
Golden Spike Announces Successful Completion of 2024 Phase 1 Exploration Program at Gregory River

Golden Spike Announces Successful Completion of 2024 Phase 1 Exploration Program at Gregory River

newsfile ·  08/19 20:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 19, 2024) - Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE: GLDS) (OTCQB: GSPRF) (FSE: L5Y) ("Golden Spike" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the successful completion of its 2024 Phase 1 exploration program at the 100%-owned Gregory River copper-gold property in western Newfoundland ("the Property""). This milestone marks a significant step forward in the Company's ongoing efforts to unlock the mineral potential of its flagship project.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞州——(新聞稿-2024年8月19日 - Newsfile Corp.)——Golden Spike Resources Corp.(CSE:glds)(OTCQB:gsprf)(FSE:L5Y)("Golden Spike"或"公司")很高興宣佈,在西紐芬蘭("物業")100%擁有的Gregory River銅黃金物業的2024年第一階段勘探計劃已成功完成。這個里程碑標誌着該公司不斷努力開發旗艦項目的礦物潛力邁出了重要的一步。

Exploration Program Highlights:


  • Completion of IP/Resistivity Surveys: The Company has successfully completed Induced Polarization/Resistivity ("IP") surveys over the Steep Brook volcanogenic massive sulphide ("VMS") target and a portion of the Vein zone.
  • Prospecting and Sampling: Prospecting and sampling were conducted across the Steep Brook VMS target and other key areas of the property. Initial results at Steep Brook are promising, with several high-priority targets identified for further investigation.
  • In-Fill Soil Sampling: Additional soil samples were collected over crucial data gaps from the 2022 soil survey at the Vein Zone.
  • Drill Target Generation: The processed data from the IP surveys, along with the prospecting, sampling and soil results, will be used to generate drill targets at the Steep Brook, Vein zone, and Lode 9 areas. The Company is on track to be drill-ready by early fall 2024.
  • IP/電阻率測量完成:該公司已經成功完成了關於Steep Brook火山岩蓋層("VMS")目標和部分脈狀帶區域的感應極化/電阻率("IP")測量。
  • 勘探和採樣:該物業的Steep Brook VMS目標和其他關鍵區域已展開勘探和採樣工作。 Steep Brook的初步結果是有希望的,已經確定了幾個重點目標供進一步調查。
  • 補充土壤採樣:在Vein區域的2022年土壤調查的關鍵數據缺口上收集了額外的土壤樣品。
  • 鑽探目標生成:IP測量的處理數據以及勘探、採樣和土壤結果將用於生成Steep Brook、Vein區域和Lode 9區域的鑽探目標。該公司正在計劃在2024年初秋前準備鑽探。

Golden Spike's President and CEO, Keith Anderson, commented: "We are thrilled with the progress made during this initial phase of our 2024 exploration program. The successful completion of the IP surveys and our extensive on-the-ground efforts have provided us with valuable insights into the property's potential. We are now eagerly awaiting the exploration results and anticipating the next phase of exploration, where we expect to start drill testing some of the most promising targets we've identified. This marks a pivotal moment for Golden Spike as we move closer to unlocking the full potential of the Gregory River property."

Golden Spike的總裁兼首席執行官Keith Anderson評論說:「我們非常高興在2024年勘探計劃的初始階段取得了進展。 IP測量的順利完成以及我們廣泛的實地工作爲我們提供了有關物業潛力的寶貴見解。我們現在正在期待勘探結果,並期待勘探的下一階段,屆時我們將開始測試一些最有希望的目標。這標誌着Golden Spike邁向解鎖Gregory River物業的全部潛力的關鍵時刻。」

2024 Phase 1 Exploration Program


The Gregory River copper-gold property Phase 1 work program commenced on July 18 and continued until August 4, 2024 and included the Company's inaugural exploration efforts at the highly prospective Steep Brook VMS-target (Figure 1). The program is partially supported by a grant provided by the government of Newfoundland and Labrador through their Junior Exploration Assistance Program ("JEA").

Gregory River銅金物業第一階段工作計劃於2024年7月18日開始,並一直持續到2024年8月4日,其中包括該公司在潛力極高的Steep Brook VMS目標(圖1)進行首次勘探。 該計劃部分得到了紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省政府通過他們的初級勘探援助計劃("JEA")提供的撥款的支持。

Steep Brook is located in the southern portion of the Property, within an 11-km long corridor of potential VMS-style mineralization that also covers other key prospects on the Property, including Lode 9, Jumbo South, Moose Brook/Camp Brook, Gregory River and Deep Brook. The IP program included 11 line-

Steep Brook位於物業的南部,處於一個潛在的VMS類型礦化帶的11公里長走廊內,該走廊還覆蓋了物業上的其他關鍵展望,包括Lode 9、Jumbo South、Moose Brook / Camp Brook、Gregory River和Deep Brook。 IP計劃包括由安大略省斯托夫維爾的Simcoe Geoscience("Simcoe")進行的11條線的IP測量。 Simcoe採用他們的"無線"時域分佈式IP技術,該技術提供的信息深度超過30000萬。 東西向間隔爲10000萬的IP網格線集中在VMS走廊的預測趨勢上,並與沿140000萬的歷史性、交錯的超過100 ppm 銅土壤異常和多次歷史性岩石樣品同時出現,這些樣品的銅含量高達19.6%(平均值爲3.3%),Au含量爲27.4 g/t(平均值爲1.06 g/t Au),Zn含量爲11.1%(平均值爲0.23%),Ag含量爲20.3 g/t(平均值爲5.2 g/t Ag)。

Figure 1: Gregory River Property - Areas of IP Surveys for 2024 Exploration Program

圖1:Gregory River Property-2024 Exploration Program IP Survey的區域

kilometres ("km") of IP surveying by Simcoe Geoscience ("Simcoe"), based out of Stouffville, Ontario. Simcoe employed their "Wireless" Time Domain Distributed IP Technology, which provided information to depths exceeding 300m. The 100 m spaced, east-west oriented IP grid lines were centered over the projected trend of the VMS-corridor and are coincident with a 1,400 m long trend of several historical, anastomosing, >100 ppm copper soil anomalies and multiple historical rock samples that assayed up to 19.6% copper (average 3.3%), 27.4 g/t Au (average 1.06 g/t Au), 11.1 % Zn (average 0.23%), and 20.3 g/t Ag (average 5.2 g/t Ag).

Simcoe還在中央Vein區域(圖1)完成了3條南北方向的1.5 km長、20000萬間距的IP線。這覆蓋了幾個脈式展望。 Vein區域由一系列高品位的東向石英岩-碳酸鹽,銅+/-金礦脈和裂縫組成,位於很少露頭的區域。 IP計劃旨在確定C億和C展出口下方的IP特徵,然後沿着被土壤和凍土層覆蓋的趨勢沿着走向追蹤該特徵。如果成功,就有可能在未來添加額外的IP線,以更好地定義該地區的目標。

Results of the IP survey are being processed and interpreted by Simcoe with the aim to generate drill targets for follow-up drill testing during the next phase of exploration expected to start later this fall. Simcoe will also further process and interpret the IP results over Lode 9, which was surveyed in 2023, with the aim to provide drill targets for this area as well.

IP測量的結果正在由Simcoe處理和解釋,以生成鑽探目標,以進行預計將在今年晚些時候開始的下一個勘探階段的跟進鑽探測試。Simcoe還將進一步處理和解釋Lode 9的IP結果,該區域於2023年進行了測量,旨在爲該地區提供鑽探目標。

Concurrent with the IP surveying, the Company also completed a program of prospecting and sampling over the Steep Brook area. The prospecting revealed multiple zones of well-mineralized rock, with varying amounts of pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite identified and visually corroborates the historical work. A total of 23 grab and float samples were collected over many of these outcrops, plus four separate, saw-cut, channel sample lines, together comprising 11 samples over 9.3 metres. All samples have been submitted to Eastern Analytical Ltd. laboratory in Springdale Newfoundland, where they will be assayed for gold by 30 g fire assay and 34 elements, including copper, lead, zinc, silver and cobalt by 4-acid digestion, ICP-OES. As part of the sampling program the Company incorporated a quality assurance/quality control ("QAQC") program that included the insertion of standards and blanks into the sample stream.

與IP測量同時進行的是公司完成了Steep Brook地區的勘探和採樣計劃。勘探揭示了多個礦化岩石帶,發現了不同數量的黃銅礦、黃銅礦和紫銅礦,並在視覺上證實了歷史工程。一共收集了23個地表抓握和浮選樣品,以及四條獨立的鋸齒狀通道採樣線路,共11個樣品,長度爲9.3米。所有樣品都已提交至新芬蘭Springdale的Eastern Analytical Ltd.實驗室,其中將進行30 g火焰法測定的金和4酸消化法ICP-OES測定的銅、鉛、鋅、銀和鈷的測定。作爲採樣計劃的一部分,公司還納入了質保/質量控制("QAQC")計劃,其中包括將標準和空白插入到樣品流中。

Simcoe also completed three, north-south oriented, 1.5 km long, 200 m spaced IP lines over the central portion of the Vein Zone (Figure 1), providing coverage over several of the vein-style prospects. The Vein Zone comprises a series of high-grade, easterly-trending quartz-carbonate, copper +/-gold veins and fractures in an area with very little outcrop. The IP program was designed to identify an IP signature below the known prospects at the Court A, B and C showings and then to trace that signature along strike over areas covered by soil and till horizons. If successful, there is potential to add additional IP lines in the future to better define the targets in this area.

Simcoe還在Vein區域的中心部分完成了三條南北方向的1.5 km長、20000萬間距的IP線(圖1),覆蓋了幾個脈狀展望。 Vein區域由一系列高品位的東向石英岩-碳酸鹽,銅+/-金礦脈和裂縫組成,位於很少露頭的區域。 IP計劃旨在確定法院A和C展示中已知展望下方的IP特徵,然後沿着從一些最重要的銅土壤異常距離不到一個千米的趨勢沿着走向追蹤該特徵。如果成功,就有可能在未來添加額外的IP線,以更好地定義該地區的目標。

Finally, the recent work program also included 35 in-fill soil samples over portions of the Vein Zone that was previously soil sampled in 2022, but that work resulted in data gaps in crucial locations along strike from some of the most significant copper soil anomalies. These areas could not be accessed during the original survey due to an early snowfall that made ground conditions very difficult, but were easily accessed during the recent program. The results of these new soil samples will hopefully provide additional continuity for the significant soil anomalies and aid in drill hole targeting.

最後,最近的工作計劃還包括對Vein Zone的部分土壤樣品進行了35次補充採樣,這些樣品曾在2022年進行過土壤採樣,但該工作在一些最重要的銅土壤異常的跑向數據間隙結果中。由於一個早期的降雪使得地面情況非常困難,因此無法在原始調查期間進入這些區域,但在最近的計劃中很容易進入。這些新土壤樣品的結果將希望爲重要的土壤異常提供額外的連續性,並幫助鑽孔取樣。

Once the IP interpretations are completed and the rock and soil samples returned from the laboratory, the full results will be released.


2024 Phase 2 Exploration Program


The Company is planning to start a second phase of 2024 exploration later this fall and will drill test the significant anomalies resulting from the Steep Brook, Lode 9 and Vein Zone IP surveys. In addition, a soil survey is being planned for the North of Steep Brook target area, which is a prime VMS target area between Steep Brook and Jumbo South that has seen very little previous exploration. The Company will also continue the program of regional prospecting and sampling to identify new target areas.

該公司計劃在今年晚些時候啓動2024年第二階段的勘探,並會對Steep Brook、Lode 9和Vein區域IP測量結果產生的重大異常進行鑽探測試。此外,正在計劃對Steep Brook目標區域的北部進行一項土壤調查,該區域是位於Steep Brook和Jumbo South之間的主要VMS目標區,此地區幾乎沒有進行過勘探。 該公司還將繼續開展地區勘察和採樣計劃,以確定新的目標區域。

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved for disclosure by Mr. Robert Cinits, P.Geo, a director of the Company and a "Qualified Person" within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿中的科學技術信息已由該公司的董事,符合國家43-101號 - 礦業項目披露標準的"有資質人員"Robert Cinits先生審查並批准披露。

About Golden Spike

關於Golden Spike

Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE: GLDS) (OTCQB: GSPRF) (FSE: L5Y) is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on identifying, acquiring and unlocking value in mineral opportunities in Canada and other low-risk jurisdictions. The Company currently holds 100% interest in the 5,050-hectare Gregory River Property in Newfoundland, strategically centered over an approximate 11-kilometer-long stretch of the Gregory River VMS-belt, a north-northeast trending corridor of very prospective ground with potential to host Cyprus-type polymetallic VMS deposits. In addition, the Property hosts a cluster of historically explored, high-grade, copper ±gold vein structures.

Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE: GLDS) (OTCQB: GSPRF) (FSE: L5Y)是一家專注於在加拿大和其他低風險司法區域識別、獲取和釋放礦產機遇的加拿大礦產勘探公司。公司目前擁有新斯科舍省5,050公頃的Gregory River礦產,位於Gregory River VMS礦帶的近似11公里長的中心位置,這是一個北東向的極具前景的地帶,具有容納塞浦路斯式多金屬VMS礦牀的潛力。此外,該礦產還擁有一群歷史上勘探過的高品位銅±金脈石結構。



Keith Anderson

Keith Anderson

Golden Spike Resources Corp.
830 - 1100 Melville St.,
Vancouver, BC, V6E 4A6
+1 (604) 786-7774

Golden Spike資源股份有限公司。
830-1100 Melville St.,
溫哥華BC,V6E 4A6
+1 (604) 786-7774

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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company regarding future events. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" occur.


Additionally, forward-looking information involve a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results to be materially different from any future plans, intentions, activities, results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks include, without limitation: the volatility of global capital markets, political instability, unanticipated costs, risks relating to the extent and duration of the conflict in Eastern Europe and its impact on global markets, the lack of availability of capital and financing, general economic, market or business conditions, adverse weather conditions, failure to maintain all necessary government permits, approvals and authorizations, failure to maintain community acceptance (including First Nations), increase in costs, litigation, failure of counterparties to perform their contractual obligations, failure of the exploration program, including the recent IP survey and potential future drilling to result in the discovery of significant precious and/or base metal mineralization, and those risks, uncertainties and factors set forth in the Company's disclosure record under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at . Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information contained herein. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement or forward-looking information disclosed herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


