "IZZ"), is pleased to provide an update on its gold prospects in the Eastern Pilbara of Western Australia. The Company, through its wholly owned subsidiary Valroc Ventures Pty Ltd. ("Valroc"), currently holds 14 tenements (8 Exploration and 6 Prospecting licences) totalling approximately 11,790 hectares in the Eastern Pilbara (the "Properties"); all 14 tenements, referred to as the Mosquito Creek Properties ("MCP"), overlie prospective areas of the Mosquito Creek Basin (aka Mosquito Creek Formation).

國際前景探索有限公司 (TSXV: IZZ) ("公司"或"IZZ")很高興向大家更新其澳洲西部Eastern Pilbara黃金項目。公司通過全資子公司Valroc Ventures Pty Ltd. ("Valroc") 持有位於Eastern Pilbara的Mosquito Creek所有14個特許權證 (8個勘探和6個探礦許可),總面積約爲11,790公頃, 其中所有14個特許權證被稱爲Mosquito Creek特許權 ("MCP"),覆蓋着Mosquito Creek Basin(也稱爲Mosquito Creek Formation)潛在區域。

The MCP are located between approximately 22 km and 55 km northeast of Calidus Resources Limited's ("Calidus") Nullagine Gold Project (acquired in December 2023 from Novo Resources) and cover regional gold-bearing structural trends (e.g., the Middle Creek Fault, Blue Spec Fault, and the Eastern Creek and Woods Creek areas) with historically reported gold-bearing quartz veins (leaders) and multiple shear/structural zones (DMIRS, WA, 2024).

MCP位於Calidus Resources Limited ("Calidus") Nullagine Gold Project東北22公里至55公里之間,涵蓋區域型黃金結構趨勢 (例如Middle Creek Fault、Blue Spec Fault、Eastern Creek和Woods Creek區域),具有歷史報道的含金石英脈(leader) 和多個剪切/構造帶(DMIRS, WA, 2024)。

The MCP are proximal to several of Calidus' exploration projects, including the Blue Spec (190 koz at 24.3 g/t Au) and the Parnell-Vulture Trend (near Valroc tenements P46/2101 and E46/1390), both located along the Blue Spec Fault. Additional Valroc tenements are located close to the Middle Creek Fault which is host to multiple historical gold occurrences and historical small-scale mines.

MCP接近Calidus的多個勘探項目,包括藍色地質構造(190 koz at 24.3 g/t Au) 和 Parnell-Vulture趨勢(靠近Valroc特許權P46 / 2101和E46 / 1390),這兩者都位於Blue Spec Fault。其它Valroc的特許權緊靠Middle Creek Fault,後者曾發生多次歷史性黃金事件和歷史小型礦山。

On 21 January 2022, Novo Resources reported Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling results from the Parnell-Vulture property of 7.0 m at 7.75 g/t Au from 31.0 m, 4.0 m at 10.19 g/t Au from 31.0 m, 13.0 m at 2.51 g/t Au from 21.0 m, and 8.0 m at 10.02 g/t Au from 4.0 metres.

2022年1月21日,Novo Resources從Parnell-Vulture property進行了反循環(RC)鑽探,並且發現了許多高品質銅礦,其含量爲700萬克(7.75克Au/噸)、400萬克(10.19克Au/噸)、1300萬克(2.51克Au/噸)、800萬克(10.02克Au/噸),這都是非常高的品位。

The Parnell-Vulture Trend is just one of a number of structural trends that are part of Calidus' Nullagine Gold Project which is targeting more than 24 greenfield and brownfield exploration opportunities northeast of its 1.8 Mt per year Golden Eagle oxide gold ore processing pant which was put on care and maintenance in August 2022.

Parnell-Vulture Trend是Calidus' Nullagine Gold Project中的一個構造趨勢,該項目目標鎖定了1.8 Mt每年Golden Eagle耐氧化金礦石處理工廠以東約24個綠底和棕底勘探機會。

Calidus acquired the Nullagine Gold Project from Novo Resources to provide an immediate option to restart production at Golden Eagle on a campaign basis to process free-milling ore sources, and also a longer-term option of a centring a new future production hub at Nullagine to treat sulphide ores. Having a gold processing plant in the immediate area of the MCB could be beneficial to future production opportunities for Valroc and IZZ.

Calidus從 Novo Resources 獲得 Nullagine Gold Project,以提供立即重新啓動Golden Eagle的生產選項,用於以活動方式加工自由磨礦石資源,並且在將來的時間裏,開放一個新的產品線處理Hub到Nullagine處理硫化礦石的長期選擇。在MCb附近擁有一個金加工廠對於Valroc和IZZ將來的生產機會可能是有益的。

As of June 2024, Calidus reported current free-milling mineral resources (oxide, mixed and sulphide) from the Nullagine Gold Project of 260 kt at 4.02 g/t Au Measured (34 koz Au), 3.84 Mt at 2.21 g/t Au Indicated (273 koz Au), and 2.77 Mt at 1.89 g/t Au Inferred (168 koz Au) from six deposits including Beatons Creek. There are 16 additional historical resources, outside of the current resources reported by Calidus, that are yet to be updated and reported (Calidus news release dated 14 June 2024).

截至2024年6月,Calidus在Nullagine Gold Project中報告當前自由磨礦物質資源(氧化、混合和硫化),包括來自Beatons Creek的260 kt/麥金柳(4.02 g/噸Au)已測量(34 koz Au)、3.84 Mt/麥金柳2.21 g/噸Au的指標(273 koz Au)和2.77 Mt/麥金柳1.89 g/噸Au推測(168 koz Au),來自5個礦牀和Martha(Calidus新聞稿2024年6月14日)。

Tenement Exploration (June 2023-August 2024)

勘探許可 (2023 年6月- 2024年8月)

Since the last update of June 2023 (IZZ news release dated 19 June 2023), the Company has continued to use its symbiotic relationships with its WA-based network of independent local prospectors ("Fossickers") to complete prospecting and metal-detecting on its tenements. Since June 2023, Valroc has received more than 38 direct prospecting requests and Section 40E Permits from Fossickers. The Fossickers have been identifying prospective areas on Valroc's tenements, such as gold-bearing and potentially gold-bearing structures, and areas with high density of gold nuggets. This is a low-cost and effective way to develop target areas for follow-up.

自2023年6月以來 (IZZ新聞稿日期爲2023年6月19日),公司與其總部位於西澳大利亞的獨立地方發掘商(「撿垃圾者」)的網絡保持着協同關係,這些商人已經通過其直接的探礦請求和區域型40E許可證,完成了有關特權的勘探和金屬尋找。自2023年6月以來, Valroc已收到38個以上的直接勘探請求和Fossickers頒發的40E許可證。Fossickers一直在爲Valroc的特許權尋找有潛力的區域,例如含金和潛在含金的結構區域和金塊密度高的區域。這是一種低成本和有效的開發目標區域的方法。

The Company is also working closely with a WA prospector who holds an approved Programme of Work (POW) on Valroc's tenement E46/1197. The POW is being worked through mechanical methods (ground disturbance) including "dry-blowing" - in the absence of water, this technique takes advantage of gold's high density, using air to separate the gold nuggets from their host gravels and sands- and has discovered numerous nuggets, some several ounces in weight (Figure 1).

公司還與WA探礦者緊密合作,後者持有Valroc特許權E46/1197上批准的Programme of Work (POW)。POW正在通過機械方法(地面干擾),包括「dry-blowing」進行, 這種技術利用黃金的高密度,在水不足的情況下,使用氣體將金塊與其它礫石分離, 並已發現了許多金塊,其中一些達到數盎司 (圖1)。

The Company is planning more conventional exploration programs to be deployed over the target areas as circumstances and financings permit.


Gold Nuggets and Visible Gold in Quartz Veins


Since 2019, Valroc has engaged third-party prospectors to explore and report on results found on tenements within the Mosquito Creek Formation. To date, third party prospecting has reported more than 2,059 gold nuggets ranging from 0.1 g to more than 250 g, the two largest nuggets being about 250 g and 119 g and totalling approximately 2,367 g of gold (approx. 2.4 kg or 76 oz Au).

自2019年以來,Valroc已僱用第三方 探礦者來探測並報告在Mosquito Creek Formation內的探礦成果。到目前爲止,第三方探礦已經報告了2059個金塊,重量範圍從0.1克到250克以上,其中最大的兩個金塊約重250克和119克,總共約2367克黃金 (約2.4千克或76盎司Au)。

In addition to gold nuggets, prospectors have continued to locate quartz veins or leaders (IZZ news release dated 19 June 2023) containing visible gold; further prospecting work is being planned for these areas. A selection of photos provided by the third-party prospecting parties are shown in Figure 1.

除了黃金塊外,探礦者還繼續發現富含可見黃金的石英脈或leader (IZZ新聞稿,2023年6月19日)。計劃在這些區域進行進一步的勘探工作。第三方探礦方提供的一些照片如圖1所示。

Mosquito Creek Formation

Mosquito Creek Formation

The Mosquito Creek Formation ("MCF") is a succession of Archaean siliciclastic rocks (sedimentary sequences) that occupies much of the central part of the Mosquito Creek Basin ("MCB") in the northern part of the eastern Archaean Pilbara Craton of Western Australia. The exposed part of the MCF is at least 60 km long and 30 km wide, multiply deformed, and has been metamorphosed under low-grade conditions (Bagas et al., 2004).

Mosquito Creek Formation ("MCF")是堆積於西澳北部東部太古代Pilbara板塊中部大部分的珪質碎屑岩 (沉積序列)。MCF的露頭部分至少長達60公里,寬達30公里,多次變形,在低級別條件下發生了變質( Bagas et al.,2004)。

The MCF correlates with the sedimentary De Grey Supergroup and is interpreted to extend at least 20 km eastward and 100s of km westward beneath cover rocks of the Hamersley Basin, and Eriksson et al. (1994) interpreted the MCB as a forearc basin and accretionary complex situated to the north of a subduction complex. The MCF is host to numerous small-to moderate-sized disseminated, vein- and shear-hosted mesothermal gold deposits, interpreted to have formed at ca. 2.90 Ga.

MCF與沉積性的De Grey Supergroup相關聯,並解釋爲至少向東延伸20公里,向Hamersley盆地的蓋層巖西延百餘公里,並由Eriksson等人(1994)解釋爲MCb在俯衝島弧盆地和脈衝堆積震源到北部的地方。MCF是許多小型中溫金的牀的宿主,靠剪切部位、脈狀部位和韌性部位爲主(解釋爲可能在2.90 Gya時形成)。

The majority of deposits within the MCF are situated proximal to two major east-northeast trending thrust fault / shear zones; the Middle Creek Fault (Shear) and the Blue Spec Fault (Shear). The Middle Creek Fault is host to all of the current mineral resources reported by Calidus, excluding Beaton's Creek. Mineralisation in general is characterized by sulphidic auriferous quartz veins contained within altered sericitic and chloritized sandstone, pelite, siltstone and shale from the turbiditic sequences of the MCF. Gold is variably associated with pyrite ± arsenopyrite and minor chalcopyrite, in veins that form en echelon and ladder structures within shear and fault strike corridors, defining lodes of mineralisation. Mineralisation is considered syn-deformational to the main structural features of the MCF (Calidus news release dated 14 June 2024).

MCF內的大多數礦牀都位於兩個主要的東 - 東北向逆衝故障/剪切帶附近; Middle Creek Fault (Shear) 和 Blue Spec Fault (Shear)。Middle Creek Fault位於由Calidus報告的所有礦產資源外,除去Beaton's Creek。一般而言,礦化物是由變質下的屈曲岩石(灰巖、泥岩和雜砂岩) 中的含硫化金石英脈(auriferous)組成的,在剪切和失穩的擾動中生長成梯狀和階梯狀的束狀礦體。礦化物被認爲是與MCF的主要結構特徵( Calidus新聞稿,2024年6月14日)同期形成的。

The Beatons Creek deposit is outside of the MCB, hosted within the Hardey Formation of the Hamersley Basin, which unconformably overlies the MCB. The Hardey formation comprises a sequence of sandstones and conglomerates, with lesser interbedded siltstones and shales (Calidus news release dated 14 June 2024).

Beatons Creek礦位於Hardey盆地中Hamersley盆地之外,該盆地不連貫地覆蓋於MCb上, Hardey地層包括一系列礫石巖和砂岩,以及較少的間層互層的泥岩和頁岩( Calidus新聞稿,2024年6月14日)。

Future Exploration Plans


The Company plans to continue to acquire additional tenements to add to its already 14 tenements and aims to add value to its Western Australia Eastern Pilbara tenements with the completion of early-stage exploration programs. Valroc will also continue work in cooperation with local third-party local prospectors and fossickers, which to date has proven to be a very effective exploration "tool". In addition, the Company is actively seeking industry partners to further advance its current properties, while retaining Net Smelter Return royalties, and is constantly reviewing new opportunities in Western Australia within and outside of the Pilbara.

該公司計劃繼續收購額外的礦產權,以此添加到其已有的14個礦產權中,並通過早期勘探計劃爲其西澳東Pilbara礦區礦產權增值。 Valroc還將繼續與當地的第三方勘探者和淘金者合作,迄今爲止已被證明是一種非常有效的勘探「工具」。此外,公司正在積極尋求行業合作伙伴,以推進其現有礦產權的開發,同時保留淨冶煉回報權,並不斷審查西澳大利亞礦區內外的新機會。

Qualified Person


Dr. Scott Jobin-Bevans, (P.Geo., PhD, PMP), a Director and Vice-President Exploration for the Company, is a Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical content of this news release as it relates to the Properties. Results reported herein are from third-party prospectors and have not been independently verified by the QP.

Scott Jobin-Bevans博士(P.Geo.,PhD,PMP),該公司的董事和副總裁勘探,是根據43-101國家法規的合格人員,並已審閱並批准本新聞稿與物業相關的技術內容。此處報告的結果來自於第三方勘探者,未經QP獨立驗證。

For additional information, please contact:
Glenn Mullan
2772, Chemin Sullivan
Val-d'Or, Québec J9P 0B9
Tel.: 819-824-2808; Cell: 514-835-8384

Glenn Mullan
2772, Chemin Sullivan
魁北克省瓦爾多J9P 0B9

Forward-Looking Statements:


This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or realities may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.


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