
Akari Therapeutics Receives Positive and Constructive Pre-IND Feedback From US FDA for PAS-nomacopan in Treatment of Geographic Atrophy

Akari Therapeutics Receives Positive and Constructive Pre-IND Feedback From US FDA for PAS-nomacopan in Treatment of Geographic Atrophy

akari therapeutics在PAS-nomacopan治療地理萎縮方面獲得美國FDA的積極和富有建設性的前IND反饋
Akari Therapeutics ·  08/19 12:00

Pre-IND meeting with FDA completed with positive feedback on clinical and nonclinical development plans for PAS-nomacopan in treatment of geographic atrophy

在治療地理萎縮症的PAS-nomacopan的臨床和非臨床開發計劃上,與FDA 的Pre-IND會議獲得積極的反饋及所有規則已被遵守。

BOSTON and LONDON, Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Akari Therapeutics announced today that the company has received positive and constructive Pre-IND (PIND) feedback from the FDA on July 29, 2024, which provides additional clarity on Akari's final Investigational New Drug Application (IND)- enabling preclinical plans, drug manufacturing and Phase 1 clinical strategy for long-acting PAS-nomacopan for intravitreal treatment of geographic atrophy (GA).

Akari Therapeutics宣佈,該公司已於2024年7月29日收到FDA 的 Pre-IND的積極和建設性反饋,這爲Akari的最終實驗新藥申請(IND)提供了額外的明確性,並推進了治療地理萎縮症的長效PAS-nomacopan的藥物製造和臨床一期策略。Boston 和倫敦,2024年8月19日 (環球通訊社)

PAS-nomacopan is a long-acting bispecific inhibitor of C5 and leukotriene B4 (LTB4) product candidate that Akari believes has the potential for longer dose intervals between intravitreous injections than currently approved complement only inhibitors, as well as potential reduction of the choroidal neovascularization (CNV) risk that is associated with approved inhibitors. CNV is a sight-threatening over development of blood vessels within the retina, which is typically treated with additional anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) intravitreal injections.

PAS-nomacopan是一種長效C5和白三烯B4(LTB4)雙特異性抑制劑,Akari Therapeutics認爲它具有比目前批准的僅抑制劑劑量間隔更長的潛力,同時還能減少與批准抑制劑相關的脈絡膜新生血管(CNV)風險。CNV是視網膜內血管過度發展,常用額外的抗血管內皮生長因子(VEGF)眼內注射治療。

A full-scale batch of drug substance was recently successfully manufactured and released under applicable Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) conditions by our manufacturing partner, Wacker Biotech GmbH, and is planned to be used for both the final IND-enabling studies and initial clinical development.

我們的製造夥伴Wacker Biotech GmbH最近成功製造了一批符合適用良好製造規範(GMP)條件的藥物物質,並計劃將其用於最終的IND-enabling研究和初步臨床開發。

The regulatory feedback from the FDA and production of GMP material enables a clear path forward to submitting an IND, with the IND expected to be submitted in 2025.


Dr. Miles Nunn, Chief Scientific Officer of Akari Therapeutics said, "We thank the FDA for its positive and constructive feedback," and added, "The PIND feedback enables us to align our final IND-enabling non-clinical plans with the FDA's advice, strengthening PAS-nomacopan's progress towards Phase 1 clinical studies for treatment of GA."

Akari Therapeutics的首席科學官Miles Nunn博士表示:"我們感謝FDA的積極和建設性反饋,"並補充說:"PIND的反饋使我們能夠根據FDA的建議,加強PAS-nomacopan的最終IND非臨床計劃,推進其治療地理萎縮症臨床一期研究的進展。"

Samir R Patel, MD, Interim CEO of Akari said, "I'm very pleased with the progress that is being made in bringing PAS-nomacopan closer to the clinic as we believe it has the potential to offer an improved therapy for treatment of GA via longer dose intervals and reduction in CNV risk which could offer clinically meaningful benefits to patients." He added, "We look forward to filing an IND application in 2025 for our first clinical studies of PAS-nomacopan for treatment of this disease."

"Akari的臨時CEO Samir R Patel博士表示:"我對PAS-nomacopan接近臨床治療的進展感到非常高興,因爲我們相信它具有潛力通過更長的劑量間隔和減少CNV風險,從而爲患者提供臨床上的有意義的益處,以加強治療地理萎縮症","並補充說:"我們期待在2025年提出我們的首個PAS-nomacopan的IND申請,以治療這種疾病。"

About Akari Therapeutics

關於Akari Therapeutics

Akari Therapeutics, plc (Nasdaq: AKTX) is a biotechnology company developing advanced therapies for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Akari's lead asset, investigational nomacopan, is a bispecific recombinant inhibitor of complement C5 activation and leukotriene B4 (LTB4) activity. The company is conducting pre-clinical research for its lead product candidate, long-acting PAS-nomacopan in geographic atrophy (GA). For more information about Akari, please visit

Akari Therapeutics,plc (納斯達克:AKTX)是一家生物技術公司,研發自身免疫和炎症性疾病的先進治療方法。Akari的主要資產是nomacopan,它是C5激活和白三烯B4(LTB4)活性的雙特異性重組抑制劑。該公司正在進行其領先產品候選,即治療地理萎縮症的長效PAS-nomacopan的臨床前研究。有關Akari的更多信息,請訪問。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This communication includes express or implied forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). Actual events or results may differ materially from these forward-looking statements. Words such as "will," "could," "would," "should," "expect," "plan," "anticipate," "intend," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "project," "potential," "continue," "future," "opportunity" "will likely result," "target," variations of such words, and similar expressions or negatives of these words are intended to identify such forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Examples of such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, express or implied statements regarding Akari's anticipated clinical development activities.

本文包含根據1933年修訂版證券法第27A條和1934年修訂版證券交易法第21E條(「交易法」)進行的明示或暗示的前瞻性聲明。實際事件或結果可能與這些前瞻性聲明有所不同。這類前瞻性語句旨在識別此類前瞻性語句,例如:「將」,「可以」,「會」,「應該」,「預計」,「計劃」,「預期」,「意圖」,「相信」,「估計」,「預測」,「項目」,「潛在」,「繼續」,「未來」,「機會」,「可能會產生」的變體。這些語句是基於Akari目前的計劃、估計和投影。他們具有本質上的一般和特定的風險和不確定性。包括本通訊中描述的那些因素在內,一些重要的因素可能導致實際結果與任何前瞻性語句中所考慮的存在差異。這些因素可能會影響未來結果,並可能導致這些前瞻性語句不準確,而沒有限制:我們需要額外的資本;Akari能否完成與Peak Bio的計劃合併以及我們在完成合並後與Peak Bio成功整合操作的能力;Akari最近調整了其操作計劃,包括其管道優先次序;Akari能否完成Nomacopan的剝離或爲Nomacopan獲得戰略伙伴關係;Akari能否成功開發或商業化其產品候選;Akari或其合作伙伴能否繼續開展目前和未來的開發、臨床前和臨床計劃;Akari 和/或其他人所開展的研發項目的結果可能在其他研究中被複制,和/或可能導致產品候選的進展到臨床試驗、治療應用或監管批准;其它非預期的與Akari的主要合同或安排有關的風險,與Akari的產品候選或競爭有關的風險;與Akari的專利或其他知識產權的任何喪失有關的風險;任何與原料的供應鏈或Akari產品候選的製造中斷有關的風險,Akari,或其合作者或特許經營者,同時研究(不論是Akari或其他人進行的,無論是強制性或自願性的)的影響;不可預期的對Akari的重要合同或安排的違規或終止;與Akari的產品候選的應用、市場接受和商業成功有關的風險,以及任何對以上任何事項的研究的影響(無論是由Akari還是其他人進行的,是強制性的還是自願性的);罕見疾病藥物或孤兒藥物的後續發展或缺失將產生對我們業務的重大影響:Nomacopan和我們的其他臨床階段治療產品的批准或有條件批准將晚於我們計劃的時間;與首席醫學官Ross Macdonald教授在合併之後的工作時間登記落空也並非不可能已經出現。儘管本篇提供的風險列表被認爲具有代表性,但不應將任何一個列出的清單視爲所有潛在風險和不確定性的完整陳述。沒有保證上述提到的任何交易將按照所描述的方式或以任何方式完成。這些和其他材料風險的更完整描述可以在Akari向美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)提交的文件中找到,包括截至2023年12月31日的Akari的10-k年度報告,隨後的定期報告以及可能不時與SEC提交的其他文件。

These statements are based on Akari's current plans, estimates and projections. By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific. A number of important factors, including those described in this communication, could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in any forward-looking statements. Factors that may affect future results and may cause these forward-looking statements to be inaccurate include, without limitation: our need for additional capital; Akari's ability to consummate our planned merger with Peak Bio and our ability to successfully integrate operations with Peak Bio following the merger, if consummated; recent adjustments to Akari's operating plans, including its pipeline prioritization; Akari's ability to complete a divestiture or secure a strategic partnership for Nomacopan; Akari's ability to successfully develop or commercialize Akari's product candidates; Akari's, or its collaborators' abilities to continue to conduct current and future developmental, preclinical and clinical programs; the extent to which the results from the research and development programs conducted by Akari and/or its respective collaborators or licensees may be replicated in other studies and/or lead to advancement of product candidates to clinical trials, therapeutic applications, or regulatory approval; uncertainty of the utilization, market acceptance, and commercial success of Akari's product candidates, and the impact of studies (whether conducted by Akari or others and whether mandated or voluntary) on any of the foregoing; unexpected breaches or terminations with respect to Akari's material contracts or arrangements; risks related to competition for Akari's product candidates; risks related to any loss of Akari's patents or other intellectual property rights; any interruptions of the supply chain for raw materials or manufacturing for Akari product candidates, the nature, timing, cost and possible success and therapeutic applications of product candidates being developed by Akari, or its collaborators or licensees; potential exposure to legal proceedings and investigations; risks related to changes in governmental laws and related interpretation thereof, including on reimbursement, intellectual property protection and regulatory controls on testing, approval, manufacturing, development or commercialization of any of Akari's product candidates; unexpected increase in costs and expenses with respect to the potential merger or Akari's business or operations; and risks and uncertainties related to epidemics, pandemics or other public health crises and their impact on Akari's business, operations, supply chain, patient enrollment and retention, preclinical and clinical trials, strategy, goals and anticipated milestones. While the foregoing list of factors presented here is considered representative, no list should be considered to be a complete statement of all potential risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that the proposed transaction or any other transaction described above will in fact be consummated in the manner described or at all. A more complete description of these and other material risks can be found in Akari's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), including Akari's Annual Report on 10-K, for the year ended December 31, 2023, subsequent periodic reports, and other documents that may be filed from time to time with the SEC.

這些聲明基於Akari目前的計劃、估計和投影。他們具有本質上的一般和特定的風險和不確定性。包括本通訊中描述的那些因素在內,一些重要的因素可能導致實際結果與任何前瞻性語句中所考慮的存在差異。這些因素可能會影響未來結果,並可能導致這些前瞻性語句不準確,而沒有限制:我們需要額外的資本;Akari能否完成與Peak Bio的計劃合併以及我們在完成合並後與Peak Bio成功整合操作的能力;Akari最近調整了其操作計劃,包括其管道優先次序;Akari能否完成Nomacopan的剝離或爲Nomacopan獲得戰略伙伴關係;Akari能否成功開發或商業化其產品候選;Akari或其合作伙伴能否繼續開展目前和未來的開發、臨床前和臨床計劃;Akari 和/或其他人所開展的研發項目的結果可能在其他研究中被複制,和/或可能導致產品候選的進展到臨床試驗、治療應用或監管批准;其它非預期的與Akari的主要合同或安排有關的風險,與Akari的產品候選或競爭有關的風險;與Akari的專利或其他知識產權的任何喪失有關的風險;任何與原料的供應鏈或Akari產品候選的製造中斷有關的風險,Akari,或其合作者或特許經營者,同時研究(不論是Akari或其他人進行的,無論是強制性或自願性的)的影響;不可預期的對Akari的重要合同或安排的違規或終止;與Akari的產品候選的應用、市場接受和商業成功有關的風險,以及任何對以上任何事項的研究的影響(無論是由Akari還是其他人進行的,是強制性的還是自願性的);罕見疾病藥物或孤兒藥物的後續發展或缺失將產生對我們業務的重大影響:Nomacopan和我們的其他臨床階段治療產品的批准或有條件批准將晚於我們計劃的時間;與首席醫學官Ross Macdonald教授在合併之後的工作時間登記落空也並非不可能已經出現。儘管本篇提供的風險列表被認爲具有代表性,但不應將任何一個列出的清單視爲所有潛在風險和不確定性的完整陳述。沒有保證上述提到的任何交易將按照所描述的方式或以任何方式完成。這些和其他材料風險的更完整描述可以在Akari向美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)提交的文件中找到,包括截至2023年12月31日的Akari的10-k年度報告,隨後的定期報告以及可能不時與SEC提交的其他文件。

Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this communication and are made based on the current beliefs and judgments of Akari's management, and the reader is cautioned not to rely on any forward-looking statements made by Akari. Unless required by law, Akari is under no duty and undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement after the distribution of this document, including without limitation any financial projection or guidance, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


For more information:


Investor Contact:
Mike Moyer
LifeSci Advisors
(617) 308-4306

LifeSci Advisors
(617) 308-4306

