
Tim Jenkins Joins DATAMARK Technologies As Chief Strategy Officer

Tim Jenkins Joins DATAMARK Technologies As Chief Strategy Officer

Tim Jenkins加入DATAMARK科技公司擔任首席策略官
PR Newswire ·  08/20 01:30

Industry veteran to strengthen client engagement, drive growth and lead strategic planning initiatives to advance DATAMARK Technologies and clients' transition to NG9-1-1

該行業資深人士將加強客戶接觸、推動增長,並領導戰略規劃倡議,促進DATAMARk Technologies和客戶過渡到NG9-1-1。

PITTSBURGH, Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DATAMARK Technologies, a leader in interoperable solutions for public safety location services, has hired Tim Jenkins as Chief Strategy Officer. In his new role, Mr. Jenkins will foster relationships with current and new clients, identify and evaluate strategic partnerships and business development opportunities, provide guidance and leadership in strategic planning processes and initiatives, and identify growth opportunities, among other responsibilities.

2024年8月19日匹茲堡 /美通社/--公共安全位置服務互操作解決方案領導者DATAMARk Technologies聘請Tim Jenkins擔任首席策略官。在他的新角色中,Jenkins先生將與現有和新客戶建立聯繫,確定和評估戰略合作伙伴關係和業務發展機會,在戰略規劃流程和倡議中提供指導和領導,並確定增長機會,以及其他職責。

Mr. Jenkins' work will ensure that the organization remains at the cutting edge of public safety innovation and continues to deliver solutions that meet the highest standards of interoperability and effectiveness to support the transition to Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1). His position is crucial to advancing DATAMARK Technologies' position as an industry leader that is shaping the future of public safety technology.

Jenkins先生的工作將確保組織保持在公共安全創新的最前沿,並繼續提供符合互通性和有效性最高標準的解決方案,以支持轉變到下一代9-1-1(NG9-1-1)。他的職位對於推動DATAMARk Technologies在塑造公共安全技術未來方面的領導地位至關重要。

"DATAMARK Technologies is focused on improving public safety through accurate location services," said Mitch Pinkston, CEO at DATAMARK Technologies. "Tim brings extensive experience leading and empowering public safety teams and driving exceptional customer experiences that align with our mission. I look forward to what he will contribute to DATAMARK Technologies as we continue to bring value to current and future customers."

「DATAMARk Technologies專注於通過準確的定位服務提高公共安全,」DATAMARk Technologies首席執行官Mitch Pinkston說。「Tim擁有領導和賦權公共安全團隊以及推動與我們使命相一致的出色客戶體驗的豐富經驗。我期待他爲DATAMARk Technologies帶來的貢獻,繼續爲現有和未來的客戶帶來價值。」

Mr. Jenkins joins the DATAMARK Technologies team with nearly 40 years of experience directing large-scale initiatives and leading teams in the 9-1-1 and wireless communications industries. In his most recent role as President, Terrestrial and Wireless Networks Segment at Comtech Telecommunications Corporation, Mr. Jenkins oversaw the development and deployment of the Nation's first IP-based 9-1-1 call routing network and replicable implementation processes. In addition, he has held leadership positions with General Dynamics Information Technology, where he was Vice President, 9-1-1 Solutions and with Intrado Life and Safety Services, where he worked as Senior Vice President/General Manager – Wireline Division.

Jenkins先生在9-1-1和無線通信行業擁有近40年的大規模倡議指導和領導團隊的經驗。在其最近的擔任康姆泰克通訊公司陸地和無線網絡部門總裁的角色中,Jenkins先生監督了全國第一個基於IP的9-1-1呼叫路由網絡和可複製的實施過程的開發和部署。此外,他曾在通用動力信息技術擔任領導職務,擔任9-1-1解決方案副總裁,並擔任Intrado Life and Safety Services的高級副總裁/有線部門總經理。

Mr. Jenkins holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Ohio Northern University and a Master of Business Administration degree from Ohio State University. He is also an active member of the National Emergency Numbers Association (NENA) and the Association for Public Communications Officials (APCO).


About DATAMARK Technologies

關於DATAMARk Technologies

DATAMARK Technologies provides a new era of 9-1-1 and redefines interoperability for the public safety industry. The company combines DATAMARK, Michael Baker International's public safety division known for best-in-class geographic information systems (GIS) data management and software solutions, with Digital Data Technologies, LLC (DDT), a top-tier Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) location services provider.

DATAMARk Technologies爲9-1-1提供了一個新時代,並重新定義了公共安全行業的互通性。該公司將以最佳地理信息系統(GIS)數據管理和軟件解決方案著稱的Michael Baker International的公共安全部門DATAMARk與頂級的下一代9-1-1(NG9-1-1)位置服務提供商Digital Data Technologies,LLC(DDT)相結合。

This strategic union heralds a new era of 9-1-1 and redefines geospatial data management for the public safety industry. DATAMARK Technologies offers a fully integrated solution that empowers public safety agencies to manage, maintain and leverage GIS data to the highest industry standards. The unified approach breaks down barriers of data silos to improve call routing accuracy, offer seamless discrepancy resolution and provide unwavering location fidelity for call takers with enhanced interoperability.

這個戰略聯盟標誌着9-1-1的一個新時代,並重新定義了公共安全行業的地理空間數據管理。DATAMARk Technologies提供了一個完全集成的解決方案,賦予公共安全部門管理、維護和利用GIS數據以最高行業標準的能力。統一的方法打破了數據孤島的障礙,提高了呼叫路由的準確性,提供無縫的差異解決方案,併爲接線員提供了強大的位置保真度,以提高互通性。

For more information about DATAMARK Technologies, visit or

有關DATAMARk Technologies的更多信息,請訪問DATAMARKGIS.com或。

Contact: Julia Covelli
[email protected]
(866) 293-4609

聯繫人:Julia Covelli
[email protected]



