
Coors Light Launches 18th Annual Líderes of the Year Program

Coors Light Launches 18th Annual Líderes of the Year Program

Coors Light推出第18屆年度領袖計劃
PR Newswire ·  08/20 21:00

The brand continues its long-standing commitment to empowering nonprofit leaders in Molson Coors' hometown communities and beyond


Nominations open to applicants through September 20


CHICAGO, Aug. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Coors Light today announced the launch of its 18th annual Líderes of the Year program, which shines a light on exceptional nonprofit Latino leaders who are making positive impacts in Molson Coors' hometown communities and beyond.


The five winners will each be awarded a $10,000 grant for their nonprofit organization and become part of the Change Makers Alumni Network, a platform offering networking and mentorship opportunities for leaders to continue to pursue personal and career growth.

五名獲獎者將分別獲得10000美元的非營利組織撥款,併成爲Change Makers Alumni Network的一員,這是一個提供領導者繼續追求個人和職業成長的網絡和導師機會的平台。

Nominations, which are open to U.S. and Puerto Rico residents from August 20 to September 17, can be submitted online at .


"By the end of this year, our Líderes program will have supported 200 leaders and 30 nonprofit organizations with $500,000 in grants," said Lacey Golonka, Community Affairs Manager, Molson Coors. "We look forward to continuing this mission again this year as these extraordinary individuals, who constantly take care of others through their work, deserve the recognition and support."

芬樂釀酒的社區事務經理Lacey Golonka表示:「到今年年底,我們的傑出領袖計劃將爲200名領導者和30個非營利組織提供總額達50萬美元的撥款支持。我們期待再次開展這項使命,因爲這些不斷通過他們的工作照顧他人的非凡個人,值得獲得認可和支持。」

Coors Light Líderes and their achievements are regularly celebrated through annual features across social media to showcase their continued success stories and to position them as inspiring role models for the next generation.


In 2023, the Coors Light Líderes program announced five winners and welcomed them as the latest additions to the Change Makers Alumni Network. These standout leaders include:

2023年,芬樂啤酒傑出領袖計劃宣佈了五名獲獎者,並歡迎他們成爲Change Makers Alumni Network的最新成員。這些傑出領袖包括:

  • Marcela "Xela" García, Milwaukee, Wis. — Marcela García is the executive director of Walker's Point Center for the Arts, one of Milwaukee's oldest and most beloved community art spaces with a focus on supporting visual and performing arts and arts education.
  • Catherine Arredondo, Fort Worth, TexasCatherine Arredondo is the director of development for the Northside Inter-Community Agency (NICA). With a mission to end generational poverty, NICA is the largest and most comprehensive multi-service provider of basic needs, goods and services in the Fort Worth area.
  • Elvis Rivera, Minneapolis, Minn. — Elvis Rivera serves as treasurer and finance board chair for the LatinoLEAD, a nonprofit that brings together Minnesota Latino and Latina leaders from across all working sectors to define and drive policies and perceptions that advance collective influence, success and power.
  • Melissa Lupercio, Orange County, Calif.Melissa Lupercio is the development and grants coordinator at Building Skills Partnership, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of property service workers in low-wage industries and their families.
  • Kevin Forte, Miami, Fla.Kevin Forte is the program manager for Latin GRAMMY Cultural Foundation, a charitable organization established by the Latin Recording Academy in 2014 to further international awareness and appreciation of the significant contributions of Latin music and its makers to the world's culture through college scholarships, grants, educational programs and instrument donations, among other resources.
  • Marcela "Xela" García,威斯康星州密爾沃基市——Marcela García是Walker's Point Center for the Arts的執行主任之一,該中心是密爾沃基最古老且最受歡迎的社區藝術場所之一,專注於支持視覺和表演藝術以及藝術教育。
  • Catherine Arredondo,德克薩斯州沃思福德市——Catherine Arredondo是Northside Inter-Community Agency(NICA)的發展總監。 NICA的使命是結束代際貧困,是沃思福德地區最大,最全面的基本需求,商品和服務的多項服務提供者。
  • Elvis Rivera,明尼阿波利斯市,明尼蘇達州——Elvis Rivera擔任LatinoLEAD的主席和財務委員會主席,LatinoLEAD是一個非營利組織,彙集了明尼蘇達州的拉丁裔領袖和領導者,跨越所有工作領域,以定義和推動推進集體影響,成功和力量的政策和觀念。
  • Melissa Lupercio,加利福尼亞州橙縣——Melissa Lupercio是Building Skills Partnership的開發和補助協調員,該非營利組織致力於改善低工資行業和物業服務工作人員及其家庭的生活。
  • Kevin Forte,佛羅里達州邁阿密市——Kevin Forte是拉丁格萊美文化基金會的項目經理,該慈善組織是拉丁裔錄音學院於2014年成立的,旨在通過大學獎學金,撥款,教育計劃和樂器捐贈等其他資源進一步提高對拉丁音樂及其創作者對世界文化的重要貢獻的國際認識和讚賞。

2024 nominees should demonstrate leadership qualities, and work towards notable improvements in their communities. Individuals can nominate themselves or others by completing an application detailing the nominee's impact on their community and their affiliation with a nonprofit organization. For more details about eligibility and to enter, visit .

2024年提名人應展示領導素質,並致力於在其社區實現顯着改進。個人可以通過提交詳細說明提名時代表他們的非營利組織對社區產生的影響,或者自己提名或他人提名。有關資格的更多詳細信息和參加活動,請訪問 .

About Molson Coors Beverage Company
For more than two centuries, Molson Coors has brewed beverages that unite people for all life's moments. From Coors Light, Miller Lite, Molson Canadian, Carling, Madrí Excepcional and Staropramen to Coors Banquet, Blue Moon Belgian White, Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy, Vizzy Hard Seltzer, Topo Chico Hard Seltzer, Simply Spiked Lemonade, ZOA Energy, Blue Run Spirits, Creemore Springs and more, Molson Coors produces some of the most beloved and iconic brands ever made. While the company's history is rooted in beer, Molson Coors offers a modern portfolio that expands beyond the beer aisle with energy drinks, bottled spirits, ready-to-drink cocktails, cider and more. To learn more about Molson Coors Beverage Company, visit

兩個多世紀以來,莫庫酒業一直釀造能夠讓人們在生活中的各種時刻團結在一起的飲料。 從Coors Light,Miller Lite,Molson Canadian,Carling,Madrí Excepcional和Staropramen到Coors Banquet,Blue Moon Belgian White,Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy,Vizzy Hard Seltzer,Topo Chico Hard Seltzer,Simply Spiked Lemonade,ZOA Energy,Blue Run Spirits,Creemore Springs和更多,莫庫酒業生產了一些最受喜愛和招牌的品牌。 雖然公司的歷史根植於啤酒,但莫庫酒業通過能量飲料,瓶裝烈酒,便攜式雞尾酒,蘋果酒等產品擴展了現代投資組合。 有關莫庫酒業公司的更多信息,請訪問。

Manuel Cedeno
[email protected]

Brian Siegel,IRC,MBA-高級管理董事,Hayden IR,電話:(346)396-8696,
Manuel Cedeno
[email protected]

SOURCE Coors Light

SOURCE Coors Light

