
RTNDA Awards Eight National Edward R. Murrow Awards to Gray Media Stations, InvestigateTV

RTNDA Awards Eight National Edward R. Murrow Awards to Gray Media Stations, InvestigateTV

RTNDA將8個國家Edward R. Murrow獎授予Gray Media台,InvestigateTV
GlobeNewswire ·  08/20 20:00

ATLANTA, Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gray Media ("Gray") (NYSE: GTN) announced today that the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) awarded eight National Edward R. Murrow awards for excellence in journalism to five local stations and Gray's national investigative unit, InvestigateTV.

2024年8月20日亞特蘭大(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)--Gray Media ("Gray") (紐交所: GTN)今天宣佈,廣播電視數字新聞協會(RTDNA)授予5家當地電視臺和Gray的國家調查部門InvestigateTV8項以傑出新聞爲榮的國家愛德華·R·默羅獎。

  • The national award for Overall Excellence in the small market category went to WRDW in Augusta, Georgia.
  • 小市場分類的全面卓越國家獎項授予了佐治亞州奧古斯塔的WRDW。
  • Gray earned two national awards for Hard News reporting. At the national network level, InvestigateTV, in partnership with ProPublica, was honored for an investigative series called "Railroaded," which exposed the dangers created by trains stalled on railroad crossings nationwide. The large market local station award went to WANF in Atlanta, Georgia, for a report called "Shoot the Hostage," which revealed how law enforcement may be allowed to shoot a hostage without facing liability.
  • Gray獲得了2項有關硬新聞的國家獎項。在國家網絡層面上,InvestigateTV與ProPublica攜手榮獲"鐵路"系列調查的國家獎項,揭示了全國鐵路道口出現故障後帶來的危險。在大市場本地電視臺獎項方面,喬治亞州亞特蘭大的WANF因報告"Shoot the Hostage"而獲獎,該報告揭示了執法部門如何可以在不承擔任何法律責任的情況下射擊人質。
  • Gray also earned two national awards for Investigative Reporting. WANF Atlanta was again awarded in the large market local station category for "In 'Plane' Sight," an undercover investigation of Drug Enforcement Task Force Agents searching innocent passengers at airport gates, looking for cash and keeping the money they seized. The small market local station award went to WSAZ in Charleston-Huntington, West Virginia, for "The Secret Next Door"—the surprise construction of a home for the criminally ill in a residential neighborhood.
  • Gray還獲得了兩個有關調查報道的國家獎項。在大市場當地電視臺獎項方面,亞特蘭大的WANF再次獲得了"In 'Plane' Sight"的獎項,這是一項對毒品執法任務部門特工在機場口搜查無辜乘客的祕密行動的臥底調查報告,以尋找現金並將其沒收。小市場當地電視臺獎項授予了Charleston-Huntington, West Virginia的WSAZ,該電視臺發現在住宅區暗地裏建造犯罪患者住所 "The Secret Next Door"
  • WAFB in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, won the national award for News Series in the small market category. "The Brave Cave" exposed an unauthorized interrogation facility used by local police.
  • 路易斯安那州巴吞魯日的WAFb在小市場分類中贏得了新聞系列的國家獎項。"The Brave Cave"揭露了當地警察使用的未經授權的審訊設施。
  • The national Podcast award in the large market category was earned by WSMV in Nashville, Tennessee, for "Monster Coming Out," an investigation of a long-haul truck driver suspected of being a serial killer.
  • 在大市場分類中,田納西州納什維爾的WSMV贏得了全國播客獎項,內容名爲"Monster Coming Out",對一個懷疑是連環殺手的長途卡車司機進行了調查。
  • WANF Atlanta picked up a third national award in the large market category for its Digital/Online Coverage, "Shielded"—a four-part investigative series into special treatment for police officers suspected of committing violence against their own families.
  • WANF亞特蘭大在大市場分類中第三次獲得國家獎項,該獎項是:「Shielded」,是一項四部曲的調查系列,探討了警察是否受到特殊待遇,而這些警察被懷疑對自己的家庭進行了暴力。

"We are honored by these awards and proud of the recognized news teams who exemplify our company's culture of excellence and commitment to the viewers we serve," said Gray Chairman and CEO Hilton H. Howell Jr.

Gray主席兼首席執行官Hilton H. Howell Jr.表示:「我們很榮幸得到這些獎項,併爲獲獎的新聞團隊感到自豪,他們展現了我們公司的卓越文化和對觀衆的承諾。」

"At Gray, we create content that makes an impact and celebrate journalism that makes a difference in our communities," Gray's Chief Operating Officer Sandy Breland said. "Congratulations to all of our honored newsrooms."

Gray首席運營官Sandy Breland表示:「在Gray,我們創作內容的使命是創造影響,慶祝可以在我們社區中產生不同的新聞類別的報道。」恭喜我們所有受到表彰的新聞室。"

In May, RTDNA awarded a combined 78 2024 Regional Edward R. Murrow awards for excellence in journalism to 35 of Gray's local stations. RTDNA has been honoring outstanding achievements in electronic journalism with the Edward R. Murrow Awards since 1971.


About Gray Media:

關於 Gray Media:

Gray Media, or Gray, is a multimedia company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, formally known as Gray Television, Inc. The company is the nation's largest owner of top-rated local television stations and digital assets serving 113 television markets that collectively reach approximately 36 percent of US television households. The portfolio includes 77 markets with the top-rated television station and 100 markets with the first and/or second highest rated television station, as well as the largest Telemundo Affiliate group with 43 markets totaling nearly 1.5 million Hispanic TV Households. The company also owns Gray Digital Media, a full-service digital agency offering national and local clients digital marketing strategies with the most advanced digital products and services. Gray's additional media properties include video production companies Raycom Sports, Tupelo Media Group, and PowerNation Studios, and studio production facilities Assembly Atlanta and Third Rail Studios. Gray owns a majority interest in Swirl Films. For more information, please visit .

Gray Media,或Gray,是一家總部位於喬治亞州亞特蘭大的多媒體公司,原名Gray Television,Inc。該公司是全美最大的本地電視臺和數字資產所有者,服務於113個電視市場,其電視機覆蓋率共約佔美國電視觀衆的36%。其業務範圍包括77個具有最高電視播出收視率的市場和100個具有第一和/或第二高電視播出收視率的市場,以及最大的Telemundo附屬機構群,包括43個市場,總共有近150萬西班牙語電視觀衆。該公司還擁有Gray Digital Media,這是一家全面的數字營銷機構,爲全國和本地客戶提供擁有最先進數字產品和服務的數字營銷策略。Gray的其他媒體資產還包括視頻製作公司Raycom Sports、Tupelo Media Group和PowerNation Studios,以及裝配亞特蘭大和Third Rail Studios的製片廠。Gray擁有Swirl Films的多數股權。更多信息請訪問。

Gray Contact:


Sandy Breland, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, 404-266-8333


