


PR Newswire ·  08/20 01:00

MILFORD, Conn., Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Splash Car Wash, headquartered in Milford, Connecticut, today announced the opening of its latest site, an express wash in Rutland, Vermont, its third in the state and eighth greenfield location opened in the past 12 months. This latest site, combined with the Shelburne, Vermont wash opened in May and Splash's Williston location solidify the chain's presence in the state.

位於康涅狄格州米爾福德的Splash Car Wash今天宣佈在佛蒙特州Rutland開設最新洗車站,這是其在該州的第三個,也是過去12個月裏開設的第八個綠地場所。這個最新的洗車站和5月份開業的Shelburne、以及Splash在Williston的位置堅定了該連鎖店在該州的存在。

Splash utilized ModernWash systems to construct the building, fully equipping the site with MacNeil and Sonny's equipment. The express wash also includes Splash's "Optimus Prep," a high-pressure cleaning system manufactured by Petit Auto Wash Equipment and comes outfitted with 11 interior and 16 outdoor vacuums along with a mat cleaning room available to customers at no cost with the price of a wash.

Splash使用現代化的ModernWash系統建造了這座建築,並全面配備了MacNeil和Sonny的設備。這個快速洗車站還包括Splash的「Optimus Prep」高壓清洗系統,由Petit Auto Wash Equipment製造,並配有11個室內和16個室外吸塵器,以及一個可供顧客免費使用的清洗地墊的房間,洗車的價格也是不要錢的。

The project was overseen by Aaron Vincelette, Splash's development partner in the state, alongside Glen Sheeley, Splash's Director of Development. The chain currently has three additional washes construction in Henrietta, Hamburg, and Jefferson City, NY, all of which are expected to open later this year. Splash will also begin construction in the coming months on express washes in Nanuet, Newburgh, Fayetteville and Syracuse, NY.

該項目由Aaron Vincelette領導,他是Splash在該州的開發合作伙伴,與Splash的開發董事Glen Sheeley一起監督。該連鎖店目前在紐約的Henrietta、Hamburg和Jefferson City施工建設三個洗車站,預計今年晚些時候開業。Splash還將在未來幾個月開始在紐約的Nanuet、Newburgh、Fayetteville和Syracuse建設快速洗車站。

"Aaron was instrumental in guiding through the difficult Act 250 approval process in Vermont. Along with ModernWash, he's constructed a fabulous looking site, equipped with the latest technologies providing an enhanced customer experience," stated Dan Petrelle, COO of Splash. "It's exciting to see the growth at Splash continue and we look forward to these new sites coming online."

Splash的COO Dan Petrelle表示:「Aaron在引導我們通過了佛蒙特州困難的Act 250批准過程中起到了重要作用。他與ModernWash一起建造了一個外觀極佳的場所,並配備了最新技術,提供了更好的顧客體驗。Splash的增長繼續令人興奮,我們期待這些新的場所上線。」

Splash currently employs over 1,100 employees and has been named Top Workplace for the past ten years. The chain is currently ranked as the 19th largest carwash operator in the United States.



關於Splash Car Wash, Inc.

Splash Car Wash was started in 1981 by Mark Curtis and Chris Fisher with a single location in Greenwich, Connecticut. Since that time, Curtis & Fisher, along with their experienced team and partners, have developed over 80 locations, and currently operate carwash tunnels in Connecticut, Vermont, and New York. Many sites include detailing operations, eight locations provide oil change services, and two locations operate laundromats.

Splash Car Wash是由Mark Curtis和Chris Fisher在1981年創立於康涅狄格州Greenwich的。自那時起,Curtis和Fisher與他們的經驗豐富的團隊和合作夥伴,已經發展了80多個地點,並在康涅狄格州、佛蒙特州和紐約州經營洗車隧道。許多場所包括清潔操作,八個地點提供換油服務,兩個地點經營自助洗衣店。

Splash has been named "Best Carwash" by numerous publications over 40 times and has been recognized as a "Top Workplace in Connecticut" for the past several years by Hearst Publications. Four General Managers employed by Splash have been recognized as "Most Valuable Carwasher" by Professional Carwash & Detailing Magazine and Auto Laundry News. Splash has been awarded the US Chambers of Commerce prestigious "Blue Chip Enterprise Award" and has been inducted into the Connecticut Business Hall of Fame.

Splash已經多次被多個刊物評爲「最佳洗車場」,並被Hearst出版社連續數年評爲「康涅狄格州最佳工作場所」。Splash僱用的四名總經理曾被《專業洗車和細節雜誌》和《汽車洗滌新聞》評爲「最有價值的洗車工」。「Splash 」 獲得了美國商會頒發的著名 「藍籌企業獎」 併入選康涅狄格州商業名人堂。


關於Palladin Consumer Retail Partners (PCRP)

Palladin Consumer Retail Partners ("PCRP" or "Palladin") is a Boston-based private investment firm, founded in 1998, that focuses primarily on the retail and consumer products sectors in North America and Europe. Our team has a strong investment and operating track record; the Principals of PCRP have invested in, financed, or managed over 100 public and private retail and consumer products companies. We pride ourselves on working closely with management teams to create value through strategic and operational initiatives. PCRP strives to provide its portfolio companies with the advantages of a strategic partner and the operating flexibility and incentives of a financial investor. Current and former investments include M@C Discount, Southeast Mechanical, Tailwind Concessions, Leapfrog Brands, Decowraps, PB Metro, Splash Car Wash, KT Tape, Nic+Zoe, InMotion Entertainment, J. McLaughlin, Things Remembered, Restoration Hardware, Spencer Gifts, Jamba Juice, Worldlynx, Multi-Flow, and Kwik-Tek.

Palladin Consumer Retail Partners(「PCRP」或「Palladin」)是一家總部位於波士頓的私人投資公司,成立於1998年,專注於北美和歐洲的零售和消費品行業。我們的團隊擁有強大的投資和運營記錄; PCRP的負責人已投資、融資或管理過100多家公共和私有零售和消費品公司。我們以與管理團隊密切合作來通過戰略和運營舉措創造價值爲榮。PCRP努力爲其投資組合公司提供戰略合作伙伴的優點和金融投資者的運營靈活性和激勵措施。目前和曾經的投資包括M@C Discount、Southeast Mechanical、Tailwind Concessions、Leapfrog Brands、Decowraps、Pb Metro、Splash Car Wash、Kt Tape、Nic+Zoe、InMotion Entertainment、J. McLaughlin、Things Remembered、restoration hardware、Spencer Gifts、Jamba Juice、Worldlynx、Multi-Flow和Kwik-Tek。



Mark Curtis
[email protected]
203-324-5400 ext. 7011

Mark Curtis
[email protected]
203-324-5400 ext. 7011

Patricia Donnelly
[email protected]

Patricia Donnelly
[email protected]

SOURCE Palladin Consumer Retail Partners, LLC

Palladin Consumer Retail Partners,LLC的出處

