
Air T, Inc. Reports Unaudited Second Quarter Earnings

Air T, Inc. Reports Unaudited Second Quarter Earnings

Air T,Inc.公佈未經審計的第二季度收益
cnbc ·  2019/12/21 03:39

MAIDEN, N.C., Nov. 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Air T, Inc. (Air T) (NASDAQ: AIRT) today reported consolidated net earnings of $227,000 ($0.09 per diluted share) for fiscal 2013's second quarter ended September 30, 2012 compared to consolidated net earnings of $593,000 ($0.24 per diluted share) for the similar fiscal 2012 period.

北卡羅來納州梅登,2012年11月2日/美通社/--Air T,Inc.(Air T)(納斯達克:AIRT)今天公佈截至2012年9月30日的2013財年第二季度合併淨收益為227,000美元(每股稀釋後收益0.09美元),而2012財年同期合併淨收益為593,000美元(每股稀釋後收益0.24美元)。

Consolidated revenues decreased $4,299,000 (17%) to $21,162,000 for the quarter ended September 30, 2012 compared to the same quarter in the prior fiscal year. This decrease resulted from a $5,089,000 (46%) decrease in ground equipment sales revenue. The majority of this decrease was due to a substantial decrease in deliveries to the U.S. Air Force this quarter compared to the prior year comparable quarter. At September 30, 2012, ground equipment sales backlog was $15.5 million, compared to $20.0 million at September 30, 2011 and $15.3 million at March 31, 2012. Our ground support services segment reported a $1,079,000 (55%) increase in revenues this quarter, driven by new customers and new stations.


Walter Clark, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Air T, commented "We are disappointed by the level of sales at our ground equipment sales segment this quarter. In addition to lower sales to the Air Force, there has been a decline in domestic market demand for commercial deicing units. We attribute part of that decline to the mild weather in the U.S. last winter. We continue to focus on all aspects of the segment's operations in an effort to improve the bottom line and have reorganized reporting lines and made personnel changes. This has resulted in further improvements in production efficiencies above what had been noted in the first quarter."

Air T董事長兼首席執行官沃爾特·克拉克(Walter Clark)評論説:“我們對本季度地面設備銷售部門的銷售水平感到失望。除了對空軍的銷售下降外,國內市場對商業除冰設備的需求也有所下降。我們將這種下降的部分原因歸因於去年冬天美國的温和天氣。我們繼續專注於該部門運營的各個方面,以努力改善底線,並重組了報告線,並進行了人員變動。這導致生產效率在去年冬天的基礎上進一步提高。我們將繼續關注該部門運營的方方面面,努力改善底線,重組報告線,並進行人員變動。這導致生產效率在去年冬天的基礎上進一步提高

Mr. Clark continued, "We are encouraged by the level of growth at our ground support services segment. While income was down for the quarter due to start up costs associated with new stations, this segment continues to add new stations and work and should show bottom line improvement in the last half of the fiscal year."




(In thousands, except per share data)


Three Months Ended


Six Months Ended










Operating Revenues


$ 21,162

$ 21,162

$ 25,461

$ 25,461

$ 45,650

$ 45,650

$ 42,022

$ 42,022

Net Earnings


$ 227

$ 227

$ 593

$ 593

$ 644

$ 644

$ 761

$ 761

Net Earnings Per Share – Diluted


$ 0.09

$ 0.09

$ 0.24

$ 0.24

$ 0.26

$ 0.26

$ 0.31

$ 0.31

Average Common Shares Outstanding










Air T, through its subsidiaries, provides overnight air freight service to the express delivery industry, manufactures and sells aircraft deicers and other special purpose industrial equipment, and provides ground support equipment and facilities maintenance to airlines. Air T is one of the largest, small-aircraft air cargo operators in the United States. Air T's Mountain Air Cargo and CSA Air subsidiaries currently operate a fleet of single and twin-engine turbo-prop aircraft daily in the eastern half of the United States, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Islands. Air T's Global Ground Support subsidiary manufactures deicing and other specialized military and industrial equipment and is one of the largest providers of deicers in the world. The Global Aviation Services subsidiary provides ground support equipment and facilities maintenance to domestic airline customers.

國泰航空透過其附屬公司,提供通宵空運服務至快遞該公司從事運輸行業,製造和銷售飛機除冰器和其他特殊用途的工業設備,併為航空公司提供地面支持設備和設施維護。T航空公司是美國最大的小型飛機航空貨運運營商之一。Air T‘s Mountain Air Cargo和CSA Air子公司目前每天在加拿大運營一支單引擎和雙引擎渦輪螺旋槳飛機機隊。東德美國一半地區,波多黎各和加勒比海羣島。Air T的全球地面支持子公司製造除冰和其他專門的軍事和工業設備,是世界上最大的除冰器供應商之一。環球航空服務子公司為國內航空公司客户提供地面支持設備和設施維護。

For a more detailed presentation and discussion of the Company's results of operations and financial condition, please read the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2012 filed today with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Copies of the Form 10-Q may be accessed on the Internet at the SEC's website,

欲更詳細地介紹和討論公司的經營業績和財務狀況,請閲讀今天提交給美國證券交易委員會(Securities And Exchange Commission)的公司截至2012年9月30日的10-Q表格季度報告。10-Q表格的副本可以在證券交易委員會的網站上查閲,網址是:。

Statements in this press release, which contain more than historical information, may be considered forward-looking statements (as such term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995), which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements because of important potential risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to the risk that contracts with major customers will be terminated or not extended, future economic conditions and their impact on the Company's customers, customer requirements for ground support equipment and facilities maintenance services will be less than anticipated, the timing and amounts of future orders under our contract with the United States Air Force, inflation rates, the impact of competition, changes in technology or government regulation, and the impact of terrorist activities in the United States and abroad. A forward-looking statement is neither a prediction nor a guarantee of future events or circumstances, and those future events or circumstances may not occur. We are under no obligation, and we expressly disclaim any obligation, to update or alter any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


SOURCE Air T, Inc.


