
Stakeholder Celebrates Klondike Gold Discovery Day

Stakeholder Celebrates Klondike Gold Discovery Day

newsfile ·  08/19 21:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 19, 2024) - Stakeholder Gold Corp. (TSXV: SRC) ("Stakeholder" or the "Company") is pleased to celebrate Klondike Gold Discovery Day in the Yukon Territory, Canada. Klondike Gold Discovery Day has been a statutory holiday in the Yukon Territory since 1911. Discovery Day falls on the third Monday of August.

安大略省多倫多--(新聞稿公司-2024年8月19日) - 金權公司 (tsxv:SRC) (以下簡稱"金權"或"公司")很高興在加拿大育空地區慶祝克隆迪克黃金髮現日。自1911年以來,克隆迪克黃金髮現日一直是育空地區的法定節日。發現日落在8月第三個星期一。

Imagine discovering something so valuable that 100,000 people flock to the site of your discovery. This is the true tale of the Yukon Gold Rush. Shaaw Tláa (Kate Carmack), her husband, George Carmack, the son of an American forty-niner, and his partners and brothers-in-law, Skookum Jim Mason and Tagish Charlie (both of whom were Tagish Khwáan First Nations) found gold on Rabbit Creek (now Bonanza Creek) on August 16th, 1896. The next day, they staked claims along the creek. When the prospectors reached Alaska to sell their gold in July of 1897, the news sparked one of the world's greatest gold rushes. Yukon was made into a Territory of Canada the following year (June 1898).

想象一下,如果你發現了一些非常有價值的東西,會有10萬人湧向你的發現地。這就是育空金礦熱的真實故事。Shaaw Tláa (Kate Carmack) 和她的丈夫George Carmack,是一位美國淘金熱的兒子,以及他的合夥人和弟兄Skookum Jim Mason和Tagish Charlie,他們在1896年8月16日在Rabbit Creek(現在叫Bonanza Creek)上發現了黃金。第二天,他們沿着溪流居留了領土。當淘金者在1897年7月抵達阿拉斯加出售他們的金礦時,這個消息引發了世界上最大的淘金熱之一。育空在第二年(1898年6月)成爲加拿大的一個領地。

Klondiker on White Pass Trail ca. 1898

1898年時代的壯麗發現之一百萬富翁購買礦工牌照,維多利亞,BC。 (國家圖書館提供的圖片) 育空先鋒勳章會(一組淘金者的協會)於1911年鼓勵領土委員會設立了這個節日。節日最初是在8月17日舉辦的,但現在改爲每月第三個星期一。

As the news spread, hundreds of thousands of stampeders soon followed. Dawson City boomed as its population exploded and over a million pounds of gold passed through it. Fortunes were made and lost in the "Paris of the North."


Prospectors buying miner's licences, Victoria, BC, 21 Feb. 1898. (courtesy British Library)


The Yukon Order of Pioneers, a fraternity of prospectors, encouraged the territorial council in 1911 to establish the holiday. The holiday originally fell on August 17th but is now on the third Monday of the month.

育空先鋒勳章會 (一組淘金者的協會) 於1911年鼓勵領土委員會設立了這個節日。節日最初是在8月17日舉辦的,但現在改爲每月的第三個星期一。

Klondike Gold Rush ca.1899, History Collection

克隆迪克淘金熱約於1899年, 歷史收藏家 百萬富翁 於21世紀,隨着現代技術的發展和系統的勘探,克隆迪克廣泛出現淘金區內河流和河牀上的泥金即夾石金被挖掘完後,以探尋隱蔽在淘金區邊緣礦區的黑巖礦牀爲目標,關注區域型黃金探礦。

21st Century Gold Source Discoveries

2121世紀醫療改革法案 百萬富翁的發現

The 21st Century has witnessed a new gold rush in the Klondike, as the hard rock sources of the Klondike's widespread placer gold occurrences are now being discovered. The new lode gold source discoveries will soon exceed in size the estimated 16+ million ounces of placer gold reportedly recovered by placer miners from river and creek beds within the Klondike Gold Fields(1). Systematic exploration and modern technologies are now changing the game. Creeks with placer gold are found proximal to gold sources (usually much larger rock hosted gold deposits). The successful search for these much larger gold 'source' deposits is now creating the new 21st Century gold rush in the Yukon's White Gold District.


Since 2008, the pace of discovery has been rapid. The first major hard rock gold discovery was made in 2009 on Underworld's White Gold property. By January 2010, Underworld had delineated the Golden Saddle deposit, with an indicated resource of 1,004,750 ounces of gold grading 3.2 g/t plus an inferred resource of 407,413 ounces of gold grading 2.5 g/t(2). In March 2010, Kinross Gold purchased Underworld for $139 million. In June 2017, the property was acquired by White Gold Corp. who have commenced aggressive exploration of the property. White Gold has subsequently announced significant new discoveries on the White Gold property, on the nearby JP Ross property and on their Betty property, adjoining Newmont's Coffee project.

自2008年以來,發現的速度很快。地下世界白金金礦項目於2009年發現了首處重要的硬巖金礦,到2010年1月,地下世界確定Golden Saddle礦牀,該礦牀的實地資源量爲1004750盎司含金量3.2克/噸,及407,413盎司的推測資源量含金量爲2.5克/噸 (2)。2010年3月,金羅斯黃金以1.39億美元收購了地下世界。2017年6月,該項目被White Gold Corp. 收購,並開始展開對該項目的積極勘探。White Gold隨後宣佈,在其白金區礦區、附近的JP Ross礦區以及毗鄰紐曼礦業的咖啡地區的Betty房地產上,發現了重大的新金礦。

In 2009, Kaminak Gold acquired the Coffee Gold Project and exploration trenching across significant gold anomalies returned encouraging results. During follow up drilling in 2010, one of the initial 28 drill holes reported an intercept of 17 g/t Au over 15.5 m(3). In September 2015 Kaminak announced an initial resource for the Coffee Gold Project and on May 26, 2016, Goldcorp made an offer to acquire all the shares of Kaminak for total consideration of approximately $520 million. Goldcorp later announced a proven and probable resource of 1.67 million ounces of gold at 1.4 g/t Au and an additional 0.74 million ounces Measured & Indicated at 0.96 g/t Au and 0.94 million ounces Inferred at 0.94 g/t Au on Coffee, before later being acquired by Newmont(4).

2009年,卡米納克黃金收購了咖啡產區,穿越重要金礦地帶的探礦探測得到了令人鼓舞的結果。在2010年的跟進鑽探中,最初的28個鑽孔之一報告了15.5米長/ 17克/噸的Au (3)。2015年9月,卡米納克宣佈了咖啡金礦項目的最初資源量。2016年5月26日,Goldcorp公司提出收購卡米納克所有股份的要約,總價值約爲5200萬美元。Goldcorp後來宣佈,在Coffee上證明了大量金礦儲量,包括證實的和可信的黃金量爲167萬盎司,含金量爲1.4克/噸,另有740,000盎司,屬於測定和指示的,且含金量爲0.96克/噸, 還有940,000 盎司屬於推測的,含金量爲0.94克/噸,最後被紐曼礦業收購。(4)

Late in 2012, Comstock Metals announced a significant new gold discovery on its QV Project, located just north of the Kinross White Gold property. Subsequent drilling intersected a broad gold-bearing zone highlighted by hole QV12-004 that intersected 89.85 m of 2.34 g/t Au and 45.5 m of 3.04 g/t Au on the VG Zone (5). The QV Project was acquired by White Gold Corp. in 2019 and an updated Inferred resource of 287,100 ounces at 1.51 g/t Au was announced for the VG Zone in 2021(6).

2012年底,Comstock Metals宣佈在其QV項目上發現了一個重要的新金礦,該項目位於Kinross白金物業的北部。接下來進行的鑽探穿越了一片寬廣的含金屬礦物區域,在VG區 (5)上以QV12-004號孔爲亮點交錯地相交,其交叉區域出現了8985盎司 /噸Au和4550萬盎司/噸Au金屬體。QV項目於2019年被White Gold公司收購,在2021年VG區的推測資源總量更新爲287,100盎司金含量爲1.51克/噸 (6)。

The White Gold District is one of the largest gold area plays in Western Canada. Industry observers are optimistic that additional hard rock gold deposits await discovery.


Stakeholder Ballarat Property


Stakeholder Gold Corp. holds 100% ownership of an 18,741-hectare contiguous claim position in the center of the White Gold District. The Company first secured these claims surrounding Ballarat Creek during the staking rush initiated by visionary prospector Shawn Ryan in 2006. Additions to the Company's consolidated ground position were made in 2016 and 2023. Ballarat Creek has been one of the most prolific placer gold producers in the White Gold District and Stakeholder has secured claims around Ballarat Creek with a view to covering the lode gold source deposit(s) which provide the gold found in Ballarat Creek.

金權公司擁有18,741公頃的相鄰地塊,位於白金區中心。該公司在2006年由遠見卓識的探礦者Shawn Ryan首次獲得了圍繞Ballarat Creek的這些土地權利。2016年和2023年,公司進一步增加了他們已整合的地塊面積。Ballarat Creek一直是白金區最富有的泥金產區之一,股東公司已經確定覆蓋在這裏的夾石金礦脈提供了Ballarat Creek發現的泥金產出。

Today, the Stakeholder ground position covers the full drainage basin surrounding Ballarat Creek and the Company believes it has identified the lode gold source(s) for the placer gold which has been found in abundance in Ballarat Creek. The Company's 'Skye Zone' exploration target lies east of Ballarat Creek, elevated above, and within the drainage basin leading to Ballarat Creek. In October of 2023 Stakeholder announced the discovery of two distinct, subparallel, gold in soil trends of 1.9 km and 1.3 km respectively on the Skye Zone. The second subparallel gold trend remains open and untested to the SW. These strike extensive gold in soil anomalies are now the focus of follow up exploration efforts in the 2024 exploration season.

今天,Stakeholder 公司佔據了Ballarat Creek周圍全流域,並且該公司認爲他們已經發現了大量泥金產出背後的夾石金礦脈。該公司的Skye區勘探目標位於Ballarat Creek東部邊區內的高位位置,位於並且進入Ballarat Creek引入的流域內。2023年10月,Stakeholder公司宣佈在Skye區發現了兩種明顯的子平行的金土異常,長度分別爲1.9和1.3千米。第二種子異常服務尚未開採且未經測試(沿SW方向)。這些長度極長的土壤中金異常現在已經成爲2024年勘探工作的重點。

Figure 1: Ballarat Claim Outline Covering Full Drainage Basin for Ballarat Creek

圖1: Ballarat項目輪廓覆蓋了Ballarat Creek的全流域

"Today, with Yukoners, we celebrate Klondike Gold Discovery Day, and the pioneering traditions which continue to make Canada the greatest frontier for exploration and discovery. Good fortune follows hard work and tenacity, traits which were evidenced in abundance throughout the early history of the Klondike." Stated Christopher Berlet, CEO of Stakeholder.

股東公司的首席執行官克里斯托弗·伯勒特(Christopher Berlet)表示:"今天,我們與育空市民一起慶祝克隆迪克黃金髮現日,以及繼續使加拿大成爲探索和發現的最大前沿的先鋒們的開拓傳統。好運遵循着辛勤工作和韌性的品質,這些品質在克隆迪克的早期歷史中得到了大量證明。"

"Our company's objective is to deliver another economically significant gold source discovery in the center of the prolific White Gold District of the Yukon Territory, and our 2024 summer exploration initiatives on the Skye Zone exploration target are designed to deliver on this prospect."


Stakeholder's claims are located in the relative center of the White Gold District (Figure 2), north and northeast of Newmont's (NYSE: NEM) Coffee Gold Project, due north of Western Copper and Gold Corporation's (TSX: WRN) Casino Project and west, south, and east of White Gold's (TSX: WGO) regional exploration initiatives.

Stakeholder的土地權位於白金區相對中心位置(圖2),在紐曼礦業的咖啡金礦項目(NYSE: NEM)的北部和東北部,西部位於西部銅金有限公司(TSX: WRN)的Casino項目,而東部、南部和西部則爲白金公司(TSX: WGO)的區域性勘探項目。

Figure 2: Ballarat Property White Gold District, Relative Center

圖2:Ballarat Property白金區,相對中心

(1) Yukon Placer Creek Production Table 1978 - 2022. Available from Yukon Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.
(2) SRK, (2010) White Gold Dawson Range Yukon, Canada. NI43-101 Technical report Prepared for Underworld Resources Inc. Available on SEDAR.
(3) Finnigan, C. (2011) Coffee Property 2010 Assessment Report. Yukon Assessment Report 095302.
(4) Goldcorp 2018 Mineral Reserve and Resource Statement dated Oct. 24, 2018.
(5) Comstock Metals Ltd. News Release dated Oct. 22, 2010. Available on SEDAR
(6) Arseneau, G. (2021). Technical Report on the QV Project for White Gold Corp. Available on SEDAR.

(1) 1978 - 2022年育空地區的Placer Creek產量表。來源於育空能源、礦業和資源部。
(2) SRk,(2010) 白金區Dawson Range育空地區,加拿大。爲Underworld Resources Inc.編制的NI43-101技術報告。可在SEDAR上查看。
(3) Finnigan,C. (2011) Coffee Property 2010評估報告。育空評估報告095302。
(4) Goldcorp 2018年礦物儲量和資源聲明,日期爲2018年10月24日。
(5) Comstock Metals Ltd. 2010年10月22日新聞發佈。可在SEDAR上獲取。
(6) Arseneau,G. (2021)。White Gold Corp. QV項目技術報告。可在SEDAR上獲取。

Jodie Gibson, M.Sc., P.Geo. is the Qualified Person for the Company, as defined by NI 43-101, and has reviewed and approved the technical contents of this press release.

Jodie Gibson萬.Sc.,P.Geo.是公司的合格人士,符合NI 43-101的要求,並已審核並批准了本新聞稿的技術內容。

For further information please contact:
Stakeholder Gold Corporation
416 525-6869

Stakeholder Gold Corporation
416 525-6869

Forward Looking Information


This news release contains forward-looking information. All information, other than information of historical fact, constitute "forward-looking statements" and includes any information that addresses activities, events or developments that the Corporation believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future including the Corporation's strategy, plans or future financial or operating performance.


