


Cracker Barrel回應Biglari提名
PR Newswire ·  08/19 21:00

LEBANON, Tenn., Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. (Nasdaq: CBRL) today confirmed that The Lion Fund II, L.P., an affiliate of Biglari Holdings Inc., both of which are controlled by Sardar Biglari, has announced its intent to nominate five candidates to stand for election to the Company's Board of Directors at the Company's 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store,Inc.(納斯達克:CBRL)於2024年8月19日在黎巴嫩確認,由Sardar Biglari控制的Biglari Holdings Inc.附屬機構The Lion Fund II,L.P.已經宣佈擬提名5名候選人蔘加公司於2024年股東年會進行的董事會選舉。

This marks the sixth time Biglari has nominated candidates for Board seats, the fourth time nominating himself, and the seventh proxy contest overall that Biglari has launched in the last 13 years. Each time, our shareholders have rejected Biglari's nominees and positions by significant and increasing margins.


The Cracker Barrel Board is composed of ten highly qualified directors, nine of whom are independent, and six of whom have been appointed in the last four years. In addition to the Board's demonstrated track record of leadership refreshment, Cracker Barrel remains committed to its publicly announced strategic transformation plans to increase brand relevancy, consistently deliver food and an experience guests love, and grow long-term sales and profitability. This plan is being led by our newly appointed CEO, Julie Masino, and has the full support of all of our independent directors, including the director whom the Board appointed as part of a 2022 settlement agreement with Biglari.

Cracker Barrel董事會由十名高素質董事組成,其中九名是獨立董事,其中六名是在過去四年中任命的。除了董事會展現出的帶頭換屆之外,Cracker Barrel仍然致力於其公開宣佈的戰略轉型計劃,以增加品牌相關性,不斷提供客人喜愛的食物和體驗,增長長期銷售和盈利能力。這一計劃由我們新任命的CEO Julie Masino領導,得到了所有獨立董事的全力支持,包括董事會根據2022年與Biglari達成的和解協議任命的董事。

Although Cracker Barrel is disappointed that Biglari has chosen to launch another distracting and costly proxy contest, the Company's Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will thoughtfully consider Biglari's nominations in keeping with its practices of good governance. The Board will present its formal recommendations to shareholders in due course.

儘管Cracker Barrel對Biglari選擇發起另一場分心且昂貴的代理競選感到失望,但公司的提名和公司治理委員會將考慮Biglari的提名,遵循良好治理的慣例。董事會將適時向股東提出其正式建議。

Important Additional Information and Where to Find It
Cracker Barrel intends to file a preliminary and definitive proxy statement (the "Proxy Statement") and accompanying WHITE proxy card in connection with the solicitation of proxies for the 2024 annual meeting of Cracker Barrel shareholders (the "Annual Meeting"). INVESTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO READ THE PROXY STATEMENT AND ACCOMPANYING WHITE PROXY CARD AND OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED WITH THE U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (THE "SEC") CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY IF AND WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE, AS THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Shareholders may obtain the Proxy Statement, any amendments or supplements to the Proxy Statement and other documents filed by Cracker Barrel with the SEC for no charge at the SEC's website at Copies will also be available at no charge in the Investors section of Cracker Barrel's corporate website at .

Cracker Barrel打算在與Cracker Barrel股東的2024年年度股東大會("年度股東大會")獲得的授權代理中,提交初步和確定性代理聲明("代理聲明")和附帶的WHITE代理卡。強烈建議投資者和股東仔細閱讀和完整閱讀與美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)一起提交的代理聲明和附帶的WHITE代理卡和其他文件,如果並且在它們可用的情況下,因爲它們包含重要信息。股東可以免費在SEC的網站www.sec.gov獲取Cracker Barrel提交給SEC的代理聲明,代理聲明的任何修正或補充以及其他Cracker Barrel提交給SEC的文件。副本也將免費提供在Cracker Barrel的公司網站的投資者部分。

Participants in the Solicitation
Cracker Barrel, its directors and certain of its executive officers may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from Cracker Barrel shareholders in connection with the matters to be considered at the Annual Meeting. Information regarding the names of Cracker Barrel's directors and executive officers and certain other individuals and their respective interests in Cracker Barrel by security holdings or otherwise is set forth in the Annual Report on Form 10-K of Cracker Barrel for the fiscal year ended July 28, 2023, and Cracker Barrel's definitive proxy statement for the 2023 annual meeting of Cracker Barrel shareholders, filed with the SEC on October 6, 2023 (the "2023 Proxy Statement"). Please refer to the sections captioned "Executive Compensation," "Stock Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management" and "Board of Directors and Committees-Compensation of Directors" in the 2023 Proxy Statement. To the extent holdings of such participants in Cracker Barrel's securities have changed since the amounts described in the 2023 Proxy Statement, such changes have been reflected on Initial Statements of Beneficial Ownership on Form 3 or Statements of Change in Ownership on Form 4 filed with the SEC: Form 4, filed by Thomas H. Barr, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on November 20, 2023; Form 4s, filed by Carl T. Berquist, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on November 20, 2023 and on July 9, 2024; Form 4, filed by Jody L. Bilney, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on November 20, 2023; Form 4, filed by Meg Crofton, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on November 20, 2023; Form 4, filed by Gilbert Raymond Davila, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on November 20, 2023; Form 4, filed by William W. Moreton, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on November 20, 2023; Form 4, filed by Gisel Ruiz, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on November 20, 2023; Form 4, filed by Darryl L. Wade, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on November 20, 2023; Form 3 and Form 4, filed by John W. Garratt, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on December 20, 2023; Form 4, filed by Bruce Hoffmeister, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on January 3, 2024; Form 4, filed by Jim Mark Spurgin, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on January 18, 2024; Form 3, filed by Brian T. Vaclavik, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on February 23, 2024; Form 3, filed by Edwards Christopher Bryant, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on June 13, 2024; Form 3 and Form 4, filed by Cheryl Janet Henry, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on June 20, 2024; Form 3, filed by Sarah O. Moore, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on July 23, 2024; and Form 4, filed by Julie D. Masino, with the filings of Cracker Barrel on August 8, 2024. Details regarding the nominees of Cracker Barrel's Board of Directors for election at the Annual Meeting will be included in the Proxy Statement when it becomes available.

Cracker Barrel、其董事和某些高管可能被視爲與擬考慮在年度股東大會上考慮的事項有關的Cracker Barrel股東代理的參與者。有關Cracker Barrel董事和高管的名稱以及他們按照安全保持或其他方式對Cracker Barrel的利益的信息,均列於Cracker Barrel於2023年7月28日結束的財政年度的10-k年度報告以及Cracker Barrel於2023年10月6日向SEC提交的2023年Cracker Barrel董事會的正式代理聲明("2023代理聲明")中。請參閱2023代理聲明中題爲「執行薪酬」、「某些受益所有者和管理層的股權」和「董事會及委員會-董事津貼」的部分。如果這些參與者在Cracker Barrel的證券持有方面的持有量自2023年代理聲明描述的金額以來發生了變化,則這種變化已反映在提交給SEC的Form 3或Form 4的初始受益所有權聲明或有關股權變動的聲明中。2023年11月20日,由Cracker Barrel提交的Form 4,Thomas H. Barr提交;2023年11月20日和2024年7月9日,Carl t. Berquist提交了Form 4s;2023年11月20日,Jody L. Bilney提交了Form 4;2023年11月20日,Meg Crofton提交了Form 4;2023年11月20日,Gilbert Raymond Davila提交了Form 4;2023年11月20日,William W. Moreton提交了Form 4;2023年11月20日,Gisel Ruiz提交了Form 4;2023年11月20日,Darryl L. Wade提交了Form 4;2023年12月20日,John W. Garratt提交Form 3和Form 4;2024年1月3日,Bruce Hoffmeister提交Form 4;2024年1月18日,Jim Mark Spurgin提交Form 4;2024年2月23日,Brian t. Vaclavik提交Form 3;2024年6月13日,Edwards Christopher Bryant提交Form 3;2024年6月20日,Cheryl Janet Henry提交Form 3和Form 4;2024年7月23日,Sarah O. Moore提交Form 3;以及2024年8月8日,Julie D. Masino提交Form 4。有關Cracker Barrel董事會的提名人選及其選舉的詳細信息將在代理聲明中公佈。

About Cracker Barrel Old Country Store
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. (Nasdaq: CBRL) is on a mission to bring craveable, delicious homestyle food and unique retail products to all guests while serving up memorable, distinctive experiences that make everyone feel welcome. Established in 1969 in Lebanon, Tenn., Cracker Barrel and its affiliates operate approximately 660 company-owned Cracker Barrel Old Country Store locations in 44 states and own the fast-casual Maple Street Biscuit Company. For more information about the company, visit .

關於Cracker Barrel Old Country Store
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store,Inc.(納斯達克:CBRL)的使命是將美食佳餚和獨特的零售產品帶給所有客人,同時提供難忘的、獨特的體驗,讓每個人都感到受歡迎。Cracker Barrel成立於1969年,在黎巴嫩擁有約660家公司所有的Cracker Barrel Old Country Store店鋪,分佈在44個州,並擁有快速休閒餐廳Maple Street Biscuit Company。有關該公司的更多信息,請訪問。



Investor Contact:

Adam Hanan

(615) 443-9887

Media Contact:

Heidi Pearce

(615) 235-4135


Adam Hanan

(615) 443-9887


Heidi Pearce

(615) 235-4135

SOURCE Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc.

來源:Cracker Barrel Old Country Store,Inc.

